Is Rudolph a boy or a girl?

HE'S normally the centre of attention because of the shiny facial feature... but could there be even more to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer than meets the eye?

Well, it turns out that we've all be adding to poor Rudolph's misery by getting the famous reindeer's gender wrong all along - despite the popular song's lyrics, he is actually a she.

Is Rudolph a boy or a girl?


The most common depiction of Rudolph features the glowing snout and majestic antlersCredit: Alamy

We can all picture the Christmassy critter standing there with the glowing snout and majestic antlers at the front of Santa's sleigh.

But it's this common depiction of Rudolph proudly posing with her antlers aloft which gives the game away and proves that the reindeer is a girl.

Edinburgh University professors Gerald Lincoln and David Baird told the Telegraph there's no way that Rudolph can be a fella because male reindeer shed their antlers before mid-December.

Professor Lincoln said: "Male reindeer actually cast their antlers before Christmas, so they don't have any antlers at Christmas time.

Is Rudolph a boy or a girl?


Male reindeer shed their antlers before mid-December, meaning only the females have them at ChristmasCredit: Getty - Contributor

"They have their mating season in autumn when they use their antlers to fight, but once it finishes they cast them."

There's one other explanation for Rudolph's mystery antlers, but it's probably best not to tell the kids about it.

Other than females, castrated males are the only reindeer who keep their antlers into late December.

The Professor added: "Rudolph could be a castrated male, or a female. I think it's nicest to think that Rudolph was a female!"

Is Rudolph a boy or a girl?


If Rudolph were a bloke, she'd have no antlers at Christmas, unlike female reindeerCredit: Getty - Contributor

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Among lady reindeer, antlers are most commonly ditched in spring, growing them back in time for winter when they need them to compete with other females for food.

Perhaps it's time to give the famous song lyrics a bit of a tweak.

Previously, we revealed the truth about Santa Claus: the Christmas icon was very real - although he's been dead for centuries.

We also revealed the real reason why red and green are considered to be traditional Christmas colours.

Father Christmas and Rudolph fly to Space

Sorry, Rudolph. It's all about the antlers, apparently  

Photo: Getty

Surprise! Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and yes, even Rudolph, are ladies.

The original eight — first introduced in the 1823 poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (a.k.a. "The Night Before Christmas") — as well as the infamous red-nosed celebrity of song and screen, Rudolph, are commonly thought of and referred to as males in pop culture. But, according to science, Christmas carolers and holiday hangers-on have had it all wrong all along.

Edinburgh University professors Gerald Lincoln and David Baird told the U.K.'s Telegraph that Santa's reindeer can't be male for one simple reason: Only female reindeer still have antlers at Christmas; the males of the species shed their headgear before mid-December.

"Male reindeer actually cast their antlers before Christmas, so they don't have any antlers at Christmastime," said Lincoln. "They have their mating season in autumn when they use their antlers to fight, but once it finishes they cast them … I just wanted to remind people that it is never quite so straightforward, and even females develop weapons when it comes to the real world of seasonal breeding."


Besides, of the 40 various species of deer on Earth, only the reindeer species feature females with antlers. Not only that, females also have an edge over males in another important way. According to LiveScience, in preparation for winter, female reindeer build up to nearly 50 percent body fat. The additional weight gives them a couple extra inches of thick fat on their hindquarters, which helps keep them warm in temperatures as low as -45 degrees Fahrenheit. Meanwhile, their male counterparts typically weigh in at around 5 percent body fat, as they deplete the majority of their energy reserves during the previous mating season.

This is all to say that if in fact reindeer did fly from the North Pole all around the world at Christmas, most likely only the gals would even be prepared for the journey.

However, Lincoln did make one interesting discovery while researching how female reindeer grow and cast their antlers. Apparently, if a male reindeer is castrated, it stops the process of casting the antlers.

"Rudolph could be a castrated male, or a female. I think it's nicest to think that Rudolph was a female!" said Lincoln.


What is the gender of Rudolph?

The story chronicles the experiences of Rudolph, a youthful reindeer buck (male) who possesses an unusual luminous red nose.

What are the genders of Santa's reindeer?

Based on their names, it's often assumed that Santa's reindeer are a mix of male and female but according to Live Science, that is not so. In fact, based on depictions of Santa's reindeer herd, they are all female.

Is Blitzen a boy?

Blitzen is a boy. Known as the quiet one, Blitzen is the reindeer who never wants to stop working or take a rest. Santa just loves him.