Is Master Chief the Blessed One?

Nicholas James • April 15, 2022 7:10 pm

The Halo show has begun to introduce the idea of a subsection of humanity that is able to interact with Forerunner technology, but what is a Blessed One?

The first episode of the Halo show introduced the concept of a human living amongst the Covenant. The person a girl named Makee who the Prophets referred to as “Blessed One.” As the show advances, it becomes clear that Makee’s elevation to a holy status is due to her interaction with Forerunner technology. At the same time, Master Chief has his backstory changed to include an incident with Forerunner Technology on Eridanus 2.

What does Blessed One mean in the Halo show?

Humans who are considered Blessed Ones are those who have interacted with Forerunner technology.

The Covenant worships a seemingly extinct race known as “the Forerunners” due to mistranslations and lies from religious leaders known as the Prophets. The Forerunners left their interstellar empire to be reclaimed by humanity, and the Covenant sees humans who can interface with the technology as holy and blessed by their gods. Master Chief and Makee are being set up as mirrored elements, children whose interactions with the Forerunner technology will forever alter humanity’s course.

Both Master Chief and Makee are trying to unravel the mysteries of the Forerunner Keystones, which lead the way to the sacred rings known as Halos. Forerunner technology can sometimes be activated by functionally any human in base Halo lore, but the Halo show seems to have decided that this capability is one restricted to certain figures. There is still an element of mystery to the specifics of Master Chief and Makee’s connection to Forerunner technology.

The third episode sees Miranda Keyes trying to test if other Spartan members of Silver Team are able to activate the artifact, to no avail. Whatever it is that makes Master Chief special, it’s not his superhuman augmentation and brainwashing. The Halo show is setting up some serious revelations about Master Chief and why Forerunner Technology is so compatible with him.

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A Blessed One is a role in the Covenant religion designated to humans that can activate religious artifacts called Keystones. These individuals are highly coveted by the Covenant, who hold them in high-regard. The Covenant view other humans as demons, showing an extreme belief in the validity of the Blessed Ones. There were only two Blessed Ones known in the universe, with only one currently alive.


Separate Missions

Is Master Chief the Blessed One?

John activates the keystone

Master Chief, a Spartan super soldier, discovered a Keystone on the planet Madrigal that activated when he made contact. The artifact disrupted the mental programming he endured by the UNSC, and also emitted energy blasts. Across the galaxy, on the Covenant planet High Charity, Mercy visits the Blessed One Makee and tells her of the Spartan who activated the Keystone as she can. [1]

Makee hears of the human who can activate the object. She tells Mercy and the High Council that she wants to deliver the gift herself as it will lead them to the sacred ring.

Meanwhile, Master Chief went AWOL from the UNSC and traveled across the galaxy to Rubble, where he sought answers about the artifact from a defected Spartan named Soren. Soren took Master Chief to see Reth, a human who survived abduction by the Covenant empire. He recognizes the artifact as part of the Covenant religion and explains the role of a Blessed One. A Blessed One is a human, but more so. They have an obligation, a responsibility, a moral imperative. John asks what the artifact can do, with Reth ensuring that John doesn’t want to help the Covenant destroy the human race. He then grabs the object and swings it at John, making the Spartan grab the object. He activates the object and it sends out a blue energy wave that fills the refuge. A symbol appears on the artifact and a ring of symbols around it. As the electricity crackles, John is mesmerized by the artifact and experiences memories of his childhood once more. He returns the artifact to the box after the visions pass. Reth questions who John is as he can bring it to life but is different than the one the Covenant already has. He realizes that John doesn’t know what he is, mentioning it’s in his eyes. Reth explains that the ring John made appear is what the Covenant wants. It’s a door to the end of life as they know it, a weapon. Reth asks John if he felt the darkness and he did. That means John can stop it by destroying the artifact and then himself.[2]

Master Chief returns to the UNSC with the object, still unaware of its importance, and explains his memories of drawing the object as a child. He also reveals that a memory showed him that the object they have fits into a much larger one. He remembers drawing both as a child and burying something in his childhood backyard. Meanwhile, Makee goes searching for the Spartan and her keystone, wanting to kill the other who can activate the object. She assures Mercy that as a thanks for his kindness she will kill the "demon".[3]

Finding One Another

Is Master Chief the Blessed One?

Makee and John meet for the first time in the UNSC FLEETCOM after she is "rescued" by the UNSC following the fight on Eridanus II. She's willing to talk but only to Master Chief, who reluctantly agrees to a meeting. He presses her for information but she doesn't have any to give. She tells him the location of where the Covenant might take the object, but has never been there herself. She wonders why he doesn't trust her, and he intimidates her as he reveals the bloodshed of his people at the hands of the Covenant. He sees Makee's arrival as convenient. He questions why he should trust her. She reveals that she can activate the keystones as he can as they are the same. She comes to realize that he does know of his role as a Blessed One, but not everything that it entails. He leaves before she can elaborate.

“Focus on this area here, the uncoded intrageneric region of your DNA. These histone proteins are unique to you. Or at least they were. Until we tested Makee's DNA. I'm not saying that this is the source of your connection to the artifact. But the gene alignment is remarkably similar. And the anomaly you two share... belongs only yo you. Statistically, you're two in a billion.”

— Miranda's assessment of the Blessed One's DNA

John learns that he and Makee have an identical genetic match and an anomaly that Miranda believes contributes to their connection to the artifact. This anomaly occurs twice in a billion. John returns to Makee when his search for the planet she gave up bears no results. As he spirals, Makee notices his declining condition and attributes it to his connection to the keystone. She suffered the same fate when the Covenant shoved lesser stones into her hands. At first, the visions were beautiful and alluring, drawing her back to unlock more about herself. The visions became darker and more gruesome but she went back still, drawn to the mysteries it held even as it killed her. She believed herself to be dying until the Prophets told her to embrace the visions instead of fighting them off. When she did, she was freed from the pain. She encourages John to reconnect with the keystone as he will be at peace when the two keystones are one.

Is Master Chief the Blessed One?

John connects with the smaller artifact when he has a visceral reaction, seemingly killing him. Makee mimics these symptoms on the other side of the FLEETCOM. From afar, Halsey monitors both their vitals, which are both out of control. As they reach the brink of death, their vitals suddenly return to a normal state, albeit their consciousness reuniting in another dimension. The dimension is beautiful and serene. They make their way to one another as their vitals become identical, their bodies completely synching. As they stare at one another, Master Chief touches her cheek before ending his connection with the stone.[4]

Is Master Chief the Blessed One?

In the aftermath of their shared vision, John becomes enthralled with Makee as he believes them to be similar, both having overcome decades of indoctrination. He values her opinion as she values his, and they become equally drawn to one another. She shares the Covenant's prophecy that a great wind will take all those worthy to the sacred ring, the Halo, where they will be as gods. Those who are not worthy will be cleansed. She believes human life isn't worthy of this great journey, having seen first-hand how violent they are. John disagrees with her assessment as he thinks humanity is worth saving, as the Covenant are the aggressors. She begins to see the value in humanity through his opinions, seeing how the Covenant crave the keystones from selfish reasonings.

Makee and John have sex after their rendezvous in Reach City. Makee seemingly rejects her Covenant roots by disposing of her implanted energy sword after the act. Cortana shares with Halsey that John's hormonal response is elevated, including dopamine and serotonin, which indicate his attachment to her. She also thinks Makee is the only person that John trusts, a sentiment he shares with Jacob Keyes after the Covenant glass an entire planet, killing over 3 million human civilians. John decides that he and Makee can touch the keystone together and use to it find the greater one. Jacob reluctantly agrees to try his plan. Meanwhile, Halsey enacts her plan to steal the keystones, John, and the Spartans from UNSC headquarters. Cortana betrays Halsey to warn John, who forces Makee to flee the area so he can face his fellow Spartans alone.

She tries to get help from Jacob and Parangosky, who are waiting for the pair to touch the keystone together. They don't believe her story and restrain her. Miranda arrives with confirmation that Makee killed all those people on the UNSC Gladius ship. The soldiers detain Makee using viscous electrocution rods that remind her of the cruelty she felt as a child, and she realizes the UNSC is also after the keystones for selfish matters. Makee calls out to the keystone in Shangheili, jarring the guards enough to where she can break free of their grasp. She steps forward and touches the keystone, making it emit an energy blast that knocks everyone in FLEETCOM to the ground and disrupting the technology in the vicinity. John, badly beaten by the Spartans, is taken to the Halo where he sees Makee. She apologizes to him then vanishes.

Battle on High Charity

Makee returns to High Charity with the artifact and prepares for the ancient ritual that will lead her people to the Halo. John travels across the star systems to stop her and procure the keystone for himself. He interrupts her ritual where she had just learned the High Council planned to kill her after the activation as to avoid tainting to the Halo with humanity. Silver Team fought the Shangheli forces until they were overwhelmed. Makee sees John across the field and activates the keystone.

They visit the Halo where she blissfully waits for him. He tries to convince her stop what she's doing, to let go of the keystone, but she believes this is the right course of action. She asks for his help but he refuses, knowing it's wrong and will kill billions of people. He tries to persuade her but she is set that this is where they're meant to be. She then collapses before him from a bullet wound, dying in front of his eyes as Kai stands several feet away. Master Chief ultimately allows Cortana to assume control over his body so she can hold the keystone and save the Spartans. She carries the keystone off the planet, leaving John's fate unclear.[5]


  • Keystone activation - The Blessed Ones are the only known people in the universe who can activate the keystones. Connecting with these artifacts, both the less significant ones and larger ones, requires a great deal of focus, physical strength, and emotional stability. It took Makee her entire childhood to learn to embrace the pain the artifacts brought and work through the visions it displayed. When in complete control, Makee sent blasts of raw energy from the keystone through her vicinity to incapacitate her enemies.
    • Limited Halo access: After pushing through the pain and vulnerability of the activation, the Blessed Ones were taken to the Halo for a short period of time. They couldn't stay long as they had to break contact with the keystone. Both Blessed Ones were taken to the Halo at the same time, an event that only happened once they had physically met.

Role in the Covenant

The Blessed Ones role in the Covenant religion is mostly unknown, due to the exclusivity of the religion and humans inability to communicate properly with the Covenant alien race. The Blessed Ones can activate Keystones that will lead them to the Sacred Ring.

List of Blessed Ones

Is Master Chief the Blessed One?
  • Makee - A member of the Covenant since childhood. She was scouted by the Elite who came to her planet of Oban in search of the Blessed One. They used a rod that detected the Blessed One, believing it to be an object at the time. They realized what they searched for was her, and brought her back to High Charity where she became an apprentice of High Council member Mercy. He taught her the religion and languages, and she became a revered member of the community, making executive decisions alongside the High Council. She actively searched for the keystones and learned that one fell into the hands of the UNSC. She convinced the High Council to allow her to bring it back to them. She was ultimately killed by Kai-125 after beginning the activation process. The ancient star map appeared but was rendered incomplete following her death.
Is Master Chief the Blessed One?
  • Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 - A Spartan super soldier with no knowledge of his role in the religion. He discovered the Madrigal keystone while on a rescue mission to defeat the Covenant who attacked the outpost. He was so affected by the object that he went against orders for the first time. He received flashes of memories from his childhood when he made contact with the object, as these memories had been sealed away by the UNSC to make him a better soldier. His connection to the object is fundamental, as the object did not react when the AI Cortana took control of his body. He only learned of his role as a Blessed One while on a trip to The Rubble. John's body and consciousness was taken over by his AI Cortana to save the Spartans and escape High Charity with the keystones. He has subsequently lost his ability to activate the keystones, and his status is largely uncertain.



Is Master Chief the Blessed One?

Master Chief activates the Keystone

Is Master Chief the Blessed One?

Is Master Chief the Blessed One?

Blessed Ones at the Halo

Is Master Chief the Blessed One?


  1. Halo: The Television Series - Season One - Contact
  2. Halo: The Television Series - Season One - Unbound
  3. Halo: The Television Series - Season One - Emergence
  4. Halo: The Television Series - Season One - Solace
  5. Halo: The Television Series - Season One - Transcendence

Who is the Blessed One?

A Blessed One is a role in the Covenant religion designated to humans that can activate religious artifacts called Keystones. These individuals are highly coveted by the Covenant, who hold them in high-regard. The Covenant view other humans as demons, showing an extreme belief in the validity of the Blessed Ones.

How are Master Chief and the blessed one connected?

In the earlier episodes of Halo itself, we knew that Master Chief and Makee were the Blessed Ones who could activate the Halo. This is evident because every time John touches the artifact, a surge of energy is released, and he gets flashes of memories from his past.

Who is the blessed one in Halo actress?

Charlie Murphy – Makee Charlie Murphy plays a major role in the conflict between humans and Covenant in the Halo television show. As the mysterious “Blessed One,” Makee leads the alien forces in the search for the Sacred Ring.

Is the Blessed One Halo canon?

Paramount+'s Halo TV series has introduced mysterious beings referred to as the Blessed Ones, an original concept that isn't lifted from the original canon or wider lore. The Halo TV series opened with an extended action scene that felt as though it was lifted straight from the games.