Is LV cheaper in other countries?

Wondering where you should buy your Louis Vuitton handbag from, and at a great bargain?

Well, in as much as most of the genuine Louis Vuitton handbags are sold at a premium, there are countries and stores that sell the bags cheaper than others, which means that knowing what these places are is important for you, especially if you want to get a great discount.

In this article, we’ll share with you important information and tips and tricks on how and where to find and buy Louis Vuitton bags at a great discount.

These are the biggest international markets for luxury goods, meaning that if you are traveling, you can find great discounts on bags and other luxury goods. The cheapest countries to buy Louis Vuitton handbags from are as follows.

1.United Kingdom

Is LV cheaper in other countries?

The cheapest country you can buy your Louis Vuitton handbag in is the United Kingdom (UK). Different stores in the UK offer great discounts, and choosing to shop from the stores in the UK means saving yourself hundreds of dollars less than you would spend if you chose to buy the jewelry from home instead.

With this in mind, many fashionistas choose to shop for the best of luxury goods in the UK and other stores across Europe. The biggest reason for the affordable bags bought from Europe and the rest of the UK has to do with the wonderful VAT/ sales tax refunds that most people enjoy after making these international purchases.

You should also know that the standard price for the Louis Vuitton bags is the same, regardless of where you buy them from.

But taxes, forex costs, fees, and other costs result in large price differences, and why these bags cost less in Europe and in the UK, among other places.

Is LV cheaper in other countries?

In Great Britain and the rest of Europe, there are many prices fluctuations that result from taxes like the Value Added Tax or VAT. After these purchases, you will receive a tax refund of between 5% and 25%

Besides Europe, you could also buy luxury bags in the Duty-Free airports, tax-free, resulting in lower overall prices for the bags.

There is also the fact that the recent uncertainties in the political space around Brexit mean the weakening of the British Pound, meaning that American shoppers vacationing in the Uk will get great discounts as a result.


Is LV cheaper in other countries?

You will also get a nice discount if you buy your Louis Vuitton bag from France. Like in the UK, you are also entitled to a tax refund of up to 20% when you buy your Louis Vuitton bag from France.

The tax refund is a big discount, and it will be a huge saving for you, especially if you buy the bags from France and not the US. The prices in the US might appear low when discounted, but they don’t match the lower prices charged in France and the rest of Europe.

But even when shopping in France, you should consider shopping for the bag sold in stores away from the touristy places because the tourist locations’ prices are higher than the stores in the locations away from the cities. The manufacturing stores also sell the bags cheaply.

3.Hong Kong

Is LV cheaper in other countries?

You may also save a good amount of money if you choose to buy your Louis Vuitton handbag from Hong Kong, especially if you go shopping during the months when the luxury stores run offers and large discounts.

Hong Kong is home to some of the biggest luxury stores, and you will be happy to know that the Louis Vuitton bags sold there are slightly low-priced. Hong Kong is a tax-free country, and though there might be some changes in this, you will be happy with the great discount offerings from the country.


Dubai is also a tax-free country, which means that you may consider buying the Louis Vuitton handbag from Dubai, especially if you are planning your vacation in that part of the world. You could also place your order online from the Louis Vuitton Dubai website.

Is LV cheaper in other countries?

Is Louis Vuitton cheaper overseas?

Generally, it would be cheaper for you to buy your Louis Vuitton handbag overseas, especially if you will be traveling.

The international luxury and Louis Vuitton stores sell their bags much affordably thanks to the favorable taxes, the VAT tax refunds, and also the fact that Louis Vuitton’s bags are made in the European markets where the bags are generally cheaper because they are not subjected to the high taxes or other costs that add up to the final price of the handbags sold elsewhere.

Is LV cheaper in other countries?

Is Louis Vuitton Cheaper in Paris?

You could save a great deal of cash buying your Louis Vuitton bag from Paris. But to enjoy the discounts, you need to first know what kind of bag you’d want to consider buying – this will make the search for the perfect handbag easier/ faster.

You’d also want to call the Parisian Louis Vuitton handbags store for their prices and information about the stock available and the bag you would like to buy. The best part is that it is an easy thing to do and you will get the help you need quite fast.

You also want to use your passport when shopping because this is the only way that you would be eligible for the Vat refund. The passport details given at the time of purchasing the bag will ensure you get and enjoy the discount.


If you are looking for a Louis Vuitton handbag in the UK, France, or any other international market, you should know that you will only save a good amount depending on the retail price of the bag in your home country vs. its retail price and the applicable tax in the country you choose to buy the bag from.

The estimated tax refund (VAT), the current exchange rate, and other applicable fees and foreign costs will affect the overall cost of the bag and whether you save money on the purchase or not.

Read more tips here or here!

Is LV cheaper in other countries?

Stephanie is a jewelry lover when she was a teenager. Her major was fashion design when she was in college. She is a jewelry designer at SOQ Jewelry and other design companies. Now she is also a writer for our website. She writes a lot of designs&brands posts with very actionable tips.

Are Louis Vuitton prices the same everywhere?

Louis Vuitton bag prices differ from country to country. We took the most popular styles and compared the prices on local websites for the USA and Europe.

Which country is cheapest to buy luxury bags?

Europe has long been seen as one of the best places to bag a bargain on designer items from handbags to dresses, and shoes to earrings. According to Vogue, who knows a thing or two about fashion, the cheapest designer bags can be found in the UK, France and Germany.

Is LV cheaper in USA?

Are Louis Vuitton Handbags Cheaper in the USA? The price difference between any LV bag purchased in the USA (excluding state tax) and the same model bought in the EU is at least $400.

Is Louis Vuitton cheaper in Dubai?

Louis Vuitton bags 16% more expensive in UAE compared to France. Handbags by French luxury brand Louis Vuitton are 16 percent more expensive in the UAE compared to France, where the fashion house is based, according to new research.