Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

The wiki states that pandas spawn with a randomized personality. Each panda has a dominant gene and a recessive gene, each of which is randomly selected from the 7 possible genes. For a panda to be brown, both genes must be the brown type. Without taking mutation into account, the probability of a given panda being spawned as brown is then ​1⁄7 x ​1⁄7 = ​1⁄49 or 2.04%.

However, there is also the mutation mechanic to consider: every gene has a ​1⁄32 chance of mutating into something else, and this applies to spawned as well as bred pandas. This complicates things a quite a bit. Because of mutation we have to consider several additional possibilities:

1. A panda with exactly one brown gene can mutate into a panda with two brown genes:

According to the wiki table of possible gene configurations, there are 12 possible gene pairs that have exactly 1 brown gene, out of the total of 49 possible pairs. In order for a panda with exactly one brown gene to become fully brown, the non-brown gene must mutate, and it must turn into a brown gene. The probability for this is calculated by the following equation: P(only the non-brown gene mutating) = P(any gene to mutate) x P(any gene to not mutate) x P(the non-brown gene to be the one that does mutate) = 1⁄32 x 31⁄32 x 1⁄2 = 31⁄2048. Then there is the ​2⁄16 chance that it will become brown: 31⁄2048 x ​2⁄16 = ​62⁄32768. The probability of a panda spawning with exactly one brown gene and mutating into one with two brown genes is then: 12⁄49 x 62⁄32768 = 744⁄1605632 or 0.0463%.

2. A panda with no brown genes can mutate into a panda with two brown genes:

Of the 49 possible gene configurations, 36 have no brown genes at all. This kind of panda then has a natural occurrence of 36⁄49. The probability for both genes mutating is ​1⁄32 x 1⁄32 = 1⁄1024. The probability of both mutated genes becoming brown is 2⁄16 x 2⁄16 = 1⁄64. The probability of both genes mutating and both becoming brown is then 1⁄1024 x 1⁄64 = 1⁄65536. The probability of a panda spawning without any brown genes then mutating into one with two brown genes is then 36⁄49 x 1⁄65536 = 36⁄3211364 or 0.00112%.

3. A brown panda can mutate into a not-brown panda:

A brown panda will become not-brown if either gene mutates. The probability of either gene mutating uses the equation P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B) = 1⁄32 + 1⁄32 - (1⁄32 x 1⁄32) = 2⁄32 - 1⁄1024 = 63⁄1024.

If the mutating gene stays brown, nothing will happen. There is a 2⁄16 chance of that, so there is a 14⁄16 chance of mutating into something else: 63⁄1024 x 14⁄16 = 882⁄16384.

Since brown pandas occur as 1⁄49 and the chance of a brown panda turning into a not-brown panda is 882⁄16384, there is a 1⁄49 x 882⁄16384 = 882⁄802816 or 0.109% chance of a panda being spawned with two brown genes and mutating into one with less than two brown genes.

Taking all this into consideration, the chance of a brown panda getting spawned is as follows:

  • The chance of a panda being spawned with two brown genes and not mutating: 1⁄49 x (31⁄32 x 31⁄32) = 1⁄49 x 961⁄1024 = 961⁄50176 or 1.915%

  • Plus the chance of getting a panda with exactly one brown gene that mutates into a fully brown panda: 0.04633%

  • Plus the chance of getting a panda with no brown genes that mutates into a fully brown panda: 0.00112%

  • Minus the chance of a brown panda mutating into a not-brown panda: 0.1098%

Summing these chances: 1.915% + 0.04633% + 0.00112% - 0.1098% = 1.853% for a given naturally occurring panda to be brown.

A panda is a rare neutral mob that resides in jungles. Certain aspects of a panda's behavior and appearance vary depending on its personality.


Pandas spawn rarely in groups of 1–2 in jungle biomes at the surface on grass blocks with at least two-block space above them at a light level of 9 or more. They are slightly more common in bamboo jungles and have a 5% chance to spawn as cubs instead of adults.

Pandas spawn with a randomized personality, with the normal personality being the most common and the brown variant being the rarest.


Upon death, adult pandas drop:

  • 1 bamboo.‌[Java Edition only]
  • 0-2 bamboo, increased 1 per level by Looting.‌[Bedrock Edition only]
  • 1–3, if killed by a tamed wolf or the player.

Baby pandas have 1⁄700 chance to drop 1 slimeball after they sneeze.

Upon successful breeding, 1–7 is dropped.

Like other baby animals, killing a panda cub yields no items or experience.


Pandas act similarly to other neutral mobs; they attack when hurt but only once, similar to llamas and bees. Pandas do not attack on Peaceful difficulty. They also move faster in water than other land mobs (similar to polar bears). Pandas follow any player who is carrying bamboo and stop following if the player moves beyond approximately 16 blocks away. They also whimper if a thunderstorm is happening in the area. Adult pandas seek out bamboo and cake to eat.

Baby pandas have a 1⁄6000 chance (0.01666%) of sneezing every tick. Weak baby pandas are more likely to sneeze with a 1⁄500 (0.2%) chance every tick. Sneezing makes all adult pandas within 10 blocks jump and rarely drops a slime ball . Baby pandas also occasionally roll over and jump around.

Pandas have one private inventory.

Pandas can be ridden by baby zombie variants.‌[Bedrock Edition only]

A lead cannot be used on a Panda by normal means. However, a panda can be leashed using a map editor or NBT editor.

If a panda is being attacked by a player near a villager, that villager displays angry particles.‌[Java Edition only] However, it does not affect the popularity of the player.


Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

The different variations of pandas – from left to right: brown, lazy, worried, playful, weak, aggressive and normal.

Pandas have different personalities: normal, lazy, worried, playful, aggressive, weak, or brown.

  • Normal pandas:
    • Identifiable by their frown.
    • Do not have unique personality actions.
  • Lazy pandas:
    • Identifiable by their smile.
    • Lie on their backs.
    • Are slower than normal pandas, making them the slowest land mob in the game.
    • Do not follow a player who is holding bamboo while they're lying on their back.‌[JE only] In Bedrock Edition, if a player is holding bamboo, a lazy panda stops lying on its back and starts following that player.
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

A worried panda shaking and hiding its face during a thunderstorm.

  • Worried pandas:
    • Identifiable by their worried expression.
    • Avoid the player and most hostile mobs, except slimes, magma cubes, ghasts, shulkers, phantoms and the ender dragon.
    • Shake and hide their faces during thunderstorms.
    • Do not eat bamboo or cake items on their own.
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

A Playful panda rolling.

  • Playful pandas:
    • Identifiable by their tongues which stick out.
    • Roll over and jump around even as adults. The ability to roll may sometimes cause harm or kill the panda as it can accidentally roll off a cliff or another high altitude.
  • Aggressive pandas:
    • Identifiable by their thick eyebrows and tight frown.
    • When hit, an aggressive panda attacks the player and other mobs continuously until the target dies or goes beyond detection range, instead of only once. It also doesn't panic when harmed.
    • When nearby pandas are attacked, unless killed in one hit,‌[JE only] aggressive pandas becomes hostile toward the attacker.
    • Are slow, but have reach rivaling that of the player.
  • Weak pandas:
    • Identifiable by their teary eyes and snotty noses.
    • Tend to sneeze more often as babies than regular baby pandas, and have half the health of other pandas.
  • Brown pandas:
    • Identifiable by their brown color and frown.
    • Do not have unique personality actions, but are brown and white instead of the usual black and white.


The panda is the only animal to have extra breeding conditions. To enter love mode, there must be at least eight bamboo blocks within a five-block radius of both pandas. Once that requirement is met, feeding them bamboo causes them to mate, producing a panda cub, and the panda becomes passive instead of neutral toward that player. If a panda is fed without a sufficient amount of bamboo nearby, it sits and eats the bamboo but does not enter love mode. Additionally, if the player feeds two pandas too close together, they instead bleat and become hostile toward the player.


Each panda has two hidden values called "genes" or "alleles", as found in genetics. Pandas have a main gene and a hidden gene, each assigned to a particular trait. Normal, aggressive, lazy, worried, and playful personalities are dominant traits, while weak and brown personalities are recessive traits. A dominant trait always has priority over a recessive trait. If both the main and hidden genes are dominant, the main gene has priority and presents itself as the panda's personality. As recessive traits, weak and brown personalities occur if both the main and hidden genes of a panda are weak or brown, respectively. If the main gene is recessive and the hidden gene is not the same trait, then a normal personality results.

When two pandas breed, each one passes one of their genes to their children, who then randomly mix both obtained genes as their respective main and hidden genes. There is also a 1⁄32 chance for each gene of the baby to mutate into another gene. Normal, weak, and brown traits more commonly result from mutations than other traits do. These probabilities also apply to naturally spawned pandas for their main and hidden genes.

Mutated Gene Probability
Normal 5⁄16
Aggressive 1⁄16
Lazy 1⁄16
Worried 1⁄16
Playful 1⁄16
Weak 5⁄16
Brown 1⁄8
Panda Personality Hidden Gene
Normal Aggressive Lazy Worried Playful Weak Brown
Main Gene Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive
Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy
Worried Worried Worried Worried Worried Worried Worried Worried
Playful Playful Playful Playful Playful Playful Playful Playful
Weak Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Weak Normal
Brown Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Brown
The only way to directly observe the hidden gene of a panda is to use the command : /data get entity @e[type=minecraft:panda,limit=1] HiddenGene‌[Java Edition only] or using third-party NBT editors.


Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

This page would benefit from the addition of more sounds.

Please remove this notice once you've added suitable sounds to the article.
The specific instructions are: Add Worried Panda Idle 1

Pandas use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Panda pants Friendly Creatures Randomly entity.panda.ambient subtitles.entity.panda.ambient 1 ? 16
Panda's nose tickles Friendly Creatures Before a baby panda sneezes entity.panda.pre_sneeze subtitles.entity.panda.pre_sneeze 1 ? 16
Panda sneezes Friendly Creatures When a baby panda sneezes entity.panda.sneeze subtitles.entity.panda.sneeze 1 ? 16
Panda dies Friendly Creatures When a panda dies entity.panda.death subtitles.entity.panda.death 0.82 ? 16
Panda eats Friendly Creatures While a panda is eating an item 5 = 0.85; !5 = 1 ? 16
Panda steps Friendly Creatures While a panda is walking entity.panda.step subtitles.entity.panda.step 1 ? 16
Panda bleats Friendly Creatures When two pandas are fed too close together entity.panda.cant_breed subtitles.entity.panda.cant_breed 1 ? 16
Panda huffs Friendly Creatures Randomly from an aggressive personality panda entity.panda.aggressive_ambient subtitles.entity.panda.aggressive_ambient 4 = 0.8; !4 = 1 ? 16
Panda whimpers Friendly Creatures Randomly from a worried panda during a thunderstorm entity.panda.worried_ambient subtitles.entity.panda.worried_ambient 1 ? 16
Panda hurts Friendly Creatures When a panda is damaged entity.panda.hurt subtitles.entity.panda.hurt 0.82 ? 16
Panda bites Friendly Creatures When a panda attacks something entity.panda.bite subtitles.entity.panda.bite 0.82 ? 16

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key
Panda panda entity.minecraft.panda

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key
Panda panda 113

Entity data[]

Panda have entity data associated with them that contains various properties.

Java Edition:

  • Entity data
    •  HiddenGene: The secondary gene this panda has, that can transfer to the child.
    •  MainGene: The primary gene this panda has, that determines the behavior and appearance of the panda and that can transfer to the child.


Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.


IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)Gamerscore earnedTrophy type (PS4)
Zoologist Breed two pandas with bamboo. 40G Gold


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
The Parrots and the Bats
Breed two animals together Husbandry Breed a pair of any of these 23 mobs:

  • Axolotl
  • Bee
  • Cat
  • Chicken
  • Cow
  • Donkey
  • Fox
  • Frog
  • Goat
  • Hoglin
  • Horse
  • Llama
  • Mooshroom
  • Mule
  • Ocelot
  • Panda
  • Pig
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep
  • Strider
  • Trader Llama
  • Turtle
  • Wolf

A mule must be the result of breeding a horse and a donkey for this advancement as they are not breed-able together. Other breed-able mobs, if any, can be bred, but are ignored for this advancement.
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Two by Two
Breed all the animals! The Parrots and the Bats Breed a pair of each of these 22 mobs:

  • Axolotl
  • Bee
  • Cat
  • Chicken
  • Cow
  • Donkey
  • Fox
  • Frog
  • Goat
  • Hoglin
  • Horse
  • Llama
  • Mooshroom
  • Mule
  • Ocelot
  • Panda
  • Pig
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep
  • Strider
  • Turtle
  • Wolf

A trader llama does not count as a llama, and a mule must be the result of breeding a horse and a donkey for this advancement as they are not breed-able together. Other breed-able mobs, if any, can be bred, but are ignored for this advancement.


April 9, 2012Dinnerbone states that he wants to add pandas into the game once he is "used to skinning and animating things".
December 18, 2013Dinnerbone again states that he wants to add pandas into the game.
September 26, 2018
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Pandas win a community vote to be the next mob added to Minecraft China.
September 29, 2018Pandas are announced at MINECON Earth 2018.
Java Edition
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Added pandas.
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Added baby pandas.
19w08aPandas can no longer have armor equipped onto them with a dispenser.
Naturally spawned pandas now have a 5% chance of being a cub.
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Due to a bug, the baby panda model is currently broken.
19w40aThe baby panda model has been fixed.[1]
Bedrock Edition
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Added pandas.
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Added baby pandas.
beta sounds for pandas.
Pandas can now directly be given bamboo to breed them.
Aggressive pandas now deal more damage.
Pandas now sit and snack, even if they're scared or angry at the player.
beta textures of aggressive pandas have been changed from
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
All default pandas now bite once when attacked.
Aggressive pandas now defend other pandas.
Pandas now broadcast their anger to aggressive pandas.
Aggressive pandas now have more attack damage when killing nearby players.
beta now more quickly return to their normal behavior after following a player holding bamboo.
PlayStation 4 Edition
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Added pandas.
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?
Added baby pandas.
  • Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

    A group of pandas eating bamboo shown at MINECON Earth 2018.

  • Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

    An aggressive panda with its old texture.


Issues relating to "Panda" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • To create the in-game sounds for pandas, Mojang Studios' lead sound designer, Samuel Åberg, went to Guangzhou, China, to record real-life pandas.[2] This was also done with dolphins.
  • The brown panda, known as the Qinling panda, is actually a subspecies of the giant panda discovered in the 1960s.[3]
  • The lazy panda is the slowest land mob in the game (not counting status effects such as Slowness).
  • The rarest mob in Bedrock Edition is a baby husk with equipment and armor riding a brown panda, which has a 2.88×10−13 percent (one in 3.472 trillion) chance of spawning.
  • The panda that sits on the title screen of the Bedrock Edition beta uses the model of the Java Edition panda's sitting pose. Therefore, this title screen can be identified as using a Java Edition screenshot.



  • Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

    Two pandas sitting up, eating bamboo.

  • Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

    A panda lying on its back.

  • Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

    A worried panda on a beach.

  • Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

    Panda eating a cake.

  • Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?

    A close up of a lazy panda in a bamboo forest.

In other media[]

  • Is it rare to get a brown panda in Minecraft?


  1. MC-161995
  2. "Recording Panda sounds for Minecraft!" – October 9, 2018
  4. MC-206684

Is a brown panda in Minecraft rare?

Brown is the rarest type of panda that can spawn.

What is the rarest panda color in Minecraft?

Pandas spawn with a randomized personality, with the normal personality being the most common and the brown variant being the rarest.