Is it LA or Le restaurant?

John Elk III/Lonely Planet Images/Getty Images

Anyone who has eaten at a French restaurant is familiar with the French preposition chez since it's often used with the name of the chef, as in Chez Laura. It is loosely translated as "at or in the home or business place of" and can be used in a number of circumstances, including location or state of mind, as well as in common idiomatic expressions. This phrase has even crept into English, where it's frequently used in restaurant names such as the iconic Chez Panisse in Berkeley, Calif.

Uses and Examples

Chez is most commonly used to refer to a home or business, but it can also be employed to characterize someone or something or as part of an expression. For example:

  •    chez mon oncle > at / to my uncle's house
  •    chez moi > at home, at / to my house
  •    Carole est chez elle. > Carole is at home.
  •    chez le médecin > at / to the doctor's (office)
  •    chez l'avocat > at / to the lawyer's office
  •    chez le boucher > at / to the butcher shop
  •    chez le coiffeur > at / to the barbershop, hairdresser
  •    une robe de chez Dior >  a Dior dress, a dress designed by Dior
  •    (une coutume) chez les Français >(a custom) among the French
  •    C'est typique chez les politiciens.> It's typical of politicans.
  •    Ça se trouve souvent chez les vaches.> You often find that among cows.
  •    chez les Grecs > in ancient Greece / among the ancient Greeks
  •    chez la femme > in women / among women
  •    Chez lui, c'est une habitude > It's a habit with him.
  •    C'est bizarre chez un enfant. > That's strange for a child.
  •    chez Molière > in Molière's work / writing
  •    chez Van Gogh > in Van Gogh's art
  •     chacun chez soi  > everyone should look to his own affairs
  •     c'est une coutume / un accent bien de chez nous > it's a typical local custom/accent 
  •     chez-soi > at home
  •     fais comme chez toi > make yourself at home
  •     In an address: chez M. Durand > care of Mr. Durand   
  •     elle l'a raccompagné chez lui à pied > she walked him home
  •      elle l'a raccompagné chez lui en voiture > she gave him a lift / a ride home    
  •     rentrer chez soi / rester chez soi > to go home / to stay at home

How to Read a French Menu

Vocabulary Tips, Courses, Special Terms

Robert George Young / Getty Images

Reading the menu in a French restaurant can be a little tricky, and not just because of language difficulties. There may be important differences between restaurants in France and in your own country, including what foods are offered and how they are prepared.

Types of menus

Le menu and la formule refer to the fixed-price menu, which includes two or more courses (with limited choices for each) and is usually the least expensive way to eat out in France.

The choices may be written on the ardoise, which literally means "slate." Ardoise can also refer to the specials board the restaurant might display outside or on a wall at the entrance. The sheet of paper or booklet that the waiter hands you (what English speakers call the "menu") is la carte, and anything you order from it is à la carte, which means "fixed-price menu."

A couple of other important menus to know are:

  • La carte des vins, which is the wine menu
  • Une dégustation, which refers to a tasting menu, with small servings of multiple dishes (déguster means "to taste")


A French meal may include numerous courses, in this order:

  1. Un apéritif > cocktail, pre-dinner drink
  2. Un amuse-bouche or amuse-gueule > snack (just one or two bites)
  3. Une entrée > appetizer/starter (false cognate alert: entree can mean "main course" in English)
  4. Le plat principal > main course
  5. Le fromage > cheese
  6. Le dessert > dessert
  7. Le café > coffee
  8. Un digestif > after-dinner drink

Special Terms

In addition to knowing how French restaurants list their food items and prices, as well as the names of courses, you should also familiarize yourself with special food terms.

  • Le plat du jour is the daily special (literally, "dish of the day"), which is usually part of le menu.
  • Gratuit and offert both mean "free."
  • The waiter will often add the word petit ("little") to his offer: Un petit dessert? Un petit café?
  • When you're full, say: "Je n'en peux plus" or "J'ai bien/trop mangé."

Other Terms

To really feel comfortable ordering from the menu in a French restaurant, you'll need to learn a number of common terms. The list below includes almost all common terms you would need to know to impress your friends while ordering in French. The list is broken down by categories, such as food preparation, portions and ingredients, and even regional dishes.

Food Preparation 




homemade, traditionally made

à la broche

cooked on a skewer

à la vapeur


à l'etouffée


au four


biologique, bio






coupé en dés


coupé en tranches / rondelles


en croûte

in a crust

en daube

in stew, casserole

en gelée

in aspic/gelatin










frozen, icy, glazed




minced, ground (meat)






highly seasoned, spicy




with truffles

truffé de ___

dotted/speckled with ___









salty, savory



Portions, Ingredients, and Appearance 


long, thin slices (of meat)


wing, white meat



___ à volonté (e.g., frites à volonté)

all you can eat

la choucroute



raw vegetables


thigh, dark meat


thin slice (of meat)

fines herbes

sweet herbs

un méli-mélo


un morceau


au pistou

with basil pesto

une poêlée de ___

assorted fried ___

la purée

mashed potatoes

une rondelle

slice (of fruit, vegetable, sausage)

une tranche

slice (of bread, cake, meat)

une truffe

truffle (very expensive and rare fungus)

Typical French and Regional Dishes


fish/vegetables with garlic mayonnaise


mashed potatoes with fresh cheese (Auvergne)

le bœuf bourguignon

beef stew (Burgundy)

le brandade

dish made with cod (Nîmes)

la bouillabaisse

fish stew (Provence)

le cassoulet

meat and bean casserole (Languedoc)

la choucroute (garnie)

sauerkraut with meat (Alsace)

le clafoutis

fruit and thick custard tart

le coq au vin

chicken in red wine sauce

la crême brûlée

custard with a burnt sugar top

la crème du Barry

cream of cauliflower soup

une crêpe

very thin pancake

un croque madame

ham and cheese sandwich topped with fried egg

un croque monsieur

ham and cheese sandwich

une daube

meat stew

le foie gras

goose liver

___ frites (moules frites, steak frites)

___ with fries/chips (mussels with fries/chips, steak with fries/chips)

une gougère

puff pastry filled with cheese

la pipérade

tomato and bell pepper omelet (Basque)

la pissaladière

onion and anchovy pizza (Provence)

la quiche lorraine

bacon and cheese quiche

la (salade de) chèvre (chaud)

green salad with goat cheese on toast

la salade niçoise

mixed salad with anchovies, tuna, and hard boiled eggs

la socca

baked chickpea crêpe (Nice)

la soupe à l'oignon

French onion soup

la tarte flambée

pizza with very light crust (Alsace)

la tarte normande

apple and custard pie (Normandy)

la tarte tatin

upside down apple pie

Watch Now: "Do You Have an English Menu?" in French

Is restaurant masculine or feminine?

"Restaurant" is masculine, so it is "un restaurant." "Une restaurant" is WRONG since "une" is the word used with feminine nouns. If your asking why l' is used instead of le or la, its because hotel begins with an h.

How do you know if it's LA or LE?

Grammar jargon: le, la and l' are definite articles (the is the definite article in English)..
Use le with masculine nouns..
Use la with feminine nouns..
Use l' with words of either gender that begin with a vowel or the letter h..

What does Le restaurant mean?

masculine noun. restaurant. Collins Beginner's French-English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers.

What is the word for restaurant in French?

noun. le restaurant masc. We don't often go to restaurants. Nous n'allons pas souvent au restaurant.