Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?

Welcome to the ultimate Huel Hot &&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The British brand Huel is the market leader and manufacturer of the most successful meal replacement powder. This success is rooted in a strong belief to provide nutritionally the best complete food possible. Consequently, Huel has gathered a customer base of enthusiasts and casuals alike; not for doing things first, but for doing them well.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;span class="ezoic-autoinsert-video ezoic-under_first_paragraph"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;p&gt;However, their newest product, Hot &amp;amp; Savoury, is a mold-breaker in the complete food world. Not a powder, not a bar, not something to drink; but a meal replacement you can eat.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;This is a concept the customers were begging for, and thus, there were extreme expectations. Spoilers, I must admit that I have been blown away and that this is a product that I would recommend everyone to have in their pantries.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In fact, Huel Hot &amp;amp; Savoury was my Most Innovative Complete Food 2021 award winner.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;So, without further ado, let’s discover all there is to know in this Huel Hot &amp;amp; Savoury review.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;div class="code-block code-block-12 ai-list-block-ip ai-track" data-ai="WzEyLCIiLCJNb2JpbGUgU2lkZSBCYW5uZXIgZ29lcyB0byBJbi1hcnRpY2xlIFVTIiwiIiwxXQ==" style="margin:8px auto;text-align:center;display:block;clear:both"&gt;&lt;div class="ai-dynamic ai-ip-data" countries="US, CA, BG" country-list="W" data-code="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"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class="wp-block-image"&gt;&lt;figure class="aligncenter size-large is-resized"&gt;&lt;img decoding="async" alt="Huel Hot &amp; Savoury Review" width="512" height="287" src="" data-sizes="(max-width: 512px) 100vw, 512px" class="wp-image-11525" ezimgfmt="rs rscb1 src ng ngcb1 srcset" loading="eager" sizes="" importance="high"&gt;&lt;noscript&gt;&lt;img decoding="async" src="" alt="Huel Hot &amp; Savoury Review" class="wp-image-11525" width="512" height="287" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 50w" sizes="(max-width: 512px) 100vw, 512px"&gt;&lt;/noscript&gt;&lt;figcaption&gt;Thai Green Curry and Tomato Herb were the original 2 flavours. Now there are 9!&lt;/figcaption&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;span class="ezoic-autoinsert-video ezoic-under_second_paragraph"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class="ezoic-autoinsert-ad ezoic-under_first_paragraph"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style="clear:both;display:block" id="ez-clearholder-medrectangle-3"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class="ezoic-ad ezoic-at-0 medrectangle-3 medrectangle-3320 adtester-container adtester-container-320" data-ez-name="latestfuels_com-medrectangle-3"&gt;&lt;span id="div-gpt-ad-latestfuels_com-medrectangle-3-0" ezaw="336" ezah="280" style="position:relative;z-index:0;display:inline-block;padding:0;min-height:280px;min-width:336px" class="ezoic-ad"&gt;&lt;script data-ezscrex="false" data-cfasync="false" style="display:none"&gt;var cid='7146065805';var pid='ca-pub-5039142563268814';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-latestfuels_com-medrectangle-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1021%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);'100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';}'block';'px';'100%';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true});</p><div class="section-h2-header"><h2 id="at-a-glance">Huel Hot &amp; Savory Review at a Glance</h2></div><div class="is-layout-flex wp-container-3 wp-block-columns"><div class="is-layout-flow wp-block-column"><div class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-medium"><figure class="aligncenter"><img width="300" height="257" data-ezsrc="" alt="" class="ezlazyload wp-image-11542" data-ezsrcset=" 300w, 50w, 764w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></figure></div><div class="lf-buyNow"><div class="lf-buyNow-btn"><a class="thirstylink" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Huel Hot & Savoury" href="" data-shortcode="true"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i>BUY NOW</a></div></div></div><div class="is-layout-flow wp-block-column"><div class="brand-summary"><ul><li>From: <span class="value"><figure><img style="float:right;max-width:30px" alt="From the UK" ezimgfmt="rs rscb1 src ng ngcb1" class="ezlazyload" data-ezsrc="" height="191" width="300"></figure></span></li><li><a target="_blank" href="">Ships to:</a> <span class="value">World</span></li><li><a target="_blank" href="">Price:</a><span class="value">$3.75/400kcal</span></li><li><a target="_blank" href="">Subscription:</a><span class="value">10%</span></li><li><a target="_blank" href="">Type:</a><span class="value">Powder</span></li><li><a target="_blank" href="">Nutrition:</a><span class="value">Vegan, GF</span></li><li><a target="_blank" href="">Allergens:</a><span class="value"> Mustard</span></li></ul></div></div></div><span class="ezoic-autoinsert-video ezoic-mid_content"></span><span class="ezoic-autoinsert-ad ezoic-under_second_paragraph"></span><span style="clear:both;display:block" id="ez-clearholder-medrectangle-4"></span><span class="ezoic-ad ezoic-at-0 medrectangle-4 medrectangle-4340 adtester-container adtester-container-340" data-ez-name="latestfuels_com-medrectangle-4"><span id="div-gpt-ad-latestfuels_com-medrectangle-4-0" ezaw="580" ezah="400" style="position:relative;z-index:0;display:inline-block;padding:0;width:100%;max-width:1200px;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto!important;min-height:400px;min-width:580px" class="ezoic-ad"><script data-ezscrex="false" data-cfasync="false" style="display:none">if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'latestfuels_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_10',340,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-latestfuels_com-medrectangle-4-0');

Flavours: Thai Green Curry, Tomato & Herb, Mexican Chili, Madras, Korma, Sweet & Sour, Mac & Cheeze, Cajun Pasta, and Chik’n & Mushroom Pasta.

First and foremost, I must applaud Huel for bringing to life such an interesting complete food. I really like the format and the fact that this is a savoury meal. It gives a very welcomed break from all the sweet shakes.

Despite that, the real deal-breaker with this product is going to be the taste and texture. In my opinion, Huel has done an excellent job bringing a wide array of flavours and textures.

Initially, on my first Huel Hot and Savory review, I was very critical of some flavours, but since they’ve expanded and massively improved on them (the new ones are my favourites).

As mentioned, they have also done a great job of having a range of spice levels, and provide completely different flavours.

As a final note, regarding the price, I would agree that it’s not as competitive as the powders. But for a warm meal to consume occasionally, it’s rather reasonable.

What I Like

1. Great concept and well-executed. This was something that complete food enthusiasts were asking for. There have been some developments from other brands, but nothing like this so far.

2. Nutritionally solid. Huel Hot & Savoury is very similar to most Huel products: balanced, high in protein, and high in omega-3 fatty acids. It’s great to see that they’ve added nutrient-rich ingredients like quinoa and lentils, too.

3. Hot & savoury. Neither is very common in the complete food industry, thus I believe that this product will offer a great break from shakes.

4. Price is reasonable. I won’t say that this is a bargain, but considering the change in format and the new ingredients, it seems reasonably priced (particularly in the UK).

5. Yummy. I love Chik’n Mushroom, Thai Green Curry and Cajun Pasta. This is the product that I would be willing to pay for. It has a nice creamy base, with a rich green curry flavour and the right amount of spice. That said, some might feel that lacks the “meat”.

6. Great range of spice levels and different flavours. There’s a H&S meal for everyone.

7. Ideal to have in your pantry, and enjoy when you need it most. Best when you have 0 energy to cook, but you still want a healthy meal.

What I Dislike

1. Pasta can be “al dente” when following instructions. I ended up cooking in the microwave for longer for most meals.

2. 7 meal bags are a downgrade. I would’ve rather seen the product launched in 14 meal bags, just like Huel powder.

3. The texture is not great in some flavours. It’s the issue of dehydrating and re-hydrating whole ingredients. They are not the same, they lack the crunchiness, and can feel bland and cardboard-like.

4. Tomato & Herb is too bland. Simply put, it lacks flavour and kicks. When you add it to the lacklustre texture, this meal becomes a chore to finish. That said, it can be easily improved by adding spice.


1. Fix the pricing system.

Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?

Latestfuels Expert #2 Community
Thai Green Curry Very Positive Mixed Positive
Tomato & Herb Mixed Negative Mixed
Mexican Chili Positive Positive Positive
Madras N/A Positive Positive
Korma N/A Mixed Positive
Mac & Cheeze Positive Positive Very Positive
Cajun Pasta Very Positive Very Positive Positive
Chick’n & Mushroom Very Positive N/A Very Positive
Sweet & Sour N/A Very Positive Mixed
Ranked from Very Positive (highly recommended), Positive, Mixed, to Negative (not recommended).

Above you can see the summary of the thoughts on Huel Hot and Savory. In my opinion, it’s a very interesting product that can offer a tasty alternative to shakes, but with room for improvement in some of the flavours.

That said, I would 100% keep some H&S Chick’n & Mushroom and Cajun Pasta in my pantry at all times.

Latestfuels’ Huel Hot & Savoury Taste Review

Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?
It might not look good, but it tastes delicious.

With the newly added flavours, I think that there’s a big gap between the best and the worst flavours. Furthermore, it is not only the taste but also the spiciness and the texture of the meals varies a lot.

For instance, Thai Green Curry and Tomato & Herb are more vegetable and legume oriented – and can have a more old-rice pops texture (they lack the crispiness of fresh ingredients). However, the new pasta-based flavours are more creamy-pasta-like. Plus, Cajun Pasta can be quite spicy; whereas Mac & Cheeze is as mild as it gets.

This range of textures and flavours is what makes Huel H&S great since there will be a pick for everyone.

My favourites, as shown in the ranking below, where Chick’n Mushroom and Cajun Pasta. I also really enjoyed the spicy ones, and even wished for a little bit more spice in many of the flavours.

Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?

Tomato & Herb

There’s some tomato flavour in there, but the mix falls flat and feels tasteless. It lacks kick and actual flavour. Consequently, you end up noticing the cardboard-like texture more; and on its own, it’s not very good. I highly recommend adding some spice or other flavouring.

Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?

Thai Green Curry

It has a nice sweet green curry flavour with some mild spiciness (particularly, for those not used to spice). Quite enjoyable to eat and very filling, due to its creaminess.

  • Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?
  • Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?
I followed the instructions to cook and added 210ml of boiling water to 100g of product. I stirred, close the lid and left it for over 5 minutes before consuming. I highly recommend waiting to soften the texture. Otherwise, it can be hard to chew.

Ranking the Huel H&S Flavours

In the below table you can see how I would rank the Huel H&S flavours. Without a doubt, Chick’n Mushroom Pasta was my favourite, but I would easily have Cajun Pasta or Thai.

While Mac & Cheeze is beloved in the community, and it’s a very popular flavour, I found it a little “tasteless” or mild. I wanted an extra kick, that it just didn’t have. Even if I’m aware that Huel will never do it, I wonder how it would be with real cheese.

Flavour (Best to Worst)Spice Level
1. Chick’n Mushroom Pasta – 9.5/10 None
2. Cajun Pasta – 9/10 Medium
3. Thai Green Curry – 8/10 Medium
4. Mexican Chili (Spicy Indian Curry) – 7.5/10 High
5. Mac & Cheeze – 7.5/10 None
6. Tomato and Herb – 4/10 None
-. Madras Very high
-. Korma (Yellow Coconut Curry) None
-. Sweet & Sour None
In parenthesis the US labels for the flavours. The last three I have not had the chance to try, unfortunately.

For extended thoughts, I recommend you to have a look at Clive Illeden’s review (very experienced meal replacement reviewer):

Huel’s Hot & Savoury innovates in many aspects. This includes the nutritional side, in which we can see many ingredients that are not widely used. For instance, they use quinoa, which only Powdermatter and a few others use, currently. Besides this super-seed, you will see other nutrient-rich ingredients, such as lentils, peppers and a diverse set of herbs.

On the other hand, as shown below, pasta-based formulas contain durum wheat pasta.

Still, all variations are fully plant-based, contain no GMO ingredients, no gluten or soy, and provide you with all the essential nutrients you need.

  • Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?
    Thai Green Curry
  • Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?
    Tomato & Herb
  • Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?
    Mac & Cheeze
  • Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?
    Chick’n & Mushroom


Kcal/meal 400
Macros (C/P/F) 45/25/30
Vegan Yes
Keto No
Features Soy Free, Nut Free, Gluten-Free
Non-GMO ?
Organic No
Includes Probiotics No
Artificial Sweeteners No
Synthetic Additives Yes
Contains All Micronutrients Yes
Controversial Ingredients None
*Note all flavours will vary slightly.

Thai Green Curry: Dried Grains (29%) (Brown Rice, Quinoa), Pea Protein, Flaxseed, Coconut Milk Powder, Dried Vegetables (6%) (Sweetcorn, Bell Pepper, Spring Onion), Lentils, Thai Green Style Flavouring (5%), (Natural Flavourings, Salt, Coriander, Chilli, Cumin, Ginger, Black Pepper, Citric Acid, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil), Rice Flour, Rice Starch, Corn Starch, Medium-Chain Triglycerides Powder (from Coconut), *Micronutrient Blend, Spinach Powder, Coconut Sugar, Sunflower Oil Powder.

Tomato & Herb: Flaxseed, Dried Grains (19%) (Brown Rice, Quinoa), Pea Protein, Tomato Powder (14%), Lentils, Dried Vegetables (7%) (Green Beans, Tomato, Onion), Rice Flour, Rice Starch, Tomato & Herb Flavouring (2.3%) (Natural Flavouring, Tomato Flavouring, Garlic Extract, Basil Flavouring), Corn Starch, Sunflower Oil Powder, Medium-Chain Triglycerides Powder (from Coconut), *Micronutrient Blend, Salt, Dried Herbs (0.5%) (Basil, Coriander), Colour (Concentrate of Radish and Carrot).

Chick'n & Mushroom Pasta: Dried Penne Pasta (34%) (Durum Wheat Semolina), Chicken and Mushroom Flavour Seasoning (18%) (Maltodextrin, Natural Flavourings, Wild Mushroom Powder, Dried Mushroom, Dried Chives, Dried Thyme, Black Pepper), Textured Pea Protein (11%) (Pea Protein, Pea Flour), Pea Protein, Corn Starch, Soluble Gluco Fibre, Flaxseed Oil Powder, Sunflower Oil Powder, Coconut Milk Powder (Coconut Milk, Modified Starch, Tapioca Maltodextrin), Micronutrient Blend*,Natural Flavouring.

Cajun Pasta: Dried Penne Pasta (36%) (Durum Wheat Semolina), Cajun Seasoning Blend (16%) (Spices (Smoked Paprika, Paprika, Ground Cumin, Black Pepper, Ground Coriander, Chilli Pepper, Mustard Powder, Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric Powder, Ground Fennel, Ground Allspice, Ground Ginger), Modified Maize Starch, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Red Pepper Powder, Natural Flavourings, Herbs (Oregano, Thyme), Tomato Powder, Rice Flour, Yeast Extract, Paprika Extract, Lemon Oil, Sea Salt), Pea Protein, Textured Pea Protein (10%) (Pea Protein, Pea Flour), Flaxseed Oil Powder, Sunflower Oil Powder, Corn Starch, Coconut Sugar, Micronutrient Blend*, Dried Sweetcorn (2%), Dried Red Peppers (1.7%), Dried Green Peppers (1.7%), Salt.

Mac & Cheeze: Dried Macaroni (35%) (Durum Wheat Semolina), Cheese Style Seasoning (22%) (Maize Starch (Sulphites), Dairy-Free Creamer (Sunflower Oil, Glucose Syrup, Modified Starch), Rice Flour, Onion Powder (Sulphites), Yeast Extract, Spices (Mustard, Turmeric, Paprika, Black Pepper), Garlic Powder (0.7%) (Sulphites), Natural Flavouring, Oregano), Pea Protein, Coconut Milk Powder, Soluble Gluco Fibre, Flaxseed Oil Powder, Dried Tomatoes (3%), Micronutrient Blend*, Sunflower Oil Powder, Garlic Granules (2%) (Sulphites), Natural Flavouring, Salt, Flavouring (Celery), Smoke Flavouring.

Korma: Dried Grains (32%) (Brown Rice, Quinoa), Pea Protein, Flaxseed, Coconut Milk Powder, Sultanas (5%) (Sultanas, Sunflower Oil), Desiccated Coconut (4%), Korma Style Curry Flavouring (4%) (Ground Spices (Cumin, Cinnamon, Coriander, Paprika), Salt), Rice Flour, Rice Starch, Corn Starch, *Micronutrient Blend, Sunflower Oil Powder, Turmeric Extract, Natural Flavourings, Dried Coriander.

Madras: Dried Grains (25%) (Brown Rice, Quinoa), Flaxseed, Pea Protein, Madras Style Curry Flavouring (8%) (Natural Flavouring, Ground Spices (Cumin, Chilli, Paprika, Coriander, Cinnamon, Ginger, Black Pepper), Salt), Dried Vegetables (6%) (Sweet Potato, Onion, Tomato), Rice Flour, Rice Starch, Tomato Powder, Corn Starch, Sunflower Oil Powder, Medium-Chain Triglycerides Powder (from Coconut), *Micronutrient Blend, Coconut Sugar, Dried Coriander, Radish Extract, Carrot Extract.

Sweet & Sour: Flaxseed, Sweet and Sour Style Seasoning (19%) (Corn Starch, Tomato Powder, Coconut Sugar, Dextrose, Ground Spices (Paprika, Ginger), Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Salt, Flavouring, Spirit Vinegar, Paprika Extract, Citric Acid, Spice Extract, Natural Flavouring), Pea Protein, Dried Grains (12%) (Brown Rice, Quinoa), Dried Pineapple (5%), Dried Bell Peppers (3.5%), Rice Flour, Rice Starch, Sunflower Oil Powder, Corn Starch, Dried Spring Onion (1.5%), Medium-Chain Triglycerides Powder (from Coconut), *Micronutrient Blend.

Mexican Chili: Flaxseed, Dried Grains (17%) (Brown Rice, Quinoa), Pea Protein, Dried Black Eyed Beans (11%), Tomato Powder (10%), Dried Vegetables (7%) Blend (Bell Pepper, Tomato, Onion), Mexican Style Chilli Natural Flavouring (3.5%), Rice Flour, Rice Starch, Corn Starch, Sunflower Oil Powder, Medium-Chain Triglycerides Powder (from Coconut), *Micronutrient Blend, Salt, Chipotle Chilli Flakes (0.7%), Dried Coriander (0.6%), Colour (Concentrate of Radish and Carrot).

Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?
Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?


Per 400kcal serving:

  • Total Carbs: 35g, 13% of RI.
  • Sugars: 10g, 11% of RI.
  • Fiber: 14g, 47% of RI.

Be aware that the exact values might vary with flavours.

One of the most interesting nutritional facts is that Huel does not use oats or maltodextrin (the two most common carb sources in meal replacements); instead, they use dried grains. In this case, brown rice and quinoa, as well as, some lentils.

These grains are a superb source of complex carbohydrates and multiple other nutrients (protein, iron, zinc…). For instance, quinoa is an “outstanding grain” according to FAO and has been considered by NASA to be used in long space flights (due to its nutritional output).

What about Sugars?

Some might notice that Tomato & Herb has 10g of sugars per serving; whereas Thai Green Curry has 5g. So why the difference?

The main reason for the discrepancy is that the first contains tomato powder (14%) which contains naturally occurring sugars in tomatoes.

Is this a lot of sugar, though? No, it most certainly isn’t. While it might be higher than other Huel products, both are considerably low in sugar content. Furthermore, due to the delivery package, the actual glycemic index of the meal is going to be fairly low.


Per 400kcal serving:

  • Total fats: 13g per serving (19% of RI).
  • Saturated Fats: 3.5g per serving (18% of RI).
  • Omega-3 (ALA): 2.8g per serving.
  • Omega-6 (Linoleic): 1.8g per serving.

The exact values change from flavour to flavour. For instance, the omega-3 content is higher in the Tomato & Herb meals.

Overall, it’s a very Huel-like fat spread: plenty of essential omega-3 fatty acids, well balanced fatty acid composition, and some extra saturated fats, due to the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

Interestingly, the main fat source is flaxseed, which is usually more complementary to another source (like sunflower). Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but has a strong flavour to it.


Per 400kcal serving:

  • Total protein: 24g, 48% of RI.

It wouldn’t be a Huel product if it didn’t have high protein content. With 24g per serving, this meal will provide you with a nice boost to your protein intake.

While in the ingredients list there’s only one source (pea protein), the grains (rice, quinoa and lentils) are also big contributors. In fact, Huel uses the rice + pea protein combo for their main product (Huel powder) to ensure a balanced amino acid profile.

Hot & Savoury Essential Amino Acid Profile

So how does that translate into numbers? Below you have a comparison between Huel Powder’s essential amino acid profile vs Hot & Savoury’s. Take into consideration that Huel Powder has more protein per serving (4g more).

  Hot & Savoury %RI Huel Powder
Histidine 296 37 981
989 71 1166
Leucine 1476 54 2311
Lysine 1255 60 1663
Methionine (plus cysteine)
644 61 482
Phenylalanine (plus tyrosine)
997 102 1564
Threonine 798 76 1068
Tryptophan 319 114 358
Valine 925 51 1511
Essential amino acids present in each serving of Huel products (400kcal). Recommended intake is taken from WHO.


You should get enough vitamins and minerals per Huel H&S serving. However, I have some concerns on how heat might affect the exact values, since some micronutrients deform in temperatures above 40 degrees Celcius. Nonetheless, according to Huel’s nutritionist Dan, this has been tested and accounted for.

Per serving
% RI* (NRV**)
per 94g serving
Vitamin A (µg) 180 23%
Vitamin D (µg) 4 80%
Vitamin E (mg) 2.9 24%
Vitamin K (µg) 36 48%
Vitamin C (mg) 60 75%
Thiamin (mg) 0.28 25%
Riboflavin (mg) 0.30 21%
Niacin (mg) 3.2 20%
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.34 24%
Folate (µg) 80 40%
Vitamin B12 (µg) 0.8 32%
Biotin (µg) 10 20%
Pantothenic Acid (mg) 1.2 20%
Potassium (mg) 940 47%
Chloride (mg) 160 20%
Calcium (mg) 260 33%
Phosphorus (mg) 260 37%
Magnesium (mg) 84 22%
Iron (mg) 3.6 26%
Zinc (mg) 2.8 28%
Copper (mg) 0.30 30%
Manganese (mg) 0.80 40%
Selenium (µg) 12 22%
Chromium (µg) 8 20%
Molybdenum (µg) 60 120%
Iodine (µg) 36 24%
Vitamins and minerals per 400kcal as stated for Huel.

Other Ingredients

Besides the essential nutrients (macros and micros), Huel also includes phytonutrients (naturally occurring in the ingredients). These include betalains (found in quinoa) which function as antioxidants; ferulic acid (antioxidant and antibacterial), lutein, zeaxathin etc.


Huel Hot and Savoury does not have any major allergens, but it might contain mustard.

Nutrition Summary

  • Fully plant-based formula with all the essential nutrients.
  • Includes 24g of protein from pea protein, quinoa, rice and lentils.
  • Very high in omega-3 (ALA).
  • Macronutrient split is 45C/25P/30F and the recommended serving is 400kcal.

Currently, Huel offers 3 types of meal replacements (powder, ready-to-drink, and bars); and Hot & Savoury is their new bet for a new format. One that has not been explored too much in the complete food market; but there seems to be a demand for.

Hot & Savory, a Replacement for Granola?

Those who’ve been around might know that Huel used to do a granola-alternative, as one of their chewable complete food options. However, due to lack of success, this was discontinued in early 2020. Consequently, some might think this is a replacement for it; but it is not. Rather, it is Huel’s response to a new growing demand for more food-like (away from shakes and bars) meal replacements. These is, complete food options that are still easy to prepare but provide you with the nutrients your body needs.

In fact, this trend was observed in the 2019 edition of the Complete Food survey, where customers were growing bored of current options. Most stated that they would like to see more hot and savoury options. Huel’s newest product is here to tackle this.

Huel’s introductory video of Hot & Savoury.

Pricing & Packaging

Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?

As per usual for Huel each serving is 400kcal. In each bag of Huel Hot & Savoury, there are 7 meals and you need to buy at least 3 bags. This is smaller than I would’ve imagined since usually, each bag contains 14 meals (for Huel).

As for the price, it will depend on where you buy it; but it will be more expensive than your Huel shake:

Huel Powder
Hot & Savoury
US ($)
per 400 (expensive) 2.12 3.75
per 400 (cheapest) 1.51 2.51
UK (£)
per 400 (expensive) 1.47 2.62
per 400 (cheapest) 1.10 1.79
EU (€)
per 400 (expensive) 2.03 3.57
per 400 (cheapest) 1.30 2.48

When you compare it to similar products, I would say that Huel Hot & Savoury is more affordable, overall. This is particularly true if you live in the UK, where all Huel products are a bargain.

How to Prepare

Much like most other meal replacements, there’s not much to it. The main difference is that you need to add hot (boiling) water to the mix, instead of adding cold water and mixing.

According to Huel, there are 2 preferred ways of making your Hot & Savoury meal:

With Boiling Water:

  • Add 210ml of boiling water and stir in a bowl.
  • Cover and leave for 5 minutes.

In the Microwave:

  • Add 250ml of water and stir.
  • Put a cover and microwave the mix for 1’30” at full power.
  • Stir again and further microwave it for another minute.

Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?
Bon appetite!

Tip: Personally, I like to heat up the Pasta options for another minute or two in the microwave, to make it softer.

Why haven’t I received the Huel Pot?

All Huel Hot & Savoury orders (first ones) should come with the Huel pot, a small container in which you can prepare your meal. However, due to the large demand, they are currently unable to provide the pot for everybody.

Is Huel Hot and Savoury gluten-free?

Yes, the new Huel meal is gluten-free.

What is Huel Hot & Savoury’s shelf life?

If it has remained closed, then it can last up to 12 months in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight. Once opened it can last up to 6 months when sealed properly.

Is Huel Hot & Savoury low-FODMAP?

Unfortunately, due to some of the ingredients (lentils, quinoa), the newest Huel product is not low in FODMAP.

What is the GI of Hot & Savoury?

This is yet to be tested, but Huel nutritionists assure that is low (below 55).

Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?
The new pasta-based Hot & Savorys, superb addition to the lineup.

Truth be told there aren’t many products just like this one. Besides Huel Hot & Savoury, other hot complete food options are: Queal Ready (Instant Oats), Jake Soup (recently launched), Vite Ramen (instant ramen), and Mana Burger. Thus, while all three are complete food options that can be consumed hot; they are quite different to Huel’s offer.

Huel Hot & Savoury vs Queal Ready

Queal Ready is one of my favourite meal replacements that I have tried. The complete instant oats are flavourful, protein-packed and a great break from the usual shakes.

Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?


Hot & Savoury: Thai Green Curry, and Tomato & Herb.

Queal Ready: Berry Good, and Tropical Today.


Hot & Savoury
Queal Ready
EU (€)
per 400 (expensive) 3.57 2.25
per 400 (cheapest) 2.48 1.68

It is worth mentioning, that the prices in the UK are more affordable for Huel Hot & Savoury (see pricing above).


The main difference is that Huel’s product is savoury, while Queal’s is sweet.

That being said, I think that Queal Ready tastes great, particularly the Berry flavour. It has a thick oatmeal consistency, with a sweetness to it which is very enjoyable.


per serving Hot & Savoury RI (%)
Queal Ready
RI (%)
Energy (C/P/F) 45/25/30 45/27/28
Energy (kCal) 400 20 400 20
Fats (g) 13.0 19 12.3 18
Saturated (g) 3.5 18 1.4 7
Carbs (g) 35.0 13 42.6 16
Sugars (g) 10.0 11 11.7 13
Fibre (g) 14 47 5.1 26
Protein (g) 24.0 48 20.0 40
Salt (g) 1.1 18 0.2 3

It is worth noting that both are vegan meal replacements.

What Should I Buy?

I think that both are complementary. For instance, Huel Hot & Savoury seems better suited for lunch and/or dinner; whereas Queal Ready is ideal for breakfast or to have after a workout.

Hot & Savoury vs Huel Powder

So how does the Hot & Savoury compare to one of the best meal replacement powders?

Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?


Hot & Savoury: Thai Green Curry, and Tomato & Herb.

Huel Powder: Original, Vanilla, Chocolate, Coffee*, Berry, Banana*, Mint-Chocolate*, and Unflavoured & Unsweetened. *Only available in Europe


Huel Powder is quite an oaty shake paired with “weak” flavours. This is, none of the shakes are very sweet or have strong flavours. As a consequence, Huel Powder is a nice shake to drink, not very exciting, but easy to drink daily.


per serving Hot & Savoury RI (%)
Huel Powder
RI (%)
Energy (C/P/F) 45/25/30 40/30/30
Energy (kCal) 400 20 400 20
Fats (g) 13.0 19 13.0 19
Saturated (g) 3.5 18 2.3 12
Carbs (g) 35.0 13 38.0 14
Sugars (g) 10.0 11 1.0 1
Fibre (g) 14.0 47 7.0 35
Protein (g) 24.0 48 29.0 58
Salt(g) 1.1 18 0.7 12

The main difference between both is the ingredients on each. Is one better than the other? No, both options are nutritionally well balanced and will provide you with all the nutrients you need. That said, Huel offers more variety in powders, thanks to Huel Black. The powders are also lower in sugar content and are low in FODMAP.

What Should I Buy?

Truthfully, this is an apples and pears comparison. Both are complementary to each other. Huel Powder is significantly cheaper, thus it’s great for those who are on a budget. It’s also easier to carry and prepare; so it can be handier to eat on the go. On the contrary, Hot & Savoury can offer a great break from your vegan shakes; with a different texture and flavour profile.


Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?
Easy to cook vegan meals; delivered to your doorstep!

Summing up, I must admit that Huel Hot & Savoury is a very interesting complete food product. It’s affordable, offers a unique flavour option, and it’s nutritionally well-rounded.

In fact, after the second time doing this Huel Hot and Savory review, I’m more convinced than I was before that this is a MUST try product. I, for one, know that I will always have one at home, so that I can have a healthy warm meal whenever I don’t feel like cooking.

I believe that the newest flavours have upped the game in terms of taste, and they offer a yummy meal that I look forward to eating. Obviously, if you are looking for a homemade meal, you will be disappointed; but for most H&S will be a god-sent.

That said, the key is on the taste and texture of the meals. Not all flavours are great (looking at you Tomato & Herb), and some can have a cardboard-like texture. Being able to select the adequate spiciness level will also be key.

All in all, I think that Huel Hot & Savoury is a great alternative to your daily meal replacement shakes. I even think this might be more attractive as a complete food option to the general population than shakes are.

You should definitely at least try.

Huel Hot & Savoury

From $3.75/£2.62/€3.57

Is Huel hot and savory actually good for you?


  • Exciting, new and different. Very unusual complete food
  • Nutritonally well-balanced meal with 24g of protein
  • Good range of flaovours and spiciness
  • Chick'n Mushroom is delicious
  • Ideal product to have a break from shakes


  • More expensive in Europe
  • Flavours can be bland - In particular Tomato & Herb
  • 7 meal bags are quite small
  • Texture is not quite there in some, it feels like old rice-pops

Is Huel hot and Savoury actually healthy?

A Huel Hot & Savoury meal contains 400 calories, 24g of plant protein and 26 vitamins and minerals, and is high in fibre. It has the essential nutrients you need from a meal, worked out as a percentage of your recommended daily intake, which does make it a convenient option if undoubtedly a bit mechanical.

Is Huel hot and savory good for weight loss?

Is Huel a Good Way to Lose Weight? If you're trying to lose weight with Huel then you may find this easier than other diets. This is because it's very easy to keep track of your calories, as well as your macros.

Is Huel hot and savory a meal replacement?

Does it replace a home cooked meal? No as it's essentially rehydrated food. But it's a much healthier option that other instant food. Order Huel hot and savoury here - minimum order is three bags.

Are there any downsides to Huel?

Potential downsides Although Huel can be a convenient alternative to cooking, there are several drawbacks to consider. For starters, consuming meal replacement powders and drinks instead of real foods may feel boring, repetitive, and unappetizing over time.