Is enchantment a form of Transfiguration

A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration was a textbook on Transfiguration by Emeric Switch. This textbook was used as an introduction to Transfiguration for young witches and wizards, it contained basic transformation spells. A copy of this book cost 1 Galleon at

Flourish and Blotts

Flourish and BlottsFlourish and Blotts Bookseller was a bookshop in North Side, Diagon Alley, about halfway down the street on the left hand side. Established in 1654, it was where most Hogwarts students purchase their schoolbooks. The shop was filled with shelves stacked to the ceiling. › wiki › Flourish_and_Blotts

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Carla McCrory, BA Contributor

Is enchantment a form of Transfiguration

I will put this from Doc to Forums soon:



Transfiguration is a magic that involves manipulating mana on real world objects and weakening or dispelling magic with wards. By using the arcane, the transfigurationist (also known as an Alterationist to some) are able to transmute the area, given enough time, imbue magical energies on items to enchant, or dispel some forms of magic with warding and abjuration.




The act of altering mana inside of an object. This is done by setting a voidal anchor on the object and imaging said object in the void. With this in mind, the user is able to shape the object with mana by imagining the object to change in the void. Because of this, the user will have to study the item in question. Likewise, if a user was to study an item’s make up, they can fuse two items together to make a desired object, or split apart an object to get the amount of materials that were required to make it. Depending on the size of the area someone wishes to transmute, additional emotes will be required; here is a emote chart to follow:

  • Tiny (any item up to 2.11 cubic feet  in area): 2-3 emotes to manipulate, with 3 being at the maximum.

  • Small (any item up to 3-5 cubic feet in area): 3-4 emotes to manipulate, with 4 being at the maximum.

  • Medium (any item up to 5.1 - 6.5 cubic feet in area): 4-5 emotes to manipulate, with 5 being at the maximum.

  • Large (any item up to 6.6-8 cubic feet in area): 5-6 emotes to manipulate, with 6 being at the maximum.

Everything exceeding scales up by an emote for every two feet.

As they progress, the Transmutationist will be able to keep the item transmuted for great amounts of time, even being able to instill permanent change if they wish.

Progression for transmutation:

(Start): The user’s field of range is arms length. The manipulation of objects take an extra two-three emotes to do, and after one transmutation - they will become exhausted from the intense usage of mana. At this state, they can really only manipulate the temperature of an object. Transmutations are not permanent and revert back after one emote.

(1 week): The user’s field of range is 1 block. The manipulation of objects take an extra emote to do. Transmutation is still very exhausting; at this point, the mage can alter the object’s states of matter and hardness. The user can try to experiment with manipulating shape at this point. Transmutations are not permanent, and revert back to normal after three emotes, or instantly (if the user wishes so).  

(2 weeks): The user’s field of range is 1 block. The manipulation of objects no longer takes any extra emotes. The user can shape an object to their whim, being able to have less difficulty in altering heat, hardness, and so on - so long as it follows equivalent exchange. Fusion and Fission can be researched and used.

(3 weeks): Field of range is now 2 blocks. Fission and Fusion can be done with some difficulty, everything else can be done with little effort. The Transmutationist can also compact, expand, shape and manifest with some effort, as well as do other forms of shaping and manipulation - so long as it follows equivalent exchange.

(One month): Field of range is now 3 blocks. Fission and Fusion can be done with moderate difficulty. The other abilities are able to be done with incredible ease. At this point, the user can do enchanting.

Anything past this point will only affect the ease of using the magic.



Jon focuses on the ball, curling in his fingers, eyes glowing.

Fumes of transparent energy coil about the ball. In doing this, sweat dripping from his brows.

His brow twitches, his face reddening and shoulders slacking as he tightening his fingers as heat issues from the metal.

An orange light takes hold of the steel, a molten glow as it recedes on itself.

The glowing mass finally turns to a liquid. As soon as it changes its state however, the item snaps back to its original state as the caster slumps over - exhausted.


Jonstares at the ball, issuing a sigh as he curls in his fingers, eyes glowing. Wisps of energy faintly fumes from the metal ball, an air of heat surrounding it. In doing so, the heat builds up, noticeable by the plums of smoke which loft from it.

The iron now takes a glowing hot color, its form receding into itself. Soon enough, the heated solid turns into a liquid, keeping a steel coloration.


  • Can only transmute nonorganic, or dead organic unless specific lore states otherwise.

  • Must follow equivalent exchange, meaning something of equal value to that one wishes to apply must be sacrificed (making an item longer, and by doing so making them fragile for example; be sure to apply common sense)

  • Cannot transmute what you cannot see or understand.

  • Cannot transmute one item to another item’s state (Stone to water), but it is acceptable if it is the same material (ice to water; water to vapor)

  • Fusion and Fission requires the alterationist to know what the item comprises of to actually make it or split apart.

  • Line of sight is still required.

  • Cannot Transmute an entire building. Too much mana is required.

  • Requires one month of transmutation to learn enchanting.


The second discipline, Enchanting. This involves a mage reaching mana into the object, and binding it to said object in the form of a ritual. This mana will be programmed with a specific task or function, magical in some way, even if it is slight. The now enchanted item does require fuel however; and this fuel can be implanted in various ways.

The first method of fueling  is to implant mana on the enchanted item during the process of enchanting. This allowed one to imbue enough mana to fill the object up. The second method is using a gem to store mana and linking it to the enchantment via entwining the mana of the two together; the more valuable or the more rare, or flawless a gem is, the more it is capable of storing mana.

The states of Mana Gems:

  • Diminished: The mana-gem is active and can be filled.

  • Non-active: The mana-gem isn’t active, it has either lost all of it’s mana, or it has been hit with a powerful ward. The only way to reactivate it is to have an enchanter study the mana-gem, and reactivate it. This will require one to refuel it with mana, and will take some time to do.

  • Broken: If the mana-gem is cracked severely, or is broken all together. When it is cracked severely, the mana will seep out much like a water spewed from a broken pipe; the shattered mana gem will create a small explosion (though this depends on its height), doing little in harm and kinetic energy -more than likely burning skin ever so slightly if it's exposed.

  • Active: The mana within is active, ready to be linked and used in an enchantment

The third and final method of fueling an enchantment is known as attuning. Attuning is a process where the enchanter links their or a willing participants mana with the item. This makes the item entirely dependent on the linked’s manapool, which is for better or worse. In addition, the user need only think about using the attuned item to have it do its magic, no longer requiring a specific activation for the enchanted item.

Enchanted items can serve various functions, and can be made in multiple ways. So long as the item is dead organic, or nonorganic, it can be enchanted. Though, some items are more potent than others for enchanting (for example, arcaurum. Specific lore will state whether something is used for potent enchantments). The enchantment will require the user to encode magical knowledge that they have, as well as a trigger to activate the enchantment. What this means is that if the user wants to enchant fire evocation, and do not have it, they will be unable to put it on the item themselves. This can be circumvented by co-enchanting, which is a process of taking a partner, fishing through their aura to find their mana, and using it to acquire information on the magic. With that in hand, the enchanter can imbue the magical code on the item.

Alternatively, the user can make what is known as an entrapment. An entrapment functions similar to co enchanting, instead of putting it on the enchanted item, the enchanter makes an item to store the magical knowledge, and act as a stand in for another mage. Entrapments do require fuel however, which is why users typically link them to obelisks, or mana gems to better fuel the item.

With the enchanted item ready, these items can perform a lot; the magic is creative after all. It can range from something like a fireball staff, to a talking book that will record whatever the user wants. A majority of these items do have buildups, typically the amount of time it would take for the actual spell to be used, though very slight things that are non combative (such as the talking book) will typically be done instantaneously. Enchantments will have a singular function, but can be made more complex via a process of weaving two enchantments together; this will give the enchantment more potential and abilities. An example would be cognatism, illusion, and transfiguration on a book. The cognatism provides the book with an artificial mind that can speak through the illusion enchantment, and write with the transfiguration enchantment.

Progressing with enchanting is something not defined by time, but by active practice and by constantly seeking to innovate. While each time a mage becomes more and more versed with enchanting, they will be able to apply more mana and more potent enchantments on objects, they are by no means given any special abilities; the only merit is seeing their inventions and what they can do. That is the glory of enchanting, the potential to create. Glory be to the master; the one who creates amazing relics and baffling items.

Side notes:

  • To refuel an enchantment, the user must know the function of the enchantment.

Examples of Enchanted Items being used.

Ex 1.

Clavicus whirls his stave, cinders and embers curling out of the flawless ruby head.

The smoldering particles meet one another as they helix inches from the ornate staff head, clumping into one another to form a flame.

More pile into the flame, fueling and shaping it as it takes the shape of a ball, smoke and fire leaking from it. Pointing the stave towards his target, a fireball hurls forward.

Ex 2.

Maric Vimmark draws his sword from sheath, running his hand along the blade, wisps of flame sprouting in the wake of his gauntlet.

[!] Soon, the fires wreath the sword.


  • Enchanted objects have a mana-pool, and must be refueled.

  • A person can activate a maximum of one offensive enchantment per action unless specific lore states otherwise.

  • All magic items must have an explanation of the ability and a means to contact the creator, usually “((Contact Niv_Mizzet for more info))”.

  • Enchantments must be made on either dead, or non-organic material.

  • You are not immune to your own enchantments.

  • Mana-gems can't be used to refuel a character's mana. They can only be used in enchantments.

  • Use common sense. A small surface rock cannot fuel a flaming nuke.

  • Mana-gems must be refueled by an Enchanter.

  • Cannot enchant nonarcane magics unless the lore specifically says so, or a Mart is made.

  • Attuned items are linked with the mana pool, meaning exhaustion must be RP’d.

  • If the item that houses the enchantment is broken or destroyed, then the enchantment no longer functions.

Warding and Abjuration:

The third discipline. Warding and Abjuration: Being able to confuse the mana of a spell of an arcane magic the alterationist understands, sometimes into the void and other times simply resisting the spell. These spells can weaken, or simply dispel. Visible in the title, this ‘mana confusion’ is broken into two types: Warding and Abjuration.


A stationary ‘shield’. While it cannot protect against physical harm such as swords and crossbow bolts, magic falls prey to these wards. Warding takes some time to create, making it less of a combative spell than its brother Abjuration. This more than likely requires four to five emotes to make. These wards are unable to fully cancel out magics, rather only able to weaken and resist their influence. These can be made in an area, however for every twelve meters, it will take three actions on top of the four to five.

Here is a scale of what a ward can affect depending on tier.

T1 Warding:

The Ward is able to weaken a T1 spell by half.
T2 Warding: The Ward is able to weaken a T3 and T2 by a tier, and a T1’s spell is near useless.
T3 Warding: The Ward is able to weaken T4 by a singular tier, T3 is weakened by two tiers, T2 is down a tier, and T1 is near useless.
T4 Warding: The Ward is able to weaken T5 by a tier, T4 is weakened by two-three tiers, T3 is weakened by two tiers, and T2 and T1 are near useless.
T5 Warding: The Ward is able to weaken T5 by 2.5 tiers, T4 by three tiers, T3 is weakened by 2.5 tiers, and T2 and T1 are near useless.

Abjuration: A counterspell; however only towards one magic, rather than multiple. This is a quick shot, taking two to three actions to cast. It can cancel out arcane spells scaling by each tier, but anything other than that will fall to the same system as Warding. It can be shot as a transparent bolt or be used as a close range pulsation on an area.

How they function:


hese spell(s) create a clump, or net of mana that will hit a spell or magic head on. Once so, the programmed ward or abjuration, having its mana given the knowledge of the spell/magic in question, will try to entwine with the spell and become one with it with as much mana as required, and by doing so -- the spell gets confused, knowing naught what to do -- the spell gets sent back to the void, weakened, or manipulated. This is generally done by having a greater amount of clumped mana than the other spell, meaning that some spells might be enough to tear through wards and abjuration like a hit knife through butter. As stated previously, to ward or abjure something, the caster will require fairly good knowledge, if not very in-depth knowledge of the magic. This only works on Voidal Magic though, lest new situations and abilities unfold themselves.

As the alterationist becomes more knowledgeable and progress in Warding/Abjuration, the user will be able to weaken and cancel out magics of a higher spell capacity. This tool is useful, especially with dampening a perhaps fatal spell. Yet, there is always more to learn.

Reflective Wards/Abjurations


nter the reflective side of things. Similar to how standard wards and abjurations entwine with the spell, this effectively does the same - but instead of sending it back to nothingness or weakening the spell, it will seek to override the spell's mana and send it elsewhere. Doing this will have the caster temporarily take control of the spell's active mana, having the victim spell's cost eat at their mana and leaving only enough time to divert the spell, actually hitting spells back will be highly unlikely - as one needs to account for the amount of mana it takes to override and hijack.

Example of Abjuration:


looks at Bob as he manifests a arcane energy, curling in his own hand; once he does so - transparent energies manifest (or it can be an aura color, up to the caster) within his palm.

As the arcane bolt flies, Jim pushes his hand outward, sending out an auric pulsation that causes the bolt to shimmer and dissipate; becoming nothingness.  

Example of Warding:


eric issues a low sigh as he outstretches his hand, arcane sparks coiling about his fingers.

The sparks lurch outward, licking the air in front of the mage; the sparks appear to distort now, becoming naught but transparent energies.

Veric furrows a brow, the energies continue to churn and shift - allowing faint wisps to pervade its form - reaching about in front of him.

The energies take the shape of a disc, briefly shivering with blue arcane; the ward was done.


  • No ward or abjuration is perfect.

  • A ward/abjuration can not protect from all magics.

  • You are not immune to your own wards/abjuration.

  • One must understand the core mechanics of an arcane magic to ward or abjure.

  • Cannot ward/abjure any magic other than arcane unless specific lore states otherwise.  

General Progression:

T3 is roughly where you start Enchanting or Warding. Add in the scales from the lore, and add in bits about enchanting being able to make more potent enchantments and being able to store more mana.

T1: Starting point. The caster has an incredibly difficult time transmuting items. Items will instantly snap back after the caster finishes. Follow the progression chart for Transmutation (See the transmutation section)

T2: One to two weeks in. The caster has an easier time using transmutation, and is starting to get a hang of using it. They can reach farther, and their power takes less out of them; given Transfiguration is one of the most straining magics, the mage will typically have a larger mana pool than any other mage with one magic.

T3: One month in. The user is a master in Transmutation, and can begin enchanting or warding. Over the days, the user will be able to make and create with their expanding mana pools; within a week, the user will be able to do up to T3 warding.

T4: Month and a half to two months. Transmutation, and the art itself is far easier and powerful, and the adept transfigurationist can now do T4 warding.

T5:  5-6 months. true master. The art is able to be done with incredible ease, and is far more potent. Though, there is no such thing as a true master of this magic; their power keeps on growing as they practice. The user can access T5 Wards.


Q: Can I transmute a specific area of a larger object for a decreased emote count? For example, I transmute two cubic feet of a six cubic foot object so I have to do a lower emote count.”

A: Oh, for sure you can. Just keep in mind, that you won’t be able to do it as effectively as fully controlling the object.

Q: Can I transmute multiple objects at once?

A: Yes, add on an additional emote, and add the two sizes together. Depending on what category they end up in, you will have to do the same amount of actions it would take for said category, plus one. For example, two objects add up to be in the small category. You will need to do 2-3+1 emotes.

Q: Do I have to follow the emote guidelines for Transmutation?

A: The emote guidelines is in the ideal situation. If the pace of the RP is faster or slower, feel free to adjust the emotes how you see fit.

Q: Can I store mana in the object, link it to a mana gem, and attune it to myself?

A: Yes.

Q: How do I unattune an item?

A: Go to an enchanter, and they can break the bond.

Q: Can I attune an item that I didn’t make to myself, or another person?

A: You sure can, though you need to study the item.

Q: Are there other methods to fueling enchantments?

A: There can be. It all depends on the lore and item.

For more information, please consult the lore as linked above.

What are the forms of Transfiguration?

Classification. Currently, transfiguration is divided into four branches (though - whilst based on canonical information - the typology is conjectural). They are, in ascending order of difficulty: Transformation, Vanishment, Conjuration and Untransfiguration.

Is Switching a form of Transfiguration?

Some transfiguration spells can change specific parts of someone's body without altering anything else, for example changing someone's ears into some form of animals ears. The spells used for this type of Transfiguration are called Switching Spells.

Is conjuration a form Transfiguration in Harry Potter?

Conjuration was an advanced form and type of Transfiguration, some of the most complex magic taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

What did we transfigured a porcupine into?

Effect. Porcupine to Pin Cushion (Hystrifors) was a Transforming spell that transformed a porcupine into a pincushion.