Is Call Me By Your Name inappropriate?

June 1, 2022

A film about first love.

Touching, moving, soft, and desperate like first love. The first love of two beautiful people that society cannot yet hold, but that the world supports. Feeling the most alive in the presence of someone else and the supporting family that surrounds them. Although it may seem too fantastical it is important to have a dream, a world you wish would hold you and love you so that you can love another.

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May 3, 2021

Absolutley breathtaking

This movie takes you through a whirlwind of emotions. It displays an accurate depiction of a young boy finding himself, and discovering who he truly is. It is different from similar movies because it is not your average 'happily ever after' ending. It is realistic and is supposed to take the viewer back to their first love/heartbreak, which is why it is so emotional. Although there are some sexual scenes, if you child is mature then they should be fine. The only nudity is breasts and male butt from behind. But, the sexual scenes actually play a huge significance in the film and are professionally done. Overall outstanding movie.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

1 person found this helpful.

February 13, 2021

Beautiful book

A story about first love, beautifully told, with fantastic advice from the character Elio's father.

February 12, 2021


Great movie! I think this movie is important for your kids to see because it teaches them about important issues (homophobia, sex, consent etc.) while still being an enjoyable movie. There is some sex but the camera cuts as soon as their clothes are off and the only nudity in the entire movie was a girls bare chest, which you can easily skip. The age gap between the two men is very small and they are both fully matured and above the age of consent. The characters always check to make sure the other is happy with what they are doing, and the movie even managed to make consent look appealing and attractive to the audience. Overall, this movie is a beautiful and heartbreaking story about love, coming of age and accepting who you are. All teens should watch this movie. 10/10

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

August 31, 2020

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

July 2, 2020


I greatly enjoyed this film, it tugs at the heart and made me very emotional. I’ve seen quite a few reviews criticising pedophilia in this film although with further research, these people would have found that the age of consent in Italy is 14 and the age gap between the two men is smaller than the age gap between many celebrity couples that children may know of. Everything is consensual and when the younger of the two men asks the other not to do something, he obliges. They are respectful of each other’s limits which was lovely to see in a modern film as there are so many other examples in the media of toxic relationships where non-consensual sex is romanticised whereas in Call Me By Your Name, consent is made to look much more sexy and appealing. There is also an emphasis on family support with the younger man’s father being there for his son after his heart is broken and both parents being understanding and supportive throughout the story. They are very open with their son and he tells them things that are going on in his life openly, it is a beautiful family to watch on screen. My daughter (14) wanted to watch this film but I wasn’t sure whether it was suitable so I watched it prior to allowing her to see it. While I can see that this may not be the kind of film a teenager may want to view with their parents, I feel that it will not expose any of them to anything that they have not seen before and it is definitely worth letting you teen watch because of the great messages and vibrant characters.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much sex

May 7, 2020

Get cultured

Many other rating suggest only adults watch this movie due to the gay romance and “pedophilia”. Stop people so sensitive and protective over your children. This movie is set in Italy and the legal age if consent is 14 years old. The sexual scenes in this film are not entirely as bad as people depict them to be. They only ever go as far as taking their clothes off and then the scene cut off there. This is a very beautiful movie and shows kids the importance of love and friendship. 10/10.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Is Call Me By Your Name appropriate for kids?

Call Me By Your Name is rated R by the MPAA for sexual content, nudity and some language. Violence: - Portrayals of non-graphic violence. - Some scenes may frighten children.

What is problematic about Call Me By Your Name?

This film is about sexual predation. Oliver looks much older than his reported age of 24 while Elio looks like a very young 17-year-old. The power disparity in the relationship is clear. Elio is fragile and sexually naive.

Is Call Me By Your Name okay for a 14 year old?

Many other rating suggest only adults watch this movie due to the gay romance and “pedophilia”. Stop people so sensitive and protective over your children. This movie is set in Italy and the legal age if consent is 14 years old. The sexual scenes in this film are not entirely as bad as people depict them to be.

Is Call Me By Your Name book appropriate?

Despite the fact that it's a coming-of-age story, Call Me By Your Name is hardly a young adult book. For one, it's quite erotic, albeit in a highly literary way. All of the sexual encounters (including one truly smutty incident with a peach) are depicted in detail, but not to titillate.


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