Is it weird to call a guy my love?

Honey, dear, love, babe—we’ve all had our experiences being called pet names. But there are times when a term of endearment can become exactly the opposite. There’s a difference between being friendly and being fresh and the fine line dividing the two can sometimes be hard to read. I asked the for their expert, anonymous advice in search of some clarification as to when you should say “honey” and when you should just say “hey.”

When at work
The general consensus is to try and stay away from using words such as honey, love, or babe while at work as it can either be seen as a power play or as acting too informal. “In my old job, someone used to call me hun all the time and I thought it was a weird authority thing on her part. The whole tone was just patronizing,” shares one writer. Another editor hates it when a PR person sends an email that begins with, “Hey sweetie.” “If we’re in a business relationship, it seems out of place,” she explains. “We’re not in a sorority.” Love is also problematic, as it can imply a level of intimacy that doesn’t necessarily exist between desk-mates. In the end, it’s always smart to keep things professional in the office if you’re expecting to be treated professionally as well.

Age and gender matter
What about outside of a work setting? Is it acceptable for strangers to call you sweetie? Most of us agreed that if it’s coming from someone significantly older, then it’s fine to let it slide. “In a weird way it makes me feel like I’m going to be taken care of,” said one editor. “When older people use it out in the world, it’s endearing and it reminds me of my grandma,” added another. But while most are fine with older women calling them sweetie or love, things can take on a completely different tone when coming from the opposite gender. “It can feel inappropriate when an older man calls you hun,” explains one writer, “but in the end, they’re from a different generation, so they don’t see it as something disrespectful. They’re totally oblivious.”

Location, location, location
“I don’t mind pet names I guess because I’m Southern and it’s common down there,” added another editor from South Carolina. The same can be said for South America (where this writer is from) where it’s almost offensive if you’re not referred to by your nickname. It seems warmer-city dwellers tend to have a more informal approach amongst themselves, while up in the Northeast things are not quite the same. “When someone shortens my name, I feel like that’s so uncalled for,” shares one editor, who is based in New York. “It’s weird for them to call me what my mother calls me.” According to one of our British writers, in London, strangers constantly use the word love with one another. Yet she was jarred when she moved to the United States and found herself not reacting well to a common American colloquialism. “I didn’t understand why people would say hey girl. Why are people calling me a girl? I’m a woman. Nobody is saying hey boy.” Adjusting to one’s surroundings is perhaps the best way to go, as you don’t want to come off as either too cold or too friendly in a new city.

What about texting?
Speaking of cold, one of our writers thinks text messaging is such a frigid medium, the only way to warm it up is by adding pet names to the mix. “They can’t read the tone of your voice, so you might as well throw in a babe in there to make it better.” Others use words such as boo or sweetie with friends over text because “it’s just a silly, fun way of talking to each other, but it’s not meant in a serious way at all.”

Ban bae
The one word everyone agreed should never be used in any context is bae. Even though bae has quickly become the pet name of choice on social media and in R&B songsthese days, the staff is staunchly anti-bae. As one photo editor broke it down, “bae just has no staying power.”

But what if you chose a bad name? It might be super awkward if you called him that, especially the first time!

We understand.

What if you knew exactly what to say?

As dating coaches, we know exactly what do guys like to be called.

We’ve worked with countless women and couples, and we know what works and what doesn’t.

Believe it or not, most guys are picky about the names girls call them. That’s because so many of them are overused, and can end up sounding cringey.

Instead, you should use unique nicknames for guys, and choose the right moments to start using them.

In the next couple of minutes, we’re going to show you what do guys like being called the most, as well as the best times to call them these names!

So whether you’re looking for cute nicknames for your boyfriend, or you’re wondering what to call a guy when flirting, you’ve come to the right place.

Before You Continue…

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The Top 25 Names Guys Like To Be Called

Today, we’ll show you 25 cute names you can call guys you like, and what they mean to them.

Whether you’re looking for names to call your crush, or romantic nicknames for your boyfriend, we’ll show you exactly what pet names do guys like.

You’ll learn which names are appropriate for your situation, and how to use them for the first time.

We’ll also give you pointers on how to tell if you’re using pet names too soon.

Read this article carefully, and you’ll learn exactly what do guys like to be called.

1. “Silly”

GREAT FOR: Crushes and casual dates

Let’s start things off with a casual name for a man.

This nickname is a great choice for guys you have a crush on because it teases him, which is low-key flirty.

The best time to call a guy “silly” is when he says something funny, or when you’re both laughing.

Calling a guy “silly” actually makes him feel really good – In his mind, you’re complimenting his sense of humor.

It also brings you two closer together because of the positive vibes it brings. When you’re both having a good time, attraction naturally happens.

2. “Boy”

GREAT FOR: Crushes

What’s the #1 reason why girls end up getting rejected by their crushes?

Because they stay “just friends” for too long.

To escape the friendzone, you have to make your conversations “man-to-woman”, and not “friend-to-friend”.

This is exactly what this nickname does.

Calling him “boy” reminds him there is always a possibility that you will get together, just by nature of you being a girl, and him being a guy.

It also shows him that in your eyes, you see him as not just a friend, but a man who you could end up dating.

Of course, this happens subconsciously – We want to keep everything low key, and not obvious!

Try greeting him with “Hey, boy!” or “Good to see you, boy!”

Because it’s such an uncommon nickname, he will immediately put his attention on you.

3. “Big Guy”

GREAT FOR: Crushes you are close to

Imagine this for a second:

The man of your dreams wraps his arms around you and holds you tight…

You feel warm and safe inside his big, loving hug…

It feels good, doesn’t it?

But the important question is: WHY does it feel so good?

Here’s the answer:

A hug feels good if it is big enough for you to feel loved and secure inside it.

Now put yourself in his shoes…

A guy feels good about himself if he’s able to provide this warm, big hug for you.

In the same way you feel good when an amazing guy really WANTS you, a guy feels good when a girl NEEDS him.

When you call him “big guy”, he feels needed and important.

It brings you two closer together, and brings a subtle romantic vibe into your relationship.

Bonus Tip:

The key to using nicknames, especially for the first time, is to do it playfully.

If you say them in a serious tone, they will always sound awkward.

So say them in a playful and fun tone. It is much more likely to put a smile on his face!

4. His Own Name

GREAT FOR: All guys

Believe it or not, one of a guy’s favorite things to hear is his own name.

Here’s why:

When a man and a woman talk, it is actually quite rare to use each other’s first names.

We tend to use words like “Hey” and “You”, since it is a one-on-one conversation.

In fact, if it’s a guy you’ve just met, it’s easy to forget his name completely!

When you remember and use his name, you immediately grab his focus.

Using his name makes him feel special. It shows him that you respect him as an individual, and not “just another guy”.

This is also a very good way to build strong relationships, and making him feel comfortable around you.

As Dale Carnegie says: “A person’s name is to that person, the sweetest, most important sound in any language“.

5. “Captain”

GREAT FOR: Guys you’re flirty with, boyfriends

Once you are comfortable with each other, you can start using more flirty nicknames for him.

“Captain” or “Capt” is a great thing to call a man. It makes him feel strong and trustworthy.

Deep inside, every guy wants a girl who they can protect and provide for. He feels good when he sees you are comfortable relying on him.

When you refer to him “captain”, it puts him in a leadership role.

He will feel responsible for you, take care of you, and make sure you have a good time.

A great way to use it is at the start of a date. Try asking him “OK, captain. Where are you taking me?”

6. “Champ”

GREAT FOR: All guys

Similar to “captain”, calling a guy “champ” makes him feel trusted and respected.

We all know guys are competitive. So it feels extra special when a girl tells him he’s a winner!

It’s also very unique. Instead of “cute”, guys like to be called special names that other girls don’t usually use, and calling him “champ” is a great example of this.

But this nickname also has a sneaky meaning:

When you call him “champ”, you’re subconsciously suggesting that YOU are the prize.

In other words, he’s the one who has to work to win you over!

Not only does he feel good about himself, but it also puts you in the center of his heart.

He will start to feel happy to have won your praise, and devote himself to you even more.

7. “Monsieur”

GREAT FOR: Guys you’re flirty with, boyfriends

Men like to be called pet names that make them feel manly and strong. But you can also mix in some romanticism.

“Monsieur” means “Mister” in French. Make sure you pronounce it right before you start using it!

It might sound like a weird nickname at first. But guys actually love it, and will be drawn closer to you.

Calling him “monsieur” frames you two as a couple in a subtle way. It shows you trust him and you’re comfortable with him, which also makes him feel good about himself.

Because of this, it’s a great name to use when you’re relationship is ambiguous, and you’re not sure if he’s ready to commit.

It’s also good for couples, if you just want to be more romantic with your partner.

8. “Sunshine”

GREAT FOR: Guys you’re close with, committed couples

This is one of those sweet names to call your boyfriend when you want to tell him how much he means to you.

If a guy always puts a smile on your face, calling him “sunshine” is the best way to show it.

You shouldn’t use this name on crushes. But it’s a great “bridge” if you’re already close to the guy, moving into a committed relationship.

He will feel more ready to start a relationship with you, because you’re showing him just how happy he makes you.

The bright and positive vibes will draw you two closer together. When he feels special, he will treat you as special too.

You can call your boyfriend “sunshine” when you’re having a great time together, or when he’s feeling a little down and you want to cheer him up.

It might sound cheesy at first, but say it with a playful vibe – If you do it right, you’ll see a big smile appear on his face!

9. “Honey”

GREAT FOR: Committed couples

For these nicknames, you should be more careful about using them.

They are a lot more affectionate, so you only want to use them on guys you are close with, after he has “earned” your heart.

“Honey” is a nickname couples have called each other for hundreds of years.

When we are kids, we see it in movies, and hear grown-ups use it.

Because of this, it’s deeply rooted in our minds. We automatically think of a loving relationship when we hear it.

When you use it in everyday life, it acts like a glue that keeps you two tight, and holds the relationship together.

It’s a sweet name to call your loved one, and he will appreciate you even more when you start calling him with it.

10. “Babe”

GREAT FOR: Committed couples

“Babe” is a time tested, tried but true pet name for your lover.

Why do couples use it so much?

Because it works. It’s short, sweet, and easy to say.

That being said, it can get boring and tiresome, because it’s used so much.

You can call your boyfriend “babe” after dating for a while, but you must be careful not to overdo it.

Here’s why:

When couples don’t use anything other than “babe” to refer to each other, it can feel like they’re too used to each other.

It could also be a sign the relationship has run its course.

For this reason, make sure to throw in other names from this list from time to time.

For example, when you look into his eyes and call him by his first name, he will feel tingles down his spine, and remember why he fell in love with you in the first place…

When you call him “champ” after a while, it reminds him how much you love and respect him, and he will return the love for you.

Maintaining a relationship is all about balance – You have to be comfortable with each other, but still keep things fresh and interesting.

So start using these names for the man you love, and see for yourself how he loves you more!

11. “Handsome”

GREAT FOR: Crushes and new couples

Let’s be clear on something:

Every single man loves to be complimented on their looks.

Guys like being called handsome because it shows that you are paying attention to him.

And it makes him feel really good knowing that he caught your eye with his looks!

Now, here’s how to call a guy handsome (the right way):

When calling a guy handsome, do it casually and avoid making a big deal out of it.

For example, greet him playfully with “Hey handsome!”, or “Good morning, handsome!”

You should also make sure to say it in a cheeky tone with a smile on your face.

This will make sure the conversation remains lighthearted and positive, and prevent any awkwardness.

Do this right, and you will definitely make him blush!

12. “Daddy”

GREAT FOR: Committed couples

This is one of those names to call your boyfriend that will instantly turn up his desire for you!

Guys love being called “Daddy”, and the reason for this is because it makes them feel strong and respected.

Here’s a fact about male psychology:

Inside every man’s mind is something called the “hero instinct”.

This simply means every man has a secret desire to feel like a hero.

When you call him “Daddy”, this is exactly how he feels. You are showing him that you respect and admire him like your personal hero.

This in turn makes him want to devote his entire being to pleasing you and making you happy!

The key is to wait for intimate moments before calling him this nickname. If you do this right, he will instantly go crazy over you!

13. “Boo”

GREAT FOR: Committed couples

Although it might sound a bit silly, this is one of the most romantic names to call your boyfriend.

The meaning of “Boo” is simply “someone you love”. And guys love being called “Boo” because it shows him just how much he means to you.

We all know that it’s important to show affection in a relationship…

But what most girls don’t realize is that showing affection makes him love and treasure you even more!

And that’s exactly what this nickname does to a man.

It’s one of the cutest terms of endearment for men. And you should definitely try it out for yourself!

14. “Cute / Cutie”

GREAT FOR: Crushes and boyfriends

Here’s a secret about guys:

Every man has a soft, sensitive side that they tend to hide away from the outside world.

And it usually takes a lot of time and effort to get them to “open up” to you…

That’s where this pet name comes in!

Guys secretly love to be called “Cute” by a girl, because it’s a low-key way of saying “You’re attractive”.

It also encourages them to open up the sensitive, delicate side of their personality.

Instead of cute, you can also call a guy “cutie” or “cutie pie” – These are all nicknames that they like.

Not only is this a great pet name for boyfriends, but also crushes too!

It opens up the possibility of being more than “just friends” inside his mind, and gets him to start thinking about you non-stop…

Just remember the key – Be relaxed and easy-going when calling him “cute”. Treat it as a casual compliment.

15. “Bubba”

GREAT FOR: Crushes and boyfriends

If you’re looking for something special, here is a less common but unique nickname for boyfriends.

The meaning of “Bubba” was originally “brother”. But nowadays, it’s simply used to mean “someone close to you”.

This makes it a great pet name for a close friend or crush who you’re interested in getting closer with…

It’s also a great nickname for your boyfriend. He will appreciate it, because it lets him know that you see him as an important person in your life.

16. “Sweetheart / Sweetie”

GREAT FOR: All couples

These are some of the most meaningful terms of endearment for a man.

You might think these are nicknames for girls. But believe it or not, guys really love being called “Sweetheart” and “Sweetie” too!

Both these nicknames are a great way to show a guy how lovely it is to have him in your life.

And when he hears this, it makes him feel cherished and important.

Try casually calling him this, and watch how his face lights up with joy!

17. “Mister”

GREAT FOR: Any guy you like

One of the most unique things guys like to be called is “Mister”.

You wouldn’t think so at first, but it’s a really clever nickname.

The reason why guys like being called “Mister” is because it makes him feel like a gentleman.

This in turn encourages him to act like one too!

In other words, calling a guy “Mister” inspires him put in more effort to impress you, and treat you like a lady.

It’s just one of those clever psychological tricks that makes him like you more!

18. “Gorgeous”

GREAT FOR: Any guy you like

Yes, you CAN call a man “Gorgeous”! In fact, it’s an amazing way to show affection to him.

Here’s why:

This word actually has different effects on men and women.

When you call a guy “Gorgeous”, you are not only complimenting how good he looks.

You are also showing appreciation for him as a person.

To him, it means you are saying his soul and character are “gorgeous”.

And there’s no better name to call a man than that!

19. “Hot”

GREAT FOR: Crushes and boyfriends

Some girls feel calling a guy “hot” is a bit too forward.

But in reality, men appreciate the forwardness of this nickname!

Guys like being called hot because it gives them a massive ego boost.

They understand that it’s not easy for a girl to say that openly about a guy…

And that’s why he feels extra special when you call him this!

As we’ve mentioned before, it’s important to make this sound casual and relaxed.

So whatever you do, do not stare into his eyes and tell him “You’re hot” in a serious tone.

This is sure to put too much pressure on him and freak him out!

Instead, simply point out a good looking feature, and casually drop him a compliment.

For example, give him a cheeky smile and say: “Hey, you’re looking hot in those trousers!”

This will definitely turn up the temperature and make his feelings for you bubble up!

20. “Dear”

GREAT FOR: Committed couples and crushes

When it comes to endearing names for him, there’s no sweeter thing to call him than “Dear”.

It’s short, sweet and affectionate too. And that’s why guys love hearing girls call them this.

Don’t underestimate the power of this simple word – Every time your boyfriend or husband hears this, he will be reminded of how special you are in his heart.

You can also use this word playfully on a crush, mixed with a bit of sarcasm. This kind of casual flirting can really bring you two closer to each other, and instantly make your relationship a lot more interesting…

So don’t hesitate to call him “Dear”. He will love it!

21. “Sexy”

GREAT FOR: Any guy you like

Most women hesitate to call a man “sexy”… Even if they are secretly thinking of it!

But here’s what you need to know:

You CAN call a man “sexy”. You just need to do it right.

Guys like being called “sexy” simply because it is so rare to hear it from a girl!

It’s a lot more common to hear it from men instead. But when you call him this, you turn the tables on him and put him firmly in the spotlight.

This makes his mind start to race with thoughts. And if you do it properly, you can really get him to start chasing you!

22. “Good Looking”

GREAT FOR: Crushes

If you don’t want to sound too direct, a great thing to call a guy is “Good Looking”.

This is one of those names that sounds super casual, but has a big effect on guys.

Here’s why:

Deep inside, guys LOVE looking good and getting attention from women…

But it’s actually pretty rare for them to hear girls comment in this directly.

This is because most girls feel shy about outwardly complimenting a guy.

That’s why they like being called “Good Looking” – It’s easy, casual and doesn’t sound awkward at all.

The next time you see him, simply greet him with a playful smile and say “Hey, good looking!”

He will love that you called him this, and instantly feel drawn to you.

23. “Bubs”

GREAT FOR: Couples

This is one of those pet names that give a guy butterflies in his stomach.

Guys love being called “Bubs”, because it is a nickname reminds him how cute and affectionate your relationship is.

The meaning of “Bubs” in a relationship is simply “someone near and dear to your heart”.

And because it’s such a unique nickname, it can really steal a guy’s attention and make his heart melt!

24. “Love”

GREAT FOR: Committed couples

Guys like being called “love” for one simple reason:

It makes them feel loved and cared for.

By calling a guy “love”, you flood his body with feelings of affection and desire, even if you just do it casually.

This is because it reminds him of the special bond that you share in your relationship.

To use this name on him, simply call him “love” or “my love” at the end of a sentence.

It might be a small gesture, but he will appreciate it deep inside his heart.

25. “Darling”

GREAT FOR: Committed couples

For some women, calling a man “darling” might seem a bit soft…

But here’s the truth:

Yes, you CAN call a man “darling”. In fact, they like it very much when you call him this.

This is a time-tested name for your significant other, and couples have been calling each other by it for many generations already…

By calling him “darling”, you remind him that he is near and dear to your heart, and there is nobody else that comes close in your life.

And because it’s such a classic name to call a man, it feels very natural and requires little effort to pull off!

Bonus: How To Make Him Love You Deeply (The Right Way)

Here’s an important fact most girls don’t understand:

Pet names mean a lot to guys. When you use a pet name on him, it shows him what he means to you in your heart in a casual and fun way.

That’s why what you call a guy matters so much.

The names on this list are all designed to target special “emotional triggers” inside a male mind.

In fact, there are many words and techniques you can use to hit these psychological triggers and make him fall for you.

If you do this correctly, he will have powerful emotional responses to you.

It pulls him towards you, and catches his attention.

He will start to feel intense emotions for you.

Deep inside his heart, he will feel a strong desire to know you better, to hold you close, and to be with you all the time.

To learn more about these special techniques, check out this eBook NOW:


Use these easy techniques to “lock-in” a man’s commitment to you, and to make him love you FOREVER!

Let’s face it:

It’s a lot harder when girls fall in love with guys than the other way around.

That’s because girls are discouraged from “making the first move”.

But when you use these techniques on a guy, he starts chasing you.

He gets those same crazy feelings in his heart, for you and you only.

It starts with capturing his attention, and then turning it into attraction.

So start using them right away, and watch how he falls completely for you!


Use these easy techniques to “lock-in” a man’s commitment to you, and to make him love you FOREVER!

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Do guys like to be called my love?

Love Of My Life While some may groan about it, calling your male romantic partner the love of your life is another thing that a guy would like to hear. It may seem overly cute, but this sort of indulgent term of affection can mean a lot.

What does it mean if you call someone my love?

Love is a term for the expression of affection. Your partner calls you love because he sees it as a nickname reserved only for a loved one. Therefore, it's natural for some men to call their partners my love now and then. Such gestures help reinforce their love and strengthen their relationship.

What does it mean when a girl calls a guy my love?

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How do you say my love to a guy?

Cute ways to tell him you love him.
“When I think of you it makes me smile.” ... .
“I feel special when I am around you.” ... .
“When I wake in the morning, you are my first thought.” ... .
“I am so lucky to have you in my life.” ... .
“You are my favorite distraction.” ... .
“Hey there handsome.” ... .
“I appreciate you so much.” ... .
“You are my best friend.”.


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