Is 7th grade middle school hard?

11th grade is the worst year of high school. Socially it's really hard ache and I don't know why because freshman and sophomore year seemed easy social wise. I only had one really hard class but my other classes weren't too bad I didn't join math class even though Lara was a lot of noisy and annoying people in that class I like the teacher. Hard thing about being a junior is that all the teachers put a bunch more expectations on you and say you're a junior now and not only that but college is looming which makes it extra stressful.

Stress for college starts picking up and you have to recover from all of you past mistakes throughout high school. Socially it's atrocious because all the students of your class are either suffering early senioritis or disgustingly stressed and competitive. It's also when you're almost an adult, but you still have to deal with being treated as a teenager who thinks they know everything but are actually too dumb to function. It's the worse year because of pressure academically: socially, and mentally.

11th grade has to be the hardest grade because it is what determines your class rank when you graduate and your ACT and SAT scores start to become recognized, as well as colleges looking at your grades before admission. This makes 11th grade harder than 12th because generally by 12th grade, you should have already gotten into the college you wanted to.

This grade determines whether you are meant to be a college student or work in a skilled trade field. Your grades are the most crucial in this year and you have to do well on the SAT/ACT exams along with trying to stand out from the crowd with your extracurricular activities.

2 7th grade

I'm 13 and almost done with 7th grade, and all I can say is that it is really a big step up. In my district, 7th and 8th grade is considered middle school/junior high and 6th grade is the last year of elementary. 6th grade was super easy - mainly because of the pandemic. There was basically nothing to do all day so you just had a lot of time. But when 7th grade came, it hit hard. We already had tests by the second week of school and an average of at least 4 tests per week after that. Teachers never graded until semesters ended which made it really frustrating. And then there's the hard truth that all middle schoolers are really horrible so it's hard to find friends. It's mostly because of hormones probably but I can't really say anything since I haven't had mine yet. 7th grade causes a lot of stress and anxiety to most students - mainly because we stay working until 1 am and have to wake up again by 6. Plus, there are also after-school sports and clubs, which makes it practically ...more

I am currently in 7th grade, they spoon feed you and act like middle school is going to be easy in 6th grade. Over the summer some drama starts and carries on into 7th grade. To make things worse, the teachers that you liked last year became worse and the bad teachers get even worse. The work becomes a lot harder and they expect you to do it in little time. They don't grade anything either to make life worse. You then become depressed and stressed out, your probably also going through puberty at this point. The teachers make everything seem easy when they really just want to sit on you. Good Luck 6th graders who are going to 7th grade!

I currently am in 7th grade, (almost done) but it has been the hardest grade so far. I'm a straight A student and for whatever reason this year was the hardest for me to keep up my grade. Usually in school you learn something new, although you repeat the subject many times till you understand it or teachers come back to it. In 7th grade however, if your not paying attention for 3 minutes, there goes your grade. I know every school is different, my friend in another school didn't have the same problems but I did. You never really have time to lay down and watch T.V. its just homework, then IF you have time STUDY cause we had quizzes, pop quizzes daily. It also sucked for some of the students like myself that had after school activities. I know teachers try to balance the work they give us, although at the end its just to much. All of these problems seems normal for high schoolers maybe even those in college, but don't forget seventh graders are new teens and usually didn't have this ...more

I'm currently in 7th grade now and it's been horrible. The work is so much harder and my friends are changing even more this year. Some of my friends are all about wanting to be popular and cool and it's so annoying. It's like you want to be grown up and mature but not too much. There is a lot of peer pressure, at least for me, and you just want to fit in, but if you are like me and have strict parents, it's even harder. The work in 7th grade is so much more and I get so stressed about tests and assignments. I don't know if this is just me, but my relationship with my parents is getting difficult too. Every day we argue about something and I cry. I just want to be like others, and they expect me to be always use nice words even when they are pissing me off. I could go on and oml but bottom line, 7th grade and the whole turning 13 thing is hard.

3 8th grade

I'm about the finish 8th Grade, I feel as if it's all about doing this and this for high school. It always just feels like prep high school. Homework is annoying, the justifications for it are even worse, generally speaking you can get from 2 to 5 things of homework. I generally worked dilligently to speedrun much of it. Feels they are rushing us now, two and a half weeks till we are "Freshmen". In honesty it isn't too bad, friends still are a bit annoying. Also you have struggles from who to be your friends.

My favorite part of eighth grade hands down was leaving. Like I said before seventh grade isn't so bad at our school district but eighth grade is significantly worse. The kids are still obnoxious and they start to really get on your nerves by that time. Not only that but the teachers put lotta homework on you I hardly even get time to relax in that grade because you've got like homework coming from at least four classes at once. The worst class was English. We had to read the most boring books. We also had to learn about Greek and Latin root words. The worst part was when we had To read Macbeth even though we were only in eighth grade. You may not have an English teacher like this, but if you're from my school district And you're reading this then you know exactly who I'm talking about.

Although I had a few amazing friends and the teacher I was originally going to have was nice, chill and seemed to care a lot about the students, this year was otherwise terrible for me! The teacher I ended up having was the complete opposite, I lost a lot of patience for many people and by the end of what was thankfully my last year at the school I was at, I was done and had absolutely no desire of being there anymore. I can't believe it's been over a year since one of the best days I've ever had, the day I left that school.

This is the hardest grade! The friend groups are made. Enimies are made. Although classes are easy, there is a lot of pressure. Teachers want you to become something new, as the next year will be high school. Also, there a lot of annoying people in this grade. If you don't have any friends, you should buy some, beucase without friends, there is no way you are surviving this grade. Also, if you are in a friend group, make sure you are not the person everyone talks about (behind your back). You may think that you are their friend, but you secretly could be the favorite gossip topic of the school. You may be the most hated if your friends have a lot of inside jokes that don't involve you, you are the last to get news about parties and events, no one knows any special days in your life, etc. But anyways, if you are going to 8th grade, make sure you don't make that many enimies, and have a few real friends who will always be on your side.

4 12th grade

It's been a nightmare. The jump from Year 10 to Year 11 wasn't SO bad, but then there was this - oh boy. February was bearable, but then there was March - I got drowned, and I repeat DROWNED, in homework. There was the time I got up at 3 in the morning, the time I worked until 9:30pm, and pretty much every day of this I was working all morning and stopping only for breakfast! The following holidays in April, as ready as I normally would have been for a break, I just had too much PTSD to enjoy myself.

Then came May - birthday month. I had been planning to celebrate with a trip to Wagga for years, and I thankfully just made it, but that came at the cost of extra-late homework nights all through the week leading up to it. By the time I'd made it through all that, the only thing I had left was my English book, but I abandoned that because I'd never read those anyway but still got away with it every time. But when I got home, I stopped and realised that I'd really never had an ...more

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
One cannot be brave who has no fear.
And of course...
The only thing we have to fear...
Is college afterwards.

I'm an 8th grader and I'm still going to work on another 12th grade story tomorrow. I will probably not do good.

This should be #1. I had several anxiety attacks during my senior year of high school.

5 10th grade

I'm having constant projects and I haven't had a single break since the beginning of the year, I just finished a group project and so far we've had around 4 the entire year. I have tests in almost all of my classes. For some reason a book report in health which has no reason to be there. And constant tests and vocabulary. I didn't have a fall break, and I got sick due to staying up to a straight 24 hours with no break only doing homework. I then had an allergic reaction and this past thanksgiving break, I've had to read near 50+ pages every single day of this book for health.

I only take 2 APS, yet I'm up at 3am almost every single night doing homework. (I wake up at 5:30am) On average, I have 3-4 tests every single week. I don't even have time to study for the tests, because I'm too busy doing the homework. I'm also a student-athlete... which can really make it harder to get the work done. It honestly sucks, because in order to get into a good college, you have to have good academics, would like you to play a sport AND BE GOOD IN IT, and also be involved in clubs. I'm in three clubs as well. It's almost impossible for me to get through all of this. Teachers act as if they're your only class. I don't even have anytime to be a teenager, as my weekends are taken up by literally homework or swim meets. I am mentally and physically drained.

I would like to describe 10th grade in one word which is "horrible". I really feel pissed off in 10th because I can't have the fun which I want to. I am always burdened with homeworks in each and every subject as well as tremendous amounts of projects to finish within a limited time frame. The worst part is that the teachers can't lessen the homework for even one day. 10th grade SUCKS!

Man 10th grade was alright!
But there are 2 things I hate about 10th grade!
1st lunch everyday-When you have 1st lunch everyday you seem to have that much fun than you thought!
2nd Lack of art classes-Man I love to draw everyday! The reason I didn't have a art class because I didn't know metro until the first day of 10th grade! After all the art classes were full I have to computer classes. But I'm glad I got art in 9th grade.

6 9th grade

Super unforgiving. One small screw up and it's over. Get sleep in middle school while you can, because you won't get any in high school.

It's really hard to transition from top dog at the middle school, to a freshman target in high school. In my opinion after 9th you are used of the rules of high school and how everything works.

If you messed up and slack off in this grade, you're pretty much doomed and will have to live with your mommy for the rest of your life. I slacked off, have a 2.3 GPA because of it, and there is no hope of bringing it up.

So much of homework, classwork, understanding and confusion. Highly stressful. You'll feel like leaving school. Very hard to pass. It is 29th April 2016 and I'm suffering.

7 6th grade

what happened in Vine Middle School in 2020-2021, also JJ (Justin) has been cursing so he decided to apologize, then Darrius Couchcox has been gone too far also he has been cussing, dropping F-Bombs, Acting up, refusing to do what he is supposed to do, and more, Jaqson Childs has been too Loud well he has been refusing to take a test and not listening to Ms. Stuck and also he told me to stop looking at him which is rude and he has been Cursing though, the Black Moron I heard also he Swore in Hallway and Acting up so he got Expelled and won't come back also I won't see him or be with him ever again.

Well my current grade 6th grade is pretty hard about 8.5/10 on a hardness scale. In 5th grade, they said the stuff that we learned was important for the next year as if 6th grade was a review of 5th (It's not!).
Teachers are a very mixed bag in this grade. Sometimes you will get a good bunch and sometimes a bad bunch, however, I think there will never be all ones you don't or do like. With the work, currently, I did some math to figure out that on average, we get 7.2 assignments a day in the later year. Earlier on in the year we get 5-6. As the year progresses, the assignments get harder. Language arts is a hard subject in 6th grade, and so is writing, because that is where the school puts most of the work for some reason. You have to be like a speed runner to finish all the work at school, which requires a lot of practice, but it is a good investment of time. That is my honest opinion on my current year, 6th grade.

I felt like it got a little better towards the end of the year, but I hated nearly everything else about it other than I had some great friends. I don't get bullied much but it was at its worst that year, I've had at least one worse teacher but my 6th grade teacher was up there too, a few of my friends moved away, one being one of my best friends at the time. 7th grade wasn't the best either, but it was much better considering almost everyone that bullied me in 6th grade moved away and I had a more supportive teacher.

Ugh 6th grade should at least be number 1 or 2. I got essays almost everyday for science and My friends don't like me anymore. They hang out with mean girls and sometimes they bully other kids. The meanest teacher would be the art teacher because she claims that she doesn't punish the whole class but she does! My class is so bad that she wants to give everyone a 55 (an F) even me! She even complained to the principle and she took field day from us! I hate 6th grade so much I'll be so happy when it's over in 1 month

8 5th grade

I am stuck in 5th grade. We got our second Semestral report cards. My mom was more happy then she had ever been. There are 3 semesters (Baseline, Midterm and Final) per school year. The final is going to be extremely hard and I don't know how I'm supposed to pass my final exam. We have like the New York state ELA and math assessments. I had to create a huge power-point about Chile and it has to be like 15 slides and it has to include transitions, word animations, a theme and like we have to insert a background image. If you think 5 paragraphs is too much..., In the beginning of the year I had to type a 745-word essay on MS word to go to middle school. My parents are going to meet my teachers in 2 days and I'm very nervous

I just finished 5th grade and it's just really difficult and stressful in general. There's a lot of drama and I didn't have any friends to hang out with.

God damn I hate 5th grade we have this book report we have to do over Christmas break I mean come on why can't I just chill and have a good time but hell no. Also there's so much drama over estupito stuff like I don't have time for drama. Also there are straight up weird people ngl. I have 5 more months until my misery ends. I wish I could burn 5th grade but that's physically I'm possible. When I leave 5th grade I will be so much happier.

It's the year when it's gets harder and you get tons of homework it takes me like two hours to do homework it's fun too because you get tons of Field trips. But the teachers get more strict and reading levels get a little bit advanced. But the thing I like is that we start to watch good movies like sign of the beaver and more.

9 3rd grade

I'm in 4th grade right now but 3rd grade I did my worst. I just came out of online school after corona virus but I have to say it was mostly just me.
Accept my teacher yells really loud. homework was kinda hard in the middle of the school year. but as far as the end of the year? IT IS SO FREAKING FUN! We had field day, fun day and writing celebrations. Our teacher read books to us during snack time and if we wanted too and it had one we can watch the movie that goes with it! at the beginning of 3rd grade 8/10 middle 3/10 end 10/10

Third grade was hard because we got drilled on our multiplication and division facts and we had to finish our test papers by 1 minute! In the end I did it! This was frustrating for me since I was used to getting all 100s 90s and 80s and I got a lot of 60s because of this! Also my teacher paid attention to every. tiny. detail. She gave me a 60 for forgetting to put a coma in four of my 1,000s! Everything else was correct! After that I checked my test papers 3 times before handing it in!

I'm in 9th grade, and I hate to say it, but the point in my life that I got d's and c's was 3rd grade. I think it was just my teacher didn't explain it correctly to anyone, and when he went to the hospital for breaking his collar bone, we had a substitute who showed us all the correct ways to do math and writing. after the teacher went to the hospital, I started to get my regular a's again.

Yes, 3rd grade was the hardest for me. back then in third grade, I was hanging with the wrong crowd, so that lowered my grades, and my mom would work late so I had to stay with my brother and at the time he was like 2 or 3, but thank God somehow I got a 4 on both reading and math

10 4th grade

My teacher would always be super picky about our essays and always make me change 10 million things! She was also strict, and the lessons were super boring!

I think it is hard drama wise because if you don't hag out with someone they go and tell the teacher and the next thing you know you are in the principals office. Also because you want to act grown up but also play with toys. My teacher even said that 4th grade is the hardest education wise because you have to learn something new and like in 3rd grade you just built off of what you already learned!

4th grade gets a medium hard 6/10, a big step from the 3rd grade, and a lot less of the work is fun work. It is very possible once again to finish all the work at school, There are 5-7 assignments a day but most take less than 10 minutes so it is pretty close to the 5th grade, a little less though. It's hard in the beginning, but if you are reading this and are gonna be in the grade soon, you can make it through.

The transition from foundation phase into the Intermediate Phase is really difficult and you have to read to learn but what happens if you can't learn to read in grade three? You fall behind and you struggle with EVERYthing.The pace is so fast and you have to do a lot on your own.You begin to dread going to school and you develop lags because you stay absent so much.Grade 4 is the WORST grade ever!

11 Kindergarten

Kindergarten is so easy, you just do very simple schoolwork, and you only get 1 page of homework, or none at all. Also, kindergarten kids at my school were really sweet and nice (I don't know about other schools)

This shouldn't be on the list but I see what is meant. If you didn't go to pre school especially, being little and knowing nothing this can be tough.

This is the only item that should be taken off this list. Kindergarten is the easiest grade. Well for me.

I only know Kindergarten Cop.
Ok..ok it was called Reception and like it was so hard learning to write or something, watching some random T.V. show for little ones. that's all I remember.

12 1st grade

1st grade was the worst for me because I had a horrible, abusive teacher who would always lock me out of the classroom. Also why is 7th grade on here? This may be unpopular but I'm in the 7th grade and I actually love it.

They are just learning to read. Yet they are expected to take all the things they have learned, pull them together to read, comprehend and then be able to write about it independently.

You have pretty good arguments. I find the school cutoff date to be unfair, especially in the elementary school years, considering everyone is still starting to learn to read. I am currently in 6th grade

If the expectations and the age was taken into consideration this would be much higher... if you don't have the foundation you get in 1st, you can bet middle and high will be tough, but not as rigorous as what these inexperienced 6 years are expected to do.

13 13th grade

To the people saying it doesn't exist, it does, or at least it used to. I know someone whose high school had that extra year and I think it's still an option for anyone wanting extra credits, but I could be wrong. If I am though, there's also college which is technically 13th grade.

According to Wikipedia, a TOTALLY reliable source, 13th grade in some places is senior year of high school.

I'm in 13th grade at my high school. My teachers call it a super senior. I'll be in 14th grade next year.

Super Hard. Dropped down to 1st Grade because I failed this class.

My names Jeff

14 2nd Grade

My school had us learn spanish. In 2nd grade, I knew, like, a few words in spanish. And our teacher would, like, always talk to us in spanish! I never had any idea of what she was talking about, and I didn't learn anything!

I hated my 2nd grade teacher. It felt like she picked on me all the time. Her name was Mrs. Laws and her name definitely fits. Me and my friend used to talk a lot and she would constantly send me to the back to sit alone. My friend was very sensitive so she hardly got in trouble because whenever she did she would start crying. I renember my teacher would make us stand up straight and she had this red pen she used to correct us with. I seriously hated her.

Eh, I'm in 6th grade now and for me 2nd grade was only mildly hard, but it was also pretty fun.

What this is the best grade is you have my teacher she adds fun stuff into school like pizza and movies etc. she makes school more fun than what you are thinking anyway we have M.M Monday's and F and F Friday's with math stuff I like it and instead of friday we take spelling tests on Thursday and her fridays are either boring finish work fridays or super fun fridays she is the best teacher to have

15 Preschool

I voted for preschool just to say how much I loved it back then. I was fairly popular, it was easy, we had kind caretakers/teachers, all I could do was drawing terribly without being judged, playing with toys and attending dance classes when everyone was taking a nap. It felt magical for my little mind.

Preschool was hard. We took naps for an hour! Brutal! The worst part was that we made sock puppets! Nah, just kidding. Preschool was the greatest. We didn't do any work all year and just played around with toys. Nowadays, preschoolers probably have their own IPods to play, but back when I was in preschool, iPods were only used for playing music (we're talking early 2000's stuff).

I'm sure many people would rather be Preschool age again, and do the easiest studies ever. TOYS! No exams, no essays, no homework and no nightmare subjects that are too hard for you while the "know it alls" say "Its very important! Learn to get the best job or you will be going to McDonalds."

! I just finished preschool and it was the hardest thing ever! I can't believe I actually survived it! Like, we literally had to sit there and play with toys all day!

What is the hardest grade in middle school?

But those three years, so awkwardly sandwiched between elementary and high school, are not created equal. The top contender as middle school's worst year, in all of its cringe-worthy, hormone-infused, brain-addled confusion is seventh grade, a tween's annus horribilus.

What is the hardest grade in school?

While each year of high school will have its own stressors, many will say junior year is the most challenging. Junior year can be the hardest for several reasons, but with the right prep and expectations, high school students can make the hardest year just a little easier.