How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022

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This article is about the social space in Destiny 2. For the social space of the same name in Destiny, see Tower.

The Tower
How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022


The Last City, Earth

Connecting areas:



Complete A Guardian Rises

Player capacity:



The Tower is a social space located atop the defensive wall encircling the Last City. It serves as the headquarters of the Vanguard and the home of the Guardians.

Following the defeat of Dominus Ghaul and his Red Legion, the Vanguard opened facilities on wall's ramparts while the original Tower, which was destroyed at the onset of the Red War, was being rebuilt. The new Tower provides a dramatic view of the reawakened Traveler.


In Destiny 2, the Tower acts as the main hub for Guardians in between activities. It was the second social space unlocked in the game, after the Farm. Once the Story mission Chosen is completed, The Farm's icon in the Director was replaced by an icon depicting the reawakened Traveler, which opened a map of the Tower and provides access to its landing zone. The Farm's icon was moved to the European Dead Zone map and could still be accessed, but as most vendors relocated to the Tower, the only features still available were the postmaster, vaults, and Cryptarch Tyra Karn. Following the release of Shadowkeep, both the Farm and the Tower are unlocked by default. The Farm has since been added to the Destiny Content Vault and is no longer accessible.


  • Purchase gear from vendors
  • Decode engrams with the Cryptarch
  • Acquire quests and challenges
  • Store and retrieve gear from vaults
  • Receive rewards for completing quests and challenges
  • Create fireteams with other Guardians
  • Play an assortment of mini-games and puzzles
  • Purchase exotic weapons from vaulted content at the Monument To Lost Lights
  • Track and manage vendor reputation and rewards
  • Pledge yourself to a Faction during a Faction Rally

Characters in the Tower[edit]


  • Banshee-44, Gunsmith
  • Commander Zavala, Titan Vanguard
  • Kadi 55-30, Postmaster
  • Lord Shaxx, Crucible Handler
  • Master Rahool, Cryptarch
  • Tess Everis, Eververse representative
  • Lord Saladin, Iron Banner representative


  • Ikora Rey, Warlock Vanguard
  • Suraya Hawthorne, Clan Steward
  • Executor Hideo, New Monarchy representative
  • Yuna, Mugunghwa Vendor (Asian servers only)


  • Amanda Holliday, Chief Shipwright
  • Arach Jalaal, Dead Orbit representative
  • Lakshmi-2, Future War Cult representative
  • Saint-14, Trials of Osiris representative


  • Ada-1, Black Armory representative
  • The Drifter, Gambit representative
  • Benedict 99-40, Emperor's Advocate


  • Lava Challenge
    • Location: Courtyard
    • Objective: Activate the crates on the bridge above where Guardians spawn into the Tower, the prompt will read "Don't !" Doing this grants a red aura and the warning that "The floor is lava!" Contact with any surface aside from railings, crates, and flowerbeds will rapidly damage the player. The goal is to reach a blue pillar of light located somewhere in the Courtyard. Failing will kill the player and reset the challenge, while succeeding will earn the temporary buff "Quicken", which grants increased sprint speed and jump height.
  • Ball puzzle
    • Location: Courtyard
    • Objective: A purple ball can be found near a stack of crates on the bridge above where Guardians spawn into the Tower. Kicking this ball to a specific location in the Courtyard will cause a green ball to appear in the purple ball's original spot. Move the green ball to its goal area to spawn a black ball, and then a blue ball. The puzzle is complete when a large Traveler ball spawns and fireworks set off across the sky.


  • Soccer
    • Location: Hangar
    • Objective: The eastern half of the Hangar features an open area much larger than the Farm's soccer field. The ball spawned in the middle, and the goals are at opposite ends. Scoring a goal will set off fireworks in the sky behind that goal. In addition, both goals are bracketed by a pair of controls that, when activated, will briefly raise floor panels in the middle of the area. The ball no longer spawned following Saint-14's arrival in the Hangar during Season of Dawn, meaning this mini-game can no longer be played.


  • Eva Levante is notably absent from the new Tower. Ghost mentions that she survived the destruction of the original Tower and the Red Legion's occupation of the Last City, but has not been seen for some time. She appears later during various holiday events.
  • How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022

    The Director map of the Tower

  • How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022

    A view of the old Tower under reconstruction

  • How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022

  • How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022

  • How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022

  • How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022

  • How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022

  • How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022

  • How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022

    The clandestine Daito-themed room, located just above the passage to the hangar.

  • How to unlock the Tower in Destiny 2 2022

    Another view of the Daito-themed room, featuring the round table where Ana Bray's journal sits.

List of appearances[edit]

  • Destiny 2 (First appearance)
    • Curse of Osiris
    • Warmind
    • Forsaken
      • Black Armory
      • Joker's Wild
      • Penumbra
    • Shadowkeep
      • Season of the Undying
      • Season of Dawn
      • Season of the Worthy
      • Season of Arrivals
    • Beyond Light
      • Season of the Chosen
      • Season of the Splicer
      • Season of the Lost


v  d  e

Social spaces


The Tower (Earth) • Vestian Outpost (Reef) • The Lighthouse (Mercury) • Iron Temple (Earth)

Destiny 2

The Farm (Earth) • The Tower (Earth) • The Third Spire (Unknown Space) • H.E.L.M. (Earth)

How do I unlock the tower in Destiny 2?

Once the Story mission Chosen is completed, The Farm's icon in the Director was replaced by an icon depicting the reawakened Traveler, which opens a map of the Tower and provides access to its landing zone.

Can you play the Red War in 2022?

The original story campaign The Red War, as well the first three main expansions Curse of Osiris, Warmind and Forsaken, have been vaulted, which means that this content is inaccessible until Bungie decides to reintroduce it. There are currently no plans to bring these campaigns back to the game, but never say never!

How do you unlock the crucible in Destiny 2 2022?

To unlock the Crucible, you'll need to complete the third mission — Campaign Mission: Spark. Return to The Farm and talk to Lord Shax in the barn to claim your reward. The Crucible is only partially unlocked at this point — you'll have to gain levels to unlock higher levels of challenge.

Where is the tower in Destiny two?

The Tower
The Last City, Earth
Complete A Guardian Rises (Destiny)
Player capacity:
The Tower - Destinypedia, the Destiny › Towernull