How to throw in gang beasts on Xbox

Learn how to climb, throw, perform knockout headbutts, slide tackle, and other combos, tricks and tips in our Gang Beasts controls guide on all platforms.

How to throw in gang beasts on Xbox
How to throw in gang beasts on Xbox

by Ben Chopping Apr 14, 2020Oct 12, 2022

How to throw in gang beasts on Xbox
How to throw in gang beasts on Xbox

Image Source: PlayStation Store


  • 1 All Gang Beasts PlayStation (PS4/PS5) Controls
  • 2 All Gang Beasts Xbox (Xbox One & Series X|S) Controls
  • 3 All Gang Beasts Nintendo Switch Controls
  • 4 All Gang Beasts PC Controls
  • 5 How to play combos the best – Gang Beasts tips (PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PC)
  • 6 How to climb
  • 7 How to punch
  • 8 How to super punch in Gang Beasts
  • 9 How to throw
  • 10 How to grab
  • 11 How to headbutt in Gang Beasts
  • 12 How to kick
  • 13 How to dropkick in Gang Beasts
  • 14 How to do a handstand
  • 15 How to do a backflip
  • 16 How to swim
  • 17 How to do the zombie waddle in Gang Beasts
  • 18 How to do a body slam
  • 19 How to slide in Gang Beasts

From first glance, Boneloaf’s gelatinous beat-‘em-up game Gang Beasts is quite simple: batter your opponents until you can chuck them off a ledge, push them into the road, or a cast them into the fire.

However, while the basic controls are quite easy to grasp, there are many combinations that you can pull to catch your opponent off-guard or deal an instant knockout blow.

In this Gang Beasts controls guide, we’ll detail the basic controls for PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PC players as well as the more advanced moves that you can deploy so that you learn the best way how to play Gang Beast. Let’s dive into our Gang Beasts tips.

On this page: hide

  • 1. All Gang Beasts PlayStation (PS4/PS5) Controls
  • 2. All Gang Beasts Xbox (Xbox One & Series X|S) Controls
  • 3. All Gang Beasts Nintendo Switch Controls
  • 4. All Gang Beasts PC Controls
  • 5. How to play combos the best – Gang Beasts tips (PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PC)
  • 6. How to climb
  • 7. How to punch
  • 8. How to super punch in Gang Beasts
  • 9. How to throw
  • 10. How to grab
  • 11. How to headbutt in Gang Beasts
  • 12. How to kick
  • 13. How to dropkick in Gang Beasts
  • 14. How to do a handstand
  • 15. How to do a backflip
  • 16. How to swim
  • 17. How to do the zombie waddle in Gang Beasts
  • 18. How to do a body slam
  • 19. How to slide in Gang Beasts

From moving around to attacking and taunting, these are the basic controls that you need to know.

Left Stick and Right Stick on either console controller are denoted as LS and RS. When two buttons need pressing at once, a + will be used to indicate as such.

All Gang Beasts PlayStation (PS4/PS5) Controls

  • Movement: LS
  • Run: X (hold while moving)
  • Jump: X
  • Sit: X (hold while still)
  • Lay Down: Square (hold)
  • Crawl: O (hold, then move)
  • Duck: O
  • Lean Back: Square (hold)
  • Left Punch: L1
  • Right Punch: R1
  • Kick: Square
  • Headbutt: O (tap)
  • Left Grab: L1 (hold)
  • Right Grab: R1 (hold)
  • Two-Handed Grab: L1+R1 (hold)
  • Lift: Triangle (while grabbing)
  • Taunt: Triangle (hold)
  • Change Camera Angle: D-Pad
  • Switch Spectating: R2
  • Handstand: hold O, L1+R1, X
  • Backflip: hold Square, X, release Square
  • Zombie Waddle: hold O+Square, LS
  • Body Slam: find a ledge, X+O
  • Powerslide: LS, hold Square+O
  • Slide Tackle: LS, hold X, hold Square
  • Dropslide: LS, hold X, X, Square, X+Square
  • Regular Climbing: hold L1+R1, hold X
  • Leap-up Climb: hold L1+R1, double-tap X
  • Swing-up Climb: hold L1+R1, hold Square+O, LS
  • Super Punch: press O, quickly press L1 or R1
  • Knockout Headbutt: hold L1+R1 to grab their shoulders, O
  • Charged Headbutt: X, O, hold O
  • Standing Dropkick: X, hold Square
  • Flying Dropkick: LS, hold X, tap X, hold Square
  • Super Dropkick: LS, hold X, X, hold Square, O
  • Mega Dropkick: LS, hold X, X, Triangle, hold Square, O
  • Flipkick: Square, X, X, X, X, X…
  • Throwing Foes: L1+R1, Triangle, LS, release L1+R1

All Gang Beasts Xbox (Xbox One & Series X|S) Controls

  • Movement: LS
  • Run: A (hold while moving)
  • Jump: A
  • Sit: A (hold while still)
  • Lay Down: X (hold)
  • Crawl: B (hold, then move)
  • Duck: B
  • Lean Back: X (hold)
  • Left Punch: LB
  • Right Punch: RB
  • Kick: X
  • Headbutt: B (tap)
  • Left Grab: LB (hold)
  • Right Grab: RB (hold)
  • Two-Handed Grab: LB+RB (hold)
  • Lift: Y (while grabbing)
  • Taunt: Y (hold)
  • Change Camera Angle: D-Pad
  • Switch Spectating: RT
  • Handstand: hold B, LB+RB, X
  • Backflip: hold X, A, release X
  • Zombie Waddle: hold B+X, LS
  • Body Slam: find a ledge, A+B
  • Powerslide: LS, hold X+B
  • Slide Tackle: LS, hold A, hold X
  • Dropslide: LS, hold A, A, X, A+X
  • Regular Climbing: hold LB+RB, hold A
  • Leap-up Climb: hold RB+LB, double-tap A
  • Swing-up Climb: hold LB+RB, hold X+B, LS
  • Super Punch: press B, quickly press LB or RB
  • Knockout Headbutt: hold LB+RB to grab their shoulders, B
  • Charged Headbutt: A, B, hold B
  • Standing Dropkick: A, hold X
  • Flying Dropkick: LS, hold A, tap A, hold X
  • Super Dropkick: LS, hold A, A, hold X, B
  • Mega Dropkick: LS, hold A, A, Y, hold X, B
  • Flipkick: X, A, A, A, A, A…
  • Throwing Foes: LB+RB, Y, LS, release LB+RB

All Gang Beasts Nintendo Switch Controls

  • Movement: LS
  • Run: B (hold while moving)
  • Jump: B
  • Sit: B (hold while still)
  • Lay Down: Y (hold)
  • Crawl: A (hold, then move)
  • Duck: A
  • Lean Back: Y (hold)
  • Left Punch: L
  • Right Punch: R
  • Kick: Y
  • Headbutt: A (tap)
  • Left Grab: L (hold)
  • Right Grab: R (hold)
  • Two-Handed Grab: L+R (hold)
  • Lift: X (while grabbing)
  • Taunt: X (hold)
  • Change Camera Angle: D-Pad
  • Switch Spectating: ZR
  • Handstand: hold A, L+R, B
  • Backflip: hold Y, B, release Y
  • Zombie Waddle: hold A+Y, LS
  • Body Slam: find a ledge, B+A
  • Powerslide: LS, hold Y+A
  • Slide Tackle: LS, hold B, hold Y
  • Dropslide: LS, hold B, B, Y, B+Y
  • Regular Climbing: hold L+R, hold B
  • Leap-up Climb: hold L+R, double-tap B
  • Swing-up Climb: hold L+R, hold Y+A, LS
  • Super Punch: press A, quickly press L or R
  • Knockout Headbutt: hold L+R to grab their shoulders, A
  • Charged Headbutt: B, A, hold A
  • Standing Dropkick: B, hold Y
  • Flying Dropkick: LS, hold B, tap B, hold Y
  • Super Dropkick: LS, hold B, B, hold Y, A
  • Mega Dropkick: LS, hold B, B, X, hold Y, A
  • Flipkick: Y, B, B, B, B, B…
  • Throwing Foes: L+R, X, LS, release L+R

All Gang Beasts PC Controls

There are also some additional controls for PC controls. Below are all the PC controls.

  • Movement: W,A,S,D
  • Run: Space (hold while moving)
  • Jump: Space
  • Sit: Space (hold while still)
  • Lay Down: M (hold)
  • Crawl: Ctrl (hold, then move)
  • Duck: Ctrl
  • Lean Back: M (hold)
  • Left Punch: Left Click / ,
  • Right Punch: Right Click / .
  • Kick: M
  • Headbutt: Ctrl (tap)
  • Left Grab: Left Click / , (hold)
  • Right Grab: Right Click / . (hold)
  • Two-Handed Grab: Left+Right Click / ,+. (hold)
  • Lift: Shift (while grabbing)
  • Taunt: Shift (hold)
  • Change Camera Angle: Left Arrow / Right Arrow
  • Switch Spectating: < / >
  • Handstand: hold Ctrl, Left Click+Right Click, Space
  • Backflip: hold M, Space, release M
  • Zombie Waddle: Ctrl+M, WASD
  • Body Slam: find a ledge, Space+Ctrl
  • Powerslide: WASD, hold M+Ctrl
  • Slide Tackle: WASD, hold Space, hold M
  • Dropslide: WASD, hold Space, Space, M, Space+M
  • Regular Climbing: Left Click+Right Click, hold Space
  • Leap-up Climb: Left Click+Right Click, double-tap Space
  • Swing-up Climb: Left Click+Right Click, hold Space+Ctrl, WASD
  • Super Punch: press Ctrl, quickly click the left or right mouse button
  • Knockout Headbutt: Left Click+Right Click to grab their shoulders, Ctrl
  • Charged Headbutt: Space, Ctrl, hold Ctrl
  • Standing Dropkick: Space, hold M
  • Flying Dropkick: WASD, hold Space, tap Space, hold M
  • Super Dropkick: WASD, hold Space, Space, hold M, Ctrl
  • Mega Dropkick: WASD, hold Space, Space, Shift, hold M, Ctrl
  • Flipkick: M, Space, Space, Space, Space, Space…
  • Throwing Foes: Left Click+Right Click, Shift, WASD, release Left Click+Right Click
  • Menu: Esc
  • Fast Motion: + (tap for faster)
  • Real-Time Speed: 0
  • Slow Motion: – (tap for slower)
  • Toggle Scoreboard: Tab (hold)
  • Toggle Nametags: Q (hold)
  • Toggle Day and Night: F1
  • Spawn Opponents: Shift/Ctrl + 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8
  • Spawn Props: 3,4,5,6, or 7
  • Spawn Forces: 1 or 2

How to play combos the best – Gang Beasts tips (PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PC)

You can combine moves to create tricks such as new movements and special attacks. These are our Gang Beasts tips for the best combos:

  • Zombie Waddle: Hold headbutt and kick while moving
  • Body Slam: Hold jump and headbutt at the same time (on a ledge)
  • Powerslide: Move while holding kick and crawling
  • Slide Tackle: Run and then hold kick
  • Dropslide: Run, press jump, tap kick, and then hold both jump and kick
  • Regular Climbing: Grab onto a ledge, and then hoist yourself up
  • Leap-up Climb: Grab object, then jump upwards from the grab
  • Swing-up Climb: Grab, press kick and headbutt at the same time, and direction
  • Super Punch: Press headbutt, then press grab
  • Knockout Headbutt: Grab your foe’s shoulders, press headbutt
  • Charged Headbutt: Jump, press headbutt, then hold the headbutt button
  • Standing Dropkick: Jump, then hold kick while in midair
  • Flying Dropkick: Run, tap jump, and then hold kick in midair
  • Super Dropkick: Run, tap jump, hold kick, then press headbutt in midair
  • Mega Dropkick: Run, tap jump, press lift, hold kick, press headbutt in midair
  • Flipkick: Hold the kick, and then tap jump repeatedly
  • Throwing Foes: Press grab, then release grab

The general description of each of these advanced combo controls is detailed below along with the PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch controls and PC keys.

How to climb

To climb in Gang Beasts, hold L1+R1 and then hold X on PlayStation, hold LB+RB and then hold A Xbox, Left Click+Right Click, then hold Space on PC or hold L+R then hold B on Switch.

  • PlayStation: hold L1+R1, hold X
  • Xbox: hold LB+RB, hold A
  • PC: left Click+Right Click, hold Space
  • Switch: hold L+R, hold B

Leap-up Climb: You can also scale a large object or wall using a leap-up climb by grabbing on (L1+R1), and then jump upwards from the grab (double-tap X).

  • PlayStation: hold L1+R1, double-tap X
  • Xbox: hold RB+LB, double-tap A
  • PC: left Click+Right Click, double-tap Space
  • Switch: hold L+R, double-tap B

Swing-up Climb: When you’ve got your grip on a surface, you can swing your legs around and up.

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Once you’ve grabbed on (L1+R1), swing your legs by kicking and headbutting at the same time (hold Square+O), and directing your legs (LS) to where you want them to go.

  • PlayStation: hold L1+R1, hold Square+O, LS
  • Xbox: hold LB+RB, hold X+B, LS
  • PC: left Click+Right Click, hold Space+Ctrl, WASD
  • Switch: hold L+R, hold Y+A, LS

How to punch

To perform a punch in Gang Beasts, press L1 or R1 on PlayStation, LB or RB on Xbox, left or right mouse button on PC or press L or R on Switch.

  • PlayStation: press L1 or R1
  • Xbox: press LB or RB
  • PC: press the left or right mouse button
  • Switch: press L or R

How to super punch in Gang Beasts

To do a super punch in Gang Beasts, you need to press headbutt (O/B/Ctrl/A), and then immediately press one of the grab buttons (L1 or R1/LB or RB/left or right mouse button/L or R), depending on which hand you want to punch with.

  • PlayStation: press O, quickly press L1 or R1
  • Xbox: press B, quickly press LB or RB
  • PC: press Ctrl, quickly click the left or right mouse button
  • Switch: press A, quickly press L or R

The super punch is one of the greatest weapons, if you get the timing right. The attack is all about improvising a grab with the swing of a headbutt. This will see your avatar flick their head back and then suddenly throw their fist. Performing the super punch in Gang Beasts can result in an instant knockout.

How to throw

To throw an enemy, grab them (L1+R1), lift them up (Triangle), walk to where you wish to throw them, then release the grab buttons.

  • PlayStation: L1+R1, Triangle, LS, release L1+R1
  • Xbox: LB+RB, Y, LS, release LB+RB
  • PC: Left Click+Right Click, Shift, WASD, release Left Click+Right Click
  • Switch: L+R, X, LS, release L+R

Once you’ve knocked out an opponent or found a foe who’s absent, for some reason, the best thing to do is to pick them up and throw them into a hazard or out of the arena altogether.

How to grab

In order to grab an opponent, hold L1 or R1 on PlayStation, LB or RB on Xbox, left / right click on PC or L or R on Switch.

  • PlayStation: Hold L1 / R1
  • Xbox: Hold LB / RB
  • PC: Hold Left / Right Click
  • Switch: Hold L / R

How to headbutt in Gang Beasts

To perform a headbutt, tap circle on PlayStation, B on Xbox, Ctrl on PC or A on Switch.

Below you can learn how to perform more advanced headbutts.

Knockout Headbutt: To do a knockout headbutt, you need to be able to grab – either with both hands at the same time or each limb one at a time (L1+R1) – your foe’s shoulders.

Once you have a grip of their shoulders with either hand holding either of their shoulders, press headbutt (O) until they’re out cold.

  • PlayStation: hold L1+R1 to grab their shoulders, O
  • Xbox: hold LB+RB to grab their shoulders, B
  • PC: Left Click+Right Click to grab their shoulders, Ctrl
  • Switch: hold L+R to grab their shoulders, A

You can grab them from the front or while standing behind them.

The knockout headbutt is the move that everyone wants to pull in Gang Beasts, and while it gives you ample time to pick-up and chuck any foe, it does take some exact timing to pull off.

Charged Headbutt: To perform this headbutt, you need to press jump (X), press headbutt (O), and then hold the headbutt button (O).

  • PlayStation: X, O, hold O
  • Xbox: A, B, hold B
  • PC: Space, Ctrl, hold Ctrl
  • Switch: B, A, hold A

While the standard headbutt and the KO Headbutt are very potent in Gang Beasts, there’s also a charged headbutt that you can utilise.

How to kick

To perform a kick in Gang Beasts, press Square on PlayStation, X button on Xbox or M on PC.

  • PlayStation: Square
  • Xbox: X
  • PC: M
  • Switch: Y

How to dropkick in Gang Beasts

Standing Dropkick: To perform a standing dropkick, simply jump (X) and then hold kick (Square) while in midair.

  • PlayStation: X, hold Square
  • Xbox: A, hold X
  • PC: Space, hold M
  • Switch: B, hold Y

This is just your regular dropkick – where you’re in front of your opponent and quickly pop a kick to their upper-body while in midair.

Flying Dropkick: To do a flying dropkick, you need to run towards your opponent (LS, hold X), and then quickly tap jump (X) and then hold kick (Square) in midair.

  • PlayStation: LS, hold X, tap X, hold Square
  • Xbox: LS, hold A, tap A, hold X
  • PC: WASD, hold Space, tap Space, hold M
  • Switch: LS, hold B, tap B, hold Y

This dropkick has a little more zing to it and can easily catch your opponent off-guard, and maybe even to the extent that they tumble backwards to their doom.

Super Dropkick: To do a super dropkick, you need to run towards your foe (LS, hold X), quickly tap jump (X), hold kick (Square), and then, in midair, press headbutt (O).

  • PlayStation: LS, hold X, X, hold Square, O
  • Xbox: LS, hold A, A, hold X, B
  • PC: WASD, hold Space, Space, hold M, Ctrl
  • Switch: LS, hold B, B, hold Y, A

Mega Dropkick: To perform the mega dropkick combo, you’ll need to run (LS, hold X), tap jump (X), quickly press lift (Triangle), hold kick (Square), and while in midair, press headbutt (O).

  • PlayStation: LS, hold X, X, Triangle, hold Square, O
  • Xbox: LS, hold A, A, Y, hold X, B
  • PC: WASD, hold Space, Space, Shift, hold M, Ctrl
  • Switch: LS, hold B, B, X, hold Y, A

The mega dropkick is an even greater version of the super dropkick.

Flipkick: The Gang Beasts flipkick looks like a continual Backflip, but is actually much simpler to perform. All you have to do is hold the kick button (Square) and then tap jump (X) repeatedly.

  • PlayStation: Square, X, X, X, X, X…
  • Xbox: X, A, A, A, A, A…
  • PC: M, Space, Space, Space, Space, Space…
  • Switch: Y, B, B, B, B, B…

How to do a handstand

To perform a handstand in Gang Beasts, you need to duck (hold O), grab the floor (L1+R1), and then press jump to keep the legs up (X).

  • PlayStation: hold O, L1+R1, X
  • Xbox: hold B, LB+RB, X
  • PC: hold Ctrl, Left Click+Right Click, Space
  • Switch: hold A, L+R, B

How to do a backflip

To perform a backflip in Gang Beasts , you need to lay down (hold Square), press jump (X), and release the lay down button at just the right moment.

  • PlayStation: hold Square, X, release Square
  • Xbox: hold X, A, release X
  • PC: hold M, Space, release M
  • Switch: hold Y, B, release Y

Nailing the backflip takes a fair bit of practice because you have to get the timing just right. Just as your character starts to lean back, quickly tap jump and release the lay down button. You can barely lean backwards before pressing jump, so the timing for a Gang Beasts backflip does take some perfecting.

How to swim

To swim in Gang Beasts, press right punch, left punch, right punch, left punch and repeat this movement as required.

  • PlayStation: press R1, then L1
  • Xbox: press LB, then RB
  • PC: press the left mouse button, then right mouse button
  • Switch: press R, then L

How to do the zombie waddle in Gang Beasts

To walk around the arena with a floppy head and a bit of a waddle, like a zombie, you need to hold headbutt (O) and kick (Square) while moving around (LS).

  • PlayStation: hold O+Square, LS
  • Xbox: hold B+X, LS
  • PC: Ctrl+M, WASD
  • Switch: hold A+Y, LS

How to do a body slam

To perform the body slam in Gang Beasts, you need to get to a ledge and then hold jump (X) and headbutt (O) at the same time.

  • PlayStation: find a ledge, X+O
  • Xbox: find a ledge, A+B
  • PC: find a ledge, Space+Ctrl
  • Switch: find a ledge, B+A

For this move, you’ll need a good amount of height and a ledge to fall from – and preferably an enemy to land on underneath.

The body slam may also result in you knocking yourself out or breaking the environment objects.

How to slide in Gang Beasts

Powerslide: To perform a powerslide, you need to move in the direction of your choice (LS) while also holding the kick (Square) and crawl (O) controls.

  • PlayStation: LS, hold Square+O
  • Xbox: LS, hold X+B
  • PC: WASD, hold M+Ctrl
  • Switch: LS, hold Y+A

Slide Tackle: To perform this high-paced slide tackle move that’ll sweep your opponent off of their feet – if timed correctly – you’ll need to run (hold X while moving in a direction), and then hold kick (hold Square) at the right moment.

  • PlayStation: LS, hold X, hold Square
  • Xbox: LS, hold A, hold X
  • PC: WASD, hold Space, hold M
  • Switch: LS, hold B, hold Y

Dropslide: To perform a dropslide, you’ll need to run at your opponent (LS, hold X), press jump (X), quickly press kick (Square), and then hold both jump and kick (X+Square).

  • PlayStation: LS, hold X, X, Square, X+Square
  • Xbox: LS, hold A, A, X, A+X
  • PC: WASD, hold Space, Space, M, Space+M
  • Switch: LS, hold B, B, Y, B+Y

Gang Beasts may look superbly silly, but there are some intricate controls to add to your repertoire which will give you the advantage in the absurdly dangerous arenas. We hope this helped with learning how to play Gang Beast.

Credit to Reddit user Amos0310 for discovering some of the more intricate Gang Beasts combinations listed in this article.

Gang Beasts

How to throw in gang beasts on Xbox
How to throw in gang beasts on Xbox

Written by Ben Chopping

Will give almost any game a chance, particularly those that include wildlife, monsters, or prehistoric creatures of any kind.