How to take care of skin and hair while swimming

Chlorine is used to kill bacteria in pools, and it does its job well, but it’s also a harsh chemical bleach that can wreak havoc on your skin and hair. When used in pools, it’s combined with other chemicals to make it generally safe, but over time it can still damage tissues and hair strands.

Fortunately, you don’t have to avoid swimming to protect yourself.

What Is Chlorine Used for?

Chlorine shows up in our lives in a lot of ways. It’s not only in swimming pools to disinfect the water, but it’s also used to sterilize drinking water and in the manufacturing of products like paper, textiles, paints and plastic, medicines, and more.

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Why Is Chlorine Dangerous? What's the Science Behind Chlorine?

The chemical is known as an “oxidizing” agent, meaning that it can oxidize other substances. That means it can encourage the formation of free radicals—those nasty molecules that damage cells, proteins, lipids, and DNA. Too much oxidation can lead to inflammation, disease, and aging.

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How Does Chlorine Affect My Skin and Hair?

Knowing this, you can guess what chlorine does to your hair and skin. It not only robs both of natural moisturizers and oils, but it’s powerful oxidation processes—often called “corrosive”—can result in lasting damage that accentuates the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also destroys vitamin E and essential fatty acids that the skin needs to appear its best.

Regular exposure to the chlorine in swimming pools can result in the following changes:

•     Discolored hair
•     Dry, brittle, straw-like hair that’s prone to breakage
•     Frizzy hair
•     Lack of shine to the hair
•     Weak hair that lacks volume
•     Dry, itchy scalp
•     Damage to cuticles
•     Weakened and breaking nails
•     Dry, flaky skin
•     Itchy, rashed, or burned skin
•     Allergic or reactive skin (especially in sensitive skin types)
•     Acne breakouts
•     Accelerated aging in skin, showing up as fine lines and wrinkles

Obviously none of us want to experience any of these all these for an occasional dip in the pool!

How to Protect Skin and Hair From Chlorine in Swimming Pool

You don’t have to wind up with rough hair and dry skin just because you like to swim. Try the following tips to protect your hair and skin the next time you take a dip.

1. Outdoor Pool Swimming Leaving Less Chlorine on Your Skin and Hair

These allow gases from the chemicals in the water to escape into the air—leaving less to contaminate your hair and skin. These types of pools are also better for your eyes, sinuses, and lungs. If you need to swim indoors, look for well-ventilated pools.

2. Shower Before Swimming Let Skin and Hair Absorb Less Chlorine

Both hair and skin are less likely to absorb water from the pool once they’re already wet. Make sure you’re good and soaked right before you go in to increase resistance.

3. Apply Hair Oil or Conditioner to Protect Hair From Chlorine

Hair experts recommend that you apply either a deep conditioner or natural oil like coconut oil, to the hair before going into the pool. It creates a layer between your hair and the chlorine and other chemicals in the pool and helps nourish the hair follicles as well. If you use oil, however, be sure to wear a cap, or that you’re swimming in an indoor pool—otherwise the oil will attract sun damage if you’re outside.

4. Wear a Swim Cap to Prevent Hair From Chlorine

This is the best way to protect your hair, especially if it’s chemically treated. After you’ve showered and applied a conditioner or hair oil, put your cap on. Of course, you can wear a cap without washing your hair if you feel you have a quality one that will prevent all exposure, but for maximum chlorine resistance, it’s best to wash and condition first.

Pin your hair back. If you don’t want to wear a cap, at least pin your hair back to limit exposure.

5. Apply Lotion Before Swimming Keep Your Skin Safe From Chlorine

Like conditioner on your hair, lotion on your skin gives you an extra layer of protection. Apply sun protection if swimming outdoors and if swimming indoors apply an oil or lotion. You can try our body care lotion which is suitable for every skin type.

6. Shower After Swimming In Chlorine Pool to Get Rid Of Chlorine

Using a gentle, sulfate-free hair care product like our herbal shampoo, wash hair and skin after you swim to get rid of all those chemicals hanging around. Give hair a good soak in the water—a quick wash can leave some chlorine in the follicles. Let the freshwater flow through it for five minutes or so.

7. Rinse With Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Chlorine From Hair

You can also use apple cider vinegar as a clarifying rinse—it will help get all those chemicals out of the hair strands, and will also remove dulling buildup. The nice thing about this natural substance is that it not only helps get rid of chlorine, but other damaging things found in pools like copper, salt, and various impurities and contaminants.

8. Skin Care and Hair Care for Swimming

Apply a protective, deeply moisturizing hair conditioner to your hair after washing, and be sure to apply a natural, deeply moisturizing oil or butter to your skin as soon as you step out of the shower.

9. Avoid Dryers If You Can to Prevent Hair Damage

Use a wide-toothed comb to remove tangles after washing, and then pat dry. Avoid using blow dryers if you can as that will limit damage to hair.

How can I protect my hair and skin while swimming?

Here are things to keep in mind:.
Apply lotion. Before going to swimming pools, apply a perfect swim body lotion. ... .
Apply oil. ... .
Take shower before entering the pool. ... .
Add Vitamin C To Your Regimen. ... .
Keep the body Hydrated. ... .
Apply sunscreen before going to the swimming pool. ... .
Use towel gently. ... .
Use lip balm..

How can I keep my hair healthy while swimming?

5 Essential Tips to Protect Hair When Swimming.
Rinse your hair with clean water before and after swimming. ... .
Use natural oils to add a protective layer. ... .
Never leave pool water in your hair. ... .
Get a conditioner made for swimmers. ... .
Keep your hair dry and safe with a quality swimming cap to protect hair when swimming..

How do I take care of my skin while swimming?

Take a shower. Most pools require you to take a shower before taking a dip. ... .
Apply sunscreen. Applying sunscreen is a basic beauty step every swimmer and non-swimmer needs to follow. ... .
Stay hydrated. ... .
Warm water shower. ... .
Moisturise. ... .

What should I put on my hair before swimming?

Before a swim Apply light oil or leave-in conditioner on your hair and soak your hair with fresh water before you step into the pool. When you saturate your hair with fresh water and have an oily barrier around, absorption of the chlorinated water is minimum. Similar science works for your skin as well.