How to say happy easter in spanish

In México ( and the rest of Latin America) it is not custumary to say " Happy Easter". It is a religious celebration, attending church masses, observe Lent and there are school holidays that last actually 2 weeks still in 2016. The word "Pascua" is used for several celebrations in the Christian religions, " Domingo de Pascua"'is for Easter Sunday. But since it is used also for Christmas ( December 25th) Epiphany or the Adoration of the Three Wise Men ( January 6th) and Pentecost ( the day the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus disciples, 50 days after the resurrection) I would strongly disagree with the translation of "Felices Pascuas" for Happy Easter. I have heard that expression in Christmas, people in Ecuador and Argentina use it around that time, likely many more South Americans use it.

Recently I called a relative in Mexico who wished me and my family " Felíz FIN DE SEMANA SANTA" which I would translate as Happy Easter Weekend, since the culmination of Easter is Easter Sunday.

"Felíz día de Conejo" is a complete absurdity, perhaps invented by people who are of Latinamerican descent and grew up in The United States, clearly with Catholic background and are confused with the religion and language. Nowhere in Latin America rabbits and eggs are link to Easter.

In conclusion, it is not customary to say Happy Easter in Spanish, if you insist, say Felíz SEMANA SANTA. But if you think on the events, the word "happy"'to commemorate someone's brutal assesination does not make sense. That is what many Mexicans who live in Mexico have told me. I agree.

I agree. In Spain nobody will say you "feliz semana santa" it is a expiation not a celebration time - 000a35ff, MAR 27, 2016

Welcome to SpanishDict. This is a very old thread from 2008, but thanks for the information. - rac1, MAR 27, 2016

Is there a Spanish word for Easter?

Easter. Usually, "Pascua" stands by itself as the word used most often to refer to Easter. Coming from the Hebrew "Pessach," the word for Passover, "pascua" can refer to almost any holy day, usually in phrases such as "Pascua judía" (Passover) and "Pascua de la Natividad" (Christmas).

Is it Felices pascuas or Feliz Pascua?

Pascua for Holidays.

What is La Semana Santa in English?

The translation of Semana is week and Santa is holy. Semana Santa is also called La Madruga, which is the night between Holy Thursday and Good Friday and it is the most important religious celebration in Spain, (Semana Santa in English is Holy Week).

How do you say Happy Easter?

“Happy Easter and God bless.”.
“Happy, hoppy Easter to you!”.
“Hoping your Easter is extra bright and happy this year.”.
“Wishing you sunshine, good times and a very happy Easter!”.
“Happy Easter to the whole family! ... .
“Just wanted to say a warm springtime hello and wish you a happy Easter!”.