How to organize moving into a new house

Moving can be stressful, but these moving tips and tricks from professional organizers can help streamline the process.

Updated on August 6, 2022

Photo: The Home Edit

While the thought of finally moving into a new home may be exciting (especially after weeks of negotiating and filling out plenty of paperwork), thinking about prepping for a big move can make any calm and collected person frazzled and anxious. Now you don't have to dread moving day—too much at least. Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin of The Home Edit, a full-service home organization company whose clients include Gwyneth Paltrow and Rachel Zoe, have partnered with Target to act as the retailer's home organizing experts. Their first task: help navigate the moving season.

Shearer and Teplin shared their best tips for a big move with Real Simple—from prepping weeks before to getting everything organized the day of and unpacking afterward. Take a look at their step-by-step guide, and you'll be ready to tackle moving day, so you can go straight to celebrating and decorating your new home.

Prep Early

The Home Edit

Don't leave the decluttering and packing until a few days before; you'll make it much harder on yourself (and your family). "To eliminate moving stress, we always recommend preparing in phases," Shearer suggests. "Two to four weeks before packing, you should begin the purging process. Once you eliminate the items that aren't moving with you to the new house, you can begin to pack your belongings, moving room by room."

But beware of being too eager to pack unless you want to live out of boxes for a long time. "We do caution against packing your house too early, though—you don't want to live surrounded by boxes!" Shearer says. "Depending on the size of your home, five to seven days should be enough time to pack with the purging phase already complete."

Declutter Thoroughly

Whether you've lived in your current home for one year or 20 years, you've probably accumulated a lot of things you no longer use or need—so don't bring extra stuff into your new house where it will likely pile up.

"We suggest moving room by room and leaving no stone unturned," Shearer says. "Look in every drawer, cabinet, and closet and consider if the items fall into at least one of these buckets: You use it, you love it, or it has strong sentimental value." Pack the keepers and donate or toss out the rest.

Organize Your Current House

The Home Edit

You might think organizing your current home would be a waste of time since you're going to leave soon, but it might save you some precious minutes. "Put the items under your kitchen sink into a bin, or organize your bathroom products into drawer inserts," Teplin suggests.

"Once you're in your new space, you can unpack the container and pop it into its new place, rather than having to deal with free-floating items. Since you might not know the exact dimensions of your new cabinets and drawers, try to buy products that are modular or a universal size that would fit most spaces."

Pack by Room

It will keep things streamlined and make unpacking easier. "Packing by room is the easiest way to keep your items organized throughout the moving process," Teplin says. "Make sure each box only contains items from one room. Even if a box has extra space, you want to avoid adding additional items from another part of the house."

Label, Label, Label

The Home Edit

Create a system to keep track of all items so you don't get to the new place and realize you can't find something, then have to open all boxes just to find one thing. "We love to label, and during a move, labels are your best friend," Shearer says. "Label the contents of each box along with a box number, and keep a corresponding checklist for easy reference."

Take It All in

Moving can be exhausting (both emotionally and physically), so Teplin suggests taking time to breathe and think on moving day. "Take a minute to enjoy the milestone moment," she says. "Half the work is already behind you, and the hardest part is out of the way. Focus on setting up your new home and celebrate the fresh start."

Set Organizing Goals

The Home Edit

Now's the time to start fresh. "Do you dream of a neatly, well-stocked pantry or a linen closet with the perfect amount of space to hold your precisely folded blankets and towels? Identify what's important to you so you can ensure your new home incorporates everything you want from the start," Teplin recommends.

Unpack With a Timeframe

"We recommend immediately getting started, but working at your own pace," Shearer says. "Give yourself a realistic goal and try to hold yourself accountable. Whether it's one to two rooms per day, or the whole house in a week, setting a time limit will help you stay motivated and focused."

Create an Organizing Plan

The Home Edit

Once you're unpacked and the boxes are gone, think of an organization strategy. "Start by taking dimensions of the space you want to organize—don't forget to reference your priorities," Shearer says.

"Take note of the height, width, and depth so that you can shop for product supplies that take advantage of every inch. We always suggest buying a few different options to experiment with and extra quantities in case they are needed. You can always return anything left over or use them in other areas of the house."

What is the first thing to do when moving into a new house?

Here are 30 items you should definitely bring for the first days in your new home:.
Keys. Don't laugh — we forget the obvious all the time, and you'll be in real trouble without these..
A basic first-aid kit. ... .
Chargers. ... .
A portable alarm clock. ... .
Spare batteries. ... .
Sheets and a pillow. ... .
Extra changes of clothing. ... .

How do I organize my house when I move in?

We've put together an eight-step action plan for you to clean, organize and stay chill on move-in day..
Organizing Starts Before the Move..
Give Your Place a Deep Clean First..
Find Those Boxes of Must-Haves..
Put Boxes in the Right Room..
Place Rugs and Furniture Before Unpacking Boxes..
Unpack One Room at a Time..

What rooms should be installed first when moving?

Without a doubt the kitchen should be one of the first rooms you unpack when moving to a new house. Unless you have a nursery or child's bedroom to organize, this room should be your top priority.

How do I move my stuff to a new house?

Packing Tips for Moving.
Use the right size boxes. ... .
Put heavier items on the bottoms of boxes, lighter items on top. ... .
Don't leave empty spaces in the boxes. ... .
Avoid mixing items from different rooms in the same box. ... .
Label each box with the room it's destined for and a description of its contents. ... .
Tape your moving boxes well..