How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter

How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter
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Above ground pools are a lot of fun in the summer, but they can become a bit of a pain in the winter. Thankfully, you can keep your pool in tip-top shape as long as you take the proper precautions to physically protect your pool as well as “winterize” it for cold weather. While you should always consult a pool cleaning professional with serious concerns, there’s plenty you can do to keep your pool in top condition during the colder months.

  1. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Place a pool pillow on the surface of your pool to keep the water from freezing. Visit your local pool supply shop for a pool pillow, or inflatable pillow that rests in the center of the pool. Always put this down before the cover, as the pillow will help your pool cover to hold up thin layers of snow and ice.[1]

    • As the name suggests, pool pillows look like regular, square pillows.

    Did You Know? A pool pillow won’t prevent ice from forming altogether—it just prevents the top of your pool from freezing completely, which may damage the structure of your pool over time.[2]

  2. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Arrange a cover on top of your pool. Drape your usual cover on top of your pool, making sure that the pillow stays in the center. Secure the pool cover along the edges of the cover onto the pool so no debris, snow, rain, or ice gets into the pool water.[3]


  3. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Remove snow and ice from your pool regularly. Check on your above ground pool after each winter storm. Shovel away any snow that’s collected on the cover, even if it’s not that much. As you work, try not to scratch the edges of your pool.[4]

    • Plastic shovels are less likely to scratch your pool than metal shovels.

  4. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Get rid of rain and melted snow from your pool cover with a pool cover pump. Place a submersible cover pump on the top of your pool cover, which will remove any water and prevent it from freezing. Some pumps are manual, and need to be turned on after every snow or rainstorm, while some pump models will turn on and off automatically.[5]

    • Check that the pump is placed securely on your pool cover so it can get rid of the water really easily.

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  1. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Take out and store any equipment and toys from the pool. Search your pool for any leftover nets, floaties, noodles, or other toys that are hanging around. Get rid of any algae or dirt with a pool brush, then use a garden hose to rinse off all your pool accessories. At this point, dry and store your pool supplies in a dry, open area where they won’t be rained or snowed on.[6]

    • A pool shack is a great place to keep your pool supplies and accessories. If you don’t have one of these, use your garage or any empty storage area instead.
    • You don’t want to leave your pool accessories in the pool over the winter, or they could get frozen or damaged by the elements.

  2. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Test your pool’s water chemistry to make sure it’s balanced. Check online or visit a pool supply store to pick up a testing kit for your pool water. Look for a kit that lets you test the calcium hardness, pH, and alkalinity of your pool water, which are all important qualities. Follow the kit’s instructions to test your water levels properly.[7]

    • Check that your pool pH is between 7.2 and 7.4, your calcium hardness is between 180 and 220 ppm (parts per million), and your alkalinity is between 80 and 120 ppm.
    • It’s best to test your water a few days before you plan on closing your pool, so you can make the necessary adjustments, if needed.[8]

    Did you know? Balancing your pool water may seem like a pain now, but it will save you a lot of time when you go to reopen your pool later on. When warmer weather arrives, you’ll refill your partially-filled pool once more. Since some of your pool water is already balanced, you won’t have to make as many chemical adjustments when you reopen the pool.[9]

  3. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Adjust your pool water if it’s chemically unbalanced. Visit a pool supply store for the right adjustment chemicals, depending on your water levels. You can fix pH issues with diluted muriatic acid and soda ash, while alkalinity can be raised with baking soda or lowered with sodium bisulfate.[10] If your calcium hardness is too low, mix calcium hardness increaser or calcium chloride into your pool water. If it’s too high, you can pour fresh water into your pool to dilute the levels.[11]

    • Consult your pool maintenance manual or check the labels on each pool chemical to see how much you need to add or stir into your pool water.

  4. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Vacuum and clean out any debris and junk from your pool. Scoop away any obvious debris with a pool skimmer, then clean off the surface of the water with a pool brush. Suck out any unwanted dirt, algae, or other debris with a pool vacuum.[12]

    • A pool vacuum is great for getting algae or dirt that’s drifted to the bottom of the pool.
    • You don’t want your pool to be dirty when you reopen it later!

  5. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Shock your pool to get rid of any extra algae. Visit your local pool supply store and pick up a shock chemical treatment, which will kill off any leftover algae. Dissolve the chemicals into 5 US gal (19 L) of water, then pour the mixture into your pool.[13]

    • This ensures that your pool water is clean throughout the winter, even if it freezes.
    • Chlorine-based shock treatments need to be dissolved before you can add them to the pool, while chlorine-free shock treatments can be poured into the pool immediately.[14]

  6. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Treat your pool water with a winterizing kit. Check online or in a pool supply store for a special kit to help you close down your pool. Follow the instructions on the kit to see how much of each chemical that you need to mix into your pool water. Your kit may include a shock treatment for the water, algaecide, and other winterizing chemicals.[15]

    • Some kits include special winterizing chemicals, as well as a stain treatment product.
    • You can get chlorine-free winterizing kits, if you’d like.
    • Some winterizing chemical kits may include a chemical shock. If you’ve already used this product to treat your pool water, you don’t need to use it again.

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  1. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Unplug your pump so you can get it ready for winter. Look for the cord sticking out the back of your pump. Find the outdoor socket it’s connected to, then unplug it completely. You don’t want to give yourself a shock while you’re winterizing your pool equipment![16]

  2. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Install an expansion plug in your skimmer. Find your skimmer along the side of your pool, which is a large (typically white) cylinder built off the side. Stick the expansion plug in the very bottom of the skimmer, where it connects with a hose or plumbing line.[17]

    • This plug makes it easier for you to remove the hose connected to the skimmer.
    • Expansion plugs are slightly conical, and help prevent your pool equipment from getting damaged throughout the colder weather. You can find them at most pool supply stores.

  3. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Disconnect the main hoses from the filter and skimmer. Loosen the screw connecting the metal clamp to your pool filter, then pull the hose away from the filter. Once the hose is disconnected from the filter, separate the other section of hose that’s attached to your skimmer. Unscrew the clamp, then pull the hose away from the skimmer completely.[18]

    • Keep track of the loose clamps so you can use them to reopen the pool!

  4. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Unclamp the hose connecting your filter and pump. Release the metal clamp attached to the hose and pump by loosening the screw. Pull the hose away from the pump, leaving it attached to your filter. Set the clamp aside in a safe place so you don’t lose track of it.[19]

  5. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Wash and store your filter to keep it safe. Rinse and clean off your filter to get rid of any debris or dirt that’s caught. If your filter is a removable cartridge, place it in a dry, open area during the off-season.[20]

  6. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Empty your pump, filter, and other equipment so they don’t freeze. Check each piece of pool equipment and remove the drain plugs or caps to get rid of any water inside. If you leave any standing water inside your equipment, it may freeze and permanently damage your pool equipment. Once all the water is drained out, store your equipment in a dry, protected area, like a pool shack.[21]

    • If you use a sand-based filter, you can use a wet vacuum to suck up the wet sand.
    • If you aren’t sure how to drain your equipment properly, contact a pool specialist for help.
    • Keep the drain plugs somewhere where you can find them easily in your pool equipment storage area.

  7. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Lower the pool’s water levels by draining the skimmer. Connect a long hose to your skimmer that’s at least 1 to 2 m (3.3 to 6.6 ft) long. Use a metal clamp to secure the hose to your pool, then remove the expansion plug so the water can drain. At this point, any water above the skimmer level will drain out of this new hose.[22]

    • Once your pool finishes draining, you can disconnect the drain line and store it in a dry, safe place.

  8. How to keep above ground pool from freezing in winter


    Remove and store any extra hoses or lines. Check around the perimeter of your pool for any extra plumbing that’s still attached. Unscrew any metal clamps, then disconnect the hoses and plumbing lines. Shake out any excess water from your plumbing and store the lines and hoses in a dry, safe area.[23]

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Things You’ll Need

  • Pool pillow
  • Pool cover
  • Plastic shovel
  • Submersible cover pump
  • Pool testing kit
  • Diluted muriatic acid
  • Soda ash
  • Baking soda
  • Sodium bisulfate
  • Calcium hardness increaser
  • Fresh water
  • Calcium hypochlorite
  • Pool vacuum
  • Expansion plug
  • Drain hose
  • Metal clamp


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What can I put in my pool to keep it from freezing?

Add swimming pool antifreeze to the lines to prevent freezing. Place a Gizzmo* (or similar device) in the skimmer to seal it and absorb pressure from ice. Ask your local Pool Retailer for more details on the Gizzmo for your skimmer. Install your safety cover or winter tarp cover using water tubes to secure.

How do I keep my above

Place a submersible cover pump on the top of your pool cover, which will remove any water and prevent it from freezing. Some pumps are manual, and need to be turned on after every snow or rainstorm, while some pump models will turn on and off automatically.

Does above

Winter Damage On Above Ground Pools can happen without proper preparation. The top level of the water freezes and forms a sheet of ice on the top layer.