How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2

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Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2 (Xbox One)

Level 81 - 85... how?

  1. I have seen alot of other people have level 81 or 85 and i'd like to know how to.

Top Voted Answer


  1. You unlock this in the free dlc protect the dragon balls start to finish twice and guru will "unlock your potential"

    5   2

  2. Levels 81-85 I got from Guru's, though I hold the Season Pass and have all the DLC packs, including Day One.

    2   3

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How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2

How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2
17 Mar, 2018 @ 5:16pm

*sigh* still no level 81

Finally get to see guru again after having my skill cap increased to 125 - had to farm the protect the house mission about 7 more times - and I'm given distorted time eggs. Oh, and am told that the /next/ time I get to see guru, I get to use the dragon ball pedestal! woohooooo!

Have tried making an alt and doing guru's house on them, no dice. Have tried farming the mission some more, so far 4 more in and nothing.

Maybe my copy of the DLC didn't come with level cap increase? hmmm....

Date Posted: 17 Mar, 2018 @ 5:16pm

Posts: 6

How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2


How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2
2 Nov, 2016 @ 11:15pm 

Because every CaC is capped at level 80

How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2


How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2
2 Nov, 2016 @ 11:16pm 

Originally posted by Spite:

Because every CaC is capped at level 80

what do u mean

How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2


How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2
2 Nov, 2016 @ 11:17pm 

You can't level your character above 80. 80 is as high as you can get (at the moment)

How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2


How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2
2 Nov, 2016 @ 11:18pm 

Originally posted by Spite:

You can't level your character above 80. 80 is as high as you can get (at the moment)

when i could level up?\

How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2


How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2
2 Nov, 2016 @ 11:18pm 

Maybe when the DLC comes out they will raise level cap

How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2

The max level in this game is 80. You can not go higher than lvl 80. If you look at when you finish a mission and it gives you xp, the xp needed to level up stays at 0. So, if you are at level 80, you are maxed out and cant go any higher.

How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2

How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2


How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2
2 Nov, 2016 @ 11:21pm 

cuz they made lvl 80 max again like the first game was at the start kind of dumb if u ask me as to why i am not really playing this one as much cuz last one i put in around 200 hours before they added more lvls by then i wasnt in the mode to grind the same pq over and over for lvls as in i most likely would of been lvl 99 if they had it from the start lol

How to get to level 81 in Xenoverse 2

I'd feel worse about it if not for the fact you can reach level 80 no problem without suffering brain damage from grinding the same mission over and over.

While in Xeno 1 even just 70, let alone 80, could drag on for quite some time. I left off at level 85 I think on my highest level character in Xeno 1.

Now an eventual level cap raise, if it happens, is something for me to look foreward to rather than something I won't be obsessive enough to grind through. (Well, unless they over inflate the level up numbers past 80 and say "LOL just use x40 training weights soul!")

Last edited by ImHelping; 2 Nov, 2016 @ 11:45pm

How do I pass level 80 in Xenoverse 2?

Raising the level cap from 80 to 85 will require a 100% completion with Guru's House (in which he will provide you with the Distorted Time Egg). This will usually require at least 2 full cycles of defense missions for Guru (roughly 14 missions).

How do you reach max level in Xenoverse 2?

2 full cycles to unlock the attribute raise and the extra wish options, then you can instantly raise your cap to 85. Everytime you wanna raise it after, up to 99, you have to hit the current cap.

How do I level up to 90 in Xenoverse 2?

According to a Reddit thread, the best way to grind and level up fast to reach level 90 is to farm Dragon Balls. This can be done by doing parallel quests 23 and 4. After farming enough Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, players then can use them to summon the great Dragon Shenron.

How do I get from level 85 to 90?

Go do the Guru quests in the Namek Time Rift. Eventually you'll be able to see him, and he'll increase your Level Cap. Reach the new cap, then do it all over again to get it further increased.