How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car

Bubbles are one of the most common problems with a vinyl wrap. If not appropriately addressed, they can cause bubbles in the vinyl that can be difficult to remove. This blog post will discuss the best methods how to remove bubbles from vinyl wrap. We will also provide tips to help you avoid bubbles in the first place. Let’s get started!

Vinyl wrap is a way to change the appearance of your car. It comes in many colors, designs, and finishes to transform any vehicle into something different. And with such an impactful method of customizing your ride, you want to ensure that everything goes smoothly when installing the vinyl wrap on your car. Most often than not, there are a few bubbles here and there but no need for alarm. There are several ways to remove them without compromising the quality or longevity of the vinyl wrap.

What causes air bubbles in the vinyl film?

Vinyl is a very popular material for car wraps and other forms of vehicle customization. However, one common problem with vinyl wrap installation is the formation of air bubbles.

A number of things can cause air bubbles in vinyl film, but the most common cause is incorrect installation. If the film isn’t installed correctly, it can create pockets of air that will eventually bubble up and become visible. Other causes of air bubbles include:

How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car

  • Incorrect use of solvents or cleaning agents
  • Excessive heat or cold exposure
  • Poor quality vinyl films
  • Moisture infiltration

Ways to fix vinyl wrap bubbles

If you’re not careful, bubbles can form when installing the vinyl wrap. While they may not always be avoidable, there are ways to minimize their appearance and make them less noticeable.

There are a few ways to fix vinyl wrap bubbles. Which one you use depends on the severity of the bubble and where it is on the car. In most cases, you can pop the bubble with a needle and then smooth out the area with a cloth or your fingers. If that doesn’t work, try using a heat gun to loosen the vinyl and then pressing it back into place.

Of course the trick to preventing bubbles as much as possible is in the way you put the vinyl on the surface.  Laying vinyl down from the corner and rubbing as you continue to lay down more and more of the piece will help prevent bubbles.  But....let's say you have a moment of weakness and you got yourself in a's how to remove bubbles under vinyl!

This is what my poor chalkboard vinyl chore chart looked like when I first applied it! OMG!!! 

Disclaimer: Please excuse the finger prints all over the know my full time job ;)

How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car

Fear not....I got rid of 99% of the bubbles with just a poke!

The trick is to use a very tiny pin - VERY TINY - is key and make a single hole in the bubble.  The hole will be so tiny, it won't be noticeable on the vinyl as long as you make a direct poke.  Do not move the pin around since you'll risk ripping the vinyl or making the hole too large and noticeable.

How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car

After you've pricked the bubble, use your Silhouette scraper, a credit card or even your finger to run over the area and you'll see the bubble disappear.  I've used this method many times and it works great.

How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car

One last note - many times, time is your best friend when it comes to air bubbles under vinyl.  Give the vinyl a week or so and you'll notice that even unpopped bubbles will disappear just with time.

Check this out...this etched glass vinyl was a mess when I first applied it to my beverage dispenser.  I contemplated ripping it off, it was so bad. I didn't even bother popping all those tiny bubbles....I just set it the side until I could figure out my next move...

How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car

But when I went back to it after about a week...


How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car

How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car

Pretty amazing right?! 

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing products through my links, I received a small commission. That's what helps fund Silhouette School so I can keep buying new Silhouette-related products to show you how to get the most out of your machine! 

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How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car

How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car
How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car
How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car
How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car
How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car
How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car
How to get bubbles out of vinyl on car

How do you get bubbles out of car decals?

Use a Hair Dryer The heat from the hair dryer will help loosen up the adhesive on the back of the decal making it easier for you to move the air bubble around and push it towards the edge to remove it. These are the most effective ways to remove air bubbles from your decals after you've installed them.

Will air bubbles go away in vinyl wrap?

One last note - many times, time is your best friend when it comes to air bubbles under vinyl. Give the vinyl a week or so and you'll notice that even unpopped bubbles will disappear just with time.

Will air bubbles in decals go away?

Stubborn bubbles can be removed using a hairdryer as the adhesive on the decal will soften upon heating. Apply heat to the decal for a minute by switching on and aiming the hairdryer towards it. Iron out the bubbles toward the sides of the decal to eliminate them.

What causes air bubbles in vinyl wrap?

What causes bubbles to form in vinyl wrap? There are a few reasons why this might occur, the first one being that your surface before vinyl application was simply not clean. There also might be a chemical agent under the wrap which may react when exposed to the sun and cause bubbles to form.