How to earn a gold hoenn medal



I have 78 and can easily go to 82 after some evolutions.

85 currenty. Cannot find Lileep though.

Lileep only exists on YouTube videos and as cruel jokes on illegal Scanners.

(yes I am bitter that while I was home sick I checked the local discord scanner and saw a lileep on it and had time to catch it so I got out of bed got dressed and went out to catch it then actually got out of the car to wander around in the winter rain where the lileep was supposed to be for another 20 min or so and I found nothing at all which was the first time I had found the scanner to be wrong and so instead of catching about 15 arons and anoriths (seriously, are anoriths ONLY found when weather boosted? "Cloudy", "Snowy", "Clear", none at all. Like NONE. "Partly Cloudy"? more populous that pidgeys!!!!) and getting enough candies to evolve their top forms I get cold feet and no lileep. (insert more ranting here that makes even less sense))

lol lileep is a pest in my area. you see more lileep than people here

I had one on my nearby the first day the new wave rolled out and didn't bother to look for it thinking they would be plentiful. Haven't seen one since.

Had the same thing with shroomish.

84/90. Will definitely get the Gold Hoenn medal once the next wave of Gen 3 Pokemon are released.


Need candies to evolve Lombre/Ludicolo, Exploud, Wailord, and Cacturne.

I have the candies but need a high IV Carvanah to get Sharpedo.

83, but holding back on ludicolo and Gardevoir (have the candy but not a good enough one to evolve) so could advance to 87.

82. Haven't bothered walking with gen 3 up until today. Started walking my Feebas to finally get that Milotic. I still need Ludicolo, Lileep, Cacnea, and all evolutions from the latest batch. Maybe some other ones that I can't recall right now.

72 so far, need to evolve my Shroomish, Lotad, Vigoroth, Lairon, Barboach, Baltoy, Feebas, and Snorunt (though saving this one for Froslass).

89 now, just missing 1 for the gold medal.
The pokemon I'm missing are the 2 cacti, the evolution of Lileep and the 2 evolutions of Trapinch. And some of the regionals of course.

81 so far, but will get six or so more next time I do some evolves.

52, seems like I'm the winner

How to earn a gold hoenn medal

I am currently working on vibrava and flygon.

I need my second gender of Milotic, Azuril,
& Wynut. I would have evolved a male feebas already however I was fortunate enough to hatch a perfect female after already evolving a female. Goodbye Stardust, rare candy.

Don't have Minun Relicanth or Torkoal

    It's time to complete the Hoenn Collection Challenge.

    How to earn a gold hoenn medal

    The Hoenn Collection Challenge in Pokémon Go is part of the Hoenn Celebration, which, in turn, is part of the month-long run up to the Pokémon Go Tour: Kanto event in February.

    Collection Challenges involve you catching a list of specific Pokéon connected to the event currently running in Pokémon Go. During the Hoenn Collection Challenge, you'll be tasked with catching a number of Gen 3 Pokémon.

    You can find the Pokémon you need for the Hoenn Collection Challenge by completing raids, hatching eggs, completing the Hoenn Celebration field research tasks or simply by encountering them in the wild.

    On this page:

    • List of Pokémon and rewards for the Hoenn Collection Challenge in Pokémon Go explained
    • Tips for completing the Hoenn Collection Challenge in Pokémon Go
    • Field research tasks for the Hoenn Celebration event in Pokémon Go
    • Hoenn Celebration Research quest in Pokémon Go explained
    • How the Hoenn Collection Challenge works in Pokémon Go

    List of Pokémon and rewards for the Hoenn Collection Challenge in Pokémon Go explained

    The Hoenn Collection Challenge in Pokémon Go consists of nine Gen 3 Pokémon originating from the Hoenn region.

    How to earn a gold hoenn medal

    The Pokémon you need to catch are:

    • Treecko (in the wild, one-star raids and field research tasks)
    • Torchic (in the wild, one-star raids and field research tasks)
    • Mudkip (in the wild, one-star raids and field research tasks)
    • Nincada (in the wild)
    • Nosepass (in the wild)
    • Aron (in the wild, one-star raids and 5km eggs)
    • Plusle (field research tasks - 'Catch 11 Pokémon')
    • Minun (field research tasks - 'Catch 11 Pokémon')
    • Bagon (5km eggs and one-star raids)

    Once you've completed the Hoenn Collection Challenge, you'll receive 5000 XP, 3 Silver Pinap Berries and an Incense.

    Tips for completing the Hoenn Collection Challenge in Pokémon Go

    Here are some tips and tricks to help you complete the Hoenn Collection Challenge in Pokémon Go:

    • Placing a Lure Module at a PokéStop is a great way to bring Pokémon to your location. Both the Magnetic Lure Module, which attracts electric, steel and rock-type Pokémon, and the Mossy Lure Module, which attracts bug, grass and poison-type Pokémon, are especially useful for the Hoenn Collection Challenge.
    • If you don't want to use a Lure Module, then you can always use Incense to attract Pokémon to your exact location for an hour.
    • If you're having trouble finding Bagon, then start hatching some 5km eggs that you've collected during the Hoenn Celebration event.
    How to earn a gold hoenn medal
    • The Hoenn starter Pokémon and Aron can all be found in one-star raids, which you can now participate in remotely.
    • Encounters with Pokémon for the Hoenn Collection Challenge can also be earned by completing field research task exclusive to the Hoenn Celebration event. You can learn more about these tasks, along with their rewards, in the section below.

    Halloween has returned to Pokémon Go, bringing with it Mega Banette and the Mysterious Masks special research quest. You can also purchase two Halloween-themed quests from the in-game store - Yamask Timed Research and Halloween Timed Research. The quest steps 5 to 8 of A Cosmic Companion is now live as part of the Season of Light. Elsewhere, be sure to use Daily Adventure Incense for the chance of encountering Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres. There's also a new special research quest - A Mysterious Incense. Finally - don't forget about the new Prime Gaming rewards every fortnight.

    Field research tasks for the Hoenn Celebration event in Pokémon Go

    You can collect and complete a number of special field research tasks as part of the Hoenn Celebration event in Pokémon Go. It's even possible to complete these tasks after the event ends, as long as they're stored in your field research collection.

    If you want to complete the Hoenn Collection Challenge, however, it's a good idea to complete these field research tasks during the event, because you earn an encounter with a Pokémon you need to catch.

    Below you can find the exclusive Hoenn Celebration field research tasks, along with their rewards:

    • Catch 3 Weather-boosted Pokémon reward - Treecko, Torchic or Mudkip encounter
    • Catch 11 Pokémon reward - Plusle or Minun encounter
    • Power up Pokémon 5 times reward - Aron encounter
    • Power up Pokémon 9 times reward - Wailmer encounter

    Thank you to SilphScience from reddit for the help with this information!

    How to earn a gold hoenn medal
    How to earn a gold hoenn medal
    How to earn a gold hoenn medal
    Completing the Hoenn Celebration field research tasks will help you catch the Gen 3 starters for the Collection Challenge.

    Hoenn Celebration Research quest in Pokémon Go explained

    Aside from the Collection Challenge, the Hoenn Celebration event in Pokémon Go also has a special timed research quest for you to completely, aptly named Hoenn Celebration event.

    Since this is a timed research quest, you'll only have till the end of the Hoenn Celebration event to complete it, which makes the deadline Sunday, 24th Jaunary 8pm (local time). If you don't complete the Hoenn Celebration Research quest by this time, then it will vanish forever and you won't be able to earn the rewards.

    Thankfully the quest is quite short and, due to Remote Raid Passes and Incense, you can complete it without having to step outside.

    Below you can find the three challenge the Hoenn Celebration Research consists of:

    'Hoenn Celebration Research' Step 1 of 1

    • Catch 2 Groudon - x10 Groudon Candy
    • Catch 2 Kyogre - x10 Kyogre Candy
    • Catch 30 Pokémon - x30 PokéBalls

    For completing the Hoenn Celebration Research, you'll be rewarded with 3000 XP, x1 Silver Pinap Berry and an encounter with Rayquaza, which should know Hurricane.

    How to earn a gold hoenn medal

    How the Hoenn Collection Challenge works in Pokémon Go

    Collection Challenges in Pokémon Go were released in January 2021 and run alongside a number of in-game events. Each Collection Challenge will see you catching a number of Pokémon that, thanks to the event, are appearing more frequently in the wild.

    Once you've completed the Collection Challenge by catching all of these, you'll be rewarded with a number of items and progress for your Elite Collector medal.

    The Hoenn Collection Challenge is running alongside the Hoenn Celebration event and will be available from Tuesday, 19th January 10am (local time) to Sunday, 24th January 8pm (local time). The Hoenn Celebration Research quest also shares this timeframe.

    How to earn a gold hoenn medal

    Collection Challenge can be found on the 'Today View,' which is accessed by pressing the field research button (the little binoculars) in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. You may need to scroll to your left, depending on whether or not you've been looking at your current field or special research tasks.

    After accessing 'Today View,' you'll find a list of the Pokémon you need to catch to complete the Collection Challenge. Catching a Pokémon in the Collection Challenge rooster will tick it off the list to help you keep track of which ones you've caught and which you haven't.

    How to earn a gold hoenn medal
    How to earn a gold hoenn medal
    Catching a Pokémon will tick it off the your Collection Challenge list.

    Remember - you need to complete a Collection Challenge before its associated event ends and it vanishes forever.

    Good luck completing the Hoenn Collection Challenge!

    What Pokémon can catch Hoenn medals?

    The Pokémon you need to catch are:.
    Treecko (in the wild, one-star raids and field research tasks).
    Torchic (in the wild, one-star raids and field research tasks).
    Mudkip (in the wild, one-star raids and field research tasks).
    Nincada (in the wild).
    Nosepass (in the wild).
    Aron (in the wild, one-star raids and 5km eggs).

    How do you earn gold medals in Pokémon Go?

    You get the gold by putting your Pokémon in the new Gyms and having them stay there..
    Bronze: Defend Gyms for 10 hours..
    Silver: Defend Gyms for 100 hours..
    Gold: Defend Gyms for 1,000 hours..
    Platinum: Defend Gyms for 15,000 hours..

    What is the Hoenn region in Pokémon Go?

    Hoenn. Hoenn is the third region from which Pokémon are available in Pokémon GO. Selected non-legendary Pokémon from this region were mostly released in 5 waves: In October 2017 as a part of Halloween 2017 – 5 Ghost-type Pokémon.

    How many Hoenn Pokémon are there?

    Gen 3 hails from the Hoenn region and includes 135 Pokémon which can, mostly, be caught in Pokémon Go.