How to dispose of hair spiritual

Aquel in Quezon City writes:

I need to understand myself on a psychic level—why is it that every time I cut my long hair, tragedy seems to be just around the corner, and before I know it, bang! I’m swirling with all the negative effects, pain of loss, money rampaging outward, my emotional relationships ending in a big bang of heated words and drowning tears. What’s wrong with me? All these happened after my NDE (near death experience). Likewise, I’m always losing the person I get to love. Thank you, and I hope to get an answer.

Psychic Marin ext. 5113 responds:

I have unusually long hair, and it has become a subject of many discussions with my psychic friends. At workshops, or retreats that I attend, my long hair attracts a lot of conversations regarding superstitious beliefs, so I’ve gathered a lot of folklore over the years concerning hair.

You pose a very interesting question, and I have an answer for you, rooted in deep Southern folklore. You’re a very “sensitive” and empathic person to notice such a change in your surroundings after a haircut. Perhaps it was the near death experience that brought upon your keen perception, but what you’re experiencing and feeling after a haircut has been recognized  by many cultures, and is a source for superstitions, such that “rules” have been created regarding hair and hair cuts. Here are a few of the more well known legends I have heard.

– If you want your hair to grow luxuriantly, never cut it while the moon is waning.
– If you want your hair to grow, cut it during the full moon.
– Cut your hair on particular days for the results you want:

Monday to attain health.
Tuesday to gain wealth.
Wednesday to hear the news.
Thursday to get a new pair of shoes.
Friday and there will be sorrow.
Saturday and you will see your true love tomorrow.
Sunday and the devil will be with you all week.

– Women with red hair have short tempers.
– If you drop your brush while you are combing your hair, you will experience disappointment in the near future.
– If you pull out a gray hair, three more will grow in its place.
– In Ireland, if a traveler meets a woman with red hair, he will have to turn around and start his journey all over again.
– Hair that has been cut off must be burned. It’s unlucky to throw it away.
– Don’t cut your hair outside, because it might be picked up by birds and woven into their nest. They might weave it so tightly that you’ll get headaches.

You happen to be sensitive enough to understand, even if on a subconscious level, that by having a haircut, some of your energy has been shed, leaving you feeling incomplete. Your emotional tension, anger, or sudden onset of bad-luck can be a result of you feeling imbalanced. In the future, you may elect to take your hair clippings with you. This is not an uncommon practice, and I have spoken to several hair stylists who have clients that routinely make the request to retain their hair. Bury your hair in your backyard as a way of preserving your energy. This ensures that it is disposed of properl,y by honoring the energy and magick contained in your hair growth.

Hair is considered to be one of the more important parts of our physical being. Culturally, a thick head of hair gives the impression of health, youth and desirability while, in contrast, thin hair can be linked to age or ill health. It’s one of the first characteristics we notice upon meeting someone, which leads us to instantly forming a first impression of a person’s personality, often primarily by the color and style of the person’s hair.

“The hair is the richest ornament of women.” – Martin Luther King

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How do you properly dispose of hair?

Hair would need to go in the general waste bin, that's the black bin bags which you put in the black bin. Once the bags are all full you can't just leave them there, they would need a waste collection with a reputable provider. A trusted waste collector will provide you with all the details to keep you compliant.

What does it mean when your hair won't burn?

If you've given your hair all the wind action it needs and it's still not burning, it could be the hair's texture and/or density. I've noticed thicker, tightly coiled hair burns differently than thinner, looser curls.

Should you burn your hair after you cut it?

There is definitely no advantage to burning your hair,” he says. “Hair should be treated like a fabric—if it's frayed, just trim it off.” Here's another not-shocking-at-all fact: Much like burning your hair with a flat iron can cause split ends, burning it with actual fire can do the same.

Where do you throw hair from falling?

I would definitely put it in the compost although it does take a long time to break down. It is very unlikely to contain a significant amount of any substance that would be damaging to the soil. For example if it contained a lot of lead the owner of the hair would be dead.