How to change teams in madden 20 franchise as a player

The popular American Football league, NFL, gets better with the gaming title of Madden NFL 21. The game has got all the thirty-two (32) teams of the NFL, which is immensely popular in the United States. This game brings an overall experience of American Football with fun options like Franchise Mode, Rise Of Fame, and the popular Madden Ultimate Team (MUT). With so many teams, people can check out different rosters, different players and even different managers. While the players add to the chemistry and team’s building, the coaches come with tactical plannings and often scout for talented players who can help their team. In the game, many people try to switch teams. In this article, we talk about how you can switch teams in the game.

Madden NFL 21: Switch Teams

  • When you access the Franchise mode in Madden NFL 21, you get to see four tabs on the top, namely Things To Do, Team, League and Options.
  • Choose Options, where you will see options of Settings, Sliders, User Management and Demand Release.
  • Therefore, choose User Management from here.
  • As you click on the option, you will see two choices, Retire and User Teams. Click on Retire.
  • From here, choose to Create A New Character.
  • There would be a warning from Madden NFL 21, but you click on next to proceed with the team selection to make the switch.
  • Henceforth, this option would provide you all the NFL teams to choose from, like Indianapolis Colts, Chicago Bears, Pittsburgh Steelers, Houston Texans, to name a few.
  • Pick any team of your choice. Upon selecting it, choose the first option of Playing with the Head Coach of the team you selected from the NFL catalogue.

This is how you can make the jump and switch teams in Madden NFL 21 when you play the Franchise Mode. This option can help you explore many teams and what goes behind team-building and preparing for the match. For more gaming content and guides, head here.

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  2. Madden NFL 18
  3. In Franchise mode, how do I get switch teams?

romanhawk 4 years ago#1

I just made it to the playoffs. And I want to switch teams.
I see that the "Demand Release" option is unshaded even though its the playoffs. So how do I leave my team after 15 years and go elsewhere. And after every season, they give me a contract extension.

How do I jump to another team for the next season?

Moonlit_DeathX 4 years ago#2

You're talking as a player, not a coach right? You have to wait until the next turn after the Super Bowl, then demand release and wait until the free agency starts to actually get offers from teams, but if no one offers you a contract then, you will be forced to retire that character.

romanhawk (Topic Creator)4 years ago#3

No, as a coach.

So “Demand Release” is only as a player. That makes sense. I’m trying to jump over and coach a different team. Kind of a worst to first attempt. Plus I want a new conference.

Moonlit_DeathX 4 years ago#4

I think you can still demand your release as a coach at the same spot, after the Super Bowl, but unlike a player, you don't need to retire if no team hires you, you just end up waiting until the next season I think, so try to check and see if any team has an opening at head coach so they can hire you when you do get released. You also might be able to just pick the team you want to coach, make a new character as an owner, fire the coach it has, then immediately retire that owner, that might free up a spot for the AI to turn around and hire you as the coach.

romanhawk (Topic Creator)4 years ago#5

I created an owner of my new team, but couldn’t figure out how to fire my coach. It wasn’t an option under the “Owner” menu. Do you know how to fire?

Also, can a coach not get to level 31? Is 30 as high as you go?

Moonlit_DeathX 4 years ago#6

To fire a coach as an owner, you need to go under your Staff screen (it should be somewhere under your owner options) and press Triangle if it says make staff changes or something like that, that option isn't always there though, it depends what week it is sometimes. And I'm pretty sure 30 is the most it goes, I don't think I have ever seen anything higher.

  1. Boards
  2. Madden NFL 18
  3. In Franchise mode, how do I get switch teams?

How do you change your team on Madden?

To change your favorite team, navigate to the Game Options by clicking on the settings button. There, you will find “Favorite Team” at the top. Now scroll through the list of available teams and choose the one you want.