How to blacklist on rule 34

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Off an on for a few months, I have looked at ways to block tags. I was filling a feature request to do this and it showed related issues. Having read this and a few others, I did not even know about the feed weights until now. So I think discoverability of that option is another issue as well.
That being said, since we do not want to add another button to the page where we select [Follow], Why not keep it the way it looks but treat it like either:

  • A dropdown with the options

Custom ... (links to feed weights page)

  • Or make it a button that cycles through the 3 options above.

As for the feed weights, I feel like it would be more intuitive to act as follows
-1 : Completely block and ignore a post with this tag no matter what other tags are on the post, even if we follow those.
0 : This would basically be the "sometimes" others suggest above. Maybe this is the same as just not following a topic. Meaning this is the default for ALL tags per user.
1 : This means you want to follow this item. With no curation? Maybe the feed is purely chronological?
1-999 : as opposed to the 1 above, they are weighted as normal with a little of the magic to curate feeds based on what DEV uses for such things. The higher they are the more important it is you see an article with this tag come through.

Aside from that, clicking on a feeds page should possibly be strictly chronological? However I like the curated idea. I like how reddit does this. The main view for say /r/linux is hot which is a curated feed based on likes/popularity. Which DEV probably does as well anyways. Then there is the new tab which shows posts purely chronologically, then the top tab which shows the most popular posts purely based on pupularity.

How to blacklist on rule 34

Maybe when we are on our feed page and we click [Feed] it drops down with [Hot], [New], [Top]


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How to blacklist on rule 34
#71 to #1 - monstergirlexpert 




Yeah. Thankfully r34 lets you blacklist tags. Only shame that there isn't a very high limit on the number of tags that you can blacklist.

#70 to #1 - anon id: 1acdf03e 




Nothing like a wholesome ---- between Ms Pauling and Scout.
Or Spy and Scout's mother.

#31 to #1 - anon id: 18f7b391 




You could easily swap that depending on who exactly, and whether you choose to mix it up a bit.

Maybe with a bit of metal gear rising, yeah?

How to blacklist on rule 34
#12 to #1 - baloothebear 




A good argument for more female representation in video games tbh.

#4 to #1 - anon id: e52fe1dc 




How to blacklist on rule 34

Tf you on about
It good too your fault your search for the gay ----