How old do you have to be to buy condoms in California

Amid all the hysterics of young teenagers attempting to roll condoms onto bananas, it appears a key piece of information has commonly got lost in sex education: How old you have to be to buy them. According to Google Trends, the question has been searched pretty consistently over the last five years, while Reddit is awash with horny teenagers desperately searching for tips. The answer, in fact, is that there’s no legal age limit to buy condoms in most countries, including the U.S.

Condoms are available online and in most pharmacies, supermarkets, convenience stores and health centers — the latter of which often give them out for free. You can use this condom finder tool to find out where you can acquire them for zilch, but elsewhere, they’re likely to cost between $2 and $6 for a pack of three.

Now, given that the sex ed you got at school probably didn’t teach you about who can buy condoms and where, it probably didn’t imbue you with the proper knowledge about what size to buy or how to use them, either. When it comes to the fit of the rubber, there’s a handful of condom size calculators online — all you have to do is measure the girth and length of your penis, and the calculator will suggest a suitable fit. This isn’t foolproof though, as the calculators can only technically provide an estimate — if you want to truly find out your size, you’ll have to try a few on for size (in the comfort of your own home, of course).

When it comes to making use of the condom, Healthline advises that you don’t use one with a torn wrapper or any kind of leak, with holes in, nor one that feels dry, stiff or sticky, or exudes an unpleasant smell. But do use a new one each time you have sex, change it after 30 minutes and only ever use one at a time. When used correctly, condoms are 98 percent effective, but when used incorrectly, they’re only 85 percent effective (which is still better at preventing pregnancy and avoiding STIs than unprotected sex).

Of course, this is all very basic stuff — the kind of information that school sex education should be providing to kids. And yet, it often falls down to switched-on parents, activists or grassroots and non-profit organizations (like Planned Parenthood) to fill the gaps where sex education fails — which, in the case of abstinence-only sex ed, is everywhere. In this type of sex ed, educators are banned from teaching students about contraception or condom use, and are told to cite STIs as reasons to remain abstinent. 

As you’ll have to take matters into your own hands, you might want to stock up on some reading material. Studies have confirmed that reading about sex is considered is the best way to not only learn about it (proper sex education aside), but to thrive at it. Many recommend Alex Comfort’s The Joy of Sex, which has previously been dubbed “the world’s oldest and most trusted authority on sex.” Alternatively, Aaron Carroll and Rachel Vreeman’s Don’t Put That in There: And 69 Other Sex Myths Debunked touches on various falsehoods about condoms (among other things). 

After all, now that you know how to procure them, you’ll need to learn how to use them, too.

Brit Dawson

Brit Dawson is a London-based journalist who mostly writes about sex, women's rights and sex work. She is also the staff writer at Dazed.

Condoms are the only form of birth control that protects against pregnancy AND Sexually Transmitted Diseases – also known as STDs! They work by blocking sperm (and other fluids). Condoms come in many textures, sizes, colors, and materials. They are 85-98% effective and are easy to find! There are two kinds of condoms, the external condom that goes on the outside of the penis and the internal condom that goes inside the vagina or anus. Female condoms can be more expensive and harder to find, but these tips will work just the same!

Do I need to be over 18 to buy condoms?

No, anyone of any age can buy condoms! They are available in many different places like supermarkets, drug stores, gas stations, clinics, and more. Sometimes condoms are stored behind glass or behind the counter but this does not mean you can’t buy them. Just ask for the ones you want!

Step-By-Step Instructions for Buying Condoms:

  1. Find a location that sells condoms.
  2. Pick the condoms you want. Remember that condoms come in many different textures, sizes, colors, brands, and materials. All condoms you buy are effective, and sometimes people like to try different ones until they find their favorite!
  3. If the condoms are behind glass or behind the counter, simply ask a sales person for the ones you want. Don’t be worried. Anyone can buy condoms.
  4. Check the condom box for the expiration date (yes, they expire!) or for any damage. If the box is damaged or is close to expiring, grab a different one!
  5. Take the condoms to the counter and purchase them! Remember, ANYONE can buy condoms. Don’t be embarrassed at the cashier. Your purchase is none of their business. Plus, it’s smart to have condoms on hand!
  6. Store your condoms correctly until it’s time to use them. Condoms should be stored in a room-temperature place like a drawer or cabinet. Condoms should never be stored in a wallet or your car, because it can be too hot and they’ll get damaged!

While it’s easy to buy condoms, you can also get them for free! TeenSource makes it easy for you.

Step-By Step Instructions for Getting FREE Condoms:

  1. Go to //
  2. Enter your city, zip code, and date of birth. Teens in some parts of California can order condoms to be delivered to their house and other teens can find free condoms near them!
  3. To have condoms delivered to your house, select that option and enter your name and address. If you do not feel comfortable having the condoms mailed to your own house, you can use the address of a close friend or family member (just warn them ahead of time). The condoms will arrive in an unmarked padded envelope. You can order condoms once every 30 days.
  4. To pick up free condoms, find a location on the map. Locations with a blue dot may require you to fill out paperwork and see a clinician or healthcare provider to get free condoms. Other locations should have condoms available for you to pick up.
  5. Go to the location.
  6. Locate the free condoms or ask someone if you don’t see them.
  7. Store your condoms correctly until it’s time to use them. Condoms should be stored in a room-temperature place like a drawer or cabinet. Condoms should never be stored in a wallet or your car, because it can be too hot and they’ll get damaged!

More Tips!

  • It’s always a good idea to have condoms on hand even if you’ve never had sex. You never know when you or a friend might need them. Having condoms on hand will make you feel more comfortable and prepared!
  • Be confident. Getting condoms shows you are mature and responsible. If you can’t find what you are looking for, ask someone!
  • Condoms can be used with lube but make sure the lube is water-based and does NOT have any oil. Oil-based lubricants including baby oil, coconut oil, lotions, and any food product will actually break down the latex of the condom and make them not work.
  • Condoms should be used only one time. Once you are done with the condom, throw it away!

While condoms are the only form of birth control that protect against pregnancy AND STDs, there are many other methods of birth control. Learn more about birth control options that might be right for you at TeenSource! You can also learn more about STDs, how to get tested and how to prevent STDs. Don’t forget to find a clinic near you to get birth control or STD testing!

Do you have to be 18 to buy condoms online?

You DO NOT have to be 18 to buy condoms. You should not get carded for buying condoms and a clerk cannot legally refuse to sell them to you without looking at your ID. A checkout person also shouldn't ask your age—and if they do, you don't have to answer.

Can u buy condoms under 16?

There is no minimum age to buy condoms. You are entitled to free confidential contraception before the age of 16, this includes condoms. Condoms give you protection from unwanted pregnancy and added protection from Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as Gonorrhoea , Chlamydia and HIV .

Do you have to be 18 to buy condoms?

Make sure you know the facts before you use one. MYTH: You have to be 18 to buy condoms. TRUTH: Condoms are available at any age and free of charge from contraception clinics, Brook centres, sexual health (GUM) clinics, further education colleges and young people's clinics.

Can a 13 year old buy condoms in California?

Condoms. People of any age, including teens, can buy condoms from a drugstore, pharmacy, grocery store or even online.


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