How often use Paulas Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA liquid exfoliant?

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This post will be reviewing the Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant.

There is a reason this product is a global bestselling cult classic. I mean, went through two BHA products including the Cosrx Blackhead Power Liquid and The Inkey List Beta Hydroxy Acid and still came back to it. It’s so bad right now that I’m hesitant to try any other BHAs in the market. This is because I’m scared that they might not live up to Paula’s Choice.

I started with the 30 ml travel size and managed it so much. I thought the 118ml was not worth the investment. But then, I ran out of that and bought another on sale which I’m currently using. Lately, my skin has been acting out so much. The Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid has really come through for me. Particularly with my breakouts and blackheads. Right there and then, I made up my mind to invest in the full size which I did. I figured, even if I tried other BHAs in the market, I had Paula’s Choice as a backup.

First Impressions of Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid

How often use Paulas Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA liquid exfoliant?
How often use Paulas Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA liquid exfoliant?

According to Paula’s Choice;

Our #1 product worldwide + cult favorite, this gentle leave-on exfoliant with salicylic acid quickly unclogs pores, smooths wrinkles, brightens and evens out skin tone.

  • Clears & minimizes enlarged pores
  • BHA (beta hydroxy acid) sheds built-up layers of skin
  • Fluid, lightweight texture absorbs quickly 
  • Use twice daily after cleansing & toning


This is an exfoliating product. It contains 2% Salicylic Acid which is the high concentration you will find in any product. Salicylic Acid is a Beta Hydroxy Acid ( BHA) which penetrates into the deep layer of your skin and unclogs your pores. Clogged pores are usually as a result of dead skin cells, dirt and excess sebum. These manifest as acne and blackheads.

So, the single function of this product is to clean out your skin pores and even out your skin tone along the way. It’s simple yet powerful!

Consistency & Texture

Just as the name implies, it comes in a liquid texture. This means that it is watery and runny and is best applied with a cotton pad. If you’re not a fan of watery products, you can try out the Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Gel instead.


For someone that is used to the affordability of Korean Skincare products, this product is quite expensive. But you need to decide for yourself if it is worth the investment. As a rule of thumb, it is advisable to try out the 30ml size before you splurge on the 118ml. Everyone’s skin is different. Just because it works for others doesn’t mean it will work for you. ( Hopefully, it does because it is an awesome product but try it out first)

How often use Paulas Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA liquid exfoliant?
How often use Paulas Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA liquid exfoliant?

Ingredient List

For an American product, this has such a simple ingredient list that it is almost unbelievable. The two main ingredients are Salicylic Acid for exfoliating and Green Tea for soothing. Every other ingredient is there to improve the effectiveness of the product. Most importantly, it is fragrance- free and doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals. What you see is what you get.

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Review of the Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant.

How often use Paulas Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA liquid exfoliant?
How often use Paulas Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA liquid exfoliant?


Wer’re directed to;

Apply once or twice daily after cleansing and toning. Lightly soak a cotton pad and apply over the entire face, including the eye area (avoid the lower lash line and eyelids). Do not rinse. For daytime, follow with a moisturiser that contains a broad-spectrum sunscreen rated SPF 30 or greater.

This is such bad advice because the product is an exfoliating liquid which can cause irrtation if it is used too frequently. You shouldn’t be exfoliating daily much less twice daily. Two-three times a week is so much safer.

How often use Paulas Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA liquid exfoliant?
How often use Paulas Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA liquid exfoliant?

What I Do

I typically use this 2 – 3 times a week. When my skin is acting up and I’m breaking out so much, I use this back to back for a couple of days. The goal is to stop the acne on it’s tracks before it becomes a blackhead which is much harder to get rid of.

Sometimes, after using this for a few days my skin becomes irritated. This is where soothing products like my Cosrx Snail Mucin comes in. I never use the BHA with other actives to avoid irritation. Instead, I layer my skin with hydrating/soothing products. So far, this method has worked for me.

How It Worked

Depending on the severity of my acne, I never have to use this product more than once or twice in a succession. This is because, by the next day, most of my acne will have been cleared compared to The Inkey List Beta Hydroxy Acid. However you want to use it, either as a spot treatment or a full exfoliant, this product works.

Lately, I’ve actually been seeing more results with my hyperpigmentation. But because I don’t use it that consistently, I haven’t gotten the results I want yet. I’m trying to avoid over-exfoliating and irritating my skin in the process.

Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant Dupe & Alternatives

Cosrx BHA Blackhead Power Liquid

The Inkey List Salicylic Acid Cleanser

The Ordinary Salicylic Acid Masque

In Conclusion

Whatever skin type you have, if you are acne-prone, this product should be a staple in your routine. It will TRANSFORM your skin. Trust me! I have dry acne-prone skin and it works perfectly for me! Try it out and give it a chance. As always, if you don’t like it which I doubt you would, you can always use it on your body to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris.

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Rating: 5 out of 5.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Should you use Paula’s Choice BHA everyday?

Absolutely not! Using the Paula’s Choice BHA everyday can easily lead to overexfoliation which can further cause your skin to be sensitive and easily irritated. It’s safe to use it 2 – 3 times a week dependingon the severity of your acne.

Is Paula’s Choice BHA good for dry skin?

Any skin type can be acne-prone including dry skin. So yes, people with dry skin will benefit a lot from the exfoliating and soothing properties of Paula’s Choice BHA. Just make sure you hydrate and moisturize your skin afterwards.

What is the best BHA product?

Hands down Paula’s Choice BHA. It has 2% Salicylic Acid to unclog pores and smoothen the skin tone. Plus it works for all skin types.

What percentage of BHA is effective?

BHA or Salicylic Acis mostly effective from 0.5% to 2% which is the highest industry standard. You will not find any more than that in a drugstore product.

How often should you use the Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid exfoliant?

How often should I use Paula's Choice BHA Exfoliant? You can use Paula's Choice BHA every day— exfoliating once either in the morning or evening (pick whichever is most convenient for you). Many people with stubborn clogged pores have great results using a Paula's Choice BHA exfoliant twice per day.

How often should you use Paulas Choice 2%?

Start Slowly: Apply every other day and note skin's response. Then use up to twice daily. For daytime, always finish with SPF 30+. For nighttime, follow with the rest of your routine.

How often can you use 2% BHA?

For people with sensitive skin, you'll likely find that 2-3 times a week using a product like this is more than enough. People with a more hardy skin type can even get away with using a BHA every day.

How do you use Paula's Choice skin Perfecting 2 BHA liquid exfoliant?

Gently apply using fingers or a cotton pad over entire face and neck, including the eye area (avoid lash line and eyelids) after cleansing and toning. Do not rinse. Start slowly: Apply every other day and note skin's response. Then use up to twice daily.