How much renewable energy do we need to stop climate change

Energy use is changing fast. The shift to renewable sources, however, needs to happen faster, not just in power generation but in heating, buildings and transport, to check the rise in global temperatures.

Renewables could supply four-fifths of the world’s electricity by 2050, massively cutting carbon emissions and helping to mitigate climate change. But solar and wind power have to be fully integrated, with sustainable bioenergy providing another key part of the mix.

All this means speeding up innovation in business and technology. Above it all, it means taking action to promote renewable energy today. 

  • Decarbonising the energy sector requires urgent action on a global scale. While energy production and consumption patterns are changing fast, the shift to renewable sources needs to happen faster to reduce emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

    See how climate policy drives shift to renewable energy

    Decarbonising the energy sector requires urgent action on a global scale. While energy production and consumption patterns are changing fast, the shift to renewable sources needs to happen faster to reduce emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

    See how climate policy drives shift to renewable energy
  • Bioenergy accounts for nearly three-quarters of renewable energy use in 2017, and the use of modern bioenergy technologies could quadruple by the middle of the century. Clean, sustainable, modern bioenergy is a key component in the energy mix to meet global climate goals.

    Read why doubling bioenergy use is essential for global sustainability

    Bioenergy accounts for nearly three-quarters of renewable energy use in 2017, and the use of modern bioenergy technologies could quadruple by the middle of the century. Clean, sustainable, modern bioenergy is a key component in the energy mix to meet global climate goals.

    Read why doubling bioenergy use is essential for global sustainability
  • Yet transforming the global energy system in time to meet the challenge of climate change depends on early, concerted and consistent policy action to keep the rise in average temperatures below the crucial threshold of 2 degrees Celsius.

    Learn why early action is vital to keep temperature rise below 2℃

    Yet transforming the global energy system in time to meet the challenge of climate change depends on early, concerted and consistent policy action to keep the rise in average temperatures below the crucial threshold of 2 degrees Celsius.

    Learn why early action is vital to keep temperature rise below 2℃
  • The world’s energy transformation calls for accelerated innovation, both to produce technological breakthroughs and to devise new operating practices aimed at limiting the rise in global temperatures. The need for innovation extends beyond electricity to end uses in transport, buildings, industry and all aspects of energy use.

    Read why energy innovation is needed beyond electric power

    The world’s energy transformation calls for accelerated innovation, both to produce technological breakthroughs and to devise new operating practices aimed at limiting the rise in global temperatures. The need for innovation extends beyond electricity to end uses in transport, buildings, industry and all aspects of energy use.

    Read why energy innovation is needed beyond electric power
  • The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the International Energy Agency (IEA), at the request of the German government, have identified the key changes needed to decarbonise the world’s energy system and limit the global temperature rise.

    Learn more about low-carbon growth options for the energy sector

    The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the International Energy Agency (IEA), at the request of the German government, have identified the key changes needed to decarbonise the world’s energy system and limit the global temperature rise.

    Learn more about low-carbon growth options for the energy sector
  • Renewable power could cover up to four-fifths of global electricity supply by 2050 – drastically reducing carbon emissions and helping to mitigate climate change. However, strategies are needed to fully integrate the variable renewables, solar and wind energy.

    Learn how power sector is crucial for global decarbonisation

    Renewable power could cover up to four-fifths of global electricity supply by 2050 – drastically reducing carbon emissions and helping to mitigate climate change. However, strategies are needed to fully integrate the variable renewables, solar and wind energy.

    Learn how power sector is crucial for global decarbonisation
  • Renewable energy deployment and energy efficiency improvements work in synergy. Pursued together, they result in higher shares of renewables, greater reductions in energy intensity, and faster decarbonisation.

    See how synergies boost renewables and energy efficiency

    Renewable energy deployment and energy efficiency improvements work in synergy. Pursued together, they result in higher shares of renewables, greater reductions in energy intensity, and faster decarbonisation.

    See how synergies boost renewables and energy efficiency
  • Renewable energy costs have fallen significantly and rapidly since 2007, based on dramatic improvements in the cost-competitiveness of renewable-based power generation technologies. With this increasingly favourable cost equation, the world’s shift to a sustainable energy future based on renewables makes sense in purely economic terms.

    See why transforming energy makes economic sense

    Renewable energy costs have fallen significantly and rapidly since 2007, based on dramatic improvements in the cost-competitiveness of renewable-based power generation technologies. With this increasingly favourable cost equation, the world’s shift to a sustainable energy future based on renewables makes sense in purely economic terms.

    See why transforming energy makes economic sense


Recent Publications

How Much Can renewable energy help climate change?

Renewable power could cover up to four-fifths of global electricity supply by 2050 – drastically reducing carbon emissions and helping to mitigate climate change.

Can renewable energy reduce climate change?

There is no path to protecting the climate without dramatically changing how we produce and use electricity: nearly 40% of US CO2 pollution comes from power plants burning fossil fuels. But we can turn things around. Renewable energy minimizes carbon pollution and has a much lower impact on our environment.

How much renewable energy do we need to stop climate change and how can we make this happen?

Renewable energy makes economic sense In comparison, about $4 trillion a year needs to be invested in renewable energy until 2030 – including investments in technology and infrastructure – to allow us to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

How much renewable energy is needed?

Renewable Supply and Demand About 11.2 percent of the energy consumed globally for heating, power, and transportation came from modern renewables in 2019 (i.e., biomass, geothermal, solar, hydro, wind, and biofuels), up from 8.7 percent a decade prior (see figure below).


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