Which change is an example of transforming potential energy to kinetic energy?

Energy transformations are one of the most important aspects of physics, and transforming to and from kinetic energy is among the most common types of transformations. Such transformations are so common that they're probably happening around you right now. This makes it easy to find examples of kinetic energy transformation, because they abound among natural and man-made items.

A Yo-Yo's Movement

One of the best examples of kinetic energy transformation comes in the form of a simple yo-yo. When playing with the device, one begins by letting it rest in his hand. At this point, all of the energy stored in the yo-yo is called potential energy, or stored energy. Once a person drops the yo-yo from his hand, however, the potential energy in the yo-yo is transformed to kinetic energy, which is the energy of movement. Once it reaches the very bottom of the string, all of the yo-yo's energy is kinetic. As it moves back up the string, this kinetic energy is transformed back into potential energy until it reaches the person's hand, where all the energy is once again potential.

Riding a Roller Coaster

A roller coaster ride, unlike a yo-yo, actually allows a person to feel the tangible effect of energy transfers between potential and kinetic energy. For example, when ascending the first hill of a roller coaster, the train gradually builds potential energy until it reaches the very top. At the very top, riders can feel a tiny moment of stillness, and this moment is the point where the coaster has reached its maximum potential energy, and all of its energy is in this form. Once descending that hill, the coaster's energy is converted to kinetic energy until it is entirely kinetic at the bottom. The process of ascent/descent continues to change between potential and kinetic energy throughout the duration of the ride.

A Wind Turbine

Kinetic energy does not always have to convert back and forth between potential energy. Instead, it can also convert to numerous other forms of energy, including electrical energy. In the case of a wind turbine, for example, initial kinetic energy from the wind is converted through a series of steps into electric energy. The process begins by having the wind's kinetic energy convert to mechanical energy by spinning a wind turbine. The mechanical energy in the wind turbine is then transferred to an electrical generator, where the mechanical energy is transformed into electrical energy.

Elastic to Kinetic

Elastic energy is another form of energy that is readily transformed to and from kinetic energy. Not surprisingly, elastic energy is typically found in elastic objects such as rubber bands. Initially, a rubber band stores something called elastic energy, which when compressed or stretched can transform into kinetic energy. Pulling back a rubber band builds its elastic energy, and once it's released the band clearly moves -- this is because the elastic energy has been converted to kinetic energy. Because this energy operates in a way similar to potential energy, it is often also called elastic potential energy.


Writer Bio

Kevin Wandrei has written extensively on higher education. His work has been published with Kaplan, Textbooks.com, and Shmoop, Inc., among others. He is currently pursuing a Master of Public Administration at Cornell University.

Solar-powered cars use energy from the Sun to work. A panel on the car absorbs light energy from the Sun, which then generates an electric current. This electric current, in turn, allows the car to move.
Which shows the correct order of energy transformations that take place in a solar-powered car?

electrical, chemical, kinetic
electrical, kinetic, radiant
radiant, chemical, electrical
radiant, electrical, mechanical

Sets found in the same folder

Radiant Energy

Radio waves transmitted from a tower

Kinetic Energy

A box moving along a conveyer belt

Electrical energy

Lightning produced during a storm.

Thermal energy

Sand on the beach feels warm to the touch

Gravitational potential energy

A piece of fruit hanging from a tree.

What energy transformation is taking place in the photo?
radiant energy to thermal energy
thermal energy to nuclear energy
chemical energy to thermal energy

chemical energy to thermal energy

What is the original source of energy for gasoline?
fossil fuels


The process of generating electricity from dams and nuclear power plants is very different, but some of the energy transformations are the same. Which energy transformations occur in both dams and nuclear power plants? Check all that apply.

kinetic energy to mechanical energy
nuclear energy to thermal energy
mechanical energy to electrical energy
thermal energy to electrical energy

kinetic energy to mechanical energy
mechanical energy to electrical energy

Which statement is an example of the law of conservation of energy?

A soccer ball eventually stops because its energy disappears.
When a light bulb is turned on, electrical energy is converted to light and heat.
An automobile engine burns gasoline to converts its chemical energy to electrical energy.

When a light bulb is turned on, electrical energy is converted to light and heat.

Visit this website and read about pendulums. Then complete the sentences based on the diagram of the pendulum. Be sure to keep this website open because there will be several questions related to it.

The pendulum has the most potential energy:
The pendulum has the least kinetic energy:
The pendulum has the most kinetic energy:
The pendulum has the least potential energy

at the top of the swing
at the top of the swing
at the bottom of the swing
at the bottom of the swing

Go to the roller coaster simulation and click on the "launch" button. Pay attention to the pie chart as the roller coaster moves and fill in the blank. Be sure to keep this website open because there will be several questions related to it.

The kinetic energy ________as the roller coaster goes downhill.

Click the "step" button on the simulation to observe the energy at different points on the roller coaster ride.

Kinetic energy is greatest at_______?
Potential energy is greatest at ______?
Kinetic energy is decreasing while potential energy is increasing between points________?

Which chart comes closest to the relationship between kinetic energy and potential energy at point 6?

Point 2
Point 1
3 and 4
the middle one

What is one energy transformation that is taking place in the photo?

radiant energy to thermal energy
thermal energy to nuclear energy
chemical energy to thermal energy
radiant energy to chemical energy

radiant energy to chemical energy

What are the two main types of energy?

potential and electrical
radiant and kinetic
electrical and thermal
kinetic and potential

kinetic and potential

What is nuclear energy?

energy from solar panels
energy locked in the nucleus of an atom
energy of moving electrons
energy that travels in waves

energy locked in the nucleus of an atom

Identify the form of energy that matches each example.
Energy from electromagnetic waves:
Energy caused by changes in the structure of a nucleus:
Energy resulting from movement and vibration of molecules:
Energy an object has because of its position:

Radiant Energy
Nuclear Energy
Thermal Energy
Potential Energy

Identify characteristics of energy from the Sun. Check all that apply.

Almost all of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun.
Energy from the Sun is known as mechanical energy.
The energy in fossil fuels originally came from the Sun.
Plants convert the energy of sunlight into chemical energy.

Almost all of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun.
The energy in fossil fuels originally came from the Sun.
Plants convert the energy of sunlight into chemical energy.

A number of energy transformations occur when water that is stored behind a dam is changed into electrical energy. For each step listed, identify the energy transformation.

Lake water flows downward through tunnels:
Flowing water turns turbines:
Turbines generate electricity:

potential to kinetic
kinetic to mechanical
mechanical to electrical

What are the two main types of energy?

radiant and chemical
thermal and radiant
potential and chemical
kinetic and potential

kinetic and potential

Almost all energy on Earth comes from the:


Which activity directly converts energy from the Sun into chemical energy?

a snake lying on a sunny rock to keep warm
a rabbit using energy from food it has eaten to run
a bean plant making its own food to grow
a person burning firewood to cook food

a bean plant making its own food to grow

The image shows a dam.

Which descriptions best fit the labels?

X: kinetic energy
Y: potential energy

X: potential energy
Y: kinetic energy

X: mechanical energy
Y: electrical energy

X: electrical energy
Y: mechanical energy

X: potential energy
Y: kinetic energy

Savion listed the steps involved when nuclear power plants generate electricity.

1. Nuclear reaction occurs.
2. Nuclear energy is converted to radiant and thermal energy.
3. Heat is used to generate steam.
4. Light and heat are released.
5. Steam turns turbines.
6. Mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy.

Which best explains how to correct Savion's error?

In step 2, change "radiant and thermal " to "chemical and mechanical."
Reorder the steps so that step 4 appears before step 3.
Reorder the steps so that step 6 appears before step 5.
In step 6, change "mechanical" to "thermal."

Reorder the steps so that step 4 appears before step 3.

The human body stores chemical energy from digested food. Some of the chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy when the body moves. Which statement is bestsupported by this information?

The body does not convert chemical energy to thermal energy.
The body does not convert chemical energy to kinetic energy.
Digested food is a source of potential energy.
Digested food is a form of radiant energy.

Digested food is a source of potential energy.

Which is an example of transforming potential energy to kinetic energy? Check all that apply.

changing thermal energy to electrical energy
changing chemical energy to thermal energy
changing nuclear energy to radiant energy
changing radiant energy to electrical energy
changing mechanical energy to chemical energy

changing chemical energy to thermal energy
changing nuclear energy to radiant energy

When a person strikes and lights a match, potential energy in the match is transformed into which types of energy?

electrical and thermal
thermal and radiant
radiant and nuclear
nuclear and kinetic

thermal and radiant

Plants are responsible for a very important energy transformation, as shown.

Which energy transformation does the picture best illustrate?

radiant to chemical
nuclear to mechanical
chemical to thermal
mechanical to chemical

radiant to chemical

Energy can be transformed from one form to another. The diagram shows one such process.

Which energy transformation is represented in the diagram?

nuclear to thermal and radiant
nuclear to electrical and chemical
chemical to nuclear and radiant
chemical to electrical and nuclear

nuclear to thermal and radiant

Simone created a chart to summarize the energy transformations that take place when energy from the wind is used to generate electricity.

Which best completes the chart?

nuclear energy transformed to electrical energy
chemical energy transformed to electrical energy
radiant energy transformed to mechanical energy
kinetic energy transformed to mechanical energy

kinetic energy transformed to mechanical energy

Solar-powered cars use energy from the Sun to work. A panel on the car absorbs light energy from the Sun, which then generates an electric current. This electric current, in turn, allows the car to move. Which shows the correct order of energy transformations that take place in a solar-powered car?

electrical, chemical, kinetic
electrical, kinetic, radiant
radiant, chemical, electrical
radiant, electrical, mechanical

radiant, electrical, mechanical

Eddie and Val observed the picture of an athlete running in a race.

Eddie stated the picture shows potential energy being transformed to kinetic energy. Val stated that it shows chemical energy being transformed to mechanical energy. Which best explains who is correct?

Only Eddie is correct because the picture does not show a transformation that starts with chemical energy.
Only Eddie is correct because the picture does not show a transformation that ends with mechanical energy.
Both Eddie and Val are correct because chemical energy is a type of potential energy and mechanical energy includes kinetic energy.
Both Eddie and Val are correct because chemical energy is a type of kinetic energy and mechanical energy includes potential energy.

Both Eddie and Val are correct because chemical energy is a type of potential energy and mechanical energy includes kinetic energy.

During nuclear fission and fusion, matter that seems to disappear is actually converted into:


The diagram shows a swinging pendulum.

Which best explains what happens to the motion of the pendulum?

The mechanical energy transforms to thermal energy as the pendulum slows and eventually stops moving.
The mechanical energy disappears as the pendulum slows and eventually stops moving.
The pendulum will continue moving at the same speed until someone stops it because energy cannot be destroyed.
The pendulum will slow down but will never stop moving because energy cannot be destroyed.

The mechanical energy transforms to thermal energy as the pendulum slows and eventually stops moving.

Taro stated that when someone hits a golf ball with a club, the amount of energy the ball has changes, the amount of energy that the club has changes, and the total energy of the system that includes the ball and the club increases. Which best explains Taro's error?

The amount of energy that the ball has does not change.
The amount of energy that the club has does not change.
The total energy of the system remains the same.
The total energy of the system decreases.

The total energy of the system remains the same.

What happens in terms of energy when a moving car hits a parked car, causing the parked car to move?

The moving car transfers kinetic energy to the parked car.
Kinetic energy in the moving car disappears.
Kinetic energy in the parked car is created.
The parked car transfers kinetic energy to the moving car.

The moving car transfers kinetic energy to the parked car.

As a person pushes a box across a floor, the energy from the person's moving arm is transferred to the box, and the box and floor become warm. During this process, energy is:


A battery has chemical energy, which can be used to generate thermal and radiant energy in a lightbulb. Which best explains what happens to the amount of energy in this scenario?

The total energy in the system increases because chemical energy creates thermal and radiant energy.
The total energy in the system decreases because chemical energy disappears as thermal and radiant energy are generated.
The total energy in the system remains the same as the decrease in chemical energy equals the increase in thermal and radiant energy.
The total energy in the system remains the same as the increase in chemical energy equals the decrease in thermal and radiant energy.

The total energy in the system remains the same as the decrease in chemical energy equals the increase in thermal and radiant energy.

Alana summarized what happens when a ball sitting on top of a grassy hill rolls down the hill.
The motionless ball has potential energy. Once the ball starts to roll down the hill, new kinetic energy is made. As the ball rolls across the grass, it slows down. The kinetic energy of the ball is converted to other forms of energy.
Which best describes Alana's error?

The motionless ball does not have energy because it is still. Kinetic energy is not made; it is a result of energy transformation.
The ball cannot slow down unless someone touches it.
The energy is not converted; it disappears.

Kinetic energy is not made; it is a result of energy transformation.

The amount of kinetic energy an object has depends on its:


This diagram shows a skier moving down a hill.

Which statement best describes the skier?

The skier has potential and kinetic energy.
The skier has only potential energy.
The skier has only kinetic energy.
The skier does not have potential or kinetic energy.

The skier has potential and kinetic energy.

Which set of terms best defines what affects kinetic energy and potential energy, respectively?

position, gravity
gravity, position
velocity, height
height, velocity

velocity, height

Which statement best compares potential and kinetic energy?

Objects always have more potential energy than kinetic energy.
Only kinetic energy increases when the velocity of an object increases.
Only potential energy decreases when an object's height increases.
Objects always have more kinetic energy than potential energy.

Only kinetic energy increases when the velocity of an object increases.

Seema knows the mass of a basketball. What other information is needed to find the ball's potential energy?

the volume and height the ball reaches
the volume and shape of the ball
acceleration due to gravity and the height the ball reaches
acceleration due to gravity and the shape of the ball

acceleration due to gravity and the height the ball reaches

A roller coaster with a potential energy of 235,200 J sits at the top of a 30 m high hill. What is the mass of the roller coaster? (Formula: PE = mgh)

800 kg
7,840 kg
8,000 kg
78,400 kg

800 kg

A sled is at rest at the top of a 2 m high slope. The sled has a mass of 45 kg. The sled's potential energy is:


The table shows information about four objects resting at the top of a hill.

Which object is on the tallest hill?



Ella has a mass of 56 kg, and Tyrone has a mass of 68 kg. Ella is standing at the top of a skateboard ramp that is 1.5 meters tall. Which conclusion is best supported by the given information?

If Tyrone stands at the top of the same ramp, his potential energy will be less than Ella's.
If Tyrone stands at the top of a 1 m high ramp, his potential energy will be greater than Ella's.
If Tyrone stands at the top of the same ramp, his potential energy will be the same as Ella's.
If Tyrone stands at the top of a 2 m high ramp, his potential energy will be greater than Ella's.

If Tyrone stands at the top of a 2 m high ramp, his potential energy will be greater than Ella's.

Which factors are used to calculate the kinetic energy of an object? Check all that apply.



The kinetic energy of a ball with a mass of 0.5 kg and a velocity of 10 m/s is


A car is moving at 12 m/s and has a mass of 600 kg. What is the kinetic energy of the car?
36,300 J
43,200 J
72,600 J
86,400 J

43,200 J

An object has a velocity of 8 m/s and a kinetic energy of 480 J. What is the mass of the object?

7.5 kg
15 kg
60 kg
120 kg

15 kg

The table shows information about four students who are running around a track.

Which statement is supported by the information in the chart?

Autumn has more kinetic energy than Chiang.
Mohammed has less kinetic energy than Autumn.
Lexy has more kinetic energy than Mohammed.
Chiang has less kinetic energy than Lexy.

Mohammed has less kinetic energy than Autumn.

A soccer ball is traveling at a velocity of 50 m/s. The kinetic energy of the ball is 500 J. What is the mass of the soccer ball?

0.1 kg
0.2 kg
0.4 kg
0.5 kg

0.4 kg

The diagram shows a ball resting at the top of a hill.

Which statement best describes the energy in this system?

The potential energy in the system is greatest at X.
The kinetic energy in the system is greatest at X.
Total energy in the system decreases as the ball moves from X to Y.
Total energy in the system increases as the ball moves from X to Y.

The potential energy in the system is greatest at X.

This diagram shows a baseball's motion.

Which statement is best supported by the diagram?

Kinetic energy becomes potential energy between points R and S.
Maximum potential energy is at point P.
Maximum potential energy is at point R.
Potential energy becomes kinetic energy between points P and Q.

Maximum potential energy is at point R.

The diagram shows a person holding a bow and arrow.

Which will most likely increase the kinetic energy in this system?

pulling farther back on the string
releasing the string
holding the arrow higher
decreasing the mass of the arrow

releasing the string

If the kinetic and potential energy in a system are equal, then the potential energy increases. What happens as a result?

Total energy increases.
Stored energy decreases.
Energy of motion decreases.
Total energy decreases.

Energy of motion decreases.

Olivia is on a swing at the playground.

At which point is her kinetic energy increasing and her potential energy decreasing?



Which is occurring when work is being done?

Energy is being reverted.
Energy is being decreased.
Energy is being increased.
Energy is being transferred.

Energy is being transferred.

Four people make observations recorded in the table.

Which best describes what all of the observations have in common?

They involve nuclear energy.
They involve radiant energy.
The involve changes in waves.
They involve changes in energy.

They involve changes in energy.

If Jerome is swinging on a rope and transferring energy from gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy, ________ is being done.


Shondra takes notes in class. I. Electromagnetic Waves II. The ability to work - Has many forms - Mechanical III. Potential energy - Chemical - Elastic - Gravitational Kinetic energy - Energy of movement - Electrical IV. Nuclear - Radiant - Thermal

One line of Shondra's notes is irrelevant to the rest of her notes. Which line is about a different topic than the rest of Shondra's notes?



Work can_________energy between objects and can cause a change in the form of energy.


Abin is doing work by lifting a bowling ball. Which statement could be made about the energy in this situation?

It is being transferred from the ball to his arm muscles.
It is being transferred from his arm muscles to the ball.
It would be recorded in units of hertz and power.
It would be cause a change in energy from potential to chemical.

It is being transferred from his arm muscles to the ball.

Which statement best defines the relationship between work and energy?

Work can transfer energy between objects and increase radiant energy.
Work can transfer energy between objects and cause a change in the form of energy.
Work can transfer energy between objects and decrease nuclear energy.
Work can transfer energy between objects and cause a change in the amount of total energy.

Work can transfer energy between objects and cause a change in the form of energy.

Gabriel is performing an experiment in which he is measuring the energy and work being done by a ball rolling down a hill. Which statement best describes Gabriel's measurements?

They will remain constant.
They will both be recorded in joules.
They will both be recorded in hertz.
They will involve compressions.

They will both be recorded in joules.

When a spring is compressed, the energy changes from kinetic to potential. Which bestdescribes what is causing this change?
gravitational energy
chemical energy


_______energy is the energy an object has because of its motion.


Which statement best describes the work and energy in these examples?

Example 1: Running a car requires gas.
Example 2: Humans require food to live.

The gas and food are examples of energy.
The gas and food are examples of work.
The gas and humans are examples of work.
The food and car are examples of energy.

The gas and food are examples of energy.

What is the energy of an object because of its potential and kinetic energies?

chemical energy
electrical energy
nuclear energy
mechanical energy

mechanical energy

What are two types of mechanical energy?

electrical and kinetic
nuclear and chemical
radiant and thermal
elastic and gravitational

elastic and gravitational

What kind of energy involves the flow of positive charges?



Johanna is studying what happens to the energy as a ball rolls down a ramp. What is she studying? Check all that apply.

gravitational potential energy
electrical energy
kinetic energy
mechanical energy
elastic potential energy

gravitational potential energy
kinetic energy
mechanical energy

Atoms contain subatomic particles called protons and neutrons. When these protons and neutrons split, a lot of energy is released.

What kind of energy is this?



The sun emits electromagnetic waves at many frequencies, but mostly in the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet spectrums. What kind of energy is this?



When Javier touches a hot mug of tea, energy is transferred from the surface of the mug to his hand. What kind of energy is this?



When Anna eats an apple, the sugars in that apple are broken down into the substance called glucose. Glucose is then burned in her body for energy. One of the body parts that needs this energy is the heart, which beats due to electrical impulses. A byproduct of this glucose breakdown is the heat that warms her body and is later released.

Which identifies the energy transformations that take place in Anna's body as this process takes place?

Mechanical energy is converted to kinetic energy, which is then converted to potential energy.
Chemical energy is converted to thermal energy and electrical energy.
Electrical energy is converted to chemical energy and thermal energy.
Mechanical energy is converted to potential energy which is then converted to kinetic energy.

Chemical energy is converted to thermal energy and electrical energy.

What changes an example of transforming potential energy to kinetic energy?

First, the raised hammer has more potential energy since it has the potential to go higher or lower. Second, when you hit the hammer on the table, the stored potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as the hammer is falling. (It's the falling hammer that has kinetic energy.)

What converts potential energy into kinetic energy?

An object has potential energy (stored energy) when it is not in motion. Once a force has been applied or it begins to move the potential energy changes to kinetic energy (energy of motion).

Which is the best example of energy transformation between potential energy and kinetic energy?

In waterfalls such as Niagara Falls, potential energy is transformed to kinetic energy. The water at the top of the falls has gravitational potential energy. As the water plunges, its velocity increases. Its potential energy becomes kinetic energy.

Which of the following is an example of the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy quizlet?

A waterfall is an example of: potential energy being converted into kinetic energy.


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