How much does it cost to replace the heating element in a Samsung dryer?

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It can be a huge ordeal to wash your clothes, only to find out that your clothes dryer is no longer heating up, leaving you to quickly find a way to dry your wet clothing.

Sometimes this can be a cheap fix, and other times calling in the experts may break your wallet a bit.

The way a dryer works is that the fan will pull air into the machine, which goes through a heating element.

This element heats the air and it is directed to the tumbler, where your clothes are spinning around waiting to dry.

If the process starts to take longer than usual or your clothing is still somewhat wet afterward, it may be time to replace the heating element.

This will leave you to ask, “how much does it cost to replace heating element in the dryer?

Depending on your area in the United States, the brand, the total damage to the heating element, and various other issues.

Typically, the general cost of a heating element is around $35 to $60, but depending on the factors previously mentioned, it can still cost even up to $200.

It’s worth noting that this is the cost for the standalone part itself, not any labor or service fees charged by professionals.

Cost of heating element for different brands

Depending on your make and model, the heating element for a Samsung dryer can be found at some internet stores or Amazon for around $18.99, or even up to $118.65 online.

For an LG electric dryer, it’s common to find heating elements for around $48.

For a Kenmore brand dryer, the typical cost of the heating element can usually be found ranging from $20 to $43 whether it is available at a local store or buy online.

For Maytag dryers, it’s common for the price of a heating element to be around $40.

You could easily find a heating element for a Whirlpool dryer also around $40.

It is important to note that all of these prices can vary depending on the year the dryer was made and the demand for the heating element at the time of need.

These costs only include the heating element itself, so now it’s time to discuss any added service fees for calling a professional.

Self Installation or Professional Installation?

Professional Installation

Hiring a professional to work on your dryer is typically a safer idea as they are trained and have less room for error, but this can be quite costly.

You will have to pay for the manual labor and possibly other fees on top of the price of the new heating element.

Oftentimes the service fees can range just as much as the part itself, usually from $100 to $200. Sometimes, this can be a flat rate fee, or an hourly rate, depending on the technician or company.

Sometimes, an extra fee that may be charged is if the technician is having issues finding the right heating element for your dryer.

This is not always an issue or an additional charge, but if your dryer is an older model then it may take extra time to find that part.

If the heating element isn’t readily reproduced, then extra fees for the price, as well as time spent looking for this part, can be added to your bill.

Self Installation

If you think it’s something you can handle, then, of course, that would be generally cheaper than hiring a professional, as you only have to purchase the heating element.

Sometimes the heating element is located in different areas of the dryer, depending on the brand and the model, so it’s a good idea to do research on what you have before taking everything apart.

However, if you do decide to do it yourself, this can save you potentially hundreds of dollars since you don’t have a fixed service or hourly rate to pay a technician.

Check for Warranty

Before deciding on who will fix the dryer, it’s a good idea to find out if your product is still under warranty.

Of course this varies from brands and models, and if it’s a used dryer there is likely no warranty, but be sure to check especially before calling a professional.

If the warranty is still active, the manufacturer will pay for the new heating element and installation of the part.

Be sure to remember as well that oftentimes working on equipment like this yourself will void the warranty, so be cautious about attempting to fix the appliance on your own without knowing if it’s still covered by warranty or not.

Area Can Also Be a Price Factor

Unfortunately, there is one additional point to consider when calculating your specific dryer repair cost.

Sometimes, different states may yield different prices for the same fix. Usually this is determined by state taxes or even if the company is small or large.

If the company you hire to repair your heating element is in a small town, they could charge more due to a lower volume of work than a repair shop in a larger city.

Of course, this isn’t also cut black and white, as a company in a large city can charge more than your local technicians, but generally a larger company has more cookie-cutter training and hourly pay regardless of work.

Local technicians may not have this luxury and get paid based on the amount of work.

This can vary by state or even city, so be sure to research the options around you and balance the repair price versus the quality of repair if you have decided not to attempt repair yourself.

In conclusion, there are a few factors that can change the cost of a heating element, such as the brand, year, model, and whether you are doing the job yourself or hiring a professional.

Be sure to do your research on your specific dryer to calculate accurate costs, and don’t forget to check for a warranty.

Utilizing manufacturer warranties will be the cheapest option, but they usually don’t last for too many years. Hopefully, through this article you have a good estimate of how much does it cost to replace the heating element in dryer.

Is it expensive to replace a heating element in a dryer?

Sometimes, you might need to buy a new heating element. The average dryer heating element cost is between $40 and $100 but can go as high as $200 or as low as $30, depending on the type of dryer.

How much does it cost to fix a Samsung dryer that is not heating?

Typically, a Samsung dryer heating element can cost anywhere from $50 to $150. Paying the technician to replace it for you will cost anywhere from $120 to $200 on top of that cost.

How long do Samsung dryer heating elements last?

The heating element in a well-maintained dryer should last at least 15 years. However, a burnt-out heating element is often responsible for heating issues with Samsung dryers. The element usually burns out due to wear and tear and a failure to keep the ventilation clear, which puts pressure on the heating element.

Can you replace the heating element on a Samsung dryer?

Take the new heating element out of the packaging and place it into position in your Samsung dryer. You can then secure it in place with the screw you removed earlier or, if your new heating element has a screw, use the new one instead. Once secured in place, reconnect the wire connectors back up to the element.