How much apple cider vinegar can i give my dog

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How much apple cider vinegar can i give my dog


As of late, apple cider vinegar has become another huge food trend in the healthy and organic eating world. The vinegar is extremely versatile - it can even be used in body products and cleaning solutions! Since it is likely you may have a bottle of ACV laying around your kitchen, you may be wondering if there are ways to include it in Fido's diet or if it is even safe for a dog to safely consume. 

We know that apples are a healthy and wonderful snack for our dogs, so is ACV? In short, yes, this vinegar is safe for your dog, but that doesn't mean it won't come with some adverse effects.

How much apple cider vinegar can i give my dog

Signs a Dog Likes Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a wide variety of health benefits that are great for humans and can be good for your dog as well, but there are some things to note before you decide to include this vinegar in their diet. 

ACV must be diluted and given in small teaspoon amount when given to a normal sized and healthy dog. Dogs who have certain health issues or diseases should never be given ACV. Many dogs may not enjoy the taste and the sour, bitter notes that ACV has. Many owners may attempt to include ACV in their dog's diet, but their dog will refuse to eat it. 

It is important to watch for your dog's cues as to whether or not they like the taste of this tart vinegar. If they don't like this certain food, they will often snarl at the liquid, scrunch up their noses, they may bow in front of the dish it's being given in and bark, they may stare at it or may appear to be completely indifferent to the ACV.  

If your dog has a particularly sensitive tummy, it may upset their stomach a little, so if they do eat it but seem to be unwell and have loose stools after consumption, you will probably want to avoid giving them ACV in the future and instead find another food with the same, or similar, health benefits. 

To tell if your dog does enjoy ACV, watch if they eat/lick the vinegar without any reservation, if they wag their tail in excitement, if they look alert and raise their ears, or even bark or whine at your for more as well. 

Body Language

Here are some signs you may notice if your dog likes apple cider vinegar:

  • Alert

  • Wag Tail

  • Pacing

  • Lip Licking

  • Drooling

  • Tail Up

Other Signs

These are some other signs you might notice if your dog likes apple cider vinegar:

  • Excessive Drooling

  • Begging For More

History of Apple Cider Vinegar

How much apple cider vinegar can i give my dog

Although it may seem like ACV is a trendy and new health food with an endless amount of benefits and uses, it is actually one of the oldest kinds of vinegar and food in the world. ACV has been around for more than 10,000 years and it most widely recognized for it healing and medicinal benefits for both humans and animals. 

Around 8,000 BC, the Egyptians used ACV as an antiseptic and as a weight loss supplement. In Ancient Greece, Hippocrates advised his patients drink ACV to heal a variety of health issues and to give people more energy. One of his popular elixir's was a combination of ACV and honey that helped his patients with phlegm and breathing troubles.

After centuries of heavy use for medical and health benefits, ACV began seeing mass production in 1394 in France. A group of individuals found they could make large batches of vinegar through a process called the Orleans Method. Today, vinegar and ACV are widely available and heavily used and consumed in a multitude of ways. 

Many dog owners claim ACV has helped their dog with joint pain and arthritis issues due to the vinegar's ability to break down calcium deposits around the dog's joints. 

Science Behind Dogs and Apple Cider Vinegar

How much apple cider vinegar can i give my dog

There is not a lot of research and literature on the benefits for ACV in dogs, but recently, there has been more information coming out about its potential benefits for our furry friends. The most common and safest way to add ACV to your dog's diet is to add it to their water bowl. 

Health benefits of ACV include helping with digestion, combating yeast infections, relieving seasonal allergies, and supporting joint health. 

To help with arthritis, you can add ACV to your dog's water to help with joint health as it breaks down the calcium that builds up around the joints and causes pain. 

It can also be used internally to help with repelling fleas naturally. It keeps the pH levels in your dog's blood slightly acidic, which will help ward off the pests. ACV can also help with your dog's oral health. There is evidence that shows the higher acidity levels in apple cider vinegar break down the plaque and tartar on their teeth, keeping your dog's mouth healthy. This can also help reduce or eliminate bad, stinky breath. 

However, it is important to keep in mind that giving your dog ACV does come with some risks and should be done with caution. You must make sure the vinegar is diluted properly, otherwise, it can cause some issues, especially in dog's that are not in 100% good health. For instance, if your dog has kidney disease, ingesting ACV could be harmful. 

It is always a good idea to speak with your vet first before adding new foods to your dog's diet that are not extensively proven as safe. Furthermore, some dogs may experience a laxative type effect from ACV, so if they get loose stools or diarrhea from ACV, do not continue to give it to your pooch. 

How to Give Dogs Apple Cider Vinegar

How much apple cider vinegar can i give my dog

You cannot train your dog to like ACV - especially since it can come with a few health risks. With this food, the best idea is to only include it in your dog's diet if they are healthy, not sensitive in any way to ACV, and can really use ACV's health benefits. 

If you decide to give it to your dog, and your vet also gives you the green light, you need to dilute ACV or give it to them in their food. The general rule of thumb is small to medium sized dogs need 1 teaspoon in the water bowl and large breeds need about 1 dessert sized spoon of ACV in their water. It should generally not be given more than two times per week.

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Safety Tips for Feeding Your Dog Apple Cider Vinegar:

  1. Consult with your vet first.
  2. Always dilute ACV.
  3. Never give it more than 2x per week.

By a Samoyed lover Kayla Costanzo

Published: 03/15/2018, edited: 04/06/2020

How much apple cider vinegar can I give my dog a day?

Adding 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of apple cider vinegar to the water bowl or food once a day is recommended. If adding to the water, ensure there is a water bowl without apple cider vinegar available in case the dog does not like the flavor. Never give undiluted apple cider vinegar directly to your dog.

What does apple cider vinegar do for dogs?

ACV can relieve your dog's itching, repel fleas and ticks and can be used as an ear cleaner. ACV can help your dog internally as well. ACV can help regulate blood sugar levels. It's great for the heart health of your dog and it can help prevent toxic bacteria from gaining a foothold.

What happens if I give my dog too much apple cider vinegar?

As with most things, your dog can definitely have too much of a good thing if they ingest too much ACV, as it can cause gastrointestinal upset and lead to vomiting and diarrhea. ACV also has the potential to cause throat burns as it is an acid, Dr. Jackson says.

How much apple cider vinegar can I put in my dogs drinking water?

There are pros and cons to adding cider vinegar to a dog's drinking water, with the recommended dose usually 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per 50 pounds of body weight. “People often talk about adding ACV to water bowls,” says canine health researcher Mary Straus.