How many pounds of meat do I need for 11 people?

When hosting a gathering (or taking food to one) the biggest hangup tends to be how much to make. Should you double a recipe? Triple it? What if you don't know how many people will be there? See, it's already overwhelming. Try this party drinks calculator and appetizer calculator to determine how many of those items to make, but what about recipes with ground beef? Burgers, sloppy joes, and meatballs are go-to dishes to serve a large group. To help figure out how much ground beef per person you'll need, use these guidelines.

How many pounds of meat do I need for 11 people?
How many pounds of meat do I need for 11 people?

Jason Donnelly

Sloppy Joes

In general, we call for 1 pound of ground beef to make 6 sandwiches in our sloppy joes recipes. That works out to 3 ounces of ground beef per sandwich. Depending on the size of your bun and how meaty you like your sandwich, you can increase or decrease that amount an ounce or two either way. Based on the 3-ounce guideline, purchase this much ground beef to serve your crowd. To be safe, go ahead and round up to the nearest full pound, if you like.

Get Our Slow Cooker Sloppy Joes Recipe

  • 10 sandwiches = 30 ounces or just under 2 pounds ground beef
  • 15 sandwiches = 45 ounces or 2¾ pounds ground beef
  • 20 sandwiches = 60 ounces or 3¾ pounds ground beef
  • 25 sandwiches = 75 ounces or 4⅔ pounds ground beef

How many pounds of meat do I need for 11 people?
How many pounds of meat do I need for 11 people?

Jason Donnelly


Our Test Kitchen uses a range of 1 to 1½ pounds of ground beef to make 4 burgers. That's 4 to 6 ounces per burger. Check out our best tips for grilled burgers and use these guidelines to know how much ground beef per burger to buy.

Get the Whiskey Barrel Burgers Recipe

  • 10 burgers = 40 to 60 ounces = 2½ to 3¾ pounds ground beef
  • 15 burgers = 60 to 90 ounces = 3¾ to 5⅔ pounds ground beef
  • 20 burgers = 80 to 120 ounces = 5 to 7½ pounds ground beef
  • 25 burgers = 100 to 150 ounces = 6¼ to 9⅓ pounds ground beef

How many pounds of meat do I need for 11 people?
How many pounds of meat do I need for 11 people?

Andy Lyons Cameraworks, LTD


To be frank, this one is tricky to determine. Cooks make their meatballs in quite different sizes and who is going to eat just one meatball?! That makes it hard to know how many meatballs per person to plan. Most of the meatball recipes from our Test Kitchen use between ⅓ and ½ ounce ground meat (we usually use a mix of a couple of different ground meats) per meatball. Certainly we've seen much larger meatballs than that, but sticking to our usual amounts (and assuming you're using all ground beef), here are the numbers.

Get Our Basic Meatballs Recipe

  • 30 meatballs = 10 to 15 ounces = ⅔ to about 1 pound ground beef
  • 40 meatballs = 13 to 20 ounces = ⅞ to 1¼ pounds ground beef
  • 50 meatballs = 16½ to 25 ounces = 1 to 1½ pounds ground beef
  • 60 meatballs = 20 to 30 ounces = 1¼ to 2 pounds ground beef
  • 70 meatballs = 23 to 35 ounces = 1½ to 2¼ pounds ground beef
  • 80 meatballs = 26 to 40 ounces = 1⅔ to 2½ pounds ground beef

These are just general guidelines to help determine how many pounds of hamburger to feed your crowd. Adjust as needed, but note that the amount required to make sloppy joes, burgers, and meatballs varies quite a bit to serve the same number of people.

Based on your selections, the Meat Calculator will provide you with an estimate of how much meat you might want to provide to your guests. It will provide both the raw, uncooked weight as well as the finished,cooked weight.

When you are preparing a meal for a large number of people, there’s no need to worry about offering up restaurant-sized servings. The portion size of food in restaurants is intentionally much larger and much higher in calories than what is recommended for most adults. Restaurants know how to turn a profit while still offering oversized portions of food. They want their customers to feel like they’ve gotten a good deal for their money; and happy customers become repeat customers.

When preparing a meal for a gathering, you should focus on recommended portion sizes (versus restaurant-sized portions), which will satisfy your average guest and minimize waste (and cost). The recommended portion sizes typically balance themselves out between big, average and small eaters. Of course, there’ll be a few no-shows as well. But you can also increase or decrease the number of portions if you know there will be quite a few big eaters, or a lot of diet-conscious guests.

How many pounds of meat do I need for 11 people?
How many pounds of meat do I need for 11 people?

Although the USDA recommended portion size of meat at a meal is 3 ounces, the typical serving size of meat in catering is between 4 to 6 ounces. When meat is the main feature of a meal, such as steak or chicken breast, the serving size increases to 6 to 8 ounces per serving. The serving size of meat decreases when it is prepared with topping, breaded, or served in heavy sauces or gravies.

When purchasing meat to prepare for guests, keep in mind that after cooking you’ll lose about 25% of the total weight of the meat (on average, per USDA). This is the amount used in the calculator to determine how much raw meat you would need to purchase. Fattier meats will provide an even lower yield. Bacon only yields about 30% meat after cooking. Ground beef will yield about 70% of cooked beef. Brisket yields about 60% meat after cooking. And whole birds such as chicken and turkey (under 12 lbs) also yield about 60% meat. So when purchasing raw meat, increase the amount purchased based on what the actual cooked amount of meat you’ll need.

How much meat do I need for 11 adults?

A question we often get is “How much meat do I need?” The starting rule of thumb is: Boneless Meat: 1/2 lb. per person for adults and 1/4 lb. per person for children.

How many pounds of roast beef do I need for 11 people?

Bone-in roasts: Figure about one-pound per person. A 10-pound roast will feed 8-10 people. Boneless: Allow about a half-pound per person, which should yield about a 6-ounce piece.

How many pounds of beef do you need for 12 people?

Meat Math Chart.

How much beef do I need for 10 people?

Allow around 375g beef per person, so for four people, you need a joint around 1.5kg, for six, 2.25kg, for eight, 3kg and for 10, 3.75kg.