How many miles should I bike a year

This is a question that many people ask themselves before they start their biking journey. The answer to this question is not always clear, as many variables affect the number of miles you can bike in a day. The distance you bike in a day will depend on the terrain, your fitness level, and the weight of your bike. For example, if you are biking uphill for most of the day or carrying a heavy load, then you will be able to bike less than if you were biking downhill or on flat terrain with no load.

Biking around 10-15 miles a day is deemed appropriate for the ordinary biker. Professional cyclists and riders should aim for around 25-30 miles per day when training for competitions. An average individual may cycle 50-60 miles per day, with the distance varying depending on your aim, fitness level, bicycling experience, biking area, and bike type.

Things to know before going on a long bike ride. 

Your Goal and Ambitions

How many miles should I bike a year

Bikers who are trying to lose weight must cycle a different amount of miles than those who are riding for fun or training. With a specific target in mind, you may determine what type of bike distance you should aim for each day and how frequently you should repeat that distance. These things are crucial because they will help you determine whether or not this is the appropriate activity for you but not if there are any health dangers involved.

To put it another way, someone who wants to stay in shape doesn’t have to do much, but someone who is preparing for a race will have to put in more effort.

The more you cycle for losing weight, the better. As a result, you must go for a longer period of time, with the minimum needs being 30 to 45 minutes every day. Consistency is required for your weight loss rides as well, although it is far less stringent than riding for other goals.

When bicycling for weight reduction, it’s more important to think about how many calories you need to burn daily and weekly than how many miles you need to cover. The reason for this is that, throughout the same number of miles, you might burn more or fewer calories. As a result, placing a number on how many miles you’ll need to burn isn’t a precise science.

For example, riding a bike at 11 miles per hour for 30 minutes burns 320 calories. If I increase my speed to 15 miles per hour, I will burn 469 calories in the same amount of time. Your calorie targets may range significantly from mine based on your weight, pace, and amount of time spent bicycling. So, if you want to lose weight by cycling, you should concentrate on the intensity of the ride rather than the number of miles you cover.

If you’re only looking to maintain your fitness, a mile or two per day would suffice. Depending on the sort of event you’re preparing for, you’ll need to cover anywhere from 20 to 50 miles while biking. If you’re not doing much practice, I’d suggest starting with 10 miles and working your way up. This 10-mile daily ride will serve as your jumping-off point. As you get closer to your cycling event, keep pedaling and aim to cycle more than you now do each day.

Your Health

To calculate how many miles you should ride each day, take into account your medical condition and age. Both of these elements have an impact on how your body reacts to biking on a daily basis. In general, the number of miles you may ride each day is determined by:

  • -Your health records and overall health status, including any injuries or chronic diseases like arthritis or other mobility concerns that would prevent you from riding a given distance without aggravating or developing new ailments.
  • The period of hours you have available per day for exercise. Younger people, on average, have more time to exercise each day since they have fewer commitments.
  • As we become older, our bodies repair more slowly. It also doesn’t heal as quickly as it did when we were younger.

Your Safety 

You should constantly be reminded of the importance of safety before heading on a bike tour. Don’t ride your bike down long highways without the correct gear and clothing.

Getting the appropriate bicycle clothing and apparel can help to reduce the amount of damage caused by forceful impacts, which occur frequently in tragic situations such as accidents.

How many miles should I bike a year

If you’re having trouble deciding what cycling gear to bring on your bike tour, watch this amazing video on how to dress like a cyclist. It discusses bike gears that are suitable for bike touring and can keep you safe during your journey.

Your Experience

How does your bike ability affect the number of miles you can cover?

If you are a competitive cyclist, your fitness level will differ from that of a non-competitive cyclist. For example, a 50-year-old cyclist who has been bicycling for 15 years can cycle 50 miles faster than a 25-year-old cyclist who has only been biking for a year.

While someone who is new to biking will immediately understand that riding 50 miles at any speed is quite challenging. It’s much worse if you imagine running that distance on a regular basis.

What does all of this imply? As a result, less experienced bikers will require more time and rehabilitation before being able to ride big distances again. As a result, I propose setting a daily target of cycling 5-10 miles and gradually increasing it over months.

learn more about bikes

Route/Map or Environment

A 10-mile bike on hilly terrain differs greatly from a 10-mile cycle on level terrain. Because you’re going uphill or downhill when biking on hilly terrain, the lengths you’ll travel in a given amount of time may vary. Bike riding on flat terrain will be rather consistent. However, flat terrains have their own set of difficulties, such as traffic, which will limit how far you can travel.

The same may be stated of the speed with which you bike. A cyclist riding 20 mph down a wide-open stretch will experience something different from a rider going 15 mph up and over severe gradients. Someone who does not have many hills may think 3 miles to be a breeze to do. In the other instance, 3 miles will be extremely difficult to finish.

As a result, knowing the route you’ll be taking will be critical in determining how long you should bike.

Bike type

Bikes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some are preferable for short travels, while others are better for longer ones. The type of bike you purchase can have a big impact on how far you can travel. A bike that weighs over 40 pounds, for example, will be less effective and slower than one that weighs less than 40 pounds. As a result, such bikes would make it more difficult for the rider to travel as quickly or for as long without becoming exhausted.

As a result, mountain bikes will not be seen in road events or time trials. A mountain bike is designed to handle mud, rocks, and mountainous terrains, and therefore requires additional weight and heavier components to improve riding agility and durability.

The more difficult a bike is to ride, the fewer miles you can cover before becoming exhausted. Note that the degree of difficulty is subjective in terms of the components and abilities necessary to ride each sort of bike.

To put it another way, riding a cruiser bike is a lot simpler than riding a mountain bike or a road bike. In addition, the distance you can traverse on each will be vastly different. You won’t be capable of covering 20 miles as fast or easily on a cruiser bike as you would on a mountain bike, which is significantly slower than a road cycle.

What’s the Proper Diet to Fuel up For a Bike Ride?

Best cycling foods for fuelling on and off the bike

  1. Energy bars.
  2. Protein bars.
  3. Energy gels.
  4. Recovery shakes.
  5. Pasta and rice.
  6. Green vegetables.
  7. Potatoes.
  8. Porridge.
Source: Veloforte 

Conclusion: Try These Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Ride

It is feasible to go 50-60 miles in a day if you have prior experience and good athletic ability. Aside from it, there are a few more elements that make a 60-mile cycle achievable in a single day:

  • Learn and improve your skills.
  • Relax and take it easy on yourself.
  • Set simple distance targets and keep track of how many miles you’ve covered.
  • With a sports bottle of cold water or an energy drink, you can refresh, dehydrate, and improve your energy.
  • Dress appropriately for a bike ride.
  • When you’re exhausted, take a break.


How many miles can a beginner bike in a day?

However, before embarking on a 50-mile ride, it’s critical to assess your fitness level, health, and aim, as well as the sort of bike you’ll be riding. If you’re a frequent rider or a beginner, 10 miles a day is a good distance to cover.

How many kilometers should I cycle a day to lose weight?

How far should I walk to lose weight? Cycling should be done for about 20 to 30 kilometers on average. However, Channa says that rather than focusing on the distance, one should concentrate on the length of riding, which should be at least one hour.

How many miles should I bike a day to lose belly fat?

It’s essential to remember that consistency is key while cycling to lose abdominal fat. Losing abdominal fat does not happen quickly; you must be committed to achieving your objectives while keeping a healthy diet.

How long should I bike for a good workout?

It’s a more comprehensive exercise than road riding, which is primarily a lower-body cardio workout. Aim to ride your bicycle for 30-60 minutes 3-5 times each week. Every ride should begin with a warm-up.

How many miles can you bike in 30 minutes?

A person will have traveled roughly 5 miles or 8 kilometers after 30 minutes of riding on flat ground and in perfect circumstances.

How many miles should I cycle a day to lose weight?

There is no such thing as a “correct” number of miles to cycle. Instead, how much weight you lose is determined by how often you cycle, how intensely you cycle, your beginning weight, and your diet. Cycling will not help you achieve your weight-loss objectives in a single session. It’s the cycling over time that counts.

How many miles can you bike in an hour?

So an average cyclist on an ordinary bike may go anything from 8 to 14 miles in an hour. If they are not interrupted frequently, a fit rider on a road cycle may go 18 or even more miles in an hour.

How many miles do you put on a bike in a year?

What is the Average Annual Mileage for a Motorcycle? While the average annual mileage of a car ranges between 10,000 to 15,000 miles, motorcycles spend much less time on the Conyers roads. In fact, the average annual mileage for a motorcycle is around 3,000 miles.

How many miles should you bike for a good workout?

Training for short distances like 10 or 5 miles should suffice. If you are training for competitive cycling, 10 miles a day is sufficient. This is not the same mileage I recommend for cycling to lose weight. You should cycle about 15 miles per week for weight loss and long-distance cycling.

What is the 75 rule in cycling?

The 75-percent rule states that during a given training week, at least 75 percent of your miles (or time) should be at or below 75 percent of your maximum heart rate (MHR).

What is a good distance to cycle daily?

Recommended Minimum Daily Allowance - 15 km At a moderate rate of exertion, 30 minutes of cycling at a rate conducive to maintaining health equates to covering about 15 km at an average speed of about 30 km/h. 15 km per day equates to about 100 km per week or about 5500 km a year.