How many laps around a track is a 5K

For those who are new to running, setting up a training plan to complete a 5k race is an ideal starting point.

5k is a popular distance for many runners, and hundreds of 5k events take place across the UK all year round, ranging from standard road races to mud runs that will leave you with some serious washing to do afterwards!

These events are very popular with both new and experienced runners alike, regardless of fitness level, and if you choose to run for a charity, can be a great way to raise money for a good cause. 

But sometimes it’s hard to put the 5k distance into context. In this article, we’ll try and illustrate exactly how far a 5k run is, and give you some tips for getting started!

How long is 5k in miles?

Some people have their default units on their fitness device set to miles, or may have signed up to a fitness challenge that is measured in miles.

One of the most common questions from runners is how many miles a 5k run might be.

A 5k run is 5000 metres, which converts to 3.1 miles. If you want a quick way to calculate all of your distances you can use a tool like Unit Converters.

How many laps of a running track is 5k?

If you’re training on the track, you might want to understand how many laps you need to run to cover 5k.

5km is 5000 metres. One lap of your standard running track is 400 metres. So you’d need to run 12.5 laps of your running track to travel 5km.

How many laps around a track is a 5K

This is slightly more difficult to calculate than comparison with other distances, as football pitches can vary in size.

However, if we took the typical adult football pitch length (100m) and the typical width (60m) this would give us a perimeter of 320 metres.

So to run a 5k by running laps of the football pitch, you would need to run around the pitch just over 15.5 times.

How many steps is a 5k?

A person of average height can expect to take around 6250 steps over a 5k distance (based on an estimated stride length of 2.1 to 2.5 feet).

Once you’ve crossed the finish line of your first 5k you can start working towards increasing your steps and taking on longer distances such as 10k events.

If you prefer to accurately track the number of steps or strides taken during a 5k, consider investing in a fitness watch.

How long should a 5k take me?

There are a lot of variables here, and the average time for running a 5k will vary by age group, height, weight, running speed, fitness level and other factors.

We’ve got an article that answers “What is the average 5k time?“

As a broad generalisation, beginners might expect to cross the finish line of a 5K with running times somewhere between 30-45 minutes.

If you’re an intermediate runner (if you typically run 10 – 20 miles per week) you are likely to run faster, and an average time for most runners would be around 20-25 minutes.

The average 5K time for elite runners in peak physical condition is under 17 minutes for men and under 19 minutes for women.

If you’re interested in world records, the fastest men’s 5k is 12:37.35, held by Kenenisa Bekeleand the fastest women’s 5k is 14:11.15 minutes held by Tirunesh Dibaba.

Is running a 5k hard?

This all depends on your starting level of fitness and your running ability.

If you are just starting out with running, 5k can seem like a long distance to run.

But for most people, completing a 5k race distance is an achievable goal that will give you a sense of achievement.

The good news is that there are plenty of tried and tested training plans such as Couch to 5k that will help you get your body moving, and take you from your sofa to the finish line.

How can I get started training for a 5k?

One of the most popular training plans for new runners wanting to train for their first 5k, is Couch to 5k.

The 9-week training plan is available for iOS and Android devices, and includes celebrity coaches to help keep your training on track, and take you from couch right up to race day!

There are a variety of other online training plans to help people prepare for their first 5k race, including one that we’ve put together ourselves here at UK Fitness Events, which includes more tips and information on topics such as:

A 5K race is 5 kilometers, or 3.1 miles, long. This distance is a favorite among new and experienced runners alike. It is short enough so that beginners can build up enough stamina, strength, and skill to be ready to race in just a few months, and still challenging enough for faster runners who compete with a goal of improving their finish time or medaling.

Knowing how long it might take you to run a 5K and how to train for one can improve your outcome and help you stay motivated to improve. Find out more about how long a 5K may take you and how to improve your time.

Benefits of 5K Training Plans

Following a training plan for a 5K can boost your motivation to stick to your activity and provide structure to your training. If you are new to running, choosing a clear goal—such as completing a 5K—can help you stay motivated.

A properly designed training program will also reduce the risks of injuries such as shin splints, which can happen from trying to run too much before you are ready. Good 5K training programs ease you into training, building on previous efforts to increase your speed and time.

What's more, 5Ks are popular and easy to find and are especially plentiful in the spring, summer, and fall months. Many community groups sponsor 5K races to fundraise for charities or bring awareness to chronic health conditions like diabetes, breast cancer, and leukemia.

If you've never competed in a 5K race before, it's a common worry that you'll be the last person to cross the finish line. That's not likely to happen, and regardless of your finish time, you'll feel terrific about having met a fitness goal while contributing to a worthy cause.

Train for a 5K (3.1 Mile) Race on a Treadmill

Estimate Your 5K Finish Time

There are a few reasons you might want to predict your 5K finish time before a race. Maybe you're hoping to win or improve your previous performance. If you're a beginner, you may be curious how long a 5K it might take you from start to finish.

If this isn't your first 5K, you can estimate your finish time by looking back at your time from a previous race. You can also refer to a race-time prediction chart or use a race-time predictor calculator.

Train to Run Your First 5K

Calculate Your Pace Per Mile

Whether you're new to running or a seasoned athlete, your pace per mile can estimate your best possible finish time. If this is your first 5K, you won't have a previous race to base your estimate on. Instead, run a mile at the fastest pace you can comfortably go and time how long it takes you. This will give you your best possible race pace.

Once you've calculated your pace per mile, you'll want to determine how long it will take you to complete the full 5K (3.1 miles). This pace calculator tool can provide you with an estimate.

If you run a mile using your best effort in 8 minutes, your predicted 5K finishing time would be 24 minutes, 48 seconds. If you run a mile in 17 minutes and 27 seconds, your predicted 5K finish time would be 54 minutes and 5 seconds.

5K Finish Times Based on Pace

Keep in mind that your predicted finish time is just an estimate. It doesn't mean that you'll automatically run that time because many factors play into what your performance will be.

Perhaps you'll improve your running time between when you first did the estimate and when you run the race. Or maybe the race terrain will be easier or harder to maneuver than what you're used to. The weather and even your general mood and energy levels can also impact your race performance and your overall physical condition.

Be prepared for any possible outcome. You might not achieve your estimated 5K finish time, but there's also a chance you could run it faster depending on the circumstances on race day.

As a general rule, many runners consider a good finishing time for a 5K to be anything under 25 minutes. That would mean running at a pace of around 8 minutes per mile. Here's how long it might take you to run a 5K based on your pace per mile:

5K Finishing Times by PaceIf your pace is...You'll finish in...6 minutes per mile18 minutes, 35 seconds8 minutes per mile24 minutes, 48 seconds10 minutes per mile31 minutes12 minutes per mile37 minutes15 minutes per mile46 minutes, 30 seconds20 minutes per mile62 minutes

9 Ways to Run a Faster Mile

Consider the Competition

Finishing times for 5K races span a wide range based on biological factors, course terrain and difficulty, and even the weather. There is usually a mix of experienced fast runners, slower beginner runners, and walkers of all ages.

If you're curious how you might stack up against the competition, look back at the finishing times of past participants in the race you plan to run to get an idea of how other people did. You might notice that the winner of a race with a diverse field of competitors finished the 5K course in under 14 minutes, while someone who chose to walk took more than an hour to reach the finish line.

How long it takes to run a 5K varies based on age, sex, and level of fitness.

5K Averages by Age and SexAgeWomenMen1–1424:4321:2415–1923:0618:5720–2920:5817:4930–3920:4918:0240–4922:1919:0250–5924:1120:0260–6927:4723:0570–10038:2528:27Source: Meteor.Run

How Does Your 5K Race Time Compare?

Achieve Your Best 5K Time

Running a great 5K race starts with your training plan. Try these strategies to increase your odds of finishing a 5K in the time predicted or to run faster than you did in a previous race.

What is a good 5K time by age?

Average 5k Times: Male.

How many laps of a 400m track is 5K?

On a standard outdoor track (400 meters), 12.5 laps would equal a 5K.

Is it easier to run a 5K on a track?

Unlike the roads, it's so much easier to even or negative split when you're running laps [around a track].

What is an average 5K time?

Average time and pace Everyday runners can aim to complete a mile in about 9 to 12 minutes. This means you'll finish a 5K in about 28 to 37 minutes.