How many hours of game of thrones

How many hours of game of thrones

They too are wondering “How Many Hours is Game of Thrones?” Image: HBO

The Game of Thrones prequel, House of the Dragon. But are you all caught up on the original series?

If you want to re-watch Game of Thrones from the beginning, or asking “How many hours is Game of Thrones?”  here’s how long it would take to watch every episode starting with Season 1, Episode 1.

How many hours of game of thrones

GOT in Total

There are currently 67 total episodes of Game of Thrones of the seven seasons that have aired. You might peg each episode at one hour, but that would not be precisely correct. Most episodes are actually 51-53 minutes in length. Season finales are generally a little longer; the Season 7 finale was 81 minutes long, and the Season 6 finale was 68 minutes long, and the finales were also a little longer for Season 5 (60 minutes), Season 4 (65 minutes), Season 3 (63 minutes), and Season 2 (63 minutes).

How many hours of game of thrones

That means watching each full-length episode would take you 63.5 hours, or the equivalent of two days, 15 hours and 30 minutes. These totals do not include the “Previously on Game of Thrones” opening catch-up segments.

How many hours of game of thrones

Shorten Your Watch time

If you skip the closing credits, you can whittle that length down to 62.4 hours. If you also skip the opening credit sequence, you can shorten it to 60.7 hours.

How many hours of game of thrones

Game of Throne’s final season started April 14, 2019, and each episode of the final Season 8 were reportedly be longer than 60 minutes, and in some cases closer to 90 minutes.

And for those of you who’ve never heard of Game of Thrones before, it’s one of the best shows of all time. It’s highly recommended that you watch it. It will be 60 or so hours of the best TV you’ve ever seen.

Game of Thrones Prequel

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The total runtime of each season of Game of Thrones shows that the first six seasons were all considerably longer than the final two, with the latter seasons each under 450 minutes (7.5 hours). A show of epic proportions, both culturally and in substance, GoT was well known for its lengthy episodes, and the first season had a total runtime of almost nine and a half hours. However, the formulaic ten episodes per season that viewers had come to know was altered towards the tail end of the program’s air-time, with the final season only six episodes long. This decrease in air-time given to explore George R. R. Martin’s elaborate world left many fans disappointed with the closing seasons.

Game of Thrones episode length

Producers of the show looked to create longer episodes to make up for the decrease in instalments, but this detrimentally affected the overall run times of the final two seasons. The creative choice was taken at a point where the TV show was diverging further and further from Martin’s original work. Indeed, by the time the seventh series was being produced, material sourced from the books was reduced as the production of the television series turned over faster than new volumes of A Song of Ice and Fire, and showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss announced their intention to conclude the TV show. Despite this, appetite for the series did not diminish, and the season finale brought in record numbers of viewers.