How many days do pilots get off

How many days off do pilots get a month?

A look at how much of the month pilots actually work and how this varies between airlines

How many days do pilots usually get off a month?

Commercial airline pilots typically have between 9 and 15 days off a month without including any leave, although this depends on the airline and type of operation.

Short Haul Operations

Short haul pilots might either be on a fixed rostering pattern or a variable roster. A fixed roster means you work a set number of days on, then have a set number of days off. For example at Ryanair, most of their pilots work 5 days on then 4 days off. easyJet pilots work 5 on – 4 off – 5 on – 3 off. British Airways short haul pilots work a ‘random’ roster with no set pattern.

There are both benefits and disadvantages to a fixed and variable pattern. One allows you to know exactly what days you will have off all year, but if you want a day off that doesn’t normally fall on your off day, you will need to use your annual leave to have it off.

On a variable roster pattern, which is often used at leisure airlines, you will likely work much harder in the summer than the winter due to the operational requirements.

Therefore, you will have anywhere between about 9 and 13 days off a month as a short haul pilot, depending on the airline and the type of operation.

Long Haul Operations

Long haul pilots typically get more days off a month than their short haul counterparts as they spend more time away from home. The days off must also allow for adequate rest following multiple time zone crossings often in the middle of the night. As a long haul pilot, you would typically get between 10 – 15 days off a month, again depending on the airline.

If you found this article of interest, you might find our page on a Typical Pilots Roster worth a read.

How many days do pilots get off

Airline pilots have a huge responsibility to transport passengers safely. Indeed, the job of a commercial pilot is very much a lifestyle.

One of the questions I get asked frequently is, 'how many days off does an airline pilot get?'. And indeed, this was one question that was on my mind when I began my pilot training.

This depends on the airline, whether a pilot is a long haul or short haul. However, airline pilots will work fewer days than a 'normal job', with most pilots having at least ten days off a month.

This may be a slightly surprising amount of time off, especially as the job as a pilot is seen as many by well-paid.

I tend to find that in the busier seasons, I tend to get, on average, 12 days off a month and in the quieter seasons, this could be as many as 14!

These will usually be spread out throughout the month, not all in one big block of 12 days at a time!

It's worth noting that different work trips require different days off afterwards.

For example, in short haul, a 2-day trip legally might not require any days off, especially if there are very few timezone changes.

However, a 4-day long haul trip that involves different timezones and lack of climatization might require several days off after.

How Do Pilots Schedules Work? Different Roster Patterns

A commercial pilot's roster depends primarily on whether they are on a fixed, flexible/random roster pattern.

Fixed Pattern Rosters

A fixed pattern, as the name suggests, is where a pilot will operate a fixed schedule. This could be five days at work, followed by four days off and repeated. Or it could be six days on, five days off, five days on, and four days off etc.

Short haul pilots are more likely to have these roster patterns.

Random Pattern Rosters

A flexible roster, or a random roster as it is frequently known, is a roster with no set structure. These rosters are more common with long haul pilots. Of course, these pilots are spending more time away from home than their short haul colleagues.

So How Often Are Airline Pilots Home?

Again, this mainly comes down to the airline a pilot works for.

Some short haul airlines don't offer night stops.

That means these pilots only operate scheduled flights there and back, meaning pilots are home every night.

However, other short haul airlines, including the airline I fly for included, operate night stops and trips away.

These trips could be two or more days, up to a maximum of a 5-day trip at my airline. This could involve visiting and staying in three or more countries within this one trip!

What If I Don't Want To Be Away From Home?

Seniority within an airline is pretty much how long you have been employed. The longer you have been with this airline, the more senior you are likely to be.

With this comes a bidding system. This is bidding, or requesting, the days off you want, the trips you want and much more.

A more senior pilot is likely to get what they bid for.

So if you are a senior pilot and ask only to operate day trips and therefore be home every night, then you are likely to be granted this.

It's worth noting that there is usually a balance between those who like being away on trips (myself included) and those who want to be home every night. Therefore, people tend to get what they ask for.

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A Pilots Maximum Flight Times and Duty Times Are Regulated

The governing body for aviation in each country, the FAA for American aviation or the CAA of UK aviation, for example, set limits on how much a pilot can fly.

CAP 371, the governing UK document, outlines pilot limitations in the UK.

For example, in the UK, pilots can fly a maximum of 100 hours in 28 days or 55 hours in 7 consecutive days.

With this, during 12 months, expiring at the end of the previous month exceeds 900 hours.

This might sound like very little work, as some people work 45-hour work weeks. However, we must remember that these are flight hours only and don't include the time pilots spend briefing, setting up the aircraft, checking flight plans, the turnaround times down route and any associated delays.

In America, the most prolonged duty period with two pilots is 14 hours, with a maximum of 10 hours of flight time. This means 4 hours of this duty period is spent not flying.

A Pilots' days can be very short on short haul. For example, the shortest flight I operate on short haul is a 30-minute flight there, 45 minutes at the destination and then 30 minutes back.

With all the briefing associated, this makes a duty day of around 4 hours. Not the most extended workday in the world.

However, some duties might be 12 hours long, and others can be more than 13 hours, particularly on long haul (which is dependent on the aircraft type you fly).

How many days do pilots get off

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How many days do pilots get off

The job of an airline pilot is undoubtedly unique. Indeed, many people (myself included) would deem the job far more of a lifestyle than a ‘typical’ Monday-Friday job. But what are the pros and cons?

How many days do pilots get off

This depends on two things. The first is the airline you work for and how they schedule your roster. The second is the legal restrictions on the hours you are allowed to operate as a pilot flying.

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How many days a week does a pilot get off?

This usually means four 4-day trips (for me) with 2-4 days off between trips. Some senior pilots can get weekends off and choose to only fly 60-70 hours with 16-17 days off. If you fly international, the trips will generally be longer (3-6 days) and you can end up with only 3 trips and 15 or more days off.

Do pilots ever get days off?

Commercial airline pilots typically have between 9 and 15 days off a month without including any leave, although this depends on the airline and type of operation.

How often do pilots get to stay home?

In terms of actual days, some publications say most short-haul pilots will either travel home every day if possible or work for five days and then spend three or four days at home. Long-haul pilots are said to spend more time away from home, although they do get 10 to 15 days off per month to see their families.

What do pilots do on off days?

If there is a long layover, pilots will often run or walk to get some exercise. Some will go sightseeing, while others will make use of the hotel's Internet to catch up on e-mail and bills, or if they are in school they may get homework done. Today, some of the training courses pilots frequently take are online.