How many ancient debris for 4 ingots

Posted by2 years ago


How many ancient debris for 4 ingots

I've currently got 22 after hours of mining and I intend to get atleast 24 but how much should I get? Should I get any other tools that aren't pickaxe and sword?

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How many ancient debris for 4 ingots

level 1

Hours? I can get a stack ina half of an hour with tnt, beds, and fire resistance

level 1

Having all netherite is never a bad thing (unless you don't have mending, because then you need to get more once it breaks. So if you wanna get a full netherite set and tools, you need 9 netherite, which is 36 gold ingots and 36 ancient debris.

level 2

I already have a mending man so Im good on that part. Question though: Do my enchants from diamond carry over. If not is there a way I can "extract" my enchantment from diamonds. I recently discovered grindstones so I don't know what is now possible in regards to enchantments

level 1

It all depends how long it takes. If you are willing to mine for another couple of hours, you could get all tools

level 2

I think I'll go back now that I have 24 but I'll make a return trip for non-essentials. Definitely will once the lodestone is added to Bedrock

A block of netherite is a precious metal block made from nine netherite ingots. Unlike most items, it is resistant to fire and lava.



Blocks of netherite can be mined only with a diamond or netherite pickaxe. If a netherite block is mined with anything else, it drops nothing.

Block Block of Netherite
Hardness 50
Breaking time[A]
Default 250

  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.


IngredientsCrafting recipe
Netherite Ingot


Blocks of netherite can be used to store netherite ingots in a compact fashion.

A single block of netherite is enough to upgrade a full set of diamond armor and five diamond weapons or tools.

Blocks of netherite have a blast resistance of 1,200, the same as obsidian, crying obsidian, ancient debris, respawn anchor, and enchanting tables. Unlike obsidian, blocks of netherite (and ancient debris) can be moved with pistons, which makes it useful in redstone builds. Furthermore, blocks of netherite have a hardness of 50, the same hardness as obsidian, crying obsidian, and respawn anchors. This makes it the hardest block to be able to be pushed by a piston. However, these blocks can be destroyed by explosions while being pushed or pulled by pistons.‌[Java Edition only][1] They can also be destroyed by explosions when in item form, which has been confirmed to be intentional.[2]

It can be destroyed by a wither's blue skulls and on contact with a wither.


Blocks of netherite can be used to power a beacon. The beacon can be powered by a 3×3 square of netherite blocks underneath it, and can also optionally include a 5×5, 7×7 and 9×9 layer in the shape of a pyramid under the original layer to increase the effects from the beacon. The layers do not have to be entirely netherite blocks, as any combination of iron blocks, gold blocks, diamond blocks, emerald blocks, or netherite blocks can power a beacon.

Crafting ingredient[]

NameIngredientsCrafting recipe
Netherite IngotBlock of Netherite



Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken block.netherite_block.break subtitles.block.generic.break 0.95 0.71999997 / 0.8 16
None[sound 1] Entity-Dependent Falling on the block with fall damage block.netherite_block.fall None[sound 1] 0.5 0.75 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken block.netherite_block.hit subtitles.block.generic.hit 0.25 0.5 16
Block placed Blocks When the block is placed 0.95 0.71999997 / 0.8 16
Footsteps Entity-Dependent Walking on the block block.netherite_block.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.15 1.0 16

  1. ↑ a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
Blocks Once the block has broken dig.netherite 1.0 0.8-1.0
Players Falling on the block with fall damage fall.netherite 0.4 1.0
Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken hit.netherite 0.3 0.5
Players Jumping from the block jump.netherite 0.14 1.0
Players Falling on the block without fall damage land.netherite 0.16 1.0
Players Walking on the block step.netherite 0.21 1.0
Blocks When the block is placed dig.netherite 1.0 0.8-1.0

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierFormBlock tagsTranslation key
Block of Netherite netherite_block Block & Item beacon_base_blocks

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormItem ID[i 1]Translation key
Block of Netherite netherite_block 525 Block & Giveable Item[i 2] Identical[i 3]

  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Available with /give command.
  3. The block's direct item form has the same id with the block.


Java Edition
How many ancient debris for 4 ingots
Added blocks of netherite.
20w07aBlocks of netherite can now be used as part of a beacon base.
Bedrock Edition
How many ancient debris for 4 ingots
Added blocks of netherite.
beta of netherite can now be used as part of a beacon base.


Issues relating to "Block of Netherite" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • A single block of netherite is made from 9 netherite ingots, each composes of 4 netherite scraps and 4 gold ingots. Therefore, a block of netherite is made of 36 pieces of ancient debris and 36 gold ingots.
    • To construct a beacon pyramid consisting entirely of blocks of netherite, a total of 5904 pieces of ancient debris are needed, which is 92 1⁄4 stacks, capable of filling almost three and a half shulker boxes.


Official Artwork[]

  • How many ancient debris for 4 ingots

    Official artwork of a block of netherite.


  1. MC-123217
  2. MC-212764

How many debris make an ingot?

Then, you can follow the recipe below to craft your diamond pickaxe. To get a netherite ingot, you need to go to the Nether. In the Nether, you need to find four pieces of ancient debris.

Can you get 4 ancient debris?

However, it is technically possible for up to 11 ancient debris to be found in a single chunk; adjacent chunks can generate blobs on the border with up to 2 blocks spawning in an adjacent chunk. As of Java Edition 1.16.5, on average they generate 1.56 ores per chunk.

How many Netherite ingots is a stack of ancient debris?

Trivia. A single block of netherite is made from 9 netherite ingots, each composes of 4 netherite scraps and 4 gold ingots. Therefore, a block of netherite is made of 36 pieces of ancient debris and 36 gold ingots.

Can you get a 5 vein of ancient debris?

Ancient debris generates in the Nether in the form of veins of one to four blocks (veins in adjacent chunks can occasionally increase this amount). The average amount of ore blocks per chunk is 1.65, and the typical maximum is 5 blocks, although it is technically possible to find a whopping 11 blocks.