How long will smoked meat last in the refrigerator?

Holds a Master’s degree in Linguistics, loves traveling and learning new languages. Fluent in Spanish, is learning French and Czech at the moment. Enjoys exploring nationa read more

Reviewed By

Bruce Williams

How long will smoked meat last in the refrigerator?
Scot Manaher

Scot Manaher

Scot has loved smoking food in his free time for the last few years. Each major holiday or off-weekend, Scot spends days testing and prepping new recipes for perfection.

How long does it take for smoked meat to spoil?

How Long Can Smoked Meat Last? The consensus is that smoked meats can last for a long time when properly packaged and stored. When kept in a suitable temperature and humidity conditions, they should keep anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks past their "best or used by" date.

Does smoked meat last longer than cooked?

No, smoked meat does not last longer than cooked meat. However, it will last for 2-4 days in the fridge or 6 months in the freezer if it is stored properly.

How long can you keep smoked brisket in the fridge?

How Long Does Smoked Brisket Last in the Fridge? As mentioned, cooked beef brisket can last up to four days in the fridge.

How long does smoked meat last unrefrigerated?

If you want to save your smoked meat, store it in a fridge as soon as it's cooled down. You can't leave unrefrigerated food unattended for more than two hours. And even if it's ideally stored in a fridge, it is not safe to consume it after 4 days.