How long to tan on cloudy day

Beauty is supposed to reflect inside out. A shiny bronze look never fails to be the center of attraction. You won’t argue if I state that a tanned skin is always preferred to being pale.

Quick answer: Yes, you can tan whiles it is cloudy. However, I suggest you use a tanning oil to speed things up a bit. Hawaiian Tropic dark tanning oil (Amazon) is a very affordable tanning oil with a high rating on Amazon. It’s been used by thousands of people around the world and has great reviews.

The more you understand about tanning, it’s various methods, tips and tricks, dos and don’ts, the better will be the results. The most popular and effective way to grab that bronze charm is by letting the mighty sun do his job.

However, to be kissed by the sun, you don’t need to see him! Well, all I’m talking about is on tanning on a cloudy day.

I’m pretty sure that you are much eager to dig into proper understanding on getting that gorgeous caramel hue. Most of the newbies doubt about tanning on an overcast day.

The truth is yes, you can get a tan when it’s cloudy outside.

You might ask, how? Continue reading and you will find what you’re looking for. I have explained everything detailed later in the article.

Once you know what you are doing, you will get what you have desired!

How long to tan on cloudy day

Table of Contents

Understand Tanning

Tan is what the body produces to withstand the harmful effects of exposure to the sun. It is generated by the production of melanin in your skin.

But the key is in understanding that, it is not the visible sunlight but the ultraviolet rays that cause you a tan, burn or skin cancer when overexposed.

When you are doing a sunbathe, your skin is tanning because of its exposure to UVA and UVB rays. The same ray with higher intensity is created artificially indoors through tanning beds and booths which give the desired results under less time.

A broad spectrum SPF will protect your skin from these harmful rays.

Anyway, our concern right now is whether or not clouds shield us from the same.

Let’s have a deep look.

Can You Get a Tan When it’s Cloudy?

Of course, you can.

Clouds are not good protectors from UV rays. 90% of the rays easily find its way through the fluffy clouds.

Since you don’t feel the heat or see the light in an overcast day, you most probably end up with a tan or a burn than you expect.

Without any jargon what this means that you don’t need to postpone your tanning session just because the day is cloudy!

If you plan, prepare and execute properly, even a cloudy day will give you the sun-kissed look.

The intensity of rays changes according to the type of clouds, time of the day and altitude.

When the grey clouds stop 53% of rays from passing through, the fluffy white clouds only stop 10% of the same.

Higher the altitude more intense is the rays.

And regarding the time, 10 am to 4 pm is considered as the peak hours where the sun is at its immense power. It is not wise to expose to the sunlight during this time. After all, we need to grab that healthy bronze glow and not reddish pain.

You must be well planned for each tanning session in advance regardless of the weather conditions.

How long to tan on cloudy day

Tips for Tanning on a Cloudy Day

Strictly speaking, tan is a kind of skin damage and you must be well aware of proper skin protection before and after it.

Now I’m going to ease you with some tips to always keep in mind to have that color you dream of.

Prepare your skin

Even during the cloudy days, you should prepare your skin in advance once you chart your tanning schedule.

The deduction in approximately 10% of UV rays doesn’t mean you won’t get a sunburn, especially if you have light fair skin.

I always suggest following the normal pre-tan schedules even when tanning through clouds.

You might already know what they are. Here is a quick look at these steps:

  • Exfoliate your skin. Always tan on fresh skin for good base tan and long lasting results. A day before the session, take a shower and with your favorite natural scrub gently remove the dead skin cells.
  • Moisturize your skin. Lock in the moisture to increase the health of your skin by applying a good quality moisturizer after the shower. Application of the same twice a day is recommended.
  • Before hitting the sun, always remember to use a sunscreen. Yes, you read right. SPF is necessary stuff when you are planning for a tan even if it is cloudy. You need to protect your skin and keep it out from the risk of burning.

A sunscreen with SPF 10 or 15 is an absolute must and apply it all over the exposed areas. And reapply whenever needed.

Tan Wisely (Even if it’s Cloudy)

Just like the preparation, you must tan in the proper and efficient manner even during an overcast day. Don’t just lie anywhere and have a nap!

  • Choose a proper spot without obstructions for even and a better tan.
  • Even if it’s a cloudy day, time slot before 10 am or after 4 pm are considered best hours to tan in the sun. Even though some people recommend peak hours for tanning, it is very dangerous. As I’m promoting healthy tanning, for the good of your skin always choose before 10 am.
  • Always use sunglasses to protect your eyes from the hazardous rays. These rays are invisible and are present regardless of the weather. So just like SPF, sunglass is a MUST
  • Using the best rated outdoor tanning lotions is must if you want to tan safely and fast.
  • Even if it’s cloudy outside, you shouldn’t spend a lot of time for tanning. Be patient and build up the tan slowly (don’t be a lobster). Understand the difference between a tan and a burn. If you feel like something went wrong by reddish skin or tiredness, move to the shade.
  • Change your body position in regular intervals for better results. You must flip sides, move your arms and legs etc for even color and fewer spots or patches. A session can be between 10 to 20 minutes according to your experience.

Care after you tan

Many are ignorant about the after-care procedure.

Once you are done with your sunbathing, you must ensure that you are doing everything that it takes to keep the shine intact.

  • Have a shower and rinse off the dirt, creams, and sweat. This will keep your skin pores from clogging. Don’t overdo with exfoliation.
  • Apply moisturizer and smoothen your skin. Use good quality products that suit your skin type. And stay away from expired skin care products.
  • Hydrate yourself by drinking at least 12 ounces of water daily. Don’t consider this as a regular health tip. Since you are intentionally exposed to the sun, you need to stay away from dehydration.

So, Found How Can you Tan when It’s Cloudy?

If you consider these tips I bet that you will get that wonderful caramel hue. And there is no reason to damage your skin under the sun.

Anything overdone will not benefit but harm you. Once you are working for a tan, make sure that you are not photosensitive and your skin is fine with sun exposure.

Sunscreens are pals for tanning and you must not neglect it just because the day is not sunny.

Protect your skin and stay young with that glorious glow.

Yeah, you can still tan even if it is a cloudy day. The same reasons make it possible to tan even after 5 PM.