How long does vitex take to leave your system

How long does vitex take to leave your system

What is Vitex?

The herb Vitex is also known as Chaste Tree or Chasteberry as it comes from a small shrub that grows in the Mediterranean.

The fruits of this shrub have been used for some 2000 years as a natural treatment for female fertility and hormonal health. As a result of the many studies that have proven its effectiveness, Vitex has become one of the most popular herbal remedies for hormonal imbalance.

If you’re seeking natural treatment for PMS, infertility, PCOS, or Endometriosis – it’s likely that you’ve come across Vitex. Vitex is available to us in herbal supplement tablet or tincture form.

How long does vitex take to leave your system

Does Vitex resolve hormonal imbalance or help infertility?

Vitex supports your pituitary gland to produce progesterone and luteinizing hormone – both of which are necessary for your body to ovulate, for regular menstrual cycles, and for you to avoid symptoms of hormonal imbalance like PMS. When a woman is progesterone deficient (or estrogen dominant, to put it another way) and has what is known as a luteal phase defect Vitex can support her endocrine system to create more progesterone, ovulate regularly, and develop a healthy cycle.

This will help balance out the estrogen dominance that is at the root of many of your cycle issues. The pituitary gland is also called the “master” gland and it talks to the ovaries, letting them know how much hormone to make. Vitex works on the pituitary gland function, enhancing its ability to do this work.

So, yes, Vitex is well-researched as an aid for female fertility and hormonal imbalance. It is an effective and often successful natural treatment and a great tool for women to have at their disposal when facing cycle problems. However, my perspective is that Vitex is a short term solution to some hormonal imbalance issues.

Vitex can act like jumper cables to the pituitary gland and stimulate it to make the right level of hormones again.

However, Vitex alone will not fix your infertility, PMS, PCOS, or Endometriosis long term, IF you don’t also change your internal hormonal ecosystem with food. If you don’t address your hormonal ecosystem as a whole, you may see changes within the prescribed time (although Vitex is less likely to be successful), but when you come off (which you will eventually want to), your symptoms and problems will return.

Supporting your whole system by eating the right foods at the right times, per the Flo Living protocol, will provide your body with the building blocks it needs. Doing this and then taking Vitex on top for a short time will improve the effectiveness of the herb, increase the efficiency of the pituitary gland long term, and give you symptom-free cycles more

How long does vitex take to leave your system

How you should use Vitex

Vitex is a relatively slow-acting herb. Therefore you need to commit to taking it for up to 6 months to see any change in your cycles or improvement of symptoms. This is also the reason why this is not an easy treatment option compared to food therapy, as you have to take this herb everyday for such a long time and let’s face it, that’s tough to remember to do. If you do want to try this route, then I advise my clients to try it for this amount of time and then take a month’s break to see how they feel without the Vitex.

You should not use Vitex if you are currently on the Pill (it won’t have any impact on your hormones as the synthetic hormonal Pill replaces your body’s natural hormone production and suppresses the endocrine system). You should also not take Vitex if you’re using IVF drugs already as this can cause over-stimulation of the ovaries.

It is less commonly known and important to understand that using Vitex when you have a history of depression can cause your depression symptoms to worsen. So, be cautious if your PMS commonly includes feeling really low and depressed, rather than anxiety, irritation or fatigue.

Be sure to buy Vitex from a reputable, long-standing supplement company like Gaia so you know you are getting a potent formulation, without fillers.

Vitex will not be a successful natural treatment for you if it is the only thing you change about your daily habits. If you do not feed your body with hormonally-supportive foods and avoid processed products, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, dairy and gluten, then Vitex cannot work miracles! I recommend that you have the Flo Living protocol already in play when you start using Vitex as an additional booster.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

to your FLO,


How long does vitex take to leave your system

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.

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Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

Want a Better Period?

You don’t need to solve your period symptoms and issues all by yourself. I created the Balance by FLO Living supplement kit to give you the essential micronutrient support you need to have a symptom-free cycle. With Balance by FLO Living, you can start feeling better in just one month. 

Targeted, high-quality supplements can fast track your hormonal healing. But so many supplements on the market aren’t up to the task. Women are wasting time and money on low-quality supplements that won’t do anything for their period problems.

If you’re ready to feel better, and have a better period by next month, start taking the Balance Supplement Kit Now!

Click here to learn more

How long does vitex take to leave your system

When can I stop taking vitex?

Vitex should be taken for at least four cycles to determine efficacy. Less. Vitex has been shown to improve fertility, particularly for women with luteal phase defect, it should be discontinued once a woman becomes pregnant.

Can a vitex supplement mess hormones up?

Higher prolactin levels cause breast swelling and tenderness. Vitex also seems to lower estrogen levels and raise progesterone levels. It blocks the follicle stimulating hormone and raises the luteinizing hormone, which changes the estrogen and progesterone. The effects are dose-dependent.

How long does it take for vitex to regulate hormones?

Vitex is a relatively slow-acting herb. Therefore you need to commit to taking it for up to 6 months to see any change in your cycles or improvement of symptoms.

What does vitex do to hormones?

Vitex promotes the production of progesterone, thus decreasing estrogen dominance and promoting balance. Keeps the ovaries healthy – A constituent of Vitex interacts with dopamine receptors and regulates prolactin release. This affects the health of ovaries, and promotes a healthy balance of progesterone levels.