How long does PRP under eye last?

At the center of most cosmetic treatments is a single question: “How can we help the body restore itself?” There are several ways in which cosmetic treatments find an answer, from stimulating collagen with energy-based treatments, to supplement the body with additional resources with injectable treatments. One such injectable treatment is PRP, a revolutionary treatment with a fast-growing reputation for producing unparalleled results. At Metro Dermatology in Elmhurst, NY we strive to provide patients with robust information about our treatments, such as the expected PRP injection recovery time.

Before you call our office to schedule your comprehensive consultation, learn everything you need to know about PRP treatments, what this treatment is, how it can benefit you, and the usual PRP injection recovery times for all PRP treatments.

What Is the Usual PRP Injection Recovery Time?

One of the top questions patients ask about any treatment has to do with expected recovery times. How much time are you going to have to take off of work? How long will you need to avoid strenuous activity, direct sunlight, or certain vitamins and supplements? As a purely pragmatic concern, knowing what you can expect from your recovery time can help make your recovery stress-free.

Breaking Down Recovery Times

In general, the usual recovery time for any PRP treatment is about 4 to 6 weeks. PRP injections that are used for musculoskeletal issues, particularly injuries to the joints, usually require 6 weeks or more. However, for cosmetic PRP treatments, most patients can plan toward 4 weeks at the outset. Of course, there are some variances depending on the type of treatment you have.


PRP injection recovery times for the face range from 2 to 4 weeks. Based on the exact treatment you have, your recovery time could depend on other factors, such as your age, the condition of your skin, and how well you respond to the treatment. The majority of patients who use PRP for the face are recovered enough for normal activity within 2 weeks.


PRP injection recovery times for hair or hair restoration are roughly 3 to 4 weeks. PRP recovery times for hair treatment also depend on certain factors, including age, genetics, environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and any additional hair treatments you are having at the same time. Patients who use PRP injections for hair can return to most normal hair-related routines after 3 weeks.

Why Is PRP Injection Recovery Time So Long?

Compared to some other cosmetic treatments, it feels like 4 weeks is a long time for a recovery, especially when that means 4 weeks of limiting some of your activities and regular behaviors. So, why is it that PRP injection recovery time is so long? There are two main reasons.

Natural Healing

Recovery from PRP injections relies on your body’s normal rate of healing. Think about how long it takes for a scab to fully go away? And how long does it take for the pigmentation to fade from your skin? Another 1 or 2 weeks, depending on your skin type and tone. Recovery from any cosmetic treatment depends on how fast your normal skin cell turnover is, which is why some treatments such as PRP take longer.

Normal Regeneration

Recovery from PRP treatments also depends on your normal rate of regeneration. The theory behind PRP injections is that it will help boost your body’s normal regenerative abilities. However, this benefit only begins when the PRP is fully absorbed into your body, meaning that until the absorption happens, your body is still operating at its normal rate of regeneration. This is why patients who are older or who have slower regenerative abilities may see results a week later than other patients.

When Can I See Results?

Can you see the results of this treatment before you are fully recovered? As is the case with most cosmetic treatments, you can begin to see the results of the treatment before your recovery time is completed. But for PRP in particular, the results from the treatment only get better with time, which is to say that the results are more noticeable after your recovery time is over.


For PRP treatments of the face, you can expect to see some results starting at 2 or 3 weeks. These results will be a brighter complexion, a healthy glow to the skin, and even a more plump skin texture. Results for facial treatments continue to improve over the next 1 to 2 months as the body settles into a higher rate of collagen production.


PRP treatments for the hair are the opposite. While you may be recovered after 3 to 4 weeks, you will not usually notice results until after about 2 to 3 months. Why does it take months for hair results to appear? This mostly has to do with how fast hair can grow, which is about 1/4th to 1/8th an inch every month depending on your age, health, hair type, and scalp condition.

How Long Do Results Last?

If you have to wait for results, then surely those results will last a long time, right? The quick answer is yes, PRP treatments do have a tendency to last for a long time. For both face and hair treatments, as well as PRP for medical issues, the results of treatment can last for 1 or 2 years at a time. Again, the time the results of the treatment last depend on many factors outside of your control, such as your age, hormones, and the natural rate of regeneration.

Important Things to Know About PRP Treatments

What else do you need to know about PRP treatments aside from the usual recovery times? As a cosmetic treatment rooted deeply in science, there is a lot of information that patients find relevant to their care. Here are a few questions patients commonly ask:

What Is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma, which is a substance found to promote higher rates of healing and natural regeneration when injected into the body. The plasma of this substance refers to the plasma already present in your blood, which is responsible for the clotting and healing of wounds on the body. In our blood, we have several cells that all play a role, but while white and red blood cells are mostly used for transporting antibodies and oxygen around the body, plasma is dedicated to repairing wounds.

How Is PRP Made?

PRP is made from your own blood, which sounds more complicated than it is. On the day of your appointment, we will draw a certain amount of blood, usually comparable to what you might give in a blood donation, and place your sample into a special centrifuge. As the machine rapidly spins your blood, it isolates the red blood cells from the plasma which creates the thick, clear substance we use for the injection. Before your blood draw, it is important to drink an adequate amount of water to make the draw easier.

What Is PRP Facial Rejuvenation?

PRP facial rejuvenation refers to one of two treatments. PRP can be injected directly into problem areas on the face, such as deep wrinkles, or it can be used in conjunction with microneedling treatments for all-over rejuvenation. We can help you determine which delivery method for this treatment is best for your particular needs.

What It Does

PRP facial treatments are anti-aging and completely restorative. When PRP can penetrate the sub-dermal layers of the skin, it can help promote the production of collagen and elastin: two skin proteins that are responsible for maintaining the structure of the skin. PRP facials can tighten skin, correct superficial skin concerns like dark spots and acne scars, and even out your skin tone to produce a healthy glow.

What Is PRP Hair Restoration?

PRP hair restoration is a treatment that works with a series of injections directly to the scalp. PRP hair restoration can be used for both men and women who are experiencing premature hair loss or who would like to grow healthier hair at a higher volume.

What It Does

PRP hair restoration is used to stimulate faster and healthier hair growth. This treatment is used to create new tissues on the scalp and to renew deadened hair follicles that no longer produce hair.

What Are the Benefits of PRP Treatments?

There are several benefits to PRP treatments that many patients find attractive. The most appealing benefit for PRP is the expected recovery time for each type of treatment, which usually produces results within 1 month after treatment. Here are a few other benefits:


PRP treatments are total, all-over rejuvenating solutions. Reinventing cosmetic treatments refer to any therapy that helps restore problem areas back to their former glory, which means that they are anti-aging and restorative. Rejuvenation treatments can help turn back the clock as well as stimulate faster rates of growth.

Natural and Safe

PRP treatments are completely natural and safe. Why? Because PRP treatments are made with the plasma from your own body, which means that they are biologically compatible and offer zero risks of an allergic reaction. As a completely natural treatment, patients do not have to have allergy tests or worry about risky side effects from treatment.


One of the top benefits of this treatment is the longevity of the results. For cosmetic treatments, there are few treatments that have results that last for more than 6 months, and even less than last for a year or more. This treatment can last for 1 to 2 years before it needs to be repeated, which means enjoying consistent results worry-free. Additionally, the results of this treatment fade gradually, which allows patients enough time to schedule another appointment to maintain results before they fade entirely.


PRP treatments are truly versatile. They can be used for the joints, the muscles, the skin, and the hair. Even more impressive is the fact that PRP treatments can be used virtually anywhere on the body, including the most delicate, sensitive, or hard-to-reach areas. The versatility of PRP treatments means that most of your cosmetic concerns can be addressed with one type of treatment rather than a combination of many.

Who Are Good Candidates?

Because PRP treatments are natural and safe, most patients who are interested in the treatment make good candidates. Qualified candidates include patients who are looking for comprehensive and long-lasting restorative treatments for the face and hair, as well as patients who would prefer minimally-invasive treatments over surgery. You may be a good candidate if you want to:

  • Correct skin laxity
  • Reduce acne scars
  • Diminish fine lines or wrinkles
  • Erase dark spots and sun damage
  • Even skin tone and texture
  • Grow healthier hair
  • Restore hair growth


Start Your PRP Injection Recovery Time Today!

If you’re looking for a restorative treatment with long-lasting results and a quick recovery time, look no further than PRP injections. It’s time to rethink your cosmetic treatments and turn to solutions proven by science. If you’re interested in starting your PRP injection recovery time today, please call Metro Dermatology in Elmhurst, NY to schedule your comprehensive consultation today!

How often can you do PRP under eyes?

The PRP is injected into the under-eye. For best results, you may require two to three treatments, 2-3 months apart. Little to no risk of intolerance or allergy due to it being your own blood.

How long does PRP for Undereyes last?

On average, you can expect to see those results lasting for up to 6-9 months. However, one person may notice that their results last a bit longer.

Is PRP permanent for under eyes?

How long does PRP under the eyes last? Though PRP under-eye treatments last longer than other injectable methods on the market today, it is essential that patients understand that this treatment is not permanent.

How long does PRF under eye last?

How long does PRF Under Eye Treatment last? Because it usually takes about 4-8 weeks for initial results to appear after PRF injection, and results continue to improve for about 3-6 months after injection. Most results will last about 1.5 years after last injection.