How long does it take to run 3k?

How long does it take to run 3k?

The 3-kilometre race is one of the most popular events in the Olympics. It is also a big part of many high school and college track programs across the country. But if your getting back into running or running is something you want to use to improve fitness and lose weight, then 3km is the perfect distance.

For a recreational runner, the average time it takes to run 3 kilometres is between 20 – 25 minutes. For a more experienced runner, the average time it takes to run 3 kilometres is around 15 – 20 minutes. And for a professional runner, the average time it takes to run 3 kilometres is under 10 minutes. The world record for a 3km run is 7:20, set by Daniel Komen of Kenya.

The average time to run 3km is dependent on several factors, including sex, age, and weight. However, even if your weight, age, or sex does mean you will run 3km slightly slower than others, you can still expect to see great results in terms of burning calories. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;span id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-629" data-inserter-version="2"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;p&gt;This article will cover how many calories you will burn running 3km at 4 different speeds for 3 different weights. As well as this it will cover the differences between male and female run times as well as discuss how often you should run 3km&lt;span id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-699" class="ezoic-adpicker-ad"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class="ezoic-ad ezoic-at-0 banner-1 banner-1699 adtester-container adtester-container-699" data-ez-name="conditionandnutrition_com-banner-1"&gt;&lt;span id="div-gpt-ad-conditionandnutrition_com-banner-1-0" ezaw="300" ezah="250" style="position:relative;z-index:0;display:inline-block;padding:0;min-height:250px;min-width:300px" class="ezoic-ad"&gt;&lt;script data-ezscrex="false" data-cfasync="false" style="display:none"&gt;if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'conditionandnutrition_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',699,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-conditionandnutrition_com-banner-1-0');</p><span class="ezoic-autoinsert-video ezoic-under_second_paragraph"></span><div id="ez-toc-container" class="ez-toc-v2_0_34 counter-hierarchy ez-toc-counter ez-toc-light-blue ez-toc-container-direction"><div class="ez-toc-title-container"><p class="ez-toc-title">Table of Contents</p><span class="ez-toc-title-toggle"><a target="_blank" href="" class="ez-toc-pull-right ez-toc-btn ez-toc-btn-xs ez-toc-btn-default ez-toc-toggle" style="display:none"><label for="item" aria-label="Table of Content"><i class="ez-toc-glyphicon ez-toc-icon-toggle"></i></label><input type="checkbox" id="item"></a></span></div><nav><ul class="ez-toc-list ez-toc-list-level-1"><li class="ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-2"><a target="_blank" class="ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-1" href="" title="Average Time To Run 3km For A female">Average Time To Run 3km For A female</a></li><li class="ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-2"><a target="_blank" class="ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-2" href="" title="Average Time To Run 3km For a Male">Average Time To Run 3km For a Male</a><ul class="ez-toc-list-level-3"><li class="ez-toc-heading-level-3"><a target="_blank" class="ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-3" href="" title="Other Running Distances You Might Find Interesting To Know">Other Running Distances You Might Find Interesting To Know</a></li></ul></li><li class="ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-2"><a target="_blank" class="ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-4" href="" title="How Often Should I Run 3km?">How Often Should I Run 3km?</a></li><li class="ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-2"><a target="_blank" class="ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-5" href="" title="How Many Calories Will You Burn Running 3km?">How Many Calories Will You Burn Running 3km?</a><ul class="ez-toc-list-level-3"><li class="ez-toc-heading-level-3"><a target="_blank" class="ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-6" href="" title="Calories Burned Running at 8 kph">Calories Burned Running at 8 kph</a></li><li class="ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-3"><a target="_blank" class="ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-7" href="" title="Calories Burned Running at 9.5 kph.">Calories Burned Running at 9.5 kph.</a></li><li class="ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-3"><a target="_blank" class="ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-8" href="" title="Calories Burned Running at 12 kph.">Calories Burned Running at 12 kph.</a></li><li class="ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-3"><a target="_blank" class="ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-9" href="" title="Calories Burned Running at 16 kph">Calories Burned Running at 16 kph</a></li></ul></li><li class="ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-2"><a target="_blank" class="ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-10" href="" title="Average Time to Run 3km Summary">Average Time to Run 3km Summary</a></li></ul></nav></div><h2><span id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-800" class="ezoic-adpicker-ad"></span><span class="ezoic-ad ezoic-at-0 medrectangle-4 medrectangle-4800 adtester-container adtester-container-800" data-ez-name="conditionandnutrition_com-medrectangle-4"><span id="div-gpt-ad-conditionandnutrition_com-medrectangle-4-0" ezaw="250" ezah="250" style="position:relative;z-index:0;display:inline-block;padding:0;width:100%;max-width:1200px;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;min-height:90px;min-width:728px" class="ezoic-ad"><script data-ezscrex="false" data-cfasync="false" style="display:none">if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'conditionandnutrition_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',800,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-conditionandnutrition_com-medrectangle-4-0');Average Time To Run 3km For A female

How long does it take to run 3k?

Average times for running do vary between males and females. According to Healthline, this can be because males tend to have more muscle mass due to higher levels of testosterone meaning they have more fast-twitch muscles in the leg which can result in a faster overall speed. Its always best to find out your 1km average pace then you can calculate your 3km better.

Below is a table showing the average speed for females to run 3km for 12 different age groups.

Age Group Time taken to run 3km (Minutes)
0-15 22
16-19 22.15
20-24 20.58
25-29 20.55
30-34 22.11
35-39 22.16
40-44 22.05
45-49 22.35
50-54 24.15
55-59 25.18
60-64 26.04
65-99 29.01

How long does it take to run 3k?

Average Time To Run 3km For a Male

In general, men are typically faster at running than females. There are many reasons why males are faster at running than females. One of the biggest reasons is because males have more muscle mass than females. This extra muscle mass allows them to generate more power and run faster. Another reason is that males have a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which also helps them run faster.

Females tend to have more slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are better for endurance activities like long-distance running. However, this does not mean that females cannot run fast. Many of the world’s fastest runners are female. It just takes a little more training and effort for most females to reach their full potential as a runner.

Age Group Time taken to run 3km (Minutes)
0-15 20.01
16-19 17.20
20-24 17.04
25-29 18.03
30-34 18.15
35-39 19.09
40-44 18.51
45-49 19.18
50-54 20.25
55-59 20.28
60-64 23.49
65-99 24.33

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How long does it take to run 3k?

How Often Should I Run 3km?

Running 3km every day is a great way to improve fitness and lose weight. If you’re a complete beginner, it’s advised to run every other day to prevent injury and promote recovery. However, after a month or two of regular running, you can run 3km every day.

It’s crazy that running 3km just 3-4 times a week could improve your health and keep you sane. But, as long as it’s not too much for someone who has never run before, a beginner should stick to three or four runs per week so they don’t overdo themselves! This way of living is also great when paired with eating healthy foods; some experts say those types of diets may help people lose weight even faster than normal.

If you are new to running you might be asking yourself how frequently you should run, certainly, you should run several days per week but it is not advised to run seven days a week. This goes for everyone but especially for beginners.

Instead of running every day make sure to vary your exercise with different activities to boost your fitness and provide better conditioning to make you a more well-balanced athlete. This will also reduce your risk of injury as running can become quite taxing on the ankles due to impact.

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How long does it take to run 3k?

How Many Calories Will You Burn Running 3km?

On average, you burn between 210 and 300 calories running 3km non-stop. Nevertheless, this number will be higher or lower depending on your weight, speed, and terrain. If you weigh more, you will burn extra calories because it takes more energy to move your body. If you run on a hilly terrain, you will also burn additional calories because it is more challenging to run uphill.

Weight Calories Burned For 3km Run
160lbs 189 calories
170lbs 198 calories
180lbs 213 calories
190lbs 222 calories
200lbs 237 calories
210lbs 246 calories
220lbs 258 calories
230lbs 273 calories
240lbs 282 calories
250lbs 297 calories

The calories you burn whilst running 3km can vary depending on different factors, such as how fast you are running 3km, and also your current weight. Harvard University has produced a report that estimates the number of calories you would burn running at 8 kph, 9.5 kph, 12 kph, and 16 kph for 3 different weight classes.

The rest of this section will break down how many calories you would lose at each given speed for each different weight class, 125 pounds, 155 pounds, and 185 pounds as there is a significant difference in calories burned between the different speeds and weight classes

How long does it take to run 3k?

Calories Burned Running at 8 kph

If you weigh 125 pounds and run at 8 kph you can expect to burn 240 calories over 30 minutes which works out at 8 calories per minute. This means you will burn approximately 176 calories running 3 km at a pace of 8 kph.

If you weigh 155 pounds and run at 8 kph you can expect to burn 288 calories over 30 minutes which works out at 9.6 calories per minute. This means you will burn just over 211 calories running 3 km at a pace of 8 kph.

If you weigh 185 pounds and run at 8 kph you can expect to burn 336 calories over 30 minutes which works out at just over 11 calories per minute. This means you will burn just under 267 calories running 3 km at a pace of 8 kph.

Calories Burned Running at 9.5 kph.

If you weigh 125 pounds and run at 9.5 kph you can expect to burn 495 calories over 30 minutes which works out at 16.5 calories per minute. This means you will burn approximately 313 calories running 3 km at a pace of 9.5 kph.

If you weigh 155 pounds and run at 9.5 kph you can expect to burn 360 calories over 30 minutes which works out at 12 calories per minute. This means you will burn approximately 228 calories running 3 km at a pace of 9.5 kph.

If you weigh 185 pounds and run at 9.5 kph you can expect to burn 420 calories over 30 minutes which works out at 14 calories per minute. This means you will burn just under 266 calories running 3 km at a pace of 9.5 kph.

How long does it take to run 3k?

Calories Burned Running at 12 kph.

If you weigh 125 pounds and run at 12 kph you can expect to burn 375 calories over 30 minutes which works out at 12.5 calories per minute. This means you will burn approximately 187.5 calories running 3 km at a pace of 12 kph.

If you weigh 155 pounds and run at 12 kph you can expect to burn 450 calories over 30 minutes which works out at 15 calories per minute. This means you will burn just over 225 calories running 3 km at a pace of 12 kph.

If you weigh 185 pounds and run at 12 kph you can expect to burn 525 calories over 30 minutes which works out at just over 17.5 calories per minute. This means you will burn just approximately 262.5 calories running 3 km at a pace of 12 kph.

Calories Burned Running at 16 kph

If you weigh 125 pounds and run at 16 kph you can expect to burn 453 calories over 30 minutes which works out at just over 15 calories per minute. This means you will burn approximately 168 calories running 3 km at a pace of 16 kph.

If you weigh 155 pounds and run at 16 kph you can expect to burn 562 calories over 30 minutes which works out at 18.7 calories per minute. This means you will burn just over 208 calories running 3 km at a pace of 16 kph.

If you weigh 185 pounds and run at 16 kph you can expect to burn 671 calories over 30 minutes which works out at just over 22 calories per minute. This means you will burn just under 249 calories running 3 km at a pace of 16 kph.

Hopefully I’ve explained that the average person takes around 20-25 minutes to run 3km and they burn on average 300 calories, great for weight loss.

The number of calories you burn during a 3k run varies depending on your current weight as well as the pace at which you run, but at any weight and speed, you can expect to see a decent number of calories burned even if you are a beginner and running somewhat slowly to start with.

There is a difference in running pace between men and women with men being faster on average over 3km but since 3km is a relatively short distance the time difference is negligible.

Whilst you may be excited to start running make sure not to overdo it and run every day of the week as this can increase the risk of injury. Instead, make sure to vary exercises to ensure you become a more well-rounded athlete.

How long should you take to run 3km?

Originally Answered: What is a good time to run 3km? It's depends on your experience, the conditions, and so on, but anything between 14–21 mins is good. Sub 14 mins is amazing. Over 27 mins is at the slower end, but don't worry either way, improvement is always possible!

What is a good 3k time?

What is a good 3k time? A good 3k time is 01:01:35. This is the average 3k time across all ages and genders.

Is 3km in 30 minutes good?

Beginner runners should aim to run 2 – 3 miles (3.2 – 4.8 kilometres) in 30 minutes. Even if you're taking regular walking breaks, you should be able to run this distance in half an hour.

Is it OK to run 3k everyday?

Thus, jogging 3km every day is not easy. You should depend on your fitness and choose 5-10 minutes at a moderate pace to maintain fitness instead of running a lot and affecting bones and muscles.