How long does it take to make a crown for an implant

Implant crowns replace missing teeth with a long-term, durable solution that looks great and feels similar to natural teeth. While many fear the procedure involved in placing the implant and how long it might take, it is helpful to have information on what to expect throughout the treatment process.

An overview of the procedure for implant crowns

By understanding what implant crowns are, how the procedure works and how long it takes, you can make a more informed decision as to whether or not this treatment is right for you. The following is an overview of the implant crown treatment, including key insights on what to expect throughout the process.

Implant crowns defined

Implant crowns are dental implants with a dental crown attachment. The crown itself is a small screw-like post that is placed into the jaw to serve as the root of the crown. Attached to the implant is an abutment, and the crown attaches to the abutment for a secure hold. There are many benefits of implant crowns for tooth replacement, including the ability to preserve bone density and results that last for as many as 25 years.

How the implant crown process works

The first step in the process is the initial consultation, which involves a discussion between the dental professional and the patient about treatment goals, an oral examination and dental X-rays. The dental professional can also answer questions the patient has and help them make an informed decision about treatment. The patient may require preparations such as bone grafting, and the placement procedures are performed afterward. It takes several weeks, if not longer, for the mouth to heal properly following implant placement.

How long the implant crown procedure takes

The implant crown placement procedure involves placing the implant into or on the jawbone above or below the tooth that is missing. After placement, the mouth must heal and the implant must go through a process called osseointegration, which is where the implant fuses with the bone inside of the jaw. While the procedure itself only takes a couple of hours at the very most, the recovery process takes much longer. On average, it takes three to as many as six months for the mouth to properly heal and for the implant and bone to fuse. Afterward, the abutment and crown are placed.

What to expect after the implant crown procedure

As mentioned, the recovery process following the placement of the implant is the longest stage in the process. After the procedure, there will likely be a fair amount of discomfort for a week or two. During this time, the patient should stick primarily to soft foods and water to avoid irritation and reduce the risk of an oral infection. It is also important to keep the mouth clean through good oral care and to follow all post-care instructions provided by the dental professional.

Talk to a dental professional about implant crowns

The first step towards implant crown treatment is to schedule an initial consultation with a dental professional. Get in touch with us today to learn more about treatment.

Request an appointment here:, or call Preferred Dental Center at (210) 822-8500 for an appointment in our San Antonio office with our doctors, Dr. Andres Biaggi and Dr. Jordan Walterscheid.

Check out what others are saying about our services on our Google My Business Page: Read our Google reviews.

Every patient presents with different circumstances and the duration of your dental implant procedure will depend on the type and number of procedures you need to replace your missing teeth. Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement and can last for the rest of your lifetime with proper care. Let’s unpack the question of how long do dental implants take so you can prepare yourself before booking a consultation at your local dental clinic.

How Does Dental Implant Surgery Work?

Dental implant surgery is a misleading term because the dental implant only makes up one step of the entire dental implant procedure. Before you can try to ascertain how long your implant surgery will take, you need to visit a dentist that offers consultation. During the consultation, your dental practitioner will inspect your mouth and teeth. He or she may take digital photographs and x-rays. Once the assessment is complete you will be presented with a treatment plan and cost estimate.

Your treatment plan will include all the steps that will be necessary to replace your lost tooth. These steps differ between patients and are dependent on your personal treatment needs. Some of the steps that may be required may include

Some patients may still have their damaged or diseased tooth and might need it to be extracted first. Other patients may have lost their tooth some time ago and as a consequence may experience bone loss.

Bone Graft Procedure

How long does it take to make a crown for an implant
Patients who have experienced underlying bone loss after the loss of a tooth or teeth may first need a bone graft to be able to support their dental implant. This happens often when a tooth has been lost for a long time. Without tooth roots to stimulate the jaw bone, these patients can lose bone density in their upper or lower jaw.

If you only need a minor bone graft it may be possible to do the grafting in the same sitting as the implant placement. If you need a major graft, your dentist will do the bone graft as a separate procedure. You will need to wait for a period of three to six months before your jaw starts to generate new bone tissue before your dental implants can be placed.

Placing The Dental Implant

During dental implant surgery, which is performed under anaesthetic, small holes are drilled through your gum and into your jaw. Your dentist will surgically embed your dental implants into these holes. The placement of your dental implant may only take 60 to 90 minutes, but you will have to undergo a waiting period of three to six months in order for your dental implants to be integrated by your k-jaw. During this process called osseointegration, the jaw bone grows around the implant, incorporating it and restoring bite function and jaw strength.

Attaching The Abutment

Once the dental implant has been integrated, your dentist needs to fit the abutment. This is the extension piece between the implant and the dental crown. In order to do this, the surgical site needs to be reopened and closed up again. You will undergo another waiting period so that your gums heal. While this happens, you will wear a temporary crown.

Placing The Dental Crown

When your dentist is satisfied with your healing process and your implant is ready, you will return for your permanent crown. Your dentist will match it so that it doesn’t stand out next to your other teeth. Once the crown has been placed you will be able to bite and chew with the same force as your natural teeth.

The duration of each stage of your dental implant procedure will be dependent on the number of teeth you are replacing. A full mouth restoration will take much longer to complete than a single dental implant. 

What Are The Benefits Of Implants?

While it is true that dental implant surgery is a long term process, the benefits and advantages are unparalleled by other tooth replacements. If you do go ahead with implant surgery you can look forward to

  • A realistic and natural tooth replacement
  • A strong tooth replacement that is permanent
  • An improvement in your self-confidence and facial aesthetics

How Long Does Recovery Take?

Because most steps are surgical in nature, you do need to factor your recovery time into your future plans. While the preliminary bleeding and swelling should improve in seven to 10 days after each procedure, it will take a few months for your gums and soft tissue to heal completely. You can expect to eat soft foods during this time and will need to exercise meticulous dental hygiene to ensure the surgical site is kept clean and free of bacteria.

Are You Eligible For Tooth Implants?

In order to be eligible for tooth implants, patients need

  • Healthy gums
  • To be non-smokers, as smokers have an elevated risk of complications
  • Not to suffer from any unmanaged chronic health conditions or conditions that compromise the body’s ability to heal.

If you want to find out more about the dental implant procedure, or for a more personalised answer to the question of how long do dental implants take, you need to schedule a consultation at your local dental clinic. Please contact us for an appointment: (03) 9626 9581.

How long does it take to put a crown on a implant?

The process takes around 15 minutes. Once the crown is completed, the dentist places it on top of the abutment. The dentist checks the fit of the crown and then the patient goes home to heal.

How long does it take for a crown to be made?

The initial appointment usually lasts about two hours. It then generally takes two to three weeks for the lab to make the permanent crown, and removal of the temporary crown and placement of the permanent crown usually takes an additional 30 minutes.

How long does it take to make an implant tooth?

The Dental Implant process is basically a three phase process, which can be different for each person. Typically the entire process takes from 5 to 8 months. As you will see, this is a little different for people getting full mouth dentures. The process can be faster for those getting a whole new set of teeth!

Do you get a temporary crown when you get an implant?

Once the tissue has healed, your dentist will remove the healing cap and screw an abutment onto the implant. The abutment is the connector piece that firmly holds a crown to an implant. You will be given a temporary crown to wear for 4 to 6 weeks while the jawbone continues to gradually grow stronger.