How long does it take for a buried rat to decompose?

How long does it take for a buried rat to decompose?

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How long does it take for a buried rat to decompose?

How long does it take for a buried rat to decompose?

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The present report outlines the initial observations from an ongoing study examining the decomposition rate of buried rat (Rattus norvegicus, Berkenhout 1769) carcasses in Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia. Eight rat carcasses were buried in separate holes at depths of 20 and 40 cm (four holes per depth) to allow natural decomposition and examined at 10-day intervals up to 40 days. During the study period, environmental factors such as humidity, soil temperature, and air temperature were monitored at each depth on a daily basis. At the end of each burial period, one carcass from each depth was exhumed and the degree of decay and presence of insect activity were examined. The results showed that burial depth and temperature were major factors affecting the decomposition rate, whereas no insect activity was observed. The findings of this study can be used to more accurately estimate the time since burial of carcasses.


Buried carcass

Forensic entomology



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© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.

You might assume that once a rat is dead, it won’t cause you any more grief. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. After rats die, their bodies will decompose. During the decomposition process, gases inside the rat are released. As various organisms break down the rat’s body, they produce other chemicals, many of which contribute to the horrific smell of a rotting animal carcass. If you use rat poison in your home, you need to ensure you dispose of any resultant rat carcasses before they start to decompose.

How long does it take for a rat to decompose?

The decomposition rate for a dead rat can vary considerably depending on numerous factors. The most critical factor in determining the decomposition rate will be the temperature. When it’s hot outside, rats decompose faster than in colder weather. Think of it like the meat you buy from the supermarket; it will last a lot longer in your fridge or freezer than out in the open. Rats that die inside will take longer to decompose than those that die outside because they are less exposed, even if the temperature is slightly warmer inside.

How long does it take for a buried rat to decompose?
How long does it take for a rat to decompose?

A dead rat at room temperature takes around three weeks to decompose completely, but it starts rotting almost immediately. If the dead rat isn’t removed swiftly, the smell will build in strength and linger for longer. Trust us; you really don’t want to experience the stench of a decomposing rat.

The odour isn’t the only issue decomposing rats can cause. Dead rats present a severe health hazard, much more so than living specimens. Rat carcasses will attract flies, which then lay their eggs in and on the rat’s body. These eggs hatch into larvae, commonly known as maggots, which are responsible for their own set of problems. Any parasites on the rat’s carcass will start looking for another living host, which could end up being you or your pets.

How To Get Rid of Rats

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How long does it take for a buried rat to decompose?

How long does it take for a buried rat to decompose?

How long does it take for a rat to become a skeleton?

Small animals like a pig or a rat take a few days. Human remains, as Wescott mention above, take at least three months.

Do dead rats decompose?

A dead rat at room temperature takes around three weeks to decompose completely, but it starts rotting almost immediately. If the dead rat isn't removed swiftly, the smell will build in strength and linger for longer.

How long does it take dead rat to smell?

How long does it take for a dead rat to start smelling? Somewhere between three and five days. It also depends on some external conditions such as the humidity and temperature in the place where the rat has died. If it is hotter, the process will be sped up and it will start smelling in no time.

Can dead rat smell harm you?

The smelly carcass is emitting a pungent odour of decay and a "bouquet" of toxic gases like foul-smelling of rotten cabbage thiols, methane, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and pyruvic acid. Well, the smell itself can't really hurt you but your nose.