How long do you put hot pocket in the microwave

No matter who you are, or where you’re from, there’s a good chance that at some point in your life you’ve eaten a Hot Pocket. When it comes to convenience foods, hot pockets are one of the most popular items on the market.

When you’re short on time, there’s nothing like a hot pocket for a quick and easy meal. And if you’re like most people, you’ve probably microwaved one before. But have you ever wondered just how long to microwave Hot Pocket? And is it really the best choice when you’re looking for something fast?

Well, wonder no more! In this blog post, we’ll break it down for you so that your Hot Pockets are always cooked to perfection. We’ll take a look at the best way to cook a hot pocket and give you some tips for making this classic snack even faster.

So whether you’re a first-time Hot Pocket cooker or a seasoned pro, read on and learn everything you need to know about microwaving Hot Pockets!

  • How Long To Microwave Hot Pocket?
  • What Is A Hot Pocket?
    • A Brief History Of The Hot Pocket
    • Hot Pocket Nutrition Fact
  • Is It Safe To Microwave Hot Pocket?
  • How To Microwave Hot Pocket Perfectly?
  • Can You Microwave Hot Pocket Without A Plate?
  • Tips For Microwaving Hot Pocket
  • Is Hot Pocket Better In Microwave Or Oven?
  • Tips For Storing Leftover Hot Pocket
  • Other Ways To Heat Up Hot Pocket
  • Hot Pockets Alternatives
  • FAQs Of How Long To Microwave Hot Pocket
    • 1. Can you microwave hot pockets?
    • 2. How long do hot pockets last?
    • 3. Are hot pockets healthy?
    • 4. How many calories are in a hot pocket?
    • 5. How many flavors of hot pockets are there?
    • 6. What are some common hot pocket fillings?
    • 7. Can hot pockets be made ahead of time?
    • 8. What is the best way to cook hot pockets?
    • 9. Do hot pockets have to be cooked?
    • 10. Where can I find hot pockets?
    • 11. How much do hot pockets cost?
    • 12. Can hot pockets be frozen?
    • 13. What is the difference between hot pockets and Lean Pockets?
    • 14. What is the difference between hot pockets and Pizza Rolls?
    • 15. What is the difference between hot pockets and empanadas?
    • 16. How Do You Make Hot Pockets Crispy?
    • 17. How long to microwave two hot pockets?
    • 18. Can you microwave hot pockets more than once?
    • 19. How do I know when my hot pocket is done?
    • 20. What happens if you eat a raw hot pocket?
    • 21. How long do I cook a hot pocket in a 900-watt microwave?
  • Conclusion

Hot pockets are a quick and easy snack that can be heated up in the microwave in just a few minutes. But how long should you microwaves a hot pocket for the best results?

Most hot pockets come with instructions on how long to microwave them, the recommended cooking time is 2-3 minutes (Assuming you’re using a standard kitchen microwave).

But be sure to check the package instructions, as cooking times may vary slightly depending on the wattage of your microwave. You’ll know the hot pocket is done when the bread is nice and crispy and the filling is hot and bubbly.

Tips: If your hot pocket has cheese in it, you may want to add an extra minute to make sure the cheese is melted. You can also cook hot pockets on a lower setting for a longer period of time if you prefer. Just be sure to check on them frequently so they don’t overcook.

For a hot pocket that is frozen, the general rule is to cook it for about 2 minutes per ounce. So, a 4-ounce hot pocket would need to be cooked for 8 minutes. If you’re using a microwave with lower wattage, you may need to add an additional minute or two to the cooking time.

Note: Remember to always follow the cooking instructions on the hot pocket packaging for the best results. And be careful when handling hot pockets – they can get very hot!

What Is A Hot Pocket?

A hot pocket is a type of pre-packaged convenience food that can be heated in a microwave oven or toaster. They are typically made with a bread-like crust and filled with various types of meat, cheese, or vegetables.

Hot pockets are sold in supermarkets and gas stations in the United States, as well as via mail order and online retailers. They are popular among busy people who need a quick and easy meal, but they can also be unhealthy due to their high calorie and fat content.

A Brief History Of The Hot Pocket

The hot pocket is a type of pre-packaged convenience food that consists of a dough casing filled with various hot and melted ingredients.

Hot pockets quickly became a popular snack food option and can now be found in many different varieties, including chicken parmesan, pepperoni pizza, and cheeseburger.

Most people know hot pockets as a delicious and convenient snack food. What many don’t know is that hot pockets are the brainchild of two Jewish Iranian immigrants, Paul and David Merage.

The brothers came to the United States from Tehran in the 1960s and started out in the food business by making Belgian waffles under the company name Chef America Inc.

It wasn’t until the early 1980s that they had the idea to create hot pockets. The hot pocket was originally known as the Tastywich but was later renamed Hot Pocket by the brothers who created it.

Hot pockets became increasingly popular in the 1990s as more and more people were looking for easy, on-the-go meal options. By the early 2000s, hot pockets were one of the most popular frozen food items on the market.

The hot pocket became a household name after being sold to Nestle in 2002 and can now be found in just about every grocery store.

Today, hot pockets come in a variety of flavors and styles, but they all share one common goal: to provide a hot, satisfying meal in a matter of minutes. Whether you’re looking for a quick breakfast, lunch, or dinner option, hot pockets are a convenient and delicious choice.

While hot pockets are often associated with unhealthy eating, they can actually be quite nutritious if you choose the right variety.

In recent years, hot pockets have come under scrutiny due to their high calorie and fat content. However, they continue to be a popular food choice for many Americans.

Hot Pocket Nutrition Fact

Hot pockets are a quick and easy snack that can be enjoyed at any time. However, many people are unaware of the nutritional content of hot pockets. Here is a look at the nutrition facts for hot pockets:

– Calories: 260

– Fat: 11 grams

– Saturated Fat: 4.5 grams

– Trans Fat: 0 grams

– Cholesterol: 20 milligrams

– Sodium: 480 milligrams

– Carbohydrates: 32 grams

– Fiber: 2 grams

– Sugar: 3 grams

– Protein: 9 grams

As you can see, hot pockets are high in calories and fat. They also contain a significant amount of sodium. If you are concerned about your health, it is important to be aware of the nutritional content of hot pockets.

Additionally, hot pockets contain unhealthy trans fats, which have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and other serious health conditions.

While hot pockets may be convenient, they are certainly not healthy. However, there are some hot pocket varieties that are relatively healthier than others.

For example, the Lean Pockets brand offers several hot pocket flavors that are lower in calories and fat than traditional hot pockets.

If you’re looking for a nutritious snack, you would be better off reaching for an apple or a piece of low-fat cheese.

Is It Safe To Microwave Hot Pocket?

Hot pockets are a quick and easy snack, but you may be wondering if it’s safe to microwave them. The answer is yes! Microwaving hot pockets is perfectly safe, and in fact, it’s the recommended cooking method. Just be sure to follow the instructions on the package to ensure that your hot pocket comes out hot and delicious.

Microwaving hot pockets is the best way to cook them, as it will evenly distribute the heat and prevent the dough from becoming soggy. It’s important to follow the cooking instructions on the package, however, as overcooking can cause the hot pocket to become dry and difficult to eat.

So go ahead and enjoy your hot pocket without any worries. Your tummy will thank you!

How To Microwave Hot Pocket Perfectly?

If you’re in a hurry and need a quick, hot meal, microwaveable hot pockets are a great option. But how do you cook them so they’re not rubbery or undercooked? Here’s a step-by-step guide to microwaving hot pockets:

– Step 1: Take the hot pocket out of the packaging.

– Step 2: Place the hot pocket on a microwave-safe plate.

– Step 3: Microwave the hot pocket for the time specified on the packaging or cook on high for one to two minutes, or until heated through.

– Step 5: Let the hot pocket sit for 1-2 minutes before eating.

– Step 6: Enjoy your hot pocket!

Can You Microwave Hot Pocket Without A Plate?

The answer is yes, you can microwave a hot pocket without a plate. However, it is not recommended as the hot pocket may stick to the microwave and become difficult to remove.

If you do choose to microwave a hot pocket without a plate, be sure to use a paper towel or other similar item to prevent sticking. Be sure to clean up any spills immediately to avoid making a mess in your microwave.

If you have the time, it’s always best to warm up your hot pocket on a plate. This helps ensure even heat distribution and prevents the bottom of the pocket from getting soggy.

Tips For Microwaving Hot Pocket

If you’re in a hurry and need a quick snack, hot pockets are a great option. But if you’re not careful, they can end up being a hot mess. Here are some tips for microwaving hot pockets so that you can enjoy them without any drama:

1. If you are microwaving a hot pocket for the first time, make sure to read the instructions on the package.

2. Remove the hot pocket from its packaging before cooking. Otherwise, it could explode in the microwave.

3. Pierce the pocket several times with a fork to allow steam to escape.

4. Place the hot pocket on a microwave-safe plate and heat it for the recommended time listed on the package.

5. For a more evenly cooked hot pocket, try microwaving it for 1 minute on 50% power, then flipping it over and microwaving it for an additional minute on high.

6. If you’re in a hurry, microwave your hot pocket for 1 minute on high.

7. If you want a hot pocket that’s extra crispy, try microwaving it for 1 minute on high, then placing it under the broiler for 1-2 minutes. Keep a close eye on it so it doesn’t burn!

8. Want to get really creative? Try adding some grilled onions, peppers, or mushrooms to your hot pocket before microwaving it. Yum!

9. Carefully remove the hot pocket from the microwave using oven mitts or tongs. Check the pocket after cooking to make sure it’s not too hot to handle. If it is, let it cool for 1-2 minutes before enjoying it.

10. If you’re using a hot pocket that’s frozen, make sure to defrost it before cooking. You can do this by leaving it out at room temperature for a few hours, or microwaving it on the defrost setting for 1-2 minutes.

Note: Cooking times may vary. Hot pockets are fully cooked when the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees F as measured by a food thermometer.

Is Hot Pocket Better In Microwave Or Oven?

When it comes to hot pockets, there are two schools of thought: those who prefer them microwaved, and those who prefer them oven-baked. But which method is really the best?

Let’s start with the microwave. Microwaving hot pockets is definitely the quicker and easier option – all you need is a few minutes and voila, your hot pocket is ready to eat. However, some people argue that microwaving hot pockets can make them soggy and less flavorful. The major downside of microwaving hot pockets is that they can sometimes come out unevenly cooked, with some parts being overcooked and others being undercooked.

Oven-baking hot pocket takes a bit longer than microwaving them, but many people say that it’s worth the wait. Baking hot pockets in the oven allow for a crispier crust and prevent the filling from becoming too soggy. And the heat is more evenly distributed, which results in a hot pocket that is cooked more evenly throughout. Oven-cooked hot pockets also tend to be crispier on the outside and more fluffy on the inside. Plus, some folks say that hot pockets just taste better when they’re baked in the oven.

So, which is better? Microwaved or oven-baked hot pockets? ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. Both methods have their pros and cons, so it’s really up to you to decide which one you like best. experimentation is key! Try out both methods and see for yourself which way you prefer your hot pockets.

Tips For Storing Leftover Hot Pocket

There are a few things to keep in mind when storing hot pocket:

1. If you have leftover hot pockets, first make sure that they are cooled completely.

2. A hot pocket can store in the fridge for up to 4 days.

3. You can also store hot pockets in the freezer for up to 2 months. Just make sure to wrap them tightly in foil or plastic wrap.

4. If you want to reheat your hot pocket, make sure to wrap it in a damp paper towel first. This will help to prevent the crust from drying out.

5. Hot pockets can be reheated in the microwave or oven.

6. To reheat frozen hot pockets, remove them from the freezer and let them thaw in the fridge overnight. Then, cook them according to the instructions on the package.

7. When reheating, only heat for a minute or two so that the filling is hot but the crust isn’t burnt.

Other Ways To Heat Up Hot Pocket

There are a few different ways that you can heat up your hot pockets, the most popular way is to microwave them. But if you want to avoid the microwave, here are some alternative methods:

1. Oven: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, remove the hot pocket from the packaging and wrap it in foil. Place the hot pocket on a baking sheet and bake for about 10-12 minutes, or until heated through.

2. Stovetop: Place the hot pocket in a non-stick skillet over medium heat. Cook for about 1-2 minutes per side, or until heated through.

3. Air fryer: Preheat the air fryer to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Cook the hot pocket for about 5-6 minutes, or until heated through.

The microwave is still the quickest way to heat up a hot pocket, but these other methods can be just as effective. Choose the one that works best for you and enjoy your snack!

Hot Pockets Alternatives

If you’re looking for a hot and tasty snack that’s quick and easy to make, you can’t go wrong with Hot Pockets. However, there are plenty of other delicious options out there if you’re in the mood for something different. Here are some of our favorite hot pockets alternatives:

1. Pizza Pockets: These are essentially the same as hot pockets, but with pizza filling instead. You can find them at most convenience stores.

2. Lean Pockets: These hot pockets are lower in calories and fat than traditional hot pockets. They also have a variety of different flavors to choose from, including cheese, pepperoni, and sausage.

3. Hot Pockets Snackers: These are smaller versions of hot pockets that are perfect for a quick snack. They come in a variety of flavors, including cheese, pepperoni, and sausage.

4. Pizza Rolls: These are bite-sized pieces of pizza that are perfect for snacking. They come in a variety of flavors, including cheese, pepperoni, and sausage.

5. Taco Pockets: Another popular alternative to hot pockets is taco pockets. These usually have ground beef or chicken filling, and are often topped with cheese and salsa.

6. Veggie Pockets: For a healthier option, veggie pockets are a great choice. They typically contain vegetables and cheese, and sometimes also include meat or tofu.

7. Stuffed Pretzels: Stuffed pretzels are another tasty alternative to hot pockets. You can find them with various fillings, including cheese, sausage, and pepperoni.

8. Empanadas: Empanadas are another type of pocket food that can be either savory or sweet. They typically have a flaky pastry crust and are filled with meat, cheese, or fruits.

9. Sausage Rolls: Sausage rolls are a popular type of hot pocket alternative in the UK. They are made with sausage meat wrapped in puff pastry and can be served hot or cold.

10. Pasties: Pasties are another UK favorite that can be found at most convenience stores. They are similar to the hot pockets but usually have a potato and meat filling.

11. Samosas: Samosas are a type of Indian pastry that is often filled with potatoes, peas, and spices. They can be fried or baked, and make a great snack or appetizer.

12. Sammiches: Sammiches, or sandwiches, are a classic hot pocket alternative. You can fill them with anything you like, and they’re easy to make at home.

13. Wraps: Wraps are another easy and versatile option for hot pocket alternatives. You can fill them with anything from chicken and veggies to peanut butter and jelly.

14. Quesadillas: Quesadillas are basically tortillas filled with cheese and other toppings. They make a great hot pocket alternative if you’re looking for something cheesy and delicious.

15. Pitas: Pitas are another type of pocket food that can be filled with anything from meats and veggies to hummus and tzatziki.

16. Stuffed Crust Pizza: This is a hot pocket that has a crust that is stuffed with cheese. It comes in a variety of flavors, including cheese, pepperoni, and sausage.

17. Calzones: These are hot pockets that are filled with a variety of different ingredients, including cheese, pepperoni, and sausage. They are usually served with a side of marinara sauce for dipping.

No matter what your hot pocket preference is, there is sure to be an alternative out there for you. So go ahead and enjoy your favorite hot pocket without all the guilt!

FAQs Of How Long To Microwave Hot Pocket

1. Can you microwave hot pockets?

Yes, hot pockets can be microwaved. However, they are usually best when baked in the oven.

2. How long do hot pockets last?

Hot pockets will last for about 3-4 days in the fridge. You can also freeze them for up to 2 months. Just be sure to thaw them before cooking.

3. Are hot pockets healthy?

This is a controversial question, as hot pockets can be high in calories and fat. However, there are some healthier alternatives to hot pockets that have fewer calories and fat. Lean Pockets and Hot Pockets Snackers are two of these options.

4. How many calories are in a hot pocket?

There are approximately 260 calories in a hot pocket.

5. How many flavors of hot pockets are there?

There are over 40 flavors of hot pockets available.

6. What are some common hot pocket fillings?

Some common hot pocket fillings include cheese, pepperoni, sausage, ground beef, chicken, vegetables, and fruits.

7. Can hot pockets be made ahead of time?

Yes, hot pockets can be made ahead of time and frozen for later. Just be sure to thaw them before cooking.

8. What is the best way to cook hot pockets?

It is best to cook hot pockets in the oven, but they can also be microwaved.

9. Do hot pockets have to be cooked?

No, hot pockets do not have to be cooked before eating. However, they are usually best when warmed up.

10. Where can I find hot pockets?

Hot pockets can be found at most convenience stores, grocery stores, and online retailers.

11. How much do hot pockets cost?

Hot pockets typically cost between $1 and $3 each.

12. Can hot pockets be frozen?

Yes, hot pockets can be frozen. Just be sure to thaw them before cooking.

13. What is the difference between hot pockets and Lean Pockets?

The main difference between hot pockets and Lean Pockets is that hot pockets usually have a higher calorie and fat content. Lean Pockets are typically lower in calories and fat.

14. What is the difference between hot pockets and Pizza Rolls?

The main difference between hot pockets and Pizza Rolls is that Pizza Rolls are bite-sized pieces of pizza, while hot pockets are usually larger and can be filled with various ingredients.

15. What is the difference between hot pockets and empanadas?

The main difference between hot pockets and empanadas is that empanadas are typically filled with meat, cheese, or fruits, while hot pockets can be either savory or sweet.

16. How Do You Make Hot Pockets Crispy?

If you want your hot pockets to be crispy, it is best to cook them in the oven. You can also try putting them on a wire rack over a baking sheet so that the hot air can circulate around them.

17. How long to microwave two hot pockets?

It usually takes about 2-3 minutes to microwave two hot pockets. However, this can vary depending on the wattage of your microwave. So be sure to check the instructions on the package.

18. Can you microwave hot pockets more than once?

Yes, you can microwave hot pockets more than once. However, they may not taste as good the second time around.

19. How do I know when my hot pocket is done?

You will know your hot pocket is done when the dough is cooked through and the filling is hot. You can also insert a toothpick into the center of the pocket to see if it comes out clean.

20. What happens if you eat a raw hot pocket?

If you eat a raw hot pocket, you may experience food poisoning. This is because hot pockets contain meat and cheese, which can be contaminated with bacteria. So it is important to make sure that they are cooked thoroughly before eating.

21. How long do I cook a hot pocket in a 900-watt microwave?

It usually takes about 1 minute and 30 seconds to cook a hot pocket in a 900-watt microwave. Then let it sit for a minute before eating.


Now that you know how to microwave hot pockets, there’s no excuse not to enjoy this classic snack, it’s time to put your new skills to the test!

Pick up a few hot pockets from your local grocery store and cook them according to the instructions in this blog post or follow the cooking instructions on the package. Then, enjoy your hot and delicious snack!

And if you’re looking for an even faster way to cook your hot pocket, try using the defrost setting on your microwave. This will help to speed up the cooking process, so you can enjoy your hot pocket even sooner!

If you have any other questions about how to microwave hot pockets, we’ll be happy to help! What’s your favorite hot pocket flavor? Let us know in the comments below.

Don’t forget to check out our other blog posts for more cooking tips and tricks!

How long do you put 3 Hot Pockets in the microwave?

Unwrap the hot pocket and place it into a crisping sleeve, then put it on a microwave-safe plate. The recommended cooking time for 1100-watt microwave is around 2 minutes, but it may take 3 minutes for a 700-watt microwave.

How many minutes do I put for 2 Hot Pockets?

HEAT IT. Cook on HIGH (1100 Watt Oven) 1 Sandwich: 2 minutes* 2 Sandwiches: 3 minutes, 45 seconds* For Lower Wattage/Compact Microwave, cook 1 sandwich on HIGH for 3 minutes*. For best results, cook one sandwich at a time.

How do you microwave a Hot Pocket without it exploding?

Cover with lid to prevent from splattering or making a mess when side of hot pockets explode. What is this? If you're using an 1100-watt microwave, cook on high for around 2 minutes. But if microwave has lower wattage, then an extra minute will be required to fully heat.


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