How long do Samsung dryers last?

Do you have a fridge that keeps breaking down and leaking? A washing machine that seems to constantly need new parts? It’s hard knowing whether you need to rush out and purchase new appliances or if it’s time to let go of the ones you have and replace them with a shinier Samsung model. Appliances aren’t always the cheapest of items, so getting some that will last you a long time is ideal. Fortunately, when it comes to luxury appliances from Samsung, you’ll find that they’re built to last. If you’ve been dealing with some major appliances that look be on their way out, find out here if that’s the normal life expectancy or if your appliances should be living much longer.

1. Refrigerator

Arguably one of our most important appliances, if your refrigerator goes out, so do you – straight to a restaurant and straight into debt. Refrigerators tend to make it to the old age of 15 years, sometimes less time and sometimes longer. Normally, you stop using a refrigerator appliance when it suddenly dies, but it’s usually better to replace it before that day comes. Once your refrigerator goes out, your food that needs to stay at a cooler temperature starts going bad, and you end up with a complicated mess on your hands. Prepare yourself for the worst and if it hits 15 years, replace your refrigerator ASAP.

2. Dishwasher

This appliance may not be the worst one to fall apart – especially since it’s not impossible to wash your dirty dishes by hand. But having a working dishwasher at all times is better than one that is out of service. On average, most dishwashers break down around the 10-year mark. Keep your life easy, and get a Samsung Dishwasher when your current one starts acting up.

3. Washer and Dryer

If you have a family dependent on the washer and dryer, then you probably don’t have time to be making trips to the laundromat. Owning a hard-working washing and drying machine is a luxury that we sometimes take advantage of. The truth is, they won’t last forever, and you better have a backup plan for when that time comes. Probably not for 8-12 years.

4. Range

Imagine a scenario where you’re preparing for a big house party, but just as you start to cook, the stovetop on your range doesn’t ignite. When you try to preheat your oven, it also doesn’t seem to warm up. This would be a disaster of a situation, which is why buying a new Samsung Range before your current one goes kaput would save you from that nightmare. Most ovens, cooktops, and ranges last about 10-15 years.

You’ll never appreciate a perfectly working appliance until you’ve had one of yours break down. Updating your appliances will not only bring some relief to your life, but it can also help you save money. Due to new and innovative advancements on energy and water efficiency, you could be seeing a decrease in your monthly bills. Replace your out of date hardware with Samsung appliances so you never have to go a day feeling inconvenienced.

My Samsung front load washer is 2 years and 8 months old. When I got it I found it was noisy and I called them to see if there was something wrong and they said noise is normal! just under 2 years age it started leaking and the repair persons came said it was just needing a self clean. Since we do around 6 loads a month we don’t need to do that very often Every 6 or so months. A week ago it started again so I did as I was told self clean... I set it and went out for the day. When I came back 8 or so hour later it was still running!!!! It would power off and power on again. the time on the control said it had only gone through 10 minnutes of its cycle. I called the Samsung rep who kindly informed me my warranty is now over and directed me to a repair person house call alone before repair would be $144 CDN. Above that is the cost of parts and labour. I found a more reasonable repair person closet to my home whom kindly told me I’ve bought the worst machine on the market. motor and bearings are gone. cost to fix over $500. Maybe more! I am so angry I’m going to continue to shame Samsung for no giving me my money back or replacing. This is piece of garbage. I’ve calculated out the cost of the under 200 loads of wash I’ve done on this machine and it’s about $4.75 a load! The laundromat is cheaper!. Do not buy a Samsung washing machine. I’m going back to my trusted LG

I purchased a Samsung washing machine. Within the first two months, it started giving trouble. The roller broke down within 8 months. I had to call the service personnel, who charged me though the machine is less than one year old and is under warranty. The Fuzzy logic misbehaves often. I called customer service center to inform them about my experience and sent a email to CEO seeking replacement of the machine. They asked for a copy of invoice and called me four to five times and told me that they were discussing the matter. This is over a period of 15 days. When I lost the patience and asked them how long would it take to decide, they told me that they cannot replace the machine and wrote to me stating that I have been charged as per company's policies. So much about their warranty. The machines are absolutely overrated to jack up the price.

I purchased a mobile last year and within 7 days the screen started malfunctioning. The service mechanic repaired it and charged me. My suggestion is please do not buy any Samsung products. They are not reliable, quality is very bad and contacting customer service center is only a waste of time. Communications addressed to CEO is never read by CEO and only some junior officers who have been trained to reject all claims read and respond. Do you remember the movie 'The Rain Maker'?

@Robin Bocock, I would definitely get rid of that piece of junk if possible. I'm just curious, how old it was? I'm wondering if it was a early failure.

Word to the wise, wile Samsung may make a shiny cell phone, almost all of their products downright SUCK. I was one of the lucky ones with one of their flat screens, that I purchased in 2011. By Summer 2012, it would NO LONGER TURN ON. Endless calls to Samsung, left me nowhere, and only much later on, did I find out that -- they had manufactured close to a million TV's with Defective Boards. Even better, when the company figured it out, they kept their mouth shut, and charged consumers hundreds of dollars for repairs, for their design flaw. It wasn't until a few lawyers figured out their SCAM, that a class action lawsuit was formed.

In the end, I realized what kind of company they were, and what their standards were. Unfortunately, it looks like you ended up with a product from South Korea, that was never intended for long-term consumer use. I apologize greatly for what your dealing with.

My only suggestion is to AVOID LG & Samsung like the plague. And to consider brands like Electrolux, or Miele for it's replacement..

I stupidly believed Consumer Reports ratings for my Samsung WA45H7000AW/A2 which it had as one of it's top rated top loaders. It is 5 years old and I started having balance issues as soon as the warranty was done. I called Samsung and they said they would send someone out to fix it but I had to pay a $195 Non-Refundable charge. A Kid came out who had no idea what he was doing and after messing with it for a half an hour he said he could not balance it. I called Samsung and they said they would not refund my money. Now it won't balance any load so we just go to the laundry mat most of the time. I think I figured out by searching on the internet what the problem is. The reduction rods and springs seem to wear out on these as well as on the LG washers. I can purchase OEM ones on Amazon for $59.99 and I've watched the numerous Utube videos that all kinds of different people and Appliance Repair people have posted and it appears to be fairly simple but i'm not very handy. I thought about spending a grand and getting a new LG which CR now rates all their washers tops, but then I remember they rated Samsungs tops. A repairman told me over the phone the top two brands they have many repair calls for are Samsung and LG. He said to buy a Kenmore or Whirlpool.

Imagine this , one year ago your excited because I could finally purchase a new washer and dryer after living in our house for 20years. Within 7mths your Samsung new dryer stops working, you contact Samsung speak to a great customer service employee who sends out a tech to fix it…Awesome, Imaging 2mths later, your brand new Samsung dryer stops working again, you contact Samsung, speak to a great employees again, who sends out a tech to fix it, awesome. Imaging this your brand new dryer that you purchased no less than a year ago is smoking almost setting your house on fire, you all Samsung, speak to an awesome customer service rep who calms your fears and send out a tech who fixes the problems. Question how would you feel about Samsung at this point. Ok no worries. 3 technicians for your new appliances within 1 year.

Imagine this within a year of purchasing your new appliances, you have had 3 tech’s come out to your home for your Samsung dryer and now within the same year your brand new washer just stops working. Here’s the good part as of right now I have been on a call with a Samsung representative for 1:47min, and I’m a confused Samsung customer. I was also dryer told even though both appliances were purchased together, delivered together on the same day….the Samsung representative advised the Samsung dryer could not be added due to Samsung extended warranty due , John stated based on the Samsung warranty expired on Aug 30th of this year, even though both were purchased and delivered on the same day, how is it that the warranty for the dryer expired in Aug of this year and the washer expired in September

Not once when within a year when my brand new dryer stopped working did I ask for a new one, looking back in hindsight I should have that would have save me 2 additional tech visits. Fast forward to today, the representative I’m speaking with John for almost 2hrs, to leave the call in tears, I am so confused, frustrated and disappointed. I was told even thought I purchased both appliances at the same time I can only purchase an extended warranty on the washer not the dryer. Is it because I’ve already had 3 service calls for the dryer, that is my thought. As of now I have been on the call with John a Samsung representative for 2hrs, I asked John if he could please send me a copy of what we discussed from my acct notes, John stated he cannot send me a copy of my account notes, due to at this point I do not trust John or Samsung as a company, I am so sorry I every purchased any Samsung products before now I trusted Samsung as a leader within the appliance industry, however after the tears, frustration, and disappointment. I would appreciate it if someone would review the call from 09/27 which ended @, after 2 hours, John offered to send me the same ticket number over an over aging after I asked for a copy of my account notes….I will also send a copy of this email to the Better business bureau.

I now have 3 days until my warranty runs out, I wanted to purchase the extended warranty to do my history with Samsung products, however I was I could not. I would appreciate a call back before September 30thto know if Samsung can offer this customer any additional options.

Imagine this , one year ago your excited because I could finally purchase a new washer and dryer after living in our house for 20years. Within 7mths your Samsung new dryer stops working, you contact Samsung speak to a great customer service employee who sends out a tech to fix it…Awesome, Imaging 2mths later, your brand new Samsung dryer stops working again, you contact Samsung, speak to a great employees again, who sends out a tech to fix it, awesome. Imaging this your brand new dryer that you purchased no less than a year ago is smoking almost setting your house on fire, you all Samsung, speak to an awesome customer service rep who calms your fears and send out a tech who fixes the problems. Question how would you feel about Samsung at this point. Ok no worries. 3 technicians for your new appliances within 1 year.

Imagine this within a year of purchasing your new appliances, you have had 3 tech’s come out to your home for your Samsung dryer and now within the same year your brand new washer just stops working. Here’s the good part as of right now I have been on a call with a Samsung representative for 1:47min, and I’m a confused Samsung customer. I was also dryer told even though both appliances were purchased together, delivered together on the same day….the Samsung representative advised the Samsung dryer could not be added due to Samsung extended warranty due , John stated based on the Samsung warranty expired on Aug 30th of this year, even though both were purchased and delivered on the same day, how is it that the warranty for the dryer expired in Aug of this year and the washer expired in September

Not once when within a year when my brand new dryer stopped working did I ask for a new one, looking back in hindsight I should have that would have save me 2 additional tech visits. Fast forward to today, the representative I’m speaking with John for almost 2hrs, to leave the call in tears, I am so confused, frustrated and disappointed. I was told even thought I purchased both appliances at the same time I can only purchase an extended warranty on the washer not the dryer. Is it because I’ve already had 3 service calls for the dryer, that is my thought. As of now I have been on the call with John a Samsung representative for 2hrs, I asked John if he could please send me a copy of what we discussed from my acct notes, John stated he cannot send me a copy of my account notes, due to at this point I do not trust John or Samsung as a company, I am so sorry I every purchased any Samsung products before now I trusted Samsung as a leader within the appliance industry, however after the tears, frustration, and disappointment. I would appreciate it if someone would review the call from 09/27 which ended @, after 2 hours, John offered to send me the same ticket number over an over aging after I asked for a copy of my account notes….I will also send a copy of this email to the Better business bureau.

I now have 3 days until my warranty runs out, I wanted to purchase the extended warranty to do my history with Samsung products, however I was I could not. I would appreciate a call back before September 30thto know if Samsung can offer this customer any additional options.

Samsung top loading washer is garbage. Clothes NEVER smell clean because the washer does not allow enough water per load to even wet down all the clothing. I’ve watched an entire wash cycle through the glass lid that left one leg of my sweat pants completely dry. And I don’t care what the industry tells us - high efficiency washers that barely get clothing wet don’t have a chance in Hades of actually getting it CLEAN. And the industry’s answer is to sell us a myriad of ”smell-fresh” products to cover up the unpleasant fact that our clothing is still dirty. Laundry that is ACTUALLY CLEAN smells CLEAN. Period. I have tried every single setting on the machine in an attempt to get enough water to wash the clothes - not happening. So now - since the washer decides how much water I’m allowed based on the weight of the items - I do the ”Little House on the Prairie” routine to do laundry. (1.) Place items in the washer. (2.) Take my trusty 2-gallon utility bucket - that I keep for just this auspicious occasion - to the sink and fill it with water. (3.) Lug the 2 gallons of water back to the washer and pour it over the clothing so that the roughly 17 lbs. of extra water-weight will now warrant permission from this blankety-blank piece of crap to dispense enough water to wash the flipping clothes. In addition to clothing not getting wet, I can get over adding fabric softener to the load. The stupid machine wads everything into one big, tangled, unbalanced ball and then re-fills the tub OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER in an attempt to re-balance the load. And it will continue to do this until you notice the problem and untangle the giant ball of clothing manually. Washing anything with sleeves or legs is a nightmare. This washer NEVER manages to pull this off without tangling everything together and stretching things out of shape. I’ve had sleep pants emerge from this mess twice as long as when they went into the wash. And the fabric softener is long gone at this point. BUT PLEASE NOTE: this is proudly marketed as a HIGH EFFICIENCY machine. Never mind that it’s now used 84 gallons of water to wash 2 pairs of pajamas and some underwear. And to sweeten my attitude as I write this review, my insanely expensive Samsung refrigerator (in which we’ve turned off the ice-maker that sprays water all over creation and then freezes it into a big ridiculous iceberg) is making a loud, annoying, expensive-sounding racket (sounds like a jet enging preparing for take-off) every time the compressor comes on. The group of engineers responsible for these $$$$ abominations should probably thank their lucky stars that we don’t know where they live…

RE: Samsung Top-Loading Washer. The tub does rotate to fill the machine, but the water sprays around the edges, not toward the middle. I watched the entire cycle by shining a flashlight through the glass top. Water sprayed around the edges until the predestined amount was achieved. The pair of sweat pants in the middle floated, but never - throughout the entirety of the cycle - did the leg EVER submerge in the water. The gentle side-to-side swishing did, however, manage someway or another to tangle the sleeves and legs that WERE submerged to the point that it knotted them and threw the load off-balance. I’ve been doing laundry for quite a few decades now. My parents purchased a washer/dryer when i was about 4 years old and those appliances managed to wash clothes that looked and smelled clean and better yet - they did it for close to 40 years. I learned to do laundry with those appliances. My mother taught me how to place items in the machine to make sure the load was balanced and then choose the appropriate water level, temperature, and wash cycle. We didn’t struggle with unbalanced loads or tangled clothing. You set the machine, started the cycle, and walked away. When you came back, the load was done and ready for the dryer. I find it insulting that the companies engineering products now assume that I’m too freaking stupid to make my own decisions about the appropriate settings for something as simple as washing a load of laundry. I’m not so stupid as to stick my arm into a moving spin cycle and I actually parented my children to the point they knew that I would not allow them to climb into the appliances and/or drink bleach or eat detergent pods (so no need to lock the freaking lid of the washing machine). I managed to raise my children without child-proofing my house and treating cleaning products like we were housing plutonium. I taught them how to do age-appropriate chores and safely use household appliances. Fast-forward to now … Instead of cultivating an educated, self-reliant, intelligent society, we’re engineering with an attempt to make everything idiot-proof, consequently producing generations of idiots that can’t make reasonable decisions about their everyday existence. Good grief. And quite frankly I’m sick to death of hearing how environmentally friendly a company is that produces and “energy efficient” appliance that will need to be replaced every 8 years or so - the technology has existed since my childhood to produce a product that will last 20+ years. How environmentally sound is it to save a few gallons of water, yet send THREE machines to the landfill during the same time-frame that we used to send only ONE worn-out machine?!?! There is a serious disconnect with common sense going on here - I’m sick of things engineered for the lazy and the stupid. That washing machine sitting in my laundry room has delivered to me a resounding message from Samsung - and the message is … “We think you’re a blithering idiot who’s too stupid to operate a washing machine, so we’re taking the ability to make ANY decisions away from you.” We have computers in kindergarten classrooms, but society thinks adults are too stupid to learn to use a washing machine …

What are common problems with Samsung dryers?

Common issues with Samsung dryers.
Samsung dryer won't start..
Samsung dryer is overheating..
Samsung dryer isn't heating..
Samsung dryer is showing an error code..
Samsung dryer isn't drying..
Samsung dryer leaving lint on clothes..
Samsung dryer has odors..
Samsung dryer is noisy..

Is it worth it to repair dryer?

In general, premium dryers are worth repairing for a longer period of time because the cost of a typical repair is a smaller proportion of the machine's value. In other words, a $172 repair on a $430 dryer makes little financial sense after the first few years.

What brand of dryers last the longest?

The most-reliable brands include LG, Speed Queen, and Whirlpool (including Amana and Maytag). Brands at the bottom include GE, Electrolux, and Samsung.

When should you replace a dryer?

It's recommended as a rule of thumb that if your dryer is close to 10 years old, you're better off replacing it outright, especially if the quote for repairs comes in high.