How long do chameleons live as a pet?

How long do chameleons live as a pet?

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You should never bring a new pet home without first learning everything you can about the specific animal you are purchasing. A color-changing pet chameleon has the potential to provide years of companionship. The particular species of chameleon and the quality of care you provide him will determine exactly how many years he lives.

Average Longevity

As a species, chameleons will generally live 2 to 3 years in the wild. Chameleons who live in captivity generally live longer than those who live in the wild. The life span of a captive chameleon can range between 3 and 10 years.


Gender will influence the length of time your chameleon lives. Male chameleons tend to live longer than females. For example, male veiled chameleons live an average of 8 years in captivity. Female veiled chameleons only live an average of 5 years.


More than 100 chameleon species exist in the wild, but only a handful of these are regularly bred and sold in captivity as household pets. Among these, life spans vary. Panther chameleons can live 7 to 8 years; some individuals live even longer with proper care. Veiled chameleons live 5 to 8 years.


A healthy chameleon needs a varied diet with plenty of fresh vegetation and insects to eat. Supplements are beneficial to captive chameleons but cannot replace a healthy, balanced diet. Chameleons also need plenty of fresh water, ample space in their living enclosure and a safe, predator-free environment to live in. Chameleons who are not living in good conditions will die earlier than those who receive regular veterinary care and live in ideal conditions.


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Writer Bio

Jen Davis has been writing since 2004. She has served as a newspaper reporter and her freelance articles have appeared in magazines such as "Horses Incorporated," "The Paisley Pony" and "Alabama Living." Davis earned her Bachelor of Arts in communication with a concentration in journalism from Berry College in Rome, Ga.

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Some types of pet reptile are notorious for living exceptionally long lives. Some tortoises exceed 100 years of age, and snakes like boa constrictors and ball pythons average about 20 years. Chameleons are different, and while there is great diversity within the clade, most have a lifespan measured in years, not decades.

Long-Lived Species

While concrete data on wild lizards and verifiable reports concerning captive specimens are rare, it's clear that the larger species of chameleon live longer than most of the smaller species do. Parson’s (Calumma parsonii), veiled (Chameleo calyptratus) and Oustalet’s (Furcifer oustaleti) chameleons are all large species, known to survive for five to eight years in the wild. In captivity, most have similar or longer lifespans; veiled chameleons are known to live for at least 10 years, and some experts suspect that Parson’s chameleons can reach two decades. Larger species vary in their maturation rate; veiled chameleons mature quickly and can reproduce at 4 to 5 months of age, while most panther chameleons need 12 to 18 months to mature.

Short-Lived Species

At the opposite end of the spectrum, some of the small chameleon species have the some of the shortest lifespans among all vertebrates. The carpet chameleon (Furcifer lateralis), a very colorful species from Madagascar, has a lifespan in the wild of one to two years. Even in the best circumstances, these chameleons rarely live longer than three years. Other species, like Labord’s chameleon (Furcifer labordi), spend eight to nine months incubating underground in their eggs before hatching, growing, maturing and reproducing in as little as four or five months. Shortly after breeding and depositing eggs, all of the adults die. This means that, for much of the year, the only living specimens of this species are found underground, incubating in their eggs.

Common Causes of Premature Death

Many chameleons offered for sale are wild-caught adults. Often, by the time these lizards complete their arduous journey from the forests of Africa to the pet store, they are stressed, dehydrated and have accumulated problematic parasite loads. These lizards have little chance of thriving -- particularly in the hands of an inexperienced keeper. By purchasing captive-bred animals, you can bypass most of these problems. Problems with captive-bred chameleons are most often related to improper lighting, nutrition or both, but advances in husbandry are enabling some captive chameleons to double their wild lifespan.

Maximizing Your Chameleon's Lifespan

To get the most longevity out of your pet chameleon, start with a captive-bred juvenile, and be sure to provide the proper diet, supplementation and UVB levels. Select a larger species that has a 5- to 10-year lifespan, like a panther or veiled chameleon. Realize that males usually live longer than females -- female chameleons often deposit eggs whether they are paired with a male or not. They may lay three or more clutches of eggs per year, each of which is very taxing on her body. Additionally, males are typically, though not always, more boldly colored than females. As pets, males are strongly preferred to females.

Pros and Cons to a Shorter Lifespan

Though a short lifespan is often cited as a negative trait for pets, in many cases a 5- to 10-year commitment is much more appropriate than a half-century commitment. This is especially true with young keepers who don't yet know what their living situation will be in the coming years as they attend college and move out of their parents' homes. It is exceptionally hard to find a find a new home for an unwanted pet reptile, and contrary to popular opinion, most zoos are not interested in adopting your pet lizard.


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Do chameleons make good pets?

For anyone looking for an exotic and unique companion, the chameleon may be the perfect pet. They make an excellent choice for those sensitive to pet odors or noise and capture the eye of experienced and novice reptile owners alike.

How long do pet veiled chameleons live?

Veiled Chameleon Lifespan Veiled chameleons don't have very long lifespans when compared to other Old World lizards. Captive-bred females typically live up to five years and males can live up for up to eight years when kept properly.

Do chameleons like to be held?

It is possible to hold a chameleon but chameleons do not like being held and they don't enjoy being petted either. Some can develop a tolerance for holding but they are much better suited to being left alone and observed from afar.

Why are chameleons lifespan so short?

In the wild most chameleons have a two to three year lifespan. Predators, parasites and disease, as well as environmental pressures like climate and deforestation, all serve to reduce the number of years chameleons live.