How long can a baby go on a road trip?

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Taking a car trip with your baby can be stressful, especially if it’s a long journey. Using these simple tips when you prepare for the trip can help you ensure it’s as safe and as comfortable as possible for both of you.

Car seats

Before you start thinking about the journey, ensure you are using a baby car seat that’s suited to your baby’s age and size. All seats need to be approved, properly fastened and correctly adjusted so your baby can travel safely.

Babies under 6 months must be seated in a rearward-facing child restraint with an inbuilt harness. Babies aged over 6 months must be seated in a rearward-facing or forward-facing restraint, also with an inbuilt harness.

Preparation for the journey

Plan for regular breaks

Travelling with a baby by car will take longer than travelling with adults. Plan for regular breaks (about 1 break for every 2 hours travel) and expect unscheduled stops, such as for nappy changes.

Babies are not meant to spend long periods of time in their car seat. During stops, allow your baby to kick, roll or crawl around on a rug on the ground where it is safe for them to do so.

If your baby is sleeping as you reach your destination, take your baby out even if it means waking them up. Never leave your child unattended in the car.

Food and drink on the trip

If you breastfeed, remember to stop to offer feeds more often if it is hot in the car. Note that it is not safe to breastfeed in a moving car.

If your baby is on infant formula, take the formula powder and cooled boiled water with you so that you can prepare feeds on the trip.

If your baby is on solids, you can also pack simple snacks and water.

Sun protection

If the sun is shining directly on your baby, use a window shade or hang a damp towel over the window to provide shade. Don't use a hood over a capsule since it can restrict air circulation around your baby.

Keep your baby occupied

Bring some of your baby's favourite toys and books to help keep them entertained in the car. On a long trip, you may want to introduce one item at a time so your baby will stay interested for longer. Have a few new items on hand as well, in case your baby gets bored with familiar ones. Singing and music may also help keep your baby occupied for a while.

What to pack

Writing a checklist can help reduce any worries you might have about preparing for your car trip.

Here's what you may want to have on hand for your baby:

  • items to prepare formula feeds
  • snacks and water
  • toys and books
  • nappies, wipes and spare clothes
  • anything else that can help comfort your baby, such as a dummy, favourite toy or blanket

Allow plenty of time for travel

When travelling with a baby, you may find you need to stop more often or for longer than planned. Allow yourself lots of time to travel. You may also want to check real-time information on traffic jams, road conditions and closures from the following government sources.

  • New South Wales (132 701)
  • Northern Territory (1800 246 199)
  • Queensland (13 19 40)
  • South Australia (1300 361 033)
  • Tasmania
  • Victoria (13 11 70)
  • Western Australia (138 138)

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Last reviewed: April 2021

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Your friends and family can’t wait to meet your new-born baby. If they don’t live nearby, planning ahead will ensure long-distance car travel with a baby is safe, comfortable and as relaxing as possible. From "how long can a baby be in a car seat?" to baby toys for car travel, read our tips and advice! 

How long should a baby be in a car seat? 

Lots of parents want to know "how long can babies stay in car seats?" The general advice is that your baby should sit/sleep in their car seat for no more than two hours at a time. That's because the lie-flat position is considered the best for their health and, in a baby car seat, their position is not completely lie-flat. This won't prevent you from taking a longer road trip together as you will need to plan regular stops to feed and change your baby anyway.  

  • Bring a large blanket with you so your baby can have a good stretch on it when you stop for a break.  

Our safety carrycot Jade allows you to travel lie-flat safely; have a look

How soon can a new-born travel long distances by car? 

For a new-born baby, it is advised to limit car journeys to 30 minutes at a time.  

Keeping your baby comfortable 

Take these steps to help your baby stay comfortable during the journey. 

  • A new-born car seat insert will cocoon your baby to keep them safe and comfy. Find out more.  

  • Use window shades or a car seat canopy to create a darker atmosphere to encourage your baby to nap. 

  • If your baby enjoys listening to nursery rhymes, make sure you bring them along to listen to in the car. 

  • If your baby has a favourite toy or blanket, make sure this is packed and close to hand. 

  • Use a blanket to keep your baby warm and comfortable. If the temperature in the car increases, you'll be able to remove the blanket without disturbing your baby, as you would with a jacket. 

  • Keep everything you need, including a change mat, up together in a handy nursery bag so you can easily grab essentials. 

  • Bring at least one change of clothes to make cleaning up after spillages easy. You could also invest in a spare car seat cover too. 

Baby toys for car travel 

Brightly coloured pictures can be fixed to the car seat that your baby will be facing to keep them entertained. Or look for baby toys that can be attached to the car seat that have textures and sounds to keep them busy.   

Car seat safety 

Did you know that nearly 80% of parents install their child car seat incorrectly? Before you set off, double-check to make sure the car seat is fitted the right way. For more help, read our safety tips. 

What is the best time to travel? 

Many parents prefer to travel at times when their baby would normally sleep, hoping they will nod off in the car. For example, you could plan to leave right after bath time to increase your chances of covering more miles with your baby napping. Make sure you check out your route before you travel so you can identify good places to stop if you need to feed your baby. It's also wise to avoid busy times to reduce the chance of you getting stuck in a traffic jam. 

  • If you're taking a long car journey with a toddler, you'll also need to plan ahead to keep them entertained.  

  • For more top tips on travelling with your baby, read our guide to flying with a baby.

How long is too long for a baby to be in the car?

However, infant healthcare professionals, safety experts and most car manufacturers recommend that babies should not be in a car seat for longer than 2 hours at a time and they should be taken out frequently. If your trip involves driving for long periods of time, you should stop for regular breaks.

How soon can a baby go on a road trip?

While the specifics vary depending on whether you're traveling by car, plane, or train, doctors generally agree that it is best to wait till your baby is at least 2 to 3 months old before taking them on a trip. This allows time for their immune system to be better developed.

Can a 6 month old go on a road trip?

Road Trip with 6-Month Old Baby: Conclusion At the end of the day, even if you have to make extra stops or change a blow out diaper on the front seat of your car, a road trip with 6 month old baby is doable! It will be different than a trip by yourself, but can still be a fun experience for you and your baby.

Can a 3 month old go on a road trip?

Parenthood has a certain learning curve to it, as you've already found out. However, traveling with a 3-month-old baby by car shouldn't be a problem as long as you plan ahead. If you've never traveled a long distance with a newborn, make sure to apply a few of these tips and hacks so the trip goes smoothly.