How do you wish someone good health in Russian?


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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

желаю вам крепкого здоровья желаем Вам крепкого здоровья

желаем крепкого здоровья

желаю крепкого здоровья

желаю Вам доброго здоровья

желаем вам здоровья

пожелать крепкого здоровья

I wish you good health, luck, peace and, of course, grateful students.

I wish you good health, happiness and successes in his responsible state activities.

All the staff of ISC ISD sincerely wish you good health, well-being and realization of all your plans and ideas.

We wish you good health and endlessly bright days in life.

We wish you good health, mutual understanding and family well-being so that every day of your life is filled with vivid events and experiences.

Желаем крепкого здоровья, взаимопонимания и семейного благополучия, чтобы каждый Ваш день был насыщен яркими событиями и впечатлениями.

We wish you good health and new high-profile victories in upcoming tournaments!

Of course I wish you good health - after all our health is our most important asset.

First and foremost we would like to wish you good health because that's the most important thing.

I wish you good health and patience at work.

I wish you good health, family well-being and peace, so that new achievements accompany your scientific and educational activities.

Желаю Вам крепкого здоровья, семейного благополучия и мира, чтоб новые достижения сопутствовали Вашей научно-педагогической деятельности.

I wish you good health, happiness, success in future activities for the benefit of the Mexican people.

I wish you good health, creative thinking, and boundless energy.

We wish you good health, confidence in the future, financial well-being and prosperity.

We also wish you good health, happiness and success in your future endeavours.

We wish you good health, new achievements in work and bright displays of talent!

I wish you good health, boundless happiness, fulfillment of all bold dreams and prosperity in the business!

From our hearts we wish you good health, longevity, vitality and bright emotions!

I sincerely wish you good health, happiness, well-being, success and all the best, reads the RF president's congratulatory message.

От души желаю Вам крепкого здоровья, счастья, благополучия, успехов и всего самого доброго», - говорится в поздравительном послании Президента РФ.

I sincerely wish you good health, all the best to all of you conceived this season marks that each day brought only positive emotions.

От всей души желаем крепкого здоровья, всего самого наилучшего, чтобы все задуманное Вами в этом сезоне исполнилось, чтобы каждый день приносил только позитивные эмоции.

We wish you good health for the implementation of all of your plans!

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How do you wish someone well in Russian?

To wish someone luck, say “Удачи” (Udachi), which simply means “Good luck.”

How do you say wish me luck in Russian?

Russians usually say simply '' Удачи''. This word comes from a longer sentence: Желаю тебе удачи. (I wish you luck). This is the reason why we modify the word ''удача''!

How do you say I wish in Russian?

I/you wish! если бы!

How do you say wish you good health in Spanish?

Le deseo buena salud y felicidad.