How do you use a wireless transmitter and receiver in Minecraft?

The Wireless Receiver is part of Wireless Redstone and is meant to be used with the Wireless Transmitter or Wireless Remote. It will receive any signal input of the same frequency.

The Wireless Receiver GUI is opened by right clicking on the placed receiver. The frequency can be set between 1 and 5000. If a Wireless Transmitter/Remote is set to the same frequency as the Wireless Receiver, then any Redstone signal input into the Wireless Transmitter will be sent wirelessly to the Wireless Receiver over any distance (provided the chunk for both devices are loaded). This redstone signal will be emitted in the direction the red wire is pointed. To change this direction, use either a Screwdriver or a Sonic Screwdriver.  Both the transmitter and receiver can be placed on the sides of blocks, as well as upside down. When placed it will sometimes emit a set of REP like "tendrils" that will damage mobs and players. 



How do you use a wireless transmitter and receiver in Minecraft?

How do you use a wireless transmitter and receiver in Minecraft?

In addition to the convenience of not having to find or create pathways for the Red Alloy Wire in tight spaces, Wireless can minimize the number of Timers placed in an area.

A master Timer is connected to a Wireless Transmitter and then multiple Wireless Receivers are placed around where they are needed. See image below for an example where many Filters activate at the same time from a single Timer. The benefits from this are that a master switch is already in place where the single Timer is and the clicking noises from so many Timers are drastically reduced in that location.

Wireless Receivers can also be used in conjunction with Wireless Remotes to create remote detonations, without the use of a Dynamite-O-Mote. This is especially useful for Nukes , as you will not take damage from the explosion. They can also be used for Forcefields .

How do you use a wireless transmitter and receiver in Minecraft?

Spectrum Phase Shift

A Lumar of any color can be placed into the spectrum phase shift slot to "color code" a custom frequency in the GUI, at the cost of using up that Lumar. That wireless signal will now show up as a different color. Instead of showing up as a red dot on a wireless map, it will take on the color of the lumar.

Video Tutorials


The Wireless Transmitter is used to send signals to wireless network items in Refined Storage.


The default range is 16 blocks, but can be upgraded with range upgrades.

Bigger range

Keep in mind, you are not limited to 1 Wireless Transmitter! You can spread multiple around in your world, each maximally upgraded with range upgrades.

Placing transmitters efficiently

Placing 2 Wireless Transmitters just next to each other will not do that much.

The wireless signal starts from the Wireless Transmitter’s position, so, if you place 2 transmitters next to each other you’ll only have a net gain of 1 block.

Instead, you have to spread your wireless transmitters around.


You can recolor this block in 2 ways:

  • Using a dye on the block
  • Combining the block with a dye as a crafting recipe

Applicable upgrades

  • Range Upgrade


How do you use a wireless transmitter and receiver in Minecraft?

How exactly do I use the Wireless Redstone Transmitter and Reciever from the Cyclic mod? I've tried everything I thought of and nothing! Thanks in advance to anyone who answers

How do you use a wireless transmitter and receiver in Minecraft?

level 1

As the info screen in JEI says:

  • Place the receiver first.

  • While holding the transmitter, punch the receiver you want to link to.

  • Place that transmitter wherever you need.

You are now good to go.

level 2

even after I punch the receiver and it saves the coordinates, once I put the transmitter somewhere it loses the coordinates and saying theres no target saved like before

How do network receivers work?

The signal passes through the plastic casing of the receiving antenna and strikes the copper wire within. It then travels along the length of that wire, which leads to a wireless network adapter. The network adapter interprets the electronic pulse into data and passes it to the computer or router that it serves.

What is a network transmitter?

A Network Transmitter sends a network signal to a Network Receiver that is specified in the given Network Card. In order for the Network Transmitter to work the Controller where the Network Transmitter is connected to has to be chunkloaded.