How do you send best wishes in Spanish?

Discovering how to say happy birthday and best wishes in Spanish is an essential part of your Spanish-learning journey.

Regardless of whether you are a complete novice, an intermediate level Spanish speaker or an expert, the time will come when you will need to wish someone congratulations for their birthday, marriage, new baby or excellent exam results. It always brings joy to someone else when you can express your positive thoughts about their birthday or milestone in their own language.

Congratulating another person for something can be tricky and nerve-wrecking if you have never done so in Spanish, but the good news is that offering best wishes in Spanish is quite easy to learn.

In Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, birthdays follow a similar culture to that in the English-speaking parts of the world. This means that you will have the same giving of gifts, birthday parties and decorations as you would come to expect. That being said, there are certain differences that vary.

Below is a very useful list of all the types of ways in which to wish someone happy birthday and say congratulations in Spanish. As you will notice, it shouldn’t take you too long to memorise these special phrases and you will find that it will soon come in handy for you.

If you want to practise these words and phrases with a native and qualified Spanish teacher, remember that you can learn Spanish online with BlaBlaLang.

Happy birthday in Spanish:

  • ¡Muchas felicidades! = Best wishes!
  • ¡Feliz cumpleaños! = Happy birthday!
  • Disfruta de tu día. = Enjoy your birthday.
  • Espero que todos tus deseos se cumplan. = May all your wishes come true.

If you want to learn how to sing “Happy birthday” in Spanish, click here.

More congratulations in Spanish:

  • ¡Feliz aniversario! = Happy anniversary!
  • ¡Felicidades / Enhorabuena por vuestro bebé! = Congratulations on your new baby!
  • ¡Enhorabuena por el resultado de tus exámenes! = Congratulations for your exam results!
  • Qué tengas mucha suerte en el mundo laboral. = Good luck in the world of work.
  • Te deseo lo mejor. = I wish you the best.

Now that you have learned how to say happy birthday in Spanish and have memorised these phrases, you will have something sweet, heartfelt and kind to say to someone on a special occasion.

Improving your Spanish vocabulary should not be done all at once but rather in increments as this will help you to retain the new words learned. People have birthdays and special events throughout the year so learning how to say happy birthday and best wishes in Spanish will certainly not be time wasted.

We are all deeply shocked to hear of the sudden death of…and we would like to offer our deepest sympathy.

Estamos profundamente afectados por escuchar sobre la muerte repentina de X y quisiéramos ofrecer nuestro más sincero pésame.

Used when consoling someone on the death of someone close to them. The death could have been expected or unexpected

Mr. N. BURNETT extended to the Council Members the warmest greetings and best wishes of the Director-General of UNESCO for a successful meeting.

El Sr. BURNETT dio la m�s cordial bienvenida a los miembros del Consejo y les transmiti� los deseos de �xito del Director General de la UNESCO para la reuni�n.

due to the complexity of its national political situation and to a particularly worrying international context.

(FR) Quisiera mandar mis mejores deseos al Gobierno checo, [...]

que ejerce la presidencia de la Uni�n en condiciones dif�ciles,


debido a la complejidad de su situaci�n pol�tica nacional y a un contexto internacional especialmente preocupante.

I would like to send my best wishes from this Himalayan [...]

country, the homeland of Yoga and meditation, for the success of your mission.

Me gustar�a enviar mis mejores deseos desde este pa�s [...]

del Himalaya, la patria del yoga y la meditaci�n, para el �xito de su misi�n.

Madam President, may I send my best wishes to Mrs�Roth-Behrendt for [...]

a speedy recovery and thank her for her long-term interest in this important issue.

Se�ora Presidenta, perm�tame que env�e mis mejores deseos de una pronta recuperaci�n [...]

para la se�ora Roth-Behrendt y le agradezca


su prolongado inter�s por este importante asunto.

I know about Tamil festivals as well,

[...] and on those occasions I send my best wishes and regards to her.

Estoy al tanto tambi�n de las fiestas tamiles, y en

[...] esas ocasiones le env�o a ella mis felicitaciones y mejores deseos".

On the occasion of the 125th Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus, being held


in Nashville, Tennessee, from

[...] August 7 - 9, 2007, I send my best wishes to you and to all those [...]

gathered with you for this important event.

Con ocasi�n de la 125� Convenci�n Suprema de Caballeros de Col�n que se est� llevando a cabo


en Nashville, Tennessee del 7

[...] al 9 de agosto, les env�o mis mejores deseos a Ud. y a todos [...]

aqu�llos que se han reunido con


usted durante este importante evento.

I send my best wishes to all Member States [...]

of the Conference on Disarmament as it opens its 2006 session.

Expreso mis mejores deseos a la Conferencia [...]

de Desarme al inaugurar su per�odo de sesiones de 2006.

I send my best wishes to the multitude who have experienced [...]

disruption in their lives is so strong that have experienced


this terrible present, in Haiti and Chile.

Quiero enviar mis mejores deseos a todas las pesonas [...]

que han sufrido en sus vidas la ruptura tan fuerte que supone haber


vivido este terrible presente; en Hait� y en Chile.

I send my best wishes for your efforts to improve [...]

outcomes for New Mexico's students.

Les env�o mis mejores anhelos en sus esfuerzos [...]

para mejorar los resultados de los alumnos de Nuevo M�xico.

On this occasion, I send my best wishes to the devotees of [...]

En esta ocasi�n envio mis mejores deseos para los devotos [...]

del Se�or Krsna en Rusia.

[...] readers of Prosa, I send you my best wishes.

[...] de la revista PROSA, les doy un cordial saludo.

I am pleased to send you my best wishes through our regional representative [...]

Tengo el placer de enviarles mis mejores recuerdos a trav�s de nuestro [...]

Representante Regional, el Sr. Roberto Garret�n.

I was deeply honoured to be selected for this

[...] prestigious award and I send my very best wishes to all the other [...]

Shooting Stars and the festival.

Estoy enormemente decepcionado por no poder acudir al evento, ya que me


sent�a muy honrado por hacer ganado este

[...] prestigioso premio y mando mis mejores deseos al resto de ganadores [...]

To all those who have just started the

[...] new school year, I send you my best wishes that all that is being [...]

carried out in the area of


education and pastoral ministry may produce the fruits which the Lord and La Salle expect from us.

A todos los que acaban de iniciar el

[...] nuevo a�o escolar, les env�o mis mejores deseos de que todo lo que [...]

realicen en el �mbito educativo


o pastoral, d� los frutos que el Se�or y La Salle esperan de nosotros.

(DE) Mr�President, ladies and gentlemen, first

[...] of all, I would like to send Mrs Dami�o my best wishes for her continued recovery.

(DE) Se�or Presidente, Se�or�as, en

[...] primer lugar quiero enviar a la Sra. Dami�o mis mejores deseos para que se recupere.

I send Mr�P�ttering my best wishes now that he is leaving office; [...]

he has carried out his role with extraordinary dignity


and with an unwavering belief in Europe.

Env�o al se�or P�ttering mis mejores deseos ahora que va a dejar [...]

el cargo; ha desempe�ado su papel con una dignidad extraordinaria


y con una inquebrantable confianza en Europa.

[...] ladies and gentlemen, I should first like to send John�Bowis my sincerest best wishes.

(IT) Se�or Presidente, Se�or�as, me

[...] gustar�a en primer lugar enviar al se�or John�Bowis mis mejores y m�s sinceros deseos.

I send you my best greetings and Dharma wishes for your successful [...]

Les mando muchos saludos y buenos deseos de Darma para que tengan [...]

(FR) Mr President, I want to begin by


thanking Mr Andersson for standing in for Mr De Rossa

[...] like this and by sending Mr De Rossa my best wishes for his recovery.

(FR) Se�or Presidente, en primer lugar quiero


dar las gracias al se�or Andersson por sustituir de este

[...] modo al se�or De Rossa, a quien deseo una pronta recuperaci�n.

It maintained a politically irresponsible and escapist attitude in view of the evidence of flagrant violations of human rights, many of which municipallyelected councillors and colleagues of


ours from other parties had to endure and continue to endure,

[...] and to whom I wish to send my very best and warmest wishes.

Mantuvo una actitud pol�ticamente irresponsable y escapista ante la evidencia de flagrantes violaciones de los derechos humanos, muchas de las cuales las sufr�an y las siguen sufriendo electos


municipales compa�eros nuestros de otros partidos pol�ticos y a los

[...] que desde aqu� quiero enviar un abrazo caluroso y solidario.

Let me congratulate you and express my best wishes for a successful presidency.

[...] le felicite y exprese mis mejores deseos de una presidencia [...]

Laura and I send our best wishes for a blessed Ramadan.

Laura y yo les enviamos nuestros mejores deseos por un Ramad�n bendecido.

Fellow countrymen who are reading

[...] these lines: I send you a warm hug and best wishes for you and your [...]

Compatriota que me lees: recibe

[...] un fuerte abrazo junto con mi deseo de un feliz a�o para ti y para [...]

I would like to add my best wishes for a successful outcome [...]

Quiero expresar mis mejores deseos de que se obtengan [...]

buenos resultados en todas ellas.

[...] firstly I would like to show my appreciation for Mr�Bowis's endeavours to secure broad agreement on this issue, and to send him our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

How do you say send best wishes?

Best Wishes Message Ideas.
Way to grab the bull by the horns! ... .
You made every day in this place so much brighter. ... .
Your next boss doesn't know how lucky they are. ... .
Wishing you all the best! ... .
We are all going to miss you, and we wish you well on your next endeavor. ... .
I am so glad you are getting out of this place!.

How do you end a friendly email in Spanish?

Email Sign-Offs in Spanish.
Saludos cordiales. = Best regards. ... .
Atentamente. = Sincerely. ... .
Cordialmente. = Cordially. ... .
Sinceramente. = Sincerely. ... .
Para cualquier cosa estoy a su disposición. = I am at your disposal for anything you need. ... .
Agradeciéndole de antemano su cooperación. = Thank you in advance for your cooperation..