How do you say left in spanish

left [left]


1 izquierdo

She took the phone in her left hand You should teach yourself to kick with your left foot He broke his left arm while playing for Brisbane His left leg was longer then his right leg He wore a black patch over the left eye She threatened to cut off his left ear if he didn't buy her paintings The crowds gathered on the left bank of the river The left side of his face was paralysed

left shoe zapato (m) (del pie) izquierdo; take a left turn gira a la izquierda

take the second turn on the left

to have two left feet ser un patoso (informal)

The first session was good fun, but with two left feet I found myself floundering on some of the steps in the aerobics section

2 (Pol) de izquierda; de izquierdas; (Esp)

left politicians are now beginning to voice their misgivings...


[+turn, look] a la izquierda

to face left the soldiers stood facing left you should now be facing left the buildings face left go turn left

left, right and centre

left and right (US)

a diestra y siniestra; a diestro y siniestro; (Esp)

they owe money left, right and centre deben dinero a todos; tienen deudas por doquier


1 (left side) izquierda (f)

There was a strong light coming from the left.

turn it to the left [+key, knob] gíralo a la izquierda; pictured from left to right are ... de izquierda a derecha vemos a ...; the third from the left el tercero empezando por la izquierda

In this row of statues, the third from the left is the Black Prince...

on or to my, your etc left a mi, tu etc izquierda

He sat on the stage with Stroop at his left...

on the left a la izquierda

Her office is down the corridor on the left... There was a gate on our left leading into a field...

it's on the left as you go in está a la izquierda según entras; it's the first/second door on the left es la primera/segunda puerta a la izquierda; to drive on the left conducir or manejar por la izquierda; (LAm)

[keep] (to the) left

keep left manténgase a la izquierda

2 (left turning)

take two lefts and a right

take the next left toma la próxima a la izquierda

3 (Boxing) (left hand) izquierda (f); (punch) izquierdazo (m); golpe (m) de izquierda or con la izquierda

`With your left now!" she cried. Ali felled him with a left to the jaw.


the left (Pol) la izquierda

While the Right is holding its ground, the Left is shifting its ground... the extreme far left

the parties of the left los partidos de izquierda or izquierdas; (Esp)

[on] the left she's on the left of the party I gather that politically he's a bit on the left... ...numerous other organisations on the Marxist left... [to] the left of on social issues Mr Clarke is to the left of his other Cabinet colleagues


left back (n) (Dep) (player) lateral (m) izquierdoaizquierda;a izquierda

The scorer was the left-back Lee Martin

(position) lateral (m) izquierdo

With Winterburn suspended, Keown played at left-back

left field (n) (Baseball) (area) jardín (m) izquierdo; (position) jardineroajardinera (m) (f) izquierdoaizquierda;a jardinera a izquierda

to come out of left field especially (US) his question/decision came out of left field su pregunta/decisión me/le etc pilló desprevenido

left half (n) (Dep) (player) lateral (m) izquierdoaizquierda;a izquierda

Arriving as an amateur left-half from Clapton, he was persuaded by Chapman to become a full-back

(position) lateral (m) izquierdo

...Garcia, who had another cultured game at left-half

left wing (n) (Dep) banda (f) izquierda

Clarke spent much of his time on the left wing as Fashanu and Holdsworth occupied the front two positions

(Pol) ala (f) izquierda

...she would fight the contest by appealing to the left wing of the party and the trade unions

¿Cómo in Spanish mean?

Generally speaking, the adverb como has a comparative meaning. You can use it with the verb ser (to be) to compare things, people, actions, etc. There are different ways in which this como can be used, but it usually translates as "as" or "like."

¿Como Tú te llamas lyrics in English?

What's your name? a. What's your name?

¿Cómo estás What does it mean in english?

cómo estás ? - how are you?

¿Cómo se llamo mean?

What's his name?