How do you say family in French

Advocating legislation that will foster the all-round development of the family;

Promouvoir l'adoption de lois favorisant le développement intégré de la famille;

On 11 March 2000, this pastor and his family were reportedly deported to Moscow.

Le 11 mars 2000, ce pasteur ainsi que sa famille auraient été déportés à Moscou.

/ Federation of Women and Family Planning (FWFP), contribution to the UPR, page 5

Federation of Women and Family Planning (FWFP), contribution to the UPR, page 5.

One of the interesting things about la famille and French family vocabulary is that the word parent means not just "parent" as in mother or father, but also "relative." It can be both a noun and an adjective.

Par exemple…

J’ai un parent à Lille. I have a relative in Lille.Nous sommes parents par mon père. We’re related on my father’s side.

La famille

Close relations, next of kin = les proches

brotherun frère sisterune sœurfatherun père motherune mèresonun fils daughterune fillehusband
spouseun mari
un époux wife
spouseune femme
une épouseuncleun oncle auntune tantenephewun neveu nieceune niècecousin – maleun cousin cousin – femaleune cousinegrandfatherun grand-père grandmotherune grand-mèregreat grandfatherarrière-grand-père great grandmotherarrière-grand-mèregrandsonun petit-fils granddaughterune petite-fillegreat grandsonarrière-petit-fils great granddaughterarrière-petite-fille

Special family terms

Un aîné / une aînée can refer to an older brother/sister, the oldest brother/sister, or the first-born son/daughter.

Un cadet / une cadette can refer to a younger brother/sister or the second-born son/daughter in a family.

Le benjamin / la benjamine is the youngest child in a family.

 For twins, triplets, etc., see the "multiple births" section of Multiplicative numbers.

extended family la famille étendueblended family la famille recomposée

Family by marriage ~ Famille par alliance

In French, there’s no distinction between step-family and family-in-law: they are both equivalent to beau- or belle- plus that family member.

father-in-lawbeau-père step-mother
brother-in-lawbeau-frère step-sister
son-in-lawbeau-fils step-daughter
daughter-in-lawbelle-fille     But there are some additional terms for in-laws:in-lawsles beaux-parents, la belle-familleson-in-lawle gendre daughter-in-lawla bru

  What’s the difference?

For the non-native English speakers out there:

Step-family (Famille recomposée) has to do with a spouse who has children from a previous partnership:

The French word for family is “la famille” (pronounced “la famij” or “la fam-ee”). Vocabulary words for family members are: la mère (mother), le père (father), la soeur (sister), le frère (brother), la fille (daugher), le garçon (son), la tante (aunt), l’oncle (uncle), la grand-mère (grandmother) and le grand-père (grandfather).

How do you say family in French

This page will explain how to say the French family members (les membres de la famille) in detail. If you ever travel to France you will quickly discover that family values are very important to the French people.

These vocabulary lists cover the immediate family, extended family, specific words for steps and in-laws as well as words concerning adoption, family trees and genealogy.

In French, “les parents” means both parents and relatives. Hence, “J’ai des parents à Marseille” translates to “I have relatives in Marseille.

In addition to this list, you may also find the list at to be very helpful!

How do you say family in French

How to pronounce famille in French

The French word for family is “la famille”. A very common mistake is for people to pronounce the LL’s. Do not pronounce the LL’s.

The LL’s sound like “ee” as in feet. Hence the pronunciation sounds like “fa-mee”. Here are some samples of how to pronounce famille correctly on Forvo.

This quick video also does a great job teaching the proper pronunciation.

French vocabulary for the immediate family

The following list is for the members of the immediate family. The “è” on the words père (father), mère (mother) and frère (brother) has an “eh” sound.

The pronunciation of soeur is quite tricky. Here are some samples of how to pronounce seour on Forvo.

For the word fille (daughter), don’t pronounce the LL’s. The pronunciation of fille is “fee”, with a slight y sound at the end. Here are some samples of how to pronounce fille on Forvo.

  • father le père
  • mother la mère
  • son le fils
  • daughter la fille
  • brother le frère
  • sister la soeur
  • husband le mari
  • wife la femme, l’épouse
  • husband l’époux, le mari
How do you say family in French

French extended family members

The following is a list of extended family members. Notice that the word for grandmother is “la grand-mère”. Be sure not to add an -e to “grand” to make it feminine. This would be a mistake.

For the great grandparents, attached the word “arrière”. Hence, “arrière-grand-père” is great grandfather and “arrière-grand-mère” is great grandmother.

  • grandparents les grand-parents
  • grandfather le grand-père
  • grandmother la grand-mère
  • great-grandfather l’arrière-grand-père
  • great-grandmother l’arrière-grand-mère
  • grandchildren les petits-enfants
  • grandson le petit-fils
  • granddaughter la petite-fille
  • uncle l’oncle
  • aunt la tante
  • great-uncle le grand-oncle
  • great-aunt la grand-tante
  • nephew le neveu
  • niece la nièce
  • male cousin le cousin
  • female cousin la cousine
How do you say family in French

French vocabulary for the in-laws and step family

French vocabulary for the in-laws and step family can become quite confusing. La belle-famille refers to the in-laws.

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When describing family members by marriage, the French do not distinguish between in-laws and step.

For example, “le beau-père” means both father-in-law and step-father.

Interestingly, “le demi-frère” translates to both half brother and step brother. Logically, “la demi-soeur” translates to half sister and step sister.

  • parents-in-law les beaux-parents
  • father-in-law, step-father le beau-père
  • mother-in-law, step-mother la belle-mère
  • son-in-law, step-son le beau-fils
  • daughter-in-law, step-daughter la belle-fille
  • half-brother, step brother le demi-frère
  • half-sister, step sister la demi-soeur

Special words for the family

French has some special family terms which are necessary to learn.

l’aîné – As a noun, l’ainé(e) means eldest child. As an adjective it means ‘older than’ or ‘your senior’.

  • Marie est l’ainee de la famille. Elle a 35 ans. Marie is the eldest child in the family. She’s 35 years-old.
  • Joseph est mon aîné de cinq ans. Joseph is five years older than me.

Le cadet – As a noun, le cadet/la cadette means the youngest child. As an adjective, it means younger. Le cadet can also refer to the second-born child.

  • Notre cadet habite encore à la maison. Our youngest child still lives at home.
  • Ma soeur cadette s’appelle Julie. My younger sister’s name is Julie.

Le benjamin – Le benjamin/la benjamine also refers to the youngest child in the family.

  • Sophie est la benjamine de la famille : elle n’a que trois ans. Sophie is the youngest in the family. She’s only three years-old.

Adoption and fostering

The following list covers adoption and fostering. French culture places a heavy emphasis on the parents.

Hence, you’ll often hear French people referring to “mon parrain” (my godfather) and “ma marraine” (my godmother.

  • adoptive father – père adoptif
  • adoptive mother – mère adoptive
  • biological parents – les parents biologiques
  • biological father – le père biologique
  • biological mother – la mère biologique
  • foster family – la famille d’accueil 
  • foster mother – la mère de la famille d’accueil
  • foster father – le père de la famille d’accueil
  • godfather – le parrain
  • godmother – la marraine 
  • godson – le filleul
  • goddaughter – la filleule 
How do you say family in French

How to introduce family members

The following list of short phrases can come in handy for introducing family members in social situations.

“Je vous présente” is formal and translates to “I introduce you to”. The informal version for people you know better is “Je te présent”.

  • This my wife. Je vous présente ma femme.
  • This is my husband. Je vous présente mon mari.
  • These are my kids. Je vous présente mes enfants.
  • This is my daugher/son. Je vous présente ma fille/mon fils.
  • This is my sister/brother. Je vous présente ma soeur/mon frère.
  • This is my mother/father. Je vous présente mon père/ma mère.

Genealogy and distant relatives

If you are traveling to France with the intention of looking for distant relatives the following list covering genealogy and family trees will come in handy.

  • genealogy la généalogie
  • direct line of descent la filiation
  • family tree un arbre généalogique
  • ancestry, bloodline, lineage l’ascendance (f)
  • generation une génération
  • ancestors les ancêtres, les aïeux
  • distant relative un(e) parent(e) éloigné(e)
  • relationship, kinship la parenté
  • first cousin un(e) cousin(e) germain
  • second cousin un(e) cousin(e) issu de germain
  • once removed au deuxième degré
  • paternal (adj) paternel(le)
  • maternal (adj) maternel(le)
  • DNA le AND

Family in French – Summary Table

Here are ways of saying family members in French organized by each person with comments and pronunciation tips.

FrenchEnglishCommentsla famillefamilyPronounced "la fam-ee". Don't pronounce the LL' mèremotherè is pronounced "eh". This is the accent grave.le pèrefatherè is pronounced "eh". This is the accent grave. Pronunciation clip here.le frèrebrotherè is pronounced "eh". This is the accent soeursisterPronunciation clip here.le filssonPronounced "le fees". Don't say the filledaughterPronounced "la fee-ya" with a slight ya. Pronunciation clip grand-mèregrandmotherDo not add an -e to grand.le grand-pèregrandfatherPronunciation clip here.l'oncleunclePronunciation clip tanteauntPronunciation clip here.le cousin, la cousinecousinPresented both masculine and feminine forms. Cousin: nasal "in"; Cousine: pronounce the -n.
Related lessons:
  • conversation lesson covering the family
  • French baby vocabulary
  • marriage vocabulary
  • songs for learning French
More resources:
  • La famille flashcards (Quizlet)
  • French family vocabulary (Frenchcrazy)
  • How to talk about your family (FluentU)
  • La Famille –
  • Family Vocabulary – TV5Monde

How do you say family in French

Suggested audio French courses from

  • À Moi Paris French Method – All Levels
  • French Verb Drills – Bundle Package
  • Beginner French Ultimate Pack
  • Intermediate French Ultimate Pack

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

How do they call family in French?

The French word for family is “la famille”.

What does La famille?

The french word for family is la famille.

Is family plural in French?

Family in French The French word for “family” is pretty close to English. The singular form is “famille”, and plural “familles”.

How do you introduce a family in French?

Try using some of these phrases to introduce your own family members:.
Voici mon père – Here is my father..
Voici ma mère – Here is my mother..
Voici mon frère – Here is my brother..
Voici ma sœur – Here is my sister..
Voici mes parents – Here are my parents..
Voici mes grands-parents – Here are my grandparents..